Hello and welcome to the next chapter!

ShadowUzumaki55; He never did no, he fought to the bitter end to escape, to buy time, do to anything he could. Ise was yeah, he knew the situation was dire, so he didn't care who helped, as long as he got some help, even if it came from Freed. Haha, that's Vali for you~ No, it's not gonna be taken lightly~

Silver crow; Thanks very much! It was Vali all along~ That's Raynare for you~ Yeah maybe~ Kalawarner and Mittelt will be coming back in someway. Sona can see that Makoto is doing quite well, and that he's got a lot of courage. Haha, that's Princess~ Freed's just telling the truth~ He did yeah, Makoto is trying his hardest, he wont go down without a fight. Kalawarner threw the fight yeah~ Makoto is gonna fight Dohnaseek yeah~ Yeah he'd protect Freed. He could have a supernatural heritage, we'll see if he does~ He's at least got some human in him. Ophis could do yeah~

Anime PJ; Haha, I suppose it is yeah~ Yeah, he's doing what he can~ He'll be fighting Dohnaseek and having a good battle with him. Kalawarner and Mittelt will try and split the scene, we'll see how well that goes for them. And thank you~

OechsnerC; I could see Gasper doing something like that~ Especially with her reaction to his blood last time. And thank you very much~

kpop1392as; Thanks very much! Yeah, he fights smart, and tries to use his mind to help think of a solution~ Yeah, Vali appeared and helped save him. Princess is quite the prankster.

Andrew123456; I haven't seen that series before. And yeah, I might do~

Guest 1; That looks like a great idea for Prison School! Thanks for the suggestion!

yogaratw607; I haven't watched them series before.

Unzueta; I've seen some of it yeah, need to catch up on it. I could see Makoto doing that. Yeah, she could be~ There's a few that could replace her yeah.

Hetes; They can be yeah~

Guest 2; I don't know yet, I might end up killing him.

Well, with those lovely reviews out of the way, it's time to start the chapter!

Rescue Makoto part two!

While Kalawarner waited, she heard the roaring sound of a battle happening outside.

She didn't know what it was, but she didn't want to become involved with it either. She thought about how Dohnaseek and Raynare were getting on. If the Devils had managed to save Makoto or not.

Kalawarner could only hope that Mittelt was going to come.

Fortunately, that's what she did.

Mittelt entered the scene, looking around at the destruction around her.

"Geez, it seems that a bad fight went on around here..."


"Did you just call me Milly?"

Mittelt wondered, seeing how Kalawarner could even mistake her name.

Though she guessed it was just Kalawarner being her usual self, and angering her.

"Mittelt I meant! Come over here, and untie me! The stupid Devils went nuts, and tied me up! I became worried when you didn't show up for a while! So, if you could just keep being adorable, then I'd appreciate it, so come and help me!"

Mittelt rolled her eyes, a playful smile appearing on her face.

She moved forward, bending down next to Kalawarner.

"I could just leave?"

She teased, seeing that Kalawarner was getting more and more enraged.

"Y-You what? You're going to leave me?!"

Mittelt showed a wild smile, poking Kalawarner's distressed cheek.

"I've thought about it. I mean, you're stuck right now. Why couldn't I just run away? Leaving you here, would mean that I, Mittelt, the supposed weakest of the Fallen Angels, managed to actually escape with her life. I could write a book about it, how I tried to save the life of my comrades from the big mean Devils~ But, I was too late, and Kalawarner even ended up marrying the Devils!"


She scolded, Mittelt kept wondering why she was called Milly, but she didn't seem to care all that much.

"Yes, she married the perverted boy, and began making out with him~ Then they had weird children that were fully perverted, and had mixture of blue and brown hair~ Fufu, I can imagine it now, the Fallen Angel Devil children cuddle themselves as the Kaa-chan and Tou-chan laugh together~ Though, that's only going to be in the story. Truth is, that you'll probably be murdered."

Kalawarner's rage was growing higher and higher.

She wasn't having any of this, and she couldn't help but let out her voice.

"You lolicon bait! If you don't get me out of this soon, I'll make sure you know about it! I will destroy you! I'll make sure you bleed from your eyeballs from the amount of crying you're going to do! And I'll make sure that everything you've ever loved is gone! You hear me!? I am not going to be the wife of a Devil in your damn story! So let me out of these binds, right now! Don't push me! Don't do it Milly!"

Mittelt snickered, seeing the expressions on the young woman's face.

Kalawarner truly did look desperate at that moment in time.

She couldn't keep it going, she knew that she'd have to get a move on, so she placed her hand towards Kalawarner's face.

"Alright, alright. Calm down. Although, I wish that you would stop calling me Milly, I don't even know why you're doing that."

Mittelt moved her hands towards Kalawarner's binds, and began taking them off.

"I'll call you what I want."


Mittelt murmured, while Kalawarner laid on the ground with a heavy sigh.

While she did, Kalawarner murmured "They're going to die, you know?" bringing Mittelt's eyes to Kalawarner's serious ones.

"Yeah...they are. They wont be able to escape."

"Even then, I feel as if we should say something about it. They were our comrades."

"They abandoned us a long time ago Kalawarner. We have to think about ourselves now."

Kalawarner knew that she was trying to say, and she was right.

They did have to think about themselves.

"Yes, you're right. We have to think about ourselves, and get ourselves out of here."

Mittelt nodded, thrusting her hand forward and helped Kalawarner up.

They looked back towards the area Raynare and Dohnaseek would be in, sighed, before leaving, having made their minds up, knowing that Raynare and Dohnaseek were far beyond help now, knowing that no matter what they did, they'd not be able to save Raynare and Dohnaseek.

The horror of seeing Koneko being impaled, Makoto couldn't even think straight.

After all that had happened, after all the things they went through…

Dohnaseek was simply laughing. How he had been fighting Makoto all along, and now he had managed to take down a Devil.

Makoto couldn't have this happen, he was angry, he wanted to fight and defeat Dohnaseek.

Now that Dohnaseek had pushed him this far...

Seeing Koneko in such a situation, he turned to the others, knowing what he was going to have to do.

"Everyone...please get Koneko-chan out of here."

"Senpai, what's..."

Bennia murmured, seeing that Makoto was deadly serious.

He was ready to fight and he wasn't going to stop either.

"Please...Please get her out of here, make sure that she doesn't die."

"But, what are you going to do?"

At the question, Makoto pointed at Dohanseek.

"You want my Sacred Gear asshole!? Come and get it!"

Provoking him, Makoto knew that the others would have a chance to get away. But more than that, he wanted to end Dohnaseek now. If Koneko died, then he wanted Dohnaseek to know the pain that he wanted to do that.

"Hahaha! Don't try and think you're better than I am!"

Dohnaseek snapped, throwing his spear towards Makoto.

Makoto stuck out his Sacred Gear, and shot off a line. The line acted like a whip, and smacked the light in the air, sending it flying right back into the wall, causing a small explosion to erupt around the wall.

"Go, everyone."


Ise tried to persuade, but Makoto shook his head.

"I'll be fine, just go."

Ise hadn't seen him so serious before.

The way that he looked right now, he was ready to fight. They didn't want to leave, it was the whole point of them coming in the first place, to save Makoto. But with Koneko in the situation she was in, they also had to think about her.

Freed, seeing Makoto's worry, slapped Ise on the back, and pushed him forward.

"Go! Don't you get it? My Makoto-kyun is about to kick major ass! I wont be leaving though, I can see that those Exorcists are waking up...well, most of them are passed out or dead or something~ Even then, it doesn't matter~ I'll stay here and make sure that they wash their teeth with my sword hahaha!"

Freed's laugh drew Yuuto's eyes.

But Freed didn't seem to care, and kept his blade before him.

Ise looked down at Koneko, then with Asia there as well. If she got hurt as well, then it would be too much. She was their healing, if she went down then the Fallen Angels could win and take out a good number of them.

So he made the decision.

"Makoto! You gonna come back?!"

"You know it."

He replied, his eyes not leaving Dohnaseek's own.

"Right...then I'll go and help out Koneko-chan. Just make sure that you survive, okay?! Make sure you've got the way to win this kind of fight!"

Ise waved his hand and began having the others retreat with Koneko in Ruruko's arms. Bennia though looked between Makoto, Freed, and the Exorcist's, then towards the others, and took her scythe, moving forward.


Makoto murmured, as Bennia grinned.

"As I said Senpai, a lolicon needs a loli at all times!"

Makoto would have scolded her for that.

But, he didn't have the energy, he had to fight against Dohnaseek.

"...Alright, but please just help Freed-kun. I've got this bastard myself. Even if he's stronger than I am...he stabbed Koneko-chan. He can't get away with this."

Makoto said it with a strong expression.

His power began to swirl around him. His hand twitched, his body being coated with demonic power. Bennia and Freed glanced at the boy, seeing how he wasn't going to back down. He might even be exhausted…

But he wasn't going to quit either.

"Senpai, we've got it. You go and knock the shit out of Dohnaseek."


Makoto thanked Bennia and Freed as he strolled forward. Dohnaseek was also ready to fight, but he also could see the others attempting to escape, so he stuck out his hand with the air vibrating, creating a spear in the air.

He then tossed it towards the exiting others.

Ise grimaced, and thought that they'd be stabbed…

But Makoto stuck out a line, absorbing the power from the spear until it could be swatted away by Ise easily. His Sacred Gear fuelled his own power, allowing Makoto to increase his power, while also using his Sacred Gear to stick it into some other unconscious Exorcist's, absorbing the power from them to top himself up.

Dohnaseek grimaced, kicking Raynare who was close by.

Raynare groaned, her eyes opening slowly.

"Raynare! Go and get the people escaping you idiot!"

"Ugh...don't call me an idiot...I already feel dizzy, could you just not piss me off right now?"

Dohnaseek scowled, and summoned his spear, pointing it towards her.

"If you don't leave, I'm going to ram this in your throat."

Raynare was unamused by the threat.

In fact, she laughed it off.

"Whatever Dohnaseek, you need me. You know it."

"I need you to leave right now!"

Raynare rolled her eyes, and simply flew off. Makoto knew that they'd be able to handle it, and so he concentrated his eyes on Dohnaseek before him. With the Fallen Angels looking towards him with cold destructive eyes, Makoto was going to fight him and stop him from causing anymore problems.

Ise and the others rushed up the stairs as fast as they could. With Koneko being injured, they had to make sure that they could get out of there.

However, the moment they reached the top of the stairs, Raynare came shooting up with spear in hand. Making a silent move, she went to penetrate Ise in his heart, but Yuuto got before him, blocking the light spear with his sword, clashing together.

"Get out of the way!"

Raynare snapped, and concentrated her light into the spear, causing it to erupt forward. The light detonated, and created a wave of light, crumbling the surrounding area, shooting it out towards the young Devils, shattering Yuuto's sword, and capturing him, along with the others in the light wave, smashing them right through the doors, and ended up breaking through them.

Ise in that moment managed to use his body to protect Asia from the explosion and thanks to the Rook piece he had turned into with his fight against Kalawarner, he managed to stay safe and sound, while also protecting Asia.


"Eeh, I'm fine...I think that was just to blast us up..."

Raynare, flying through the floor, and aimed her spear for Ise and Asia.

"Come on Ise! Show me what you've got!"

Ise panicked, seeing that she was going to stab downwards.

But, the moment the spear came close by, Yuuto placed his hand on the ground, erupting the ground into blades that would protect Ise and Asia. Raynare just smirked, and swung out her spear, cleaving right through the swords and shot a spear for Yuuto's upper body.

Ruruko announced "Don't think so~" and came up with her leg, hitting the spear into the back wall, and continued on with her kick. Raynare scowled, readying herself to fight against Ruruko, arming herself with a spear.

Coming at the brown haired girl, Ruruko ducked under the spear, and thrusted her foot upwards, catching Raynare in the chin. Slamming her upwards, Raynare grimaced, shooting off her spear towards Ruruko, Yuuto got before her, cutting through the spear with his own sword, forcing Raynare to jump back.

"You pieces of crap...honestly, getting in my way like this." Raynare turned towards Ise who held onto Asia and now Koneko thanks to Ruruko dropping her off. "Ise-kun, how are you feeling? Being between us all, it must be so scary~ Since you're so weak and pathetic~"

Ise narrowed his eyebrows at the young woman.

"You dare speak like that..."

"I dare. Because, you get all nuts about a single date. Geez, let it go. You're only going to be alive for a little while longer. Your comrades here, are more scary than you. Your Sacred Gear is a simple Twice Critical, it's nothing that I can't handle by myself."

Ise hated to admit that she was probably right.

Even though he didn't want to be weak, the others had more experience.

He didn't want to have to be the reason the others suffered.

Seeing Koneko in this state, seeing how Asia was there.

He couldn't leave her like this.

Not wanting to break the promise to Makoto either, and help out Koneko, make sure that she survived.

Ise also had to deal with Raynare.

He needed to converse with her, and beat her.

He had to stop her.

As Ruruko and Yuuto got ready, Ise handed Koneko off to Yuuto.


"Kiba...everyone. Get Asia and Koneko-chan out of here."

"What are you saying? Are you trying to be cool or something?"

Ruruko demanded, Ise chortled.

"It would be simple if that was the case...but, I'm doing it because I need to fight her. Maybe I'm being crazy right now...but, this woman...I need answers from her. I know she's tough...maybe she's tougher than I am...but, I'm also Buchou's Pawn. Asia and Koneko-chan are in danger here, and the others might also be...Our King's haven't returned to our side yet."

They couldn't help but agree.

It did seem odd that they hadn't come back at all.

"That's why, I have to go and fight her. Please, please get Asia and Koneko-chan out of here! I'll fight Raynare!"

"You're speaking as if you could Ise-kun. You must be really nuts if you think you can. Then again, you are someone that goes nuts from just having a single date with someone and being hung up about it. Was it really that important? Even if I cared about you, which I don't, I wouldn't have many feelings about someone that I've just been on a date with and had no prior history with. I mean, it's pathetic."

Ise felt every single blow of her words.

But still, he didn't stop fighting, and kept going forward.

"Get them out of there! I'll be fine! This Fallen Angel can't beat me!"

Raynare smirked, waving her hand.

"As he said, take the snivelling guys words for it. He'll be fine. I mean, if dead is fine."

Yuuto didn't like it, but he saw Ise's determination.

It seemed that both brothers had the same determination to win their fights.

Nodding at Ise "You better come soon!" and ran away with the others. Asia was reluctant to go, but that didn't stop Ruruko from grabbing her, and dragging her away.

Once gone, Raynare smirked.

"You are a fool, aren't you Ise-kun? Being left alone with me...how to write your own death certificate."

Ise wasn't going to back down from her. He wasn't going to lose, no matter what. The memories of what Makoto had gone through, what he had done for them fuelled his mind, and what he was doing now.

Makoto was risking it all, so he was going to do the same thing as well.

His desires where on high, and because of that…

"You bitch! You're the reason I died...but more than that, you made my Otouto suffer! I will make sure you feel what he felt! Even if you laugh at me, I don't care! I will make sure that he survives, and you can't hurt him anymore!"

[Dragon booster!]

Ise was shocked, the Sacred Gear on his arm was responding to his feelings. The jewels on the Sacred Gear shone a brilliant light, and at the same time, power flowed into him, like a wave overcoming his body.

He was now ready to fight her, he was going to beat Raynare.

Meanwhile, Makoto was currently staring down Dohnaseek. Staring into his eyes, he couldn't see any goodness. His intentions were clearly dark, evil. Nothing within him was good at all, so he had to fight and beat this Villain, no matter what was going to happen.

Freed and Bennia already went forward, swinging their weapons and cutting down the Exorcists that dared to fight. Makoto himself was focused upon Dohnaseek, who showed a condescending look to him.

Makoto then placed a hand on his chest.

"Kaichou said that this situation was like chess...I don't know if this is going to work...but, I need it...I might not be able to become the Queen...but, I know what kind of power I need now...I don't need strength, I don't need speed...I need the power of the Bishop! Evil Pieces, please respond to me! I want the power of the Bishop!"

Dohnaseek thought that Makoto was being crazy.

But, he didn't realize that Makoto had managed to actually tap into the power of the Evil Piece, due to Sona already acknowledging this place as enemy territory, which allowed him to gain the power, changing his piece into that of a Bishop.

Looking forward, demonic energy swirled in Makoto's palms, while Dohnaseek sneered.

"Bishop, Knight, Rook, Queen, whatever piece you turn into doesn't matter! My power is absolute! You are nothing to me!"

Makoto tried that out, and shot off a wave of demonic power, enhanced by the Bishop's power, his demonic power was stronger, bigger, and tougher than before, eclipsing the area that Dohnaseek was in from a single shot.

Dohnaseek managed to raised a shadow wall with Shadow Prison, but as he did, Makoto heard [...Don't belong…] something that confused him.

It sounded like it came from his mind.

"What was..."

Makoto wasn't sure what had happened.

Dohnaseek also noticed something.

His Sacred Gear right now that he stole...was calm.

It wasn't going out of control.

However, that only seemed to be the case when Makoto's aura was around.

When he managed to block the shot from Makoto, it became rampaging again, turning onto him, and tried to grab him.

Dispelling the shadows, he saved himself from being attacked.

"Why was it calm when it came to that kid? What's it about his aura that made him the one that this Sacred Gear's aura responded normally too...is it possible...no, I can't be beaten by this kid. This Sacred Gear will listen to me, one way or another."

Dohnaseek wasn't sure what to believe right now.

Though he still had his enemy before him.

Dohnaseek didn't allow his thoughts to distract him, shooting forward towards Makoto.

"Come on brat! Die for me!"

Getting towards Makoto, the tip of the spear shone brightly, swinging for his upper body. Makoto reacted by using his line to grab a nearby downed Exorcist's sword, bringing it to his hand, and clashed with Dohnaseek.

The shock wave between their clashing blades, destabilized the blade of light of Makoto's, and continue on for his body. Using his knowledge on fighting, Makoto leapt back, at the same time he shot off his demonic power at close range.

Dohnaseek didn't have time to bring up the shadows, so he threw his spear at it, causing an explosion between their attacks, sending them both flying.

Dohnaseek ground his teeth, flying upwards, and saw that he had received some wounds on his body.

Makoto ended up hitting a back wall, spitting out some blood.

But, he knew that he avoided the worst case scenario.

"...You brat, you're putting me through much strife. No...you're not going to do this to me...you're going to perish boy!"

Makoto didn't have time to be hurt, seeing that Dohnaseek was flying in at high speeds.

Using what he could, Makoto got to his feet while his body was shaking, summoned his line, swinging it like a whip for the light spear to capture that, and destroy it out of existence.

Dohnaseek saw it coming though, and simply shot off into the air, seeing hiow Makoto was still resisting him.

"Stay still you bastard! Seriously, why are you doing this much resisting?!"

Dohnaseek was becoming more and more angry.

Even though he had caused damage to the young boy.

He still was resisting his attacks.

He was still fighting hard and strong.

"Resisting you, until I can't anymore...I'd be letting down Koneko-chan if I didn't put a stop to you...if I gave up now, then she'd call me weak...when that girl risked herself for me...she saved me from being killed...you're going to be finished!"

Dohnaseek couldn't accept it, he wouldn't accept it.

He came shooting out right at Makoto with his heavy spear being formed, making multiple stabbing movements towards the younger boy, who was forced to dodge out of the way, with one stabbing managing to catch his arm, cutting into it.

The light burned him, sizzling his skin.

Yet, Makoto didn't even bat an eyelid, he already had suffered a number of injuries, he didn't mind suffering a few more.

But the light did make him feel weaker and weaker.

"Have this!"

Makoto clapped his hands together, releasing his demonic power and caused it to create a smokescreen before him. Dohnaseek's eyes waved through the right and left sides of him, trying to find Makoto.

He tried stabbing forward as well, but Makoto was already gone.

Wondering where he was, Makoto had managed to get behind him.

Makoto readied himself, cupping his hands together, and created a sphere of demonic power. Knowing that tricks weren't going to help him this time, he'd have to go all out from the beginning.

His power swirled, and became a strong sphere that would destroy everything that was before him.

However, when Dohnaseek got in close, he made a stab for Makoto's body, so he shot off the sphere at close range.

"Shadow Prison! Protect me!"

Calling upon the shadows, they shot up and blocked the shot of energy, while Makoto heard [...belong with …] something that confused him again.

Who was speaking?

Why were they?

What did they want?

But Makoto saw that the shadows were beginning to creep up Dohnaseek's arms, attempting to bind him, so Dohnaseek dismissed the shadows.

"Damn shadows, they'll listen to me sooner or later!"

Dohnaseek growled, and threw a spear towards Makoto himself.

Because of the damage he had received before, and still trying to recover, his movements were a little slow, so he received a cut to his arm as he dodged out of the way, and the light filled his system.

His organs felt as if they were on fire.

Melting in fact.

The pain was unreal. Accompanied by the pain he continued to feel from having his Sacred Gear nearly extracted, Makoto knew that he couldn't fight for much longer. He was close to passing out.

He was close to being unconscious, and then Dohnaseek…

No, he wouldn't allow his body to fail right now.

"...You just got cut with light yet again. How are you not dead yet?! All you've been through today, no normal Devil would still be alive!"

"Because...I wont give up...I wont die because of you! What you've done...who you've hurt...and now you came after Koneko-chan as well...you think I'd let you get away with that?!"

Dohnaseek waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter what you want. You're finished. I don't care if you've Vali's lover or not!"

"...You know about Vali-chan?"

"Hehe, of course I do. We come from the same organization. She's made it known to stay away from you. It pisses me off, don't touch my Makoto. Heh, look at you now. A Devil, and I'm going to make sure you don't get back to Vali at all!"

"...That's why you wanted me to die...are you jealous of Vali-chan?"

Dohnaseek's face fell when Makoto said that.

But then he became more angry, shooting off two waves of light power, forcing Makoto to jump away. But the lights explosion caught Makoto in it, and he was flung backwards, exactly what Dohnaseek was hoping for.

"I am not jealous of her! She's Azazel's perfect golden girl! It pissed me off that a Devil like her, could get such a high position! What does that mean for me?! I tried all my life to become strong, to become a better Fallen Angel, and she just walks in, and does this shit to me?!"

Makoto got to his feet, seeing Dohnaseek already before him, coming at him with a sword of light.

"Because of her status, you hate her...and because you can't beat her...you took your anger out on me?"

Makoto demanded, skidding backwards to avoid the heavy slash from the man.

"Of course I did brat!"

Still, Dohnaseek pursued him, getting in close with the blade.

However, the moment it went to slice him, Makoto's line shot out, wrapping around his arm, and he yanked it back, so he wouldn't cleave off Makoto's head. But he did received a cut to his cheek that caused him to bleed.

Feeling the light entering him, Makoto could feel how it burned.

The sizzling pain that he felt.

It caused him to feel weak.

His knees felt wobbly, like he was going to fall over.

But he still had a job to do.

He had to defeat this Fallen Angel.

He couldn't allow him to continue on.

Staying on his feet, with the blood from his wound gradually leaking out of him, he directed his hand forward.

The Sacred Gear responded, allowing the line from the Sacred Gears mouth to come out, aiming it for Dohnaseek, shooting out a line towards him. Dohnaseek laughed, dodging out of the way only to see an orb of demonic power coming for him.

"Those tricks wont work with me!"

Dohnaseek went to cut down the sphere…

When he saw the line shooting around it, forcibly moving it into a different direction, avoiding Dohnaseek's spear all together, and continued on for his upper body, exploding right in his face, Dohnaseek ground his teeth at the feeling of the power.

Dohnaseek dropped down to his knees, while looking towards Makoto…

And saw that he had fell down to his stomach, flat on his face.

The pain on his face, didn't express how much pain he was in.

It felt like he was dying…

No, it felt even worse than that.

"Haha...your body is giving out, you can't fight anymore. Your Sacred Gear...it's going to be mine!"

Dohnaseek mocked him, laughing at the misfortune of Makoto at this moment.

Despite the amount of pain he felt, the blood coming out of him…

Makoto still wouldn't give up.

Pushing his hands onto the stone cold floor, he began moving his body. Blood came from his body, his mind was dizzy. He felt a sick feeling building inside of his stomach. His vision was hazy at best.

But even then…

Makoto, still trying to stand, pointed his Sacred Gear at the Fallen Angel.

Dohnaseek waved his hand in an uncaring manner.

"Don't point that at me. You can't hope to win. Your body will give out. Even if that nun healed you, even if you've been stealing power, you've been through a lot today. If you're a good boy, I'll make sure your death is painless...well, as painless as I could anyway."

Makoto scoffed at the idea, looking at his body and then Dohnaseek.

He knew that he might not be able to fight to his fullest extent now.

But he still wouldn't give up.

Even if he had a little bit of power within him.

"...Yeah right. As if I could just give up like that. Already been through too much. And Koneko-chan..." He looked at the Sacred Gear on his wrist, and exhaled slowly. "...all this, just for this Sacred Gear. The pain my friends went through...the sadness that girl Asia-san had to endure...Koneko-chan being stabbed just to save me...for this thing on my wrist...this Sacred Gear..."

As he said it, Makoto's lizards eyes began to slowly open.

Dohnaseek flared his aura.

He showed a strong disgusting expression on his face.

"My Onii-chan, my friends...all suffering... Not anymore...I wont let you get away this time. I'll show you the power of a former human, to the fullest extent!"

As soon as he said it, the eyes of his lizard opened fully, and produced a purple glow. As if responding to his feelings, the mouth of the lizard opened, producing a number of new lines around him.

Waving through the air, the lines shot out from around his body, and wrapped around knocked out members of the Exorcists, and absorbed their power directly into Makoto himself. The aura around Makoto increased, growing higher and higher by the second.

"...This power, he's taking their aura into him...he's growing stronger...no, I can't let this little bastard destroy me! I wont let it happen!"

Dohnaseek came towards Makoto with a high speed flap of his wings. Shooting through the air like a rocket, he attempted to get in close to the young boy.

But the lines around him caused the Exorcists deceased bodies to move around like puppets. Grabbing their blades, they lunged at Dohnaseek, slashing from the right and left hand side of him, forcing Dohnaseek to activate Shadow Prison.

But as he did…

Makoto heard a small [...Don't belong with you…] coming from the area…

No, it felt like it was coming from his head.

Again, he wondered what that was.

"Don't belong with you...who doesn't it belong with…? And why can I hear this voice? What is this voice? Bennia-san and Freed-kun aren't reacting to it...am I the only one that's hearing this? Even Dohnaseek doesn't seem to hear it..."

Makoto thought to himself, only to suddenly hear the voice booming in his head.

[You...answered. Do you...hear me?]

"Hear you...I hear you...who are...you?"

Makoto wasn't sure what the hell was going on.

Hearing this voice…

[Soul...fragmented...can't fully...connect. ...That...Angel...doesn't...deserve...my power…]

"...Doesn't deserve...are you...the thing that Dohnaseek mentioned…? The creature that resides within...the Sacred Gears...Absorption Line...and Shadow Prison…? You said your soul is...fragmented...that means, he's got a piece of your soul...and I have..."

[...Hate...Fallen Angel...struggle...hard...struggle against...him…]

"Struggle...the Sacred Gear...the shadows, they keep attacking Dohnaseek, that's you, isn't it? Struggling against him…? You're fighting Dohnaseek's control...but because your spirits been split up, you can't do much...am I right?"

[...Deplorable...Fallen Angel...he doesn't deserve my power...he deserves…nothing of my...power...]

Makoto could hear the voice less and less.

He presumed it must be difficult keeping the connection up between them.

[...Stay with...you...I want...to stay...with you…together...we'd be...powerful...Fallen Angel...has weak resolve...he himself...is weak spirited...you, are strong spirited...I respect...the strong resolve...you have.]

Makoto looked down at the Sacred Gear on his arm, seeing the lizards eyes on his own.

He wasn't hallucinating.

He wasn't daydreaming.

The Sacred Gears spirit was speaking to him.

He didn't want to be with Dohnaseek, he wanted to stay with Makoto...

Makoto looked towards Dohnaseek as he fought off the men that Makoto was semi controlling.

The lines around him, the eyes of the lizard on his form…

Makoto saw the shadows beginning to appear around Dohnaseek.

Dohnaseek didn't even seem to realize it.

"You want to make your own decision...you chose to be with me...I don't know if I'm worthy of your power...but, I'll do as you ask. You want to fight him, right Sacred Gear?! Then, I'll give you a helping hand!"

Dohnaseek's eyes went towards Makoto, who announced that out.

He saw lines coming towards him, and went to move, when Makoto thrust out his hand, shooting off a number of demonic bullets. Using the power he was absorbing from the unconscious Exorcists, allowed him to stop Dohnaseek in place, forcing him to cleave through the bullets of demonic power.


Dohnaseek saw them all coming for him, so he placed his hands out, and announced "Shadow Prison! Protect me!" recalling that Shadow Prison was calm when Makoto's aura was coming for him.

However, this time was different.

As the shadows grew, Makoto stuck his lines into the shadows, and rather than absorb, he sent his own power into the shadows.

The shadows power increased more and more, becoming more unruly, stronger, denser.

Dohnaseek also saw that the shadows were twisting and bending, not to his will.

He then saw that the shadows were opening, allowing the demonic powers to get through to him.

"No! Get lost! Shadow Prison! Protect me now!"

Shadow Prison didn't obey, and simply wrapped around his arms, binding them down, stopping him from blocking off the powers.

Dohnaseek's fearful eyes went towards the power as the power slammed into him, causing blood to erupt out of him again and again. Puncturing holes into the man, Dohnaseek's face fell into despair, seeing something else.

The shadows...were seemingly helping Makoto himself.

They weren't following his will at all.

Even though he didn't own Shadow Prison...

"W-What?! H-How are you doing it!? You're taking the Sacred Gears control from me!"

"...This isn't me...this is the Sacred Gear...it's chose to defy you...the Sacred Gear hated your way of thinking Dohnaseek...it hated how you acted...so, I'm going to have to stop you…" Makoto placed his hands forward, and summoned a mass of demonic power. "This power...it will finish you off now!"

"N-No! Stay away from me!"

Dohnaseek tried to fly backwards.

But Makoto saw the shadows erupt forward, wrapping around Dohnaseek's body, pinning him down.

"For all you've done...I can't let you escape now."

Makoto stuck in the Absorption Line, sucking out his power, and added it to his own.

True panic entered his eyes, his heart stained with fear.

"N-No! I'm superior to you! You can't do this to me!"

"Blow away!"

With that, Makoto unleashed his incredible wave of demonic power.

Dohnaseek was frightened, but he couldn't escape.

The power washed over the Fallen Angel, and caused a mass of wounds to erupt all over his body. His cries were cut off from the sound of the ground rupturing around them all.

Freed and Bennia, having watched on from the side once finishing off fighting the Exorcists, was stunned by Makoto's power.

"Damn, Senpai just kicked his ass~ Have that Dodo brain!"

Bennia sang out happily, Freed smirked.

"Yes...it does seem so. Makoto-kyun, you won..."

While murmuring that out, Dohnaseek's body appeared within the fading demonic power.

His lifeless eyes went towards Makoto's form.

Makoto didn't want to kill anyone, he didn't feel the desire.

But for Dohnaseek, he had to make the exception this time.

Dohnaseek fell flat on his face, in a pool of his own blood.

Freed went towards him, and placed a hand to his throat.

"...Seems like he's gone. Damn Makoto-kun, savage~"

"...I hate it...that I had to kill..." He began to fall, but Bennia and Freed caught him. "...But, I had to do it...this time...I had to make sure that he was...gone..."

"No worries Senpai, we've all had that moment. If you're like Ruru-chan, then you'll freak out and cry as you have to kill the person trying to kill you. But nah, Senpai was pretty cool~" As she spoke, the corpse of Dohnaseek began to blacken...no, shadows were coming out of said corpse. "Wait, what's going on? Isn't he..."

As she spoke, the shadows pulled themselves away from Dohnaseek, and travelled towards Makoto himself.

Bending down, his finger touched the shadows, which suddenly wrapped around his body.


Bennia became worried, but Freed stopped her.

"It's fine, they're not trying to hurt him."

"Then...what are they doing?"

Freed showed a bright grin, as the shadows enveloped Makoto's form, sinking into his skin, disappearing all together.

"They joined him."


Bennia seemed confused.

"The Sacred Gear was Shadow Prison, right?" Bennia shrugged as Makoto nodded, having heard Dohnaseek say that. "And yours is Absorption Line. There's word about those Sacred Gears, belonging to a strong Dragon that had its soul divided into different Sacred Gears. Probably because they were in close proximity, they recognized each other, and the Dragon's soul awoke, even just a bit due to not being complete. Seeing the disgusting evilness of Dohnaseek, and the bright light of Makoto-kyun, the Dragon probably chose to go towards Makoto-kyun~ Or maybe it was because he had higher potential, or maybe he just liked Makoto-kyun more, who knows~ I know who I prefer~"

"You're right...I heard it...it's voice, this Dragons...it chose to come to me...seeing Dohnaseek's methods as...something it...no, he didn't want to be apart of Dohnaseek."

Freed threw his hand up.

"Two down, just two more to go~"

"You know an awful lot about this."

Bennia's inquiry was met with Freed sticking out his tongue.

"Loli-sama, your Lolicon is calling you! Go and do your duty~"

"Ooh right!" Bennia rushed Makoto, and hugged him to his bewilderment. "Aah, Senpai's cuddly body is the best~"

Makoto shook his head at Freed who showed a cheery smile.

Though he was glad, that this fight was done.

It was hard, painful...

But he managed to win somehow.

Back with Ise, he was facing down Raynare. Seeing the expression on her face, only made him hate her even more.

"Even now...you're sneering at me..."

"Of course, you're a loser Ise, there's no good qualities about you."

Ise shook his head.

This clearly wasn't the Yuuma he knew and cared for.

So, without missing a moment, he went forward with his power flowing out of him. Raynare watches as he gets close with his fist, which she expertly dodges with a wave of her body, as if she was dancing, pulling out a spear of light, pointing it towards Ise's body.

"Come on now, make it more entertaining!"

She snapped, launching her spear at him. Ise grimaced, pulling back, but the light cut into his leg, drawing some blood, and the light to circulate into his being. Ise could feel the burning sensation of the light, it was harsh and it was painful.

Raynare didn't stop though, summoning her sword of light, and came for Ise, the sword shimmering as she came from the right hand side. Ise barely had time to dodge it, so he raised his Sacred Gear, causing the sword to hit the Sacred Gear with enough force to send him flying into the ground, shattering a part of it with his body.

"I will explain it so even a dummy like you can understand. It's a simple power difference. I have a power of 1000. You have a power of 1. You can't shorten the gap between us no matter what. Even with the ability of that Sacred Gear, the power doubled is only 2. It's futile! How can you win against me!? Ahahahahahahaha!"


Another sound from the jewel, indicating his increasing power. He could feel it wrapping around him, he was growing in power. Ise didn't miss this opportunity, getting off the ground, and shot off for the Fallen Angel.


Raynare looked unimpressed, and simply parried the punch with her light sword. But she noticed that her blade did have a crack in it from the heavy pressure of the punch, allowing him to twist around her, and aim a kick for her.

"Heh! Did your power increase a bit? Still, it's not enough!"

She raised her arm, blocking off Ise's kick, grinning as she moved her body forward, kneeing Ise in the gut so hard that he coughed up bile, dropping him down to the ground, then she placed a finger to his chin, lifting him back up.

Staring into one another's eyes, Raynare's disturbing smile was showing quite strong.

"Don't worry Ise-kun, I know that you're worried. But I promise, your body isn't going to be in that much of a terrible pain, for much longer anyway. It will be alright, you can still feel good from my attacks. My light is good for killing Devils after all!"

Raynare in her deranged mode, shifted her spear and went to stab Ise's upper body.

Pulling back, he managed to avoid getting stabbed in the torso, but Raynare's spear kept going, piercing his right thigh. Even with the power of the Rook aiding him, Ise still fell down to the floor, where Raynare laughed at the sight.

"Haha, just like stabbing butter."


Ise screamed, feeling the intense pain of it. But he also remembered that Makoto also went through hellish pain, and that he was still going to be fighting regardless, whispering "This is nothing..." with gritted teeth, grabbing the spear.

But when he did, his hands began to sizzle from the heat of the light, it was burning and causing his skin to smoke.

Raynare starts to laugh at Ise seeing his attempts to pull out the spear.

"Ahahahaha! A Devil trying to pull that spear out is foolish! To Devils, lights are intense poison. Just touching it will make you burn. That is the ultimate pain that Devils can taste! For a Low Class Devil like you, it's-"


Ise wouldn't give up now, and yanked the spear out with one fell swoop.

"T-This is nothing Raynare! Not compared to what you did to Makoto!"

Ise threw the spear at Raynare feebly, Raynare saw it as a pitiful move, and simply dodged out of the way.

But because she did, Ise managed to lunge at the woman, his elbow aimed for the woman's face. Raynare saw the closeness of the impact coming in, forcing her to flap her wings, and get out of the way, watching as Ise tripped, and hit the floor.

Blood leaked out of the wound on his leg.

He was bleeding pretty bad.


Though he did fall over, he still was receiving more power. He was getting stronger, and because of that, Ise was going to keep fighting, he was going to keep going, no matter what was going to happen now.

Ise placed his hands onto the ground, forcing his body up. Even with the wound he had received, he didn't stop. He couldn't stop. Makoto also fought hard, he saved everyone. He was going to fight against Raynare, even if he ended up in a terrible condition.

Raynare was remarkably surprised that Ise was still trying. The light must have done a good deal of damage to his body.

"…Quite remarkable. A Low Class Devil pulling out the spear of light made by a Fallen Angel. But it's futile. My light isn't flashy, but has a high killing ability against Devils. The density of the light is strong. So strong that it is used as the blade of light priests uses. The light circulates around your body from my attack, causes damages to your whole body. If you are late at healing it, you will die. No, normally it won't be weird to die with that damage. You really have a strong build, don't you?"

"I-Is that praise...Raynare?"

He demanded, Raynare though wasn't pleased with her name being called by Ise.

"Heeeeh, so you dare call me by my name Ise?! I don't want it to become filthy because of you!"

Ise stared defiantly towards the young woman, his body having come off the floor. Despite the wound in his leg, he still was ready and prepared to fight hard. Even if the light was causing his entire body to feel as if he was going to die from the light.

"I'll call you...Raynare...because of what you are...you're not the Yuuma...I knew..."

"The Yuuma you knew, was an illusion. She was a fabrication of what I desired to be. Dating an idiot like you doesn't give me any thrills. I can't even stand to stare at you, you know? Seeing the way that you are-"

"You like hearing yourself talk, don't you?!"

Raynare chortled.

"I like it when things go my way."

Ise lightly laughed as he stood before her.

"You know...we were normal once...just a normal family. You came in and ruined that...you caused my death, and you're responsible for Makoto's death too!"

"You had a Sacred Gear, you couldn't have lived a normal life. It would be impossible!"

Ise didn't care about that.

He didn't care what she thought either.

"...You know, I really did care about you."

"And I keep telling you, it was a single date. How many times do I have to drill that into your thick skull?"

"It didn't matter if it was a single date or not...that date meant a lot to me. Even if you call it trivial...you're the first girl that ever wanted...to be around me. I thought that we'd end up doing...many things together...but, it was just a lie."

Raynare rolled her eyes.

"Whatever Ise, I really don't care-"

"I know that!" Ise snapped at her, causing her to back away slightly. "I don't care what you think...because the Yuuma I knew...as you said, was an illusion. She never existed...it was all fun and games to you...that's why, I'm going for it."

"…He's totally lost it. This boy is talking to himself in a place like this, and even speaking as if our date matter...weirdo. He's not even speaking to me anymore...how odd. Has he gone crazy? Huh, it seems our date truly messed him up...oh well."

Raynare didn't get it.

But Ise did, he knew what he had to do.

"...Just one time, I want to do it...I might not be talented like the others….I might not have a cool sword like Kiba, or punch hard like Koneko-chan...I might not be able to heal like Asia, or shoot out powers like Akeno-san...and I might not be as smart as Makoto...but, I do have this Sacred Gear. It was given to me...and I wont back down! Just once, I'm going to show you the pain you've caused, and make you feel it!"

His legs began moving. Albeit slowly at first. Even just moving the one pierced leg was agony. But he could still move, and that's what he was doing, right towards Raynare.

"I-Impossible! Your body isn't in a condition to move! Because of the damage of light..."

Raynare looked shocked about how he was able to move. The light he had in him should have stopped him by now. Yet he still was carrying on towards her, showing that she wasn't going to back down.

"Even if I'm not supposed to...I saw it, back then. Makoto...he was moving. Even when he was dying in that fight...even with the odds against him. I can't pull off complicated stuff like he could...but, I don't need to. Just a single time, and I can finished you off with my strength...you're already in a weakened state. I can see it...your body is shaking right now. Is it because of my Otouto? Or it is because of me?"

"G-Get away from me Ise!"

Raynare snapped, summoning her spear of light, tossing it towards him at a high speed.

Ise, in his anger, managed to thrust his Sacred Gear arm out, along with another [Boost!] sound, swatting away the light spear, shattering them into nothingness, Raynare gasped at the sight before her.

"Hey, my Sacred Gear. You still have the power to punch this thing in front of me, right? Then let's finish it."


The sound from the jewel made just now sounded especially strong. The jewel shines even brighter. Such a bright light. It's dazzling. But, it wasn't giving him any damage, unlike the light of the Fallen Angels. This was giving him the power, the power to fight.

Ise begins moving forward at a higher speed. The blood from the wound on his leg kept shooting out of him, but he fought through the pain, fought through everything that he had been going through, fighting through everything he felt to land a punch on this woman.

Ise's fist rose up into a punch, as he got close towards her.

Raynare looked baffled by how he was doing this, his power increasing, the way that the aura swam around him. It all seemed as if she had made some miscalculation, that she had done something wrong.

"…Impossible. What is this? Why is something like this happening…? Isn't that Sacred Gear supposed to be the Twice Critical which doubles the power of the possessor? …It can't be. It's not possible. Why has your power surpassed mine…? This wave of demonic power I'm feeling..."

"My power has…? Maybe it's because you're injured...but, I don't care! I will beat you down with this power of mine!"

"Lies! This is all lies! I am the Fallen Angel that will attain the powers of Twilight Healing and then betray Dohnaseek and take his power too!"

"No honour...you're going to turn on your own friend?"

Raynare showed a dirty sneer.

"Dohnaseek is not my friend, he's a piece of shit that is getting too up himself, he's a stepping stone. The powers I'll get, are for Azazel-sama. I'd live my entire life for him. I love Azazel-sama, and he's going to be with me always! Especially after I get these Sacred Gears! Asia's, your Otouto's, and for added measure, I'll take yours!"

She growled out at him, but Ise wasn't having any of it.

He wasn't going to back down from this woman.

"No...you wont!"

Raynare once again has a spear of light in both her hands, but the moment she went to stab Ise, he forced himself to dodge out of the way, his movements just a little bit quicker than hers, so he grabbed it with his Sacred Gear hand, and crushed it with his Rook strength, shocking Raynare.


Raynare is flapping her black wings, and is about to fly away.

Ise went up to her at the same time she's about to fly, and grabbed her arm. His speed definitely had surpassed Raynare's now, she couldn't get away. She tried to yank her arm away, even release bursts of light out of her hand.

They hit Ise, and dug into his skin.

The light sizzled his skin, they burnt him so much that he was bleeding.

He gritted his teeth, enduring the pain.

He pulled her towards him, and glared deeply into her eyes.

"I won't let you get away, not this time!"

"I'm superior!"

"Blow away, you shitty Fallen Angel!"

"Damn yoooooooou! Low Class Deeeeeevil!"


The gauntlet released all of its energy. All the strength gathered in his left arm, and forced it to his hand. Using that fist, he aimed it right into her face, slamming it so hard that her face began to bend around his fist, launching her away from his body.

The Fallen Angel crashes into the wall while making a very loud noise.

The wall broke and there is a big hole in the wall.

Dust starts to spread everywhere.

When the dust disappears, there is nothing left in the direction Ise punched Raynare towards.

The hole continues till outside of the building where Raynare is on the ground.

She isn't moving, but she isn't dead. It seems that the injuries she had sustained ended up taking her down.

"Serves you right."

Ise was smiling.

Finally, he had managed to punch her out. Not just for himself, but for Makoto, for Asia. For everyone that she had hurt.

However, his energies left him, and he fell backwards...

But he was caught by Yuuto who smiled towards him.


"Not just me, the others have arrived also."

Yuuto said, jabbing a finger behind him. Turning, he saw that Makoto was being healed by Asia, while Koneko laid in Makoto's arms, seemingly having her wound healed, but she also seemed to be weakened from the attack, Freed was stood close by, holding up a sign which said [Loli x Lolicon] something Makoto scowled at, especially when Freed placed it above his head.

He also saw that Sona and the others of her peerage where there, as were Rias and her peerage. Sona looked towards Makoto with pride, seeing what he had accomplished, and while she didn't say anything, it was clear to others that she was happy right now.

"Looks like you won safely."

Rias called, Ise nodded.

"Buchou… Hahaha, I won somehow."

"Fufufu, excellent. Just what I expected from my servant." Rias turned towards Raynare, and directed her hand towards her. "Come here Raynare." Rias grabbed Raynare with some magic, and dragged her to the front of them. "Akeno, wake this woman up please."

"Ara, are you alright Buchou?"

"Just tired Akeno, get her up."

Akeno-san lifts her hand up. Then water appears up in the air, and drops onto Raynare's face.


Raynare coughs after the splash.

Her eyes open, and meet with Rias' who bends down towards her.

"How are you doing, Fallen Angel Raynare."

"…The daughter of the Gremory clan…even the Sitri is here as well..."

"Hello, my name is Rias Gremory. I'm the next heir of the House of Gremory. It will be for a short while, but nice to have your acquaintance. This is Sona Sitri, if she had her own way right now, she would tear you to pieces for what you did to her Pawn."

Raynare looked towards Sona, seeing her scowl, and the aura around her body. It was clear that Sona would do what Rias had said.

Raynare sneers.

"…You think you've got me, but too bad. This plan was kept secret from the higher-ups, but there are other Fallen Angels with me. If I get in danger, they will-"

"Dead." Ruruko announced to her shock. "Well, Makoto-senpai wasted the male Fallen Angel. The other two seemingly ran off. We don't know where they are actually. Weird, I guess they did the smart thing."

"Lies! They wouldn't abandon me!"

Raynare wouldn't believe it, but Sona explained.

"They did leave you here. Perhaps they weren't as loyal as you thought. Or maybe, they didn't fear you as much as you thought they did. In either case, Dohnaseek at least died while he couldn't fight my Pawn. After all you did do to him, it's justice."

Seeing hear, Raynare's expression darkens.

Raynare is biting her teeth with frustration.

"Y-You can't do this to me...y-you can't..."

Raynare began to tear up, as Rias placed her hand out, gathering her demonic power.

"Getting hit by a single shot won't even leave a trace. The princess of the Duke who has the power of destruction. Buchou is a powerful Devil who is called a genius among the group of young Devils after all."

Yuuto speaks with praise, while Makoto glances at Sona.

"You don't have that, right?"

"I command water with my Sitri ability."

"I see...so, you could just drown someone then."

"In a sense yes."

Makoto mused if Sona would actually do that.

Rias glanced at Ise, seeing his Sacred Gear.

"...Raynare, do you know why you lost to my Pawn?"

Raynare has a puzzled face after hearing Rias.

"What are you talking about?"

"Boosted Gear, a Sacred Gear that is said to be the rarest of the rare. The Red Dragon mark on the gauntlet is the evidence. Even you have heard of that name before, right?"

After listening to Rias, Raynare puts on a very shocked expression while Ise and Makoto seemed perplexed by it.

"B-Boosted Gear… Even though it's for a temporarily time, it's said that it has the power to surpass Maou's and God… Are you telling me that hateful power is possessed in a boy like this!?"

"If it's just like the legend is told, then the ability of the Boosted Gear can double the power of the possessor every 10 seconds. Even if his power starts from 1, it doubles his power every 10 seconds, and it can reach the power of the leader-class Fallen Angels and High Class Devils. And by mastering it, he could even kill God."

Ise was stunned by what he had just heard.

Makoto also was stunned to hear that.

It seemed as if both of them had heard crazy things.

Ise had the Boosted Gear, the power to kill a God, and Makoto had now two Sacred Gears...

"Well, no matter how powerful it is, Sacred Gear which needs time has a big risk. There aren't any enemies that would wait for the user to get stronger. Since the opponent was taking it lightly, this was the outcome."

Rias said it while glancing at Sona.

Sona raised an eyebrow as Rias offered a cheery smile.

"Sona, this Fallen Angel caused your Pawn pain, as well as mine, it would only be right if we both finish her off, wouldn't you think?"

"I don't mind either way, as long as she's gone."

Rias shrugged, turning her hand towards Raynare.

"I will have you disappear, Fallen Angel-san."

Rias held a cold tone, she wasn't pleased at all.

"Y-You can't be serious!? Don't do this to me!"

"Of course I'm serious. Please don't struggle, I don't want to make this more hard than it has to be..."

Rias aims her hand towards Raynare.

Raynare put on an expression of despair.

Raynare starts to shiver.

Raynare then looks at Ise, and makes a sorrowful expression.

"Ise-kun! Please save me!" Her voice had become like that of how Ise remembered her, of Yuuma. "This Devil is trying to kill me! I love you! I love you so much! That's why, let's defeat this Devil together!"

She begged Ise for help, something that Makoto couldn't believe she'd pull and went to speak, but Sona stopped him.


"This, is something your Onii-sama will have to deal with. I understand wanting to keep your Onii-sama's heart safe, it's the same as my Onee-sama. This kind of emotional manipulation is awful, but it's something that he will have to deal with. Remember Makoto-kun, he has his own hurdels as you do. You overcame yours down there, with Dohnaseek. Allow your Onii-sama to do what he must."

Accepting it, he watched as Ise stared at Raynare.

Seeing how she was pleading.

He couldn't take it.

He hated her for what she did, what she said.


"Y-Yes Ise-kun?"

She said with a sweet smile, but he shook his head.

"...I can't forgive you for what you did. Me...fine, but you endangered Asia, and Makoto...I can't stand you."

Raynare's world shattered when he said that.

He then looked towards Rias.


Rias nodded, shoving her hand right to Raynare's own face.


The demonic power shot by Rias left nothing of the Fallen Angel.

The only thing left is the mysterious feeling Ise had and the black feathers floating around the area.

Makoto himself was glad for Ise, that he was able to push past her feelings. But still, he could see the wound that Raynare had left on Ise's heart, it was clear in his expressions, that there was some mending that needed to happen before Ise's heart was fully healed.

Makoto then raised his hand.

"Eeeh...can I just go home now?" Everyone turned to Makoto with a bewildered expression. "Been through a lot today. Kidnapped, tortured, stabbed, cut, punched, kicked, thrown into walls, thrown down some stairs...you get the idea."

Sona was surprised that he could be so light hearted right now.

Though she wondered if it was to cover up the fact that he did go through some hard times, and didn't want to worry anyone else.

"Yes...I think that would be a good idea. Everyone, we should leave this place."

"But, what about the Fallen Angels that escaped Kaichou?"

Tsubaki wondered, Sona didn't know what to think about them.

"Right now, we have to think about the members here, they need to have some rest. Besides, we already searched for them. If they come back, we'll be ready. With Dohnaseek and Raynare deceased, I doubt they'd come back to fight us again."

Tsubaki hoped that she was right.

Sona glanced at Makoto who looked down at Koneko who rested in his arms.

"She'll be alright."

As she said it, Asia went over to Ise to heal his wounds, and check up on him.

"Yes...Koneko-chan, she truly did save my life..."

Makoto smiled at the loli girl, glad that she had been around. But also, hoped that she didn't get injured like that again.

He was glad that the situation was over and done with now, that he could finally have sometime to relax.

Makoto had made sure that Koneko got home that night.

After seeing her taking a spear for him, he was naturally worried for her, so he wanted to make sure that she was safe, and sound back at her own home.

Once making sure that she was safe, Makoto parted his lips.

"Koneko-chan...you took a spear for me tonight."

He stated, wondering more about what Koneko was thinking, and how she also felt about it.

"...Yes, I...I didn't know why...my body just moved...and I..."

Makoto walked over towards her, and sat down beside her.

Koneko turned towards him, seeing a kind smile spreading on his face.

"Koneko-chan...I was worried about you...next time, Koneko-chan. You wont have to sacrifice yourself for me. I'll...I'll become strong, stronger than anyone else, and make sure that no one else suffers. So..."

Koneko shook her head, budging closer.

"...I did it this time Senpai...I couldn't stop Senpai becoming a Devil...Senpai, I have to confess...even before you became a Devil...I knew...I knew you had a Sacred Gear...deep down, I knew...I tried to reject it, I tried to convince myself that you didn't...and I was just being paranoid about your friend Freed-senpai as well..."


Koneko's eyes lowered, he thought that he even saw a few sad tears entering her eyes.

"...Because I didn't act...Senpai died, and then...Senpai was tortured...Senpai got so much pain...because of me...because I didn't...because I couldn't do anything...if Senpai wanted to blame me...then I would...if Senpai was angry at me..."

"Koneko-chan." Makoto cut her off, and embraced her, to her shock. "Don't blame yourself again, I wont let you."


She murmured with a hiccup.

Makoto didn't want her to be like this, so he tried his best to comfort the girl.

"You didn't do anything wrong. So what you knew I had a Sacred Gear. I'm sure there's lots of people with them out there. If you worried about every single one, you'd never be able to relax. Besides...you didn't torture me...you didn't cause me any pain Koneko-chan. You saved my life...you protected me. How could anyone be angry at anything you did?"


Makoto placed a hand on Koneko's face. Her face began to turn red at the touch of his fingers.

Her eyes met with his own, and she could feel her face burning all the more red.

"Koneko-chan, thank you for protecting me. Next time...I'll protect you, that's my promise to you."

"...Senpai...yes, lets protect each other Senpai."

"Yeah, that sounds great, Koneko-chan."

Makoto and Koneko embraced one another.

Koneko though could feel her face reddening more and more.

She didn't know why at first.

Maybe it was the closeness of a boy.

Maybe it was because of the feelings inside of her.

Whatever it was, she liked it.

She enjoyed it.

She wasn't sure what was going to happen next…

But she definitely liked it.

Returning home that night, Makoto laid down in his bed, replaying the events of the day over and over in his mind.

Fighting Dohnaseek, killing him...things that he didn't think that he'd ever do.

He wasn't even sure what to think about it.

As he was laying there, the window opened, Makoto's eyes going towards it, and saw Vali coming through his window.

"There you are...I was worried."

"Worried about me? Heh, you don't have to. I was worried about you."

"Right back at you." He smiled weakly, sitting up in his bed, but winced. "Ow...my bodies pretty sore."

"Taking the punishment you did, I'm not surprised. Sorry I didn't return until now, driving off that bastard that was lurking around. It's also why your King was busy, he had sent some personal people to go and deal with them."

"Kaichou mentioned something about it being difficult for them...but, they also thought it wasn't too bad either. As if it was simply trying to block them."

"Yes, he probably was doing that. It seems that you're fine, so I'll leave-"

"No...please, don't leave."

Vali raised an eyebrow.

"Something wrong?"

"...Not really, I just...I'm thinking about what happened today...I killed someone Vali-chan. If I was a human, then that would be...but now that I'm a Devil...I don't even know what to think about. I don't know if I should feel happy that he's dead, or disgusted with myself for killing him...I was brought up to not hurt people...to not do anything that could lead to pain of others...but, since I've become a Devil...those thoughts are slowly going away...and now, I keep thinking about how I can fight, and grow stronger...it's weird, isn't it? I was more concerned about what kind of college I'd go to before becoming a Devil, now I'm wondering how I can make my battle power more amazing."

"It's natural, since you're now a Devil." Vali retorted, getting onto the bed, as he hugged her from the side. "There's nothing wrong with what you did to Dohnaseek. He was going to kill you, Makoto. You did the right thing in taking him out."

"I hope so...I really do."

Vali's hand placed itself on his face, and brought it up to meet her own. The light from the moon shined onto both of them, and Makoto couldn't help but feel heat growing within his chest. Vali also seemed to have a light flush on her cheeks, though she was trying to deny it, deny her own feelings in this moment.

"You're a good person. Now you're a Devil, you might have to kill sometimes. To protect yourself, to protect others. I tried to stop it...so, you wouldn't have to be dragged into this life...but, I know you'll also do quite amazing."

Makoto smiled at the praise he received from the young woman.

It felt nice to be with Vali now, after wondering for so long what she was like.

"Hehe, thank you...I'll get used to it eventually. But for now...I guess I'll just have to work through it. I hate Dohnaseek, everything he touched was ruined...but, I stopped him. If I think of it that way...I stopped him and saved his next victim...then I can get through it."

Vali lightly smiled, her head moving down and laid on his chest. Makoto could feel her large breasts pushing against his body, only sending more heat through him. Vali could also hear his heart increasing in beats, something she quite liked.

"I know you'll be fine."

"...Vali-chan. Now that I'm growing stronger...one day, we'll fight, together."

"Heh...yes, we'll fight together."

Makoto saw her hand laying beside him, so he took it in his own, and held onto it. Vali's hand clutched his own, as she noticed that he was beginning to fall asleep. Soon, he fully fell asleep, with the events of the day, it was only natural.

A small smile spread on her face as she continued to hold onto him through the night.

The next day, Makoto and Ise walked towards the school together, with Ise glancing at his little brother, seeing that his eyes were simply looking forward.

"Look, about yesterday…"

"Onii-chan, I'm fine, don't worry."

Makoto reassured, Ise though still didn't feel right about it, what happened, and how he almost died, again.

"Even then...I'm sorry dude, about that bitch Raynare...and what happened with the Fallen Angels."

"Don't worry Onii-chan, I said it was fine. It worked out, didn't it?"

"I guess that it did yeah..."

Makoto could see that Ise was still hurting, and wondered how he'd be able to help him.

"By the way Onii-chan, what is Asia-san going to do now?"

"Well...she can't go back to the Church. I heard that Buchou offered her a place on her peerage."

"I see...a former nun becoming a Devil. I suppose it would be unique, but ultimately up to her."

"I'm glad she has the choice. Though whatever happens, Asia can stay with us, Buchou said it would be alright."

"I'm sure you'll be happy about that, huh~?"

Makoto lightly teased, poking his cheek.

Ise looked mildly embarrassed, and let out a little cry.

"Aah! Don't say that!"

Makoto twirled towards the school as they arrived.

"I've got to go and see Kaichou this morning. She might tell me how reckless I was yesterday."


"Well, it's alright. I welcome a normal time from Kaichou and the others. They keep promising things will begin getting better, so I can't wait to see it myself."

Makoto waved to Ise, and then took off into the school.

Running through the corridors, he eventually made it to the Student Council Room.

Knocking he heard a [Come in.] so he did just that, entering the room to see that Sona was indeed sat there, waiting for him.

He politely smiled as he sat down nearby Sona.

"Makoto-kun, yesterday was...a very eventful day."

"Yes...it was quite hectic."

"Still, I am relieved that you made it out alive and well. According to your words, you also happened to gain another Sacred Gear?"

Makoto nodded, looking down at his hand, then towards the ground where some shadows were slowly coming up, before disappearing.

"I don't really get it myself. All I know is that the spirit residing inside of these Sacred Gears didn't want to be with Dohnaseek."

Sona rubbed her chin.

"In the end, he was betrayed by the very power he killed someone else to gain. I suppose that would be quite, poetic justice."

Makoto lightly chortled.

"You're not wrong. But still...this Sacred Gear I've got now, and the one I was given naturally...this is quite the...interesting experience. I also heard about Onii-chan's Sacred Gear, it being one of thirteen...something called..."

"Longinus." Sona began, seeing Makoto listening to her. "Indeed, his Sacred Gear is called a Longinus due to the power of it being able to defeat a God. It's something that's supposed to be very powerful." Makoto could get that, and wondered how he'd reach that kind of feat. "But, it doesn't mean that you'll fall behind either."

"Ah, Kaichou, I wasn't..."

"No, it's alright. He might have a Longinus, but a Longinus is two different abilities combined together into a single Sacred Gear. In a sense now, you have two abilities Makoto-kun. Shadow Prison and Absorption Line. It seems that my Pawn is going to be a rather interesting one to see going forward."

Sona said it while showing a prideful look.

It seemed that she was rather proud of him.

Makoto scratched his cheek while smiling lightly.

"Kaichou, I'm still not sure about this whole Devil stuff. But, I do know that fate can't be changed now, so I'm going to keep embracing it. Getting stronger. But also...I want to know more about the Devils, and see if there's anything that can help benefit me. Before this...I was so focused on the future, and when I became a Devil...I thought that future had been forfeited. But maybe, I can work my way to a new future now."

Sona looked impressed with Makoto.

So much so that she sat down beside him, and showed a kind smile.

Makoto was taken off guard by the smile, Sona didn't usually smile like this so it was shocking.

"Makoto-kun, keep doing what you've always been doing. Keep being the you I see before me. Because, if you can do all these things while only being a Devil for a short time, I can't imagine what kind of life you'll have if you truly keep going 'll have many opportunities to craft a unique future. I know that you will. Though maybe next time, don't put yourself in so much danger."

Makoto gave a thankful smile.

"Yes...I'll do my best, Kaichou."

"Good response. Because I wont be going easy on you. Even after what happened."

Makoto showed a sideways smile.

"I had a feeling you wouldn't."

"Then once you're back to normal, we'll continue the training." Makoto chuckled awkwardly, as Sona lightly smiled. "But, for today. It's time to do something else."

"Something else?"

Sona nodded, and snapped her fingers.

As soon as she did, the door opened to reveal Bennia, Ruruko, Momo, Freed, and Tsubaki all looking quite happy.

Momo had a cake in her hands, Ruruko was holding some snacks, Tsubaki had some drinks, and Bennia was apparently dancing to some tune no one else could hear all the while showcasing a grin. Even Freed seemingly was helping the girls carry some stuff in.

Makoto wasn't sure what was going on so turned to Sona.

"Kaichou, what's this?"

"It's my way of congratulating you."

"For what?"

Sona hid her smile.

"Just...congratulating you, that's all. For all your hard work thus far. Please, enjoy yourself."

"You don't have to tell me twice~"

Makoto jumped to his feet, and went for the snacks, but Ruruko snatched him away, and began swaying side to side with him, as music blasted throughout the room.

"Ooh yeah Senpai! This is amazing~"

"Hehe, yes, it's quite amazing~"

Makoto and Ruruko continued to dance together as Momo and Freed were casually speaking as they ate some snacks, seemingly getting along with one another.

"Hey! Don't leave me out! Senpai needs a loli at all times!"

Bennia got in on the dancing with Makoto and Ruruko, to Ruruko's chagrin.

"Honestly...you're always hogging Senpai! Stop it Bennia!"

"You stop it! I can do what I want with Senpai!"

"Don't I get a say?"

Bennia and Ruruko look at him curiously as Freed snickered.

"Makoto-kyun, remember this. Don't become between two women fighting, you'll not make it out alive. Especially these supernatural ones, they'll really get you~"

Ruruko and Bennia gave bemused looks to Freed as Momo stood up, hugging Makoto from behind, pressing her impressive assets against his back, drawing a blush to his face.

"Makoto-kun, even if you're a lolicon, you also like other types of girls, right?"

Makoto gave a frustrated sigh.

"I'm not a lolicon..." Koneko entered the room, Makoto was sure this girl heard these things like Spiderman's spider-sense. "I am one." Koneko nodded without a word, moving closer to Makoto and held onto his hand. "Koneko-chan..."

"...Senpai, I can't...not with that pervert...so, I'm staying here from now on."

"But, wouldn't Buchou..."

"...She's currently busy with the pervert, they're doing...things together. I ditched them before I could see it happening."

Makoto gave a bemused look, while Bennia frowned, seeing Koneko still holding onto his hand.

"Koneko-chan! You can't just come here and steal our Pawn!"

"...Deal with it."

Bennia gave challenging eyes to Koneko who did the same thing.

Momo raised her eyebrows curiously as Freed sang "Loli's fight for their Lolicon~ How sweet~" something that drew Makoto's ire.

Tsubaki walked over to Sona, and sat beside her.

"Kaichou, this isn't really prohibited in the school. A party, at this time in the morning."

Sona revealed her smile to Tsubaki, one she hadn't expected to show.

"Sometimes...rules can be bent, just a little bit. Maybe it's alright to have times like this, when everything is quiet."

Tsubaki was surprised by Sona's lack of...structure.

She was someone that usually was a structured person.

So seeing this was...quite surprising.

But also, was quite amazing as well.

Seeing how in such a time, Makoto had helped Sona relax, Tsubaki was thankful to the young boy for that.

While respecting Sona, Tsubaki also knew that Sona found it hard to relax, so seeing that she was openly admitting that the rules could be bent, when before Makoto had arrived, she wouldn't have said that, Tsubaki knew that just as good of an influence Sona was on Makoto, Makoto was also equally a good influence on her.

They seemed to balance one another out, which for Tsubaki, she thought it was a good thing.

Now, they could finally have sometime to relax...

Elsewhere, Kalawarner and Mittelt...didn't know where they were.

Once they had teleported away, they had ended up somewhere else entirely.

They weren't sure what had happened, but it was very creepy.

They felt as if a thousand was around them, staring directly at them.

They couldn't see much, the atmosphere was heavy with fear and dread.

"M-Mittelt...what's gong on here…?"

"I-I don't know Kalawarner...I don't know..."

"Shit...we teleported...did we miscalculate or something?"

Kalawarner's question remained unanswered by Mittelt, she simply didn't know.

"Welcome girls, I'm glad you could join us."

A mysterious voice boomed through the area.

Kalawarner and Mittelt felt as if their hearts had stopped for a few moments.

But then, Kalawarner tightened her hand.

"W-Who's that?!"

"Don't worry Kalawarner, it's going to be alright~ I'm going to take care of you now~ You'll come in handy, I know you will~"

A frivolous tone surrounded them.

A laughing could be heard ringing all around them.

Kalawarner and Mittelt felt afraid of what it was.

Truly, they had found themselves in a new nightmare, a nightmare they didn't know if they'd get away from...

End chapter!

So the end of the Fallen Angel arc happened! Ise and Makoto fought their personal Fallen Angels, with Ise expressing his thoughts to Raynare, and not falling for her manipulations anymore. Makoto himself fought Dohnaseek, for what he did to Koneko, and made contact with Vritra for the first time, albeit not fully, but eventually he will. It seems that Vritra's spirit was fighting against Dohnaseek, causing the Sacred Gear to attack him due to not liking his resolve, along with the desire to be with Makoto instead.

Makoto and Koneko had a small talk about what happened, and their relationship is growing closer. Also the same with Vali and Makoto. Sona also seems to be relaxing a little bit more, thanks to Makoto's influence, even surprising herself that she is this relaxed.

At the end, it seems that the Fallen Angels Mittelt and Kalawarner have been caught! But by what, we'll soon find out!

Makoto; Sona, Koneko, Tsubaki, Bennia, Irina, Momo, Ruruko, Vali (fem), Valerie, Gasper (fem), Rossweisse, Serafall, Ravel, Xenovia,

Issei; Rias, Aika, Kiyome, Asia, Elmenhilde, Isabela, Karlamine,