-My Hero Academia: The Ultimate Spear -

Chapter 1: Recommended entrance


-Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: 20:08; Start of winter break-

It was a dark cloudy night, between the clouds the full moon peeked down upon The Entertainment Capital of the World. In the third tallest hotel of the city, in the third tower on the left, in the penthouse that was build thirdly; a business meeting was taking place. Or rather the meeting was just beginning as the participants entered the penthouse one by one. While business meeting taking place at the Sapphire Gem Hotel was nothing out of the ordinary. This meeting was a bit different.

In the living room of the penthouse, a long table had been placed at the center; with chairs on either side. At the head of the table a man dressed in a suit that had cost more than most families made in a year. He was in his late forties, with greying brown hair. His chin rested upon his folded hands as his guests entered the room one by one. These were no ordinary guests though, no all of them where assassins; the best of the best he had been assured. His assistant had even sworn that he managed to take hold of a family that had produced assassins for generations.

But so far the man in the suit was not very impressed, the assassins that entered the room and sat down in the chairs didn't look much like professionals at; nor did they act like it. No they were far too sloppy, trashy, and just plain behaving uncouthly for the man's taste. He was about to call out his assistant on it when the door opened again. The moment they set foot in the room the atmosphere changed.

The first was a very tall, muscular man in extremely good physical condition. His long, dark-green hair reached to his lower back, while dark-green eyes scanned the room. He was dressed in a short-sleeved black kimono that reached his knees, revealing that he wore dark blue trousers and geta on his feet. His wrists were protected by leather wrist-guards.

Next to him was a tall masked girl, who also had green-hair though of a lighter shade; the same was true for her eyes. She wore a long dark-blue dress and thin cloak of the same color rested on her shoulders.

This pair was different, the man realized. They carried themselves with a certain confidence and grace that all other assassins in the room seemed to lack. These two were the real deal, the professionals that he had wanted. The man was sure the other assassins felt it too, the sense of power that these two exhumed. Though it was mostly the tall man that exhumed the power, the girl was seemingly made of grace and elegance.

Neither of them made a single sound as they approached the table, towards the end of the table directly opposing the owner of the penthouse. Which was where the first assassin that had arrived for this meeting was seated. The tall green-haired man looked down at the much smaller man, and raised his left eyebrow. The assassin already seated, swallowed deeply and sweat began to roll down his face; before he quickly got off the chair and ran to the single remaining one on the left side of the table. The tall man scoffed softly but sat down. His huge physique made the chair look like it was made for a child. The girl stood next to him, posture completely straight, arms hanging down and her fingers entwined.

The owner of the penthouse coughed to gather the assassin's attention back to himself. "Right, everyone invited has gathered here. As most of you will no doubt know my name is Don Triumph, the owner of this hotel and the casino on the lower floors. I have been informed that tonight a group of bandits will try to break into my building and steal from my guests and myself." Don Triumph stood from his chair and began pacing. "Tonight is an important night for both me and my companies, so I cannot have a group of bandits wreck havoc here while so many VIPS are in this hotel." He turned to face the assassins. "So my request is quite simple: Eliminate these ruffians trying to rob my building. The methods you employ do not matter, you may do this however you would like. Only the results matter. Tell me what you need and my assistant will provide it."

While the other assassins began asking for weapons, tools, or even to paid upfront, the tall green-haired man tapped his finger on the table; instantly everyone grew quiet and sat straight in their chairs. "The ones trying to robe you Mr. Triumph, do they operate under a name? How do we recognize them from your guests?"

"Good question, as far as we know they don't have a name for their group; but all of them wear a black jacket over a white shirt. On this shirt a blue-colored skull is displayed. Anything else?" The assassins shook their heads. "Very well here is a map of my building and one of the neighborhood. I wish you all good luck."

One of the younger assassins in the room slapped his hand on the table, clearly in an attempt to intimidate the green-haired man's earlier finger tap. It looked, and sounded, a bit pathetic but his goal was achieved. "We should use code names! That way the bandits cannot fully understand us if we communicate with each other." The other assassins, save a certain pair, began nodding in agreement. "I'll be Red." The one that came up with the plan announced.

"Then I will be Blue." The one seated next to him said. One by one the assassins began to call out the color of which code name they wanted to be called. That is until they reached the green-haired pair.

"Hisashi Midoriya." The tall man said, his eyes were closed; though if one looked closer they could see a vein on his forehead throbbing in irritation.

The assassins looked at the girl. "Izumi Midoriya. Pleased to meet you all." She gave a small bow.

"Those aren't colors are they?" An assassin wearing a hoodie asked.

The girl shook her head. "No those are our names. You may call upon us anytime during the mission, but we will not accept any orders or commands. We will do things in our way."

The eldest amongst the assassins gathered suddenly gasped. "Wait Midoriya...just like that family of assassins those Midoriyas?! Are you sure it is wise to take the name of those legends? I hear they don't take kindly to imitation and impersonation."

"Yes we don't like that at all. It's bad for the family business, as those people never can hold themselves to our standards and skills." The girl answered.

"W-W-Wait! Are you two real Midoriyas then?!" Another assassin stammered.

Hisashi opened his eyes and glanced at him. "Obviously. Do you want our business card? That way you will have our address and phone number too." He gestured at Izumi, who reached into the sleeve of her dress and pulled out a small card which she handed the stammering assassin. Hisashi looked at the other assassins. "Does anyone else want one? You never know if you might want to have someone killed someday. We will even give a 30% discount since we are in the same profession." The patriarch of the Midoriya family grinned at his fellow assassins, though none took up his offer. "No? A pity, you lot might have learned some professionalism from watching us work." Hisashi rose from his chair and began walking towards the door, Izumi following him closely. The green-haired man stood still in the door opening. "One more thing…" Showing his back to the other assassins. "Stay out of our way or you might be caught in the crossfire." Without looking back, he walked through the door into the hallway leading to the elevator.

Izumi turned to the room and gave a small bow. "What my father means is that it would be best if all of you stayed here in the penthouse. He does not like amateurs running around while he works, nor does he have any qualm about removing them from his path. Often permanently." The green-haired girl smiled at the twenty remaining men in the room. "So please stay put, we will be back within the hour." She bowed again, before running after her father. Leaving a room full of professional killers behind, killers that were stunned into silence.


-Training Room 3, Midoriya Estate, Japan: 09:50; End of the Winterbreak-

The Midoriya Estate had several spots where the members of the family could train in their skills and arts. From obstacle courses, with difficulties ranging between harmless and deadly, to rooms with the best of the best training equipment and tools standing at the ready. These rooms, a special diet, and many such things; where one of the reasons that the Midoriya family was so good at what they did. Personally Izumi preferred to make use of Training Room 4, which was the room where the three Midoirya daughters often trained and held all the equipment and tools for their own training.

Training Room 3 had been customized specifically for Jingoku since it was easier to teach frogs how to drive a car than get Inojin to exercise. Due to these customizations it was not far sought to compare Training room 3 to a furnace. A furnace whose flames and other tools were out to kill you as painfully and slowly as possible. The walls of the room were made of a special heat conductive material that allowed the eldest son of the Midoriya family to go full out with his Quirk, and manipulated the flames witch such grace and perfection that would even impress the Number 2. Hero: Endeavor.

Thankfully most of the flames and dead-traps had been turned off at the moment or put in their lowest stand. Not that this stopped Jingoku much as he hurled balls of fire at Izumi, who rolled and twirled out of the way; while trying to get closer to her brother. On the left side of the room, behind the see-through barrier that kept them safe from the flames and traps, Gensei and the three other Midoriya siblings were watching the two spar with varying reactions.

Gensei was watching his grandchildren closely, to see how they had improved and what could be improved. Standing next to him, Inojin was glancing between the screen of his tablet and his siblings; recording the sparring match for later use and collecting data. Enshuu however was tinkering with some new device she was making and paid no attention at all. Konan on the other hand was taking in as much detail as she could, particularity how her older sister dodged and twirled away from the flames.

Izumi frowned as she sidestepped another ball of flames. "Jin are you going easy on me?" She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

Her eldest brother nodded while gathering more flames between his hands. "Mother told me that I should make sure you have no burns. She is worried that they might interfere with your exams after the break."

"That is a validate point." The green-haired girl admitted, moving back into her stance. "However you know as much as I do that burns wouldn't stop either of us." Jingoku didn't say anything in return, instead of throwing the ball of flames at Izumi; who dodged it again, this time however the ball started following after her. Two other balls soon joined in, and the three started to increase in speed.

Twirling out of the flames way, Izumi's thoughts started to wander. "After the break ends the finals will soon be here. Most of my classmates want to apply to hero schools, though none of them dared to apply to the U.A. Citing that the entrance exam is way to hard for them. Though if Inojin's information is correct and my little trick worked then the U.A. should call or even arrive soon about the recommendation All Might said he would give me."

Suddenly the door to the room was thrown open causing everyone to pause, and Inko quickly walked inside; talking to someone on the phone. "Ah here we are, sorry for the wait. Moving around the house can be a bit difficult at times." The matriarch of the family paused for a moment. "Oh no, no need to worry we are all in perfect health. It's my youngest daughter see, this month she is in charge of traps and tricks around the house. She has taken to changing and switching them every day. No doubt wanting to catch one of us unprepared, a number of our servants ended up in the hospital wing already." Behind the barrier Konan's lips curled into s smile. "Honestly I'm expecting that at least four more to end up there today."

Izumi glanced at Jingoku, who held up ten fingers. "Hmm...Ten already huh? That might be a new record." Turning to Konan, Izumi gave her youngest sister a thumbs up. Earning a small grateful smile from the ten-year-old.

Suddenly Inko walked towards Izumi and covered the mouthpiece. "Two representatives of the U.A. are waiting in the guest sitting room. Your father is already there talking with them." Inko whisper shouted. "I'll inform your grandfather, so quickly go change into something clean."

Izumi swallowed, suddenly butterflies seemed to start a war in her stomach. Nervously she held out her hand to her mother, who handed her the phone. "Good morning, this is Izumi Midoriya speaking. My apologies if you had to wait, I was training with my brothers. I will be with you in eight minutes." Quickly she handed the phone back to Inko, gave her a quick hug, before rushing into the dressing room attached to the training room.

Freshening herself up and changing into clean clothes, a light-red kimono, took Izumi about three minutes. After which she took a short cut, jumping out of the dressing room window into the garden filled with beautiful but deadly flowers that lead to the kitchen in which food for the guests was prepared. Greeting the head-chef of the mansion, Izumi picked up a tray on which stood five teacups, two teapots filled with hot water, a box filled with different flavors, and a plate of matcha cookies. On the way out of the kitchen she twirled around another servant, without anything on tray moving out of place, and walked towards the sitting room for guests. "We are lucky that mother forbids us from trapping the rooms for guests." Shifting the tray to her left hand, Izumi knocked on the door; before opening it and walking through.


-Guest sitting room, Midoriya Estate, Japan: 10:08; End of the Winterbreak-

The guest sitting room offered a spectacular view over the valley and mountainside. In the distance, if you squinted your eyes, the massive gate and wall that separated the Midoriya grounds from the outside world could just be seen. The room itself was fairly simple, set up to resemble a traditional room to hold tea ceremony; with in the middle a low table with cushions around it. Windows, that looked like squared paper walls/doors, could be moved to give access to the balcony or let some light into the room. Though on this day in the middle of winter, it remained closed.

Silently Izumi stepped inside the room closing the door behind her, before taking a look at the guests. Like her mother said, there where two guests. Sitting next to each other on one side of the table, while her father and grandfather sat on the other side. One of the guests Izumi was able to recognize as the 18+ only hero: Midnight. Though it was surprising to see her out of her hero costume and wearing a blouse and pencil skirt. The second guest however, Izumi could not place. A short being that seemed to be a mix between a dog, a mouse and a bear, though he was formally dressed in a white dress shirt, dark red tie, black waistcoat, and matching dress pants.

Without making a sound, Izumi put the tray containing tea and cookies on the small table. Before giving a small bow towards the guests. "Good morning. I am Izumi Midoriya, again my apologies that you had to wait. I was not aware that you would visit us today, and was training with my brother."

"No apologies needed my dear." Midnight assured the green-haired girl. "Your father explained that something must have gone wrong with the messages we sent. So it might be us that have to apologize for dropping by unannounced."

Izumi kneeled on the cushion left for her. "I see...may I ask which mail address did you use?" She asked while putting down a teacup before each of the table's occupants.

"The one published on your family's website." The small being said, studying the teacup placed before him with an appreciative smile.

Izumi reached into the sleeve of her kimono and pulled a small card, though a different one than the one she had given to the assassin at the start of the winter break. "That would explain it, the mail address on the website is mostly for tourists and fans most of it gets deleted as soon as it arrives. I suspect that the filter my brother wrote to keep out unwanted mail may accidentality have deleted it." She handed Midnight the small card. "The mail address on this card is the one my mother uses to communicate with our schools and similar important business. The phone number written below should allow you to call on the main phone of the mansion." She handed the card to Midnight, who put it in a small map containing some documents.

"Well that is one problem solved already." The small being said. "However before we continue allow me to introduce us." He gestured with his pawn to Midnight. "No doubt you have already recognized my colleague Nemuri Kayama, better known to the public as the hero Midnight." Midnight nodded at them all. The being brought his pawn to his chest. "My name is Nezu, though most of the U.A's students know me as Mr. Principal. As that is my job, leading our fine school to ever greater heights."

"Pleased to meet you Miss Midnight, Mr. Principal. Would you care for some tea?" Izumi held her hand towards the box of flavors. "We have quite a collection of flavors."

Nezu rubbed his pawns together. "Oh yes gladly, though why don't you pick the flavor? And surprise us?"

Izumi studied the principal for a moment, Nezu stared right back at her; studying her as well. "Seems my bait has worked well." Izumi realized. "From this moment the game has started." Glancing to her father and grandfather, Izumi couldn't read anything of their faces; indicating to her that both men also had deducted that from now on the test had begun. Nodding to herself, Izumi took the box of flavors and opened a secret compartment. Containing special tea leaves, of a very elusive tea: Gold Tips Imperial. Often regarded as the best black tea in all of Japan. And while the adults began talking business, Izumi diligently began brewing it.

Nezu and Midnight explained all they could about the hero-course of their school. From its faculty to subjects, curriculum, extracurriculars, and the different school events taking place throughout the years. After brewing the tea as close to perfection as she could, Izumi poured the Gold Tips Imperial for the teachers and her father; before using the second one to pour the peach flavored green tea that her grandfather and Izumi herself enjoyed the most.

While Midnight seemed pleasantly impressed, Nezu on the other hand did not give any outward reaction. "Phase 1 complete." Izumi mentally confirmed, using a button under the table to alert the kitchen; asking them to warm up water for the next round of tea.

"And that contains most of the information about the school we can tell you at this time," Nezu concluded. "Now then Midoriya family, if you allow me to be blunt with you?" The three Midoriya in the room all nodded at the same time. "Well then...my first reaction when All Might, of all people, recommended a Midoriya to attend the hero-course at the U.A. was to laugh very loudly and ask him if he was joking." Nezu shook his head. "Imagine my reaction when I learned that he was not joking at all. It was in fact the first time in years that I uttered a swear word."

Hisashi nodded solemnly. "In that case Mr. Principal I have no doubt you can imagine my reaction as well when my eldest daughter suddenly announced during dinner that she wanted to be a hero, and that All Might was going to recommend her to the U.A."

"Indeed," Nezu commented. "Though I admit that I have many other questions, the one standing at the forefront of my mind right now is the following: Young Midoriya, why do you want to be a hero? And what makes you think you can be one."

Izumi thought deeply for a moment. "I like helping others…" She answered honestly. "It doesn't matter if it is a kitten stuck in a tree, a lost child or someone in need...when I can help them and seem them happy, it gives me a sense of happiness and fulfillment. And the best way to help as many people as possible is to be a hero." She mused for a second to answer the second part of the question."As whether I can be one or not...we Midoriya are well aware of the dark side of heroism, at times it is not that different from what we do…"

"But many people know about your family's existence and are well aware of your reputation and occupation. It will bring heaps of pressure to you. Are you sure you can deal with that?" Midnight interjected.

Izumi was about to answer, but Hisashi help up his hand and started talking himself. "Mr. Principal, Miss Midnight. I can correctly assume that both of you are intelligent people, and the two of you would not have come here to our mansion if you had no plan of escape prepared beforehand; presumably that is the exact reason Miss Midnight is here. Nor would you have come all this way to personally visit us simply to test whether Izumi would be able to attend your school."

"My son is right." Gensei took over. "But allow me to lay down some facts about my granddaughter first. Out of all my grandchildren she is by far the most skilled in terms of combat and assassination. She posses a grace and agility that many pro-heroes would find hard to match. Her grades at school have always been more than excellent. What is more, is that with the sole exception of my daughter-in-law, Izumi is the kindest of us Midoriya. Not once has she killed an innocent and always has gone out of her way to prevent killing anyone who did not deserve it. On occasion, when she thought no-one was paying attention to her, she subtly even took care of some situations where the heroes were to slow to react to. Her greatest inspiration to heroism is All Might himself, the best hero of them all. While acting in public she would no doubt emulate him in some sort of way." Gensei twirled his mustache around his finger. "Besides like my granddaughter was about to say. We Midoriya are well aware of what it takes to keep the world safe, and what the darker aspects of heroism can be. I would wager that Izumi can take care of that better, cleaner, and more efficient than any of the heroes your association might call upon for such task." Gensei paused for a moment. "Though admittedly that young upstart...erm what was his name…" He glanced at Izumi.

"Hawks." The green-haired girl mouthed at him.

Gensei nodded. "A yes...that young flying upstart Hawks. He is probably one of the few that might be able to match Izumi when it comes to this particular set of skills. The Hero association did good work training him." Izumi could not tell if the heroes were shocked or surprised by the, likely highly classified, information Gensei just had revealed to them about Hawks. Like her father and grandfather their faces where near perfect masks, though Izumi did notice Midnight subtly glance at the principal.

Nezu sighted. "I admit that young Midoriya certainly sounds impressive…" He drank the last sips of his tea, again not looking all that impressed by the elusive tea. "But that does not take away that she has been raised and trained as a living weapon...how can we be certain that she does not snap and goes on a killing spree?" Izumi winced as the air in the room suddenly grew a lot hotter...knowing her father...

"YOU DARE?!" Hisashi shot up to his feet, towering over everyone in the room as his large frame cast a shadow over the visitors. "You dare to compare MY DAUGHTER... to those freaks others create in a poor imitation of my family?! If you want living weapons go talk to insane Kihara scientists the heads of your Hero Association seem like so much. I'm sure they will be more than happy to kidnap another set of children and turn them into heroes for you!" Embers started to spring from the Midoriya patriarch's mouth. "My children might be different than others, unable to pick-up many social cues and have trouble with idioms. But they are far from mindless drones! THEY ARE MIDORIYA! We do not alter our children's minds, we do not train them to blindly follow orders or torture them should they fail! IF YOU DARE COMPARE, MY DAUGHTER, TO THOSE FREAKS AGAIN!" He paused for a few seconds, leaking a little of his killing intent; causing at least Midnight to reach for the neck of her blouse.

In an attempt to diffuse the situation Izumi spoke up. "We children always have a choice. If we do not want to do something concerning the family business we do not have too. Yet all of our instincts drive us down the road of becoming trained killers in one shape or another. I prefer helping over killing or fighting. But if I have to kill to help someone then so be it." The tense air in the room seemed to thankfully dime somewhat. Izumi looked at her father with a small smile. Seeing it the sparks of ember disappeared, and Hisashi's stance became less aggressive.

The servant bringing the tea choose that moment to knock and enter the room carrying another tray with teapots containing hot water and five clean teacups. Silently they placed it down, before bowing their head and leaving the room again. "Would you like more tea Mr. Principal?" Izumi asked with a slightly sly smile. "With father having heated the room quite a bit, there is no doubt that they will accept the offer so replenish themselves. Meaning that phase 2 of the mission was a success."

"Yes thank you, why don't you pick the flavor again?" Nezu said while adjusting his collar a bit. 'Impress me' were words left unsaid, but Izumi picked them up.

Izumi nodded. "Then allow me a small demonstration if you will." The green-haired girl took the tea-cup Nezu had used. "Mr. Principal do you know how Golden Tips Imperial tea got its name?"

"For the gold like tips of the leaves it is brewed from is what most people would answer." He answered, closely paying attention as Izumi opened the box of flavors and carefully selected a few leaves; before putting them in the teapot to let it brew. "Though true tea appreciator would know that it gained that name for the golden glance it leaves behind in a teacup, that only can be seen if you tilt or tip it a bit." As Nezu spoke, Izumi tilted the teacup a bit; showing the golden glance to the other occupants of the room.

Diligently Izumi put the cup back down, placed a small filter over it; and poured the tea that had been brewing into it. Doing the same for the cups Midnight and her father and grandfather had been drinking from. "I feel that green tea, is best suited at this moment." The green-haired girl said as she handed everyone their cups back. "Phase 3, capture their attention completed." She thought, barely containing the small smile that threatened to appear on her lips.

Hisashi, who had sat back down when Izumi had begun pouring the tea, grabbed his cup and swallowed the tea in one long sip. Taking no notice of its temperature, as…well the heat never bothered him anyway. Putting the cup down the tallest Midoriya started talking again. "I cannot relate to my eldest daughter about wanting to be a hero. It took my wife and father months to talk me into allowing this. And I still have many doubts about all of this. However I will not deny that my daughter is extremely skilled in what she does; and if she wants to be a hero, I have no doubt that she will be amongst the best of them."

Silently Nezu regarded the three Midoriya as he picked up his teacup, now at the perfect temperature to drink. Slowly he took the first sip, the liquid passing by his lips. However when the tea reached his taste buds, the mouse-like being's eyes widened in surprise. "A very little known fact about the golden glance left behind in the cups, from which Golden Tips Imperial has been drunk, is that it contains much flavor," Izumi revealed with a soft smile. "However drinking Golden Tip or another black tea, from the same cup will turn that flavor incredibly bitter. However if that cup with the golden glance is served with a soft flavored green tea poured into it, a new even greater flavor is created…" The green-haired girl tilted her head a bit. "Do you like it Mr. Principal?"

Without hesitating, Nezu gulped down the rest of his tea in a rather unrefined way, with a shaking pawn he gently put the teacup back on the table. "You are right." He said still looking at the cup. "It would be very illogical of us to throw away this chance...this opportunity. I'm sure that just as we can teach young Izumi a lot, she can also teach us about tea- training." Nezu quickly corrected himself. "A lot about training and… other things..." He shook his head to clear his thoughts. "We will send any additional information by email. Izumi Midoriya let me be the first to welcome you to the U.A's hero-course the finest in all of Japan and amongst the best in the world…"

He held out his pawn, which Izumi shook softly; before leaning closer mouse-like being. "And that Cheese&tea69 is how peach flavored green tea triumphs over lemon flavor." She whispered in his ear. Causing Nezu to stare at her in shock, as the green-haired girl winked at him.

Minutes later, as the head-servant of the mansion guided the two heroes, or rather Midnight who had to carry the still stunned principal in her arms, to the exit of the mansion and grounds. Izumi watched them go from the balcony of the guest's sitting room.

"Izumi...did you just manipulate the Principal of the U.A. into coming here, played your grandfather and me against two pro-heroes just so that you could settle the argument between you and the other user on that tea brewer forum you are part of?" Hisashi had crossed his arms and stared at his eldest daughter, clearly amused.

Izumi turned away from the balcony. "Based on information Inojin provided me last week, I formulated a plan that would not only draw the principal of the U.A. here at our estate, allowing us to show off our skills and intent; but also would guarantee my entrance into the school, without having to take any entrance test or exam. Thus providing me with more time for training and perhaps even a short mission or two." Hisashi raised his eyebrow, causing a smile to play on Izumi's lips. "But mostly to settle that argument yes…"

The tall green-haired man began laughing loudly, placing his hand on Izumi's shoulder for a moment. "You truly are your mother's daughter." He continued laughing as he walked out of the room.

Gensei also stood up. "Well played Izumi." He rolled his shoulders. "Now since it is still early in the day, what do you say about some more training?"


-Kiso Mountains, Nagano Prefecture, Japan: 16:37; Middle of the February-

If there is one thing the Kiso mountains were famous for, other than being part of the Japanese Alps and housing some of the highest peaks in the country, was the group of remnant rebels that had taken refuge there. Long ago these rebels had been part of the Meta Liberation Army, but were cast out for being too extreme and their unhealthy fixation on the use of guns. And if a group was too extreme even for the MLA…

Since the fall of the army the group had been quiet, and no threat had come from them. The government had been content with simply leaving them alone there in the middle of the mountains. Recently however there had been an increase in their activities and rumors had it that they were the culprits behind the avalanche that had wiped three villages of the map. Werther or not these rumors where true, the government finally had decided to do something about these rebels based there.

Sending heroes was out of the question, and deploying the military would draw unwanted attention. So the government went with their preferred method of dealing with undesirables and threats to the safety of the country: Hire the Midoriya Family. There was a slight kink in the cable though. As Hisashi, their main hire, and Inko had taken a long weekend off for a holiday together, while Gensei was out of the country to visit some distant family members in China and had taken Jingoku with him. Leaving the four youngest Midoriya to carry out the mission.

It was for this reason that Izumi stood on a snow-covered plateau overlooking a pass through the mountain, while beneath her seven squads, each consisting of six members, made their way deeper into the mountain valley. The pass ended near the cliffs, which looked like someone had used a large, half-moon shaped cookie cutter to cut out part of the mountain. A waterfall flowed into the basin, it was this flowing water that had cut out the mountain pass through which the soldiers were now walking. Observing the situation for a moment, Izumi contacted her older brother Inojin through a small radio that fit in her ear. "Ino I have located the squads, they have risen to your bait and are on their way to the waterfall. All of them are here, except the leaders." The rebels had split themselves over seven squads, each with seven members of which one was the commander and thus leader of the squad.

"Amateurs," her brother's voice scoffed in her ear. "Oh well. Shuu is already in position behind the waterfall, so just give her the signal when they are in the right spots. Any unexpected developments so far?"

Izumi looked over the soldiers again. "None thus far. Everything is going just like you predicted Ino. Good job, as father would say it." Her bother stammered something that Izumi did not catch, but she was pretty sure that she knew anyway. "No I am serious, I much prefer it when you plan the missions out and lead them. It is always clean and efficient, just like grandfather taught us. With Jin it always ends up in confusion and a mess." There was an unwritten rule amongst the Midoriya family that when multiple members where hired on the same job, the eldest of those members was appointed as the team leader. Inojin, while not an active member in the field, was very good at that part of the job. Izumi suspected it was a talent her brother developed due to his love for strategy, mystery, and war games; he had an eye for details and possible developments on a level that no other family member, save for Gensei and Hisashi, had.

"Thanks, Zumi…" A grateful voice said in her ear. "Anyway Nan will take care of the squad leaders as soon as you spring the trap...and please be careful. They may be amateurs, but they are still armed with guns."

Izumi chuckled softly. "Shouldn't you be more worried about Nan?" The green-haired girl said as she started heading towards the waterfall.

"Nah I feel more sorry for those leaders for setting her loose on them." Was the answer she got. "Going silent now."


-Kiso Mountains, Nagano Prefecture, Japan: 16:52; Middle of the February-

Sometimes, sometimes Teiljo Suto wondered why he hadn't taken his nephew's offer to join the company he worked for as an enforcer. However whenever he had one of these doubts he would take a good look around at his companions, and relish the hold of his gun in his hands; while he remembered the freedom they were still fighting for, even if the Meta Libration Army had long given up and went into hiding.

Sure it had been a long and hard road, but according to the leaders they were nearly ready to branch out to bigger operations and fully revive the MLA under their name.

This critical phase they were now at was also the reason the leaders had decided to deploy every squad to deal with the intruders the sensor had picked up. When they reached the waterfall the basin was empty, so the second in commands had quickly deduced the intruders were hiding in the cave behind the waterfall, and had ordered the squads to rain bullets through the water and turn those hiding in the cave into Swiss cheese. And raining bullets they had, every single squad member had fired at the waterfall till their guns ran out of bullets; and they had to chance ammo clips.

While the majority of the squads were doing so. Two members where send ahead to scout the situation out. Suto had just finished reloading his AK-47 when an explosion behind the waterfall nearly threw him off his feet, and to his surprise the two scouting members were launched from the cave into the water. "Fire! Fire! Fire!" One of the second in commands shouted panic displayed in his voice.

Quickly Suto followed orders and shot half of his freshly reloaded bullets into the cave, when something splashed on his head. The man, who looked like an older version of his nephew, stopped firing and touched whatever had landed on his head. Feeling around, it felt fleshy and still warm; with five different sized protrusions. Eyes widening in realization, Suto pulled the thing off his head. Revealing a freshly severed hand, from which blood dripped down. The black-haired man looked up towards cliff-walls where squad 7 had stood to overlook the area. His breath hitched when he saw a girl, wearing a blue and black dress, jump down.

Before the rebel's eyes the girl began slaughtering the squad members in cold blood. The first rebel she reached was a member of squad 3, rushing at him from behind she grabbed the back of his head and bashed it against a large rock; killing him instantly as his blood-spattered all over the stone. The next three where members of squad 5, distinctive from the other squads by the black berets they wore on their head; three of the girl's fingers extended, and she stabbed them in their backs. Right through their hearts. Within the blink of an eye, her fingers had already been pulled back; while the index finger of her left hand got the last two members of squad 5, who were standing next to each other, piercing through their skulls. Like a sharp pencil through cheap school paper.

"Enemy attack!" Suto found his voice and screamed. "Take cover." It was too late for another member of squad 3 whose face got grabbed for a second before the fingers sliced through. Three more squad members lost their lives to the girl's fingers, before they could shoot at the girl; who twirled behind some stones that hid her from view, while the snow in the basin was thrown up and fluttered in the air. The black-haired man cursed loudly. "It's almost like she is dancing a bloody waltz or something."

Something moved from behind the rock, and the remaining squad members began firing at it. Only to realize they were firing at the lifeless body of a member from squad 1. "She threw a body?!" A member of squad 6 yelled in surprise, there was a sudden blur and the girl shot from between the rocks, beheading that member with a nonchalant swipe of her hand.

His severed head rolled behind another rock, causing two other members of his squad to flee away. Making them little more than fleeing prey for the girl who quickly ended them with her pinkies. Suto fired a volley of bullets at the girl but she twirled out of the way again, causing her to find three more members and quickly slaughtering them. Cursing again, the sole remaining member of Squad 2 ducked down; looking at squad 6's last remaining member. "Let's retreat to the bunker!" Suto said to the younger man, who could only nod; afraid the girl would find them.

As the two men crawled away, they could hear the screams and yells as the remaining members of the squads lost their lives. What Suto and his fellow escapee didn't expect however was to stumble upon another girl standing on some rocks a bit above them. She looked around twelve years old, with green hair that was put up in two messy buns. Dressed in faded dungarees, of which one strap wasn't closed, and a light pink shirt. This combined with the girl's large, somewhat circular eyes and the teddy-bear shaped backpack she was wearing gave her a very innocent look. This illusion of innocence didn't last long however when the girl started speaking. "Query: Why are you two fleeing?" Her voice flat and without emotion.

Suto and his companion looked at each other with worry, as the girl studied them for a moment longer. "Hypothesis: Zumi scared you so much that you abandoned the others and tried to get back to the bunker." Sweat started dripping down Suto's brow as he reached for the knife he kept concealed in his boot. He didn't get far however, as the girl noticed and rushed towards him, grabbing Suto's hand and twisting it a sickening crack. "Conclusion: Hypothesis was correct, elimination is allowed."

From the teddy-bear backpack the girl retrieved a vial containing a clear liquid. "Query: How does the human body react when exposed to this nerve agent?" She stared at the two trembling men as if to decide which of them would be first. When she unexpectedly blinked at him Suto feared that she had made her choice. "Hypothesis: Starting with itching burn, the scale increases till nerves start to blister away and bodily liquids start boiling. Extreme pain is expected, duration depending on the individual, chance of survival…zero…" Slowly she started to pull out the vial's cork, when a soft voice interrupted her.

"Shuu! What did mother say about human experimentation?" The girl that been killing the squads had arrived, and Suto half suspected that he had never been so glad to see someone his entire life.

The younger girl blinked at the older one, Suto noted that they were likely sisters. "Answer: I was not to do it anymore without an adult present. Defense: Konan and Jingoku were curious and wanted to learn the results too."

The older girl sighed deeply. "Shuu...next time you or the others are curious about something you have developed, please ask me, mother or grandfather, before using it okay?"

"Acknowledged." 'Shuu' answered, she silently looked between her older sister and the two squad members. Query: Zumi can I observe your Quirk as you work?"

The older green-haired girl nodded. "Sure, but it's quick remember." She turned to Suto and his fellow escapee; who was trying to crawl away. Before Suto could blink, the older girl's finger had extended and pierced the fleeing man's skull.

Suto couldn't do anything but stare at the two girls, words didn't form in his mouth as he lay on the ground. A single thought shot through his head as the older girl pointed her finger at him. "I really should have taken my nephew up on his offer and work for Happy Life Inc."


-Daughter's wing, Midoriya Estate, Japan: 20:50; Early March-

Following tradition the three Midoriya daughters shared a wing in the estate, in this wing their bedrooms and personal trainings-room were located. Each of the daughters had their own bedroom, connected to a shared common room; from which their bathroom also could be reached. By that same tradition the eldest daughter had the largest of the three bedrooms which oversaw the gardens. While the other two rooms were about half that size.

Furthermore the head-servant, who lived and breathed by tradition, was of the opinion that Midoriya sisters shouldn't be close to each other. Having somehow convinced herself that there was no point because as soon as the girls reached the right age they would be married off. A truly ridiculous notion as the family had stopped that practice since 1678. After a series of events that made Shakespeare's play: Romeo and Juliet, seem rather pale in comparison; and had nearly caused the end of the family.

Nonetheless the head-servant had strong opinions and expectations, so naturally, Izumi and her younger sisters went against almost every single one of them, and shared the largest bedroom. Even if only to see the head servant's face turn in a rather amusing series of different shades of anger, reaching from bright pink to deep purple. Not that letting either Enshuu or Konan sleep in a room alone was a good idea by any means...

When entering the shared bedroom of the three Midoriya daughters, one could clearly see the unmarked borders between the personal space that each girl claimed in the room. Izumi's part was close to the large window, marked by the large comfortable bed, wooden desk, and wardrobe closet; the eldest daughter had little possessions of her own other than basic requirements, save for the tablet that was hidden in a secret compartment of the desk.

Enshuu's third of the room was distinctive due to the lab equipment surrounding her bed. Expensive high-tech lab equipment that most scientists and inventors could only dream off. Equipment that was necessary to keep the second daughter's ever-inquisitive and inventive mind busy, as the twelve-year-old was at her most dangerous when bored.

The last third of the room seemed to closely resemble the room of a normal ten-year-old girl. Were it not for the fact that Konan had heavily booby-trapped every single inch of it, and slept in either Izumi's or Enshuu's bed; depending on her mood and how much she wanted to be cuddled that night. Her toys exploded into shrapnel when picked up, the pens and pencils spew poison, the pages of her books were laced with corrosive acid. Picking up a cushion from the bed would set off a series of traps, that involved tiny barbed metal spikes.

Currently the three sisters were in their room, resting after dinner and training. Enshuu was tinkering in her lab, Izumi was laying her bed reading a book she had taken from the estate's library; while Konan was at the foot-end of the bed silently folding origami-animals. The eldest of the three green-haired girls glanced over the edge of her book, observing her little sisters as they practiced their hobbies.

From the look of it Enshuu was tinkering with some machinery and electricity...forgetting to wear any kind of safety gear or had taken them off...again. "Shuu, where are your gloves and safety glasses? You know the rules mother made: No safety gear means no tinkering."

"Acknowledged." Was the only answer coming from the twelve-year-old, who put on the safety-gear without looking away from her latest creation. Izumi was pretty sure she did not even blink once while putting them on. Fondly Izumi smiled as her brilliant little sister continued with her work, making something that was either very useful or very deadly. Most likely both.

Feeling a slight tug on her left foot, Izumi looked over at Konan; who silently help up an origami fish. "Oh you finished it already? What shall its name be?"

"Her name is Number 7." The youngest Midoriya answered, before placing the fish down between the other paper animals and taking out a new fresh sheet to start with the next one. Silently Izumi observed her quietest sibling fold the paper into her next creation. Even amongst the Midoriya family, Konan was regarded as a bit of an oddball. Putting aside her sadism and tendency to set dead-traps, the small girl was often solemnly silent and had seemingly little interests beyond making earlier mentioned dead-traps, folding origami-animals, and glaring at people that were not part of the Midoriya family. Frankly said the small girl had the ability to make even the hardest criminals feel uneasy in her presence

Though what had escaped the notice of everyone, but the main branch of the Midoriya family, was the fact that the quiet girl was fiercely protective of her siblings; especially of Enshuu. Many of the servants that had found their ends at the hands of the youngest Midoriya had in one way or another acted against one of the siblings. Though her parents and grandfather were unsure where this protectiveness came from, Izumi's leading theory was her suspicion that her youngest sibling had a near-perfect memory.

Konan had been born on the exact day, that Enshuu had been kidnapped two years earlier. And thus had spent the first eight years of her life with that constant reminder, and likely could perfectly recall every attempt, and subsequent failure, that had been made during those years to find her missing sibling. From the desire to prevent any more sadness and tears, the youngest Midoriya had developed the fierce protectiveness she secretly held. "Perhaps that could also partly explain all the traps Konan makes. Sometimes I wonder what a psychiatrist would think or discover if we went to visit one…"

Soft movement on the mattress of her bed shook Izumi from her thoughts. She focused back on her sisters when she noticed that Enshuu had now joined them on the bed, and the two youngest Midoriya where silently conversing. They nodded to each other, before looking at Izumi. After a moment Enshuu was the first to speak. "Query: Zumi, mother stated that next month you will enter the U.A. Highschool and attend the hero-course. Why?"

"Because I like helping and saving people more than I like killing them," Izumi answered shortly and sincerely, the best way to answer Enshuu's questions. "Just like you like making and inventing things, and folding origami animals makes Konan happy; helping and saving people makes me happy."

Enshuu thought for a bit, before nodding. "Response: Understood. Next query: What about villains and other bad guys?"

"Well I have to stop and capture them, that is what a hero does," Izumi answered carefully, her gut telling there was more to the question. "But I thought you two knew that already? I am sure grandfather has taught you two about them."

Enshuu did not know what to say and looked at Konan, blinking once. The youngest Midoriya hesitated for a bit. "But are we Midoriya not bad guys? Father and Jin are classified as S and A rank villains respectively." She asked unsurely.

Izumi tapped her cheek in thought. "Well, father and Jin rather often fight with heroes and take missions that cause them to run into the heroes, so that is the reason they got those villain ranks. But remember Grandfather has been working as an assassin for far longer and is not a villain." She smiled at her younger sisters. "And yes our family is typically seen as bad. Evil even. But I like to see us more as natural. We are not the good guys but also not the bad guys, we just do our jobs and get paid for it." Her sisters' expressions told her that Enshuu and Konan did not fully understand what she meant. "Erm...how did grandfather explain it? Oh! So think about it like this question: Are rocks evil?"

"Answer: Rocks are unliving objects, good or evil does not apply to them," Enshuu answered with a slight frown, her answer however caused Konan's eyebrow to raise.

"But they are used as tools! The people holding them can decide what to use them for. To make fire, or smash in someone's head. To make things or throw them through the window of the head-servants room, so that she steps into the sharp glass when she enters the room when it is dark." Konan's smirk told Izumi that it was exactly something the youngest Midoriya would do at some point this week.

Tactically deciding to ignore that for now, but definitely going to warn their mother about this tomorrow, Izumi smiled and nodded at her little sisters. "Exactly! So you can see us Midoriya as the rocks or tools used by people to do things, whether that is good or bad depends on the ones hiring us." While she was glad that this particular question was answered, Izumi could not help but suspect that there was still more weighting on her sisters. "Alright what is really going on? I can tell something is bothering you...is it about me being a hero?"

The two youngest Midoriya looked at each other again, wordlessly conversing as their expressions grew sad; or at least Konan's expression did, Enshuu's face did not change but Izumi knew her little sister well enough to tell that she was feeling sad and uneasy too. "Jin said that if you became a hero, you will have to arrest us and take us away from everyone, before locking us in tiny dark rooms forever." Konan suddenly blurted out, tears suddenly starting to leak down from her eyes. "He also said that you wouldn't want to be our big sister anymore and...and hate us."

"Statement: I do not want to be locked in a tiny darkroom again. Nor do I want for you to hate us." Enshuu said trembling, looking closer to crying than Izumi had ever seen her.

Without hesitating for a second, Izumi leaned forwards and pulled her sisters close into a tight hug. Placing her hands on their heads she softly began to move her fingers through their hair. Their faces pressed against her shoulders, Izumi could feel tears coming from Konan; while Enshuu still trembled. Putting her chin on their heads, Izumi began humming a tone their mother often had used to console her. "I could never ever, ever, ever hate you two. Nor will I ever take you two away and lock up either of you when it is not the time for escape room training. I rather have grandfather use his quirk on me than ever do that." She comforted the pair until they stopped crying and trembling. "Now do you two remember the third rule of training alone with Jin?"

"Answer: Jin lies often and likes to make us upset. He is a bully." Enshuu muttered softly.

Izumi pulled away from a little from her sisters, so that she could look her sisters in their eyes. "Exactly, Jin is being a stupid bully who wants to make you two cry. According to Ino it's a thing oldest brothers sometimes do."

"But what if...if we are doing a mission and you have to stop us doing that mission?" Konan said quietly.

Izumi thought for a bit. "Well how about we make it into a game? If you can finish the mission before I catch you, you win and finish your mission. If I catch you, I win and you cannot finish your mission? And do not worry even if I catch you, I promise that I will never ever, ever let anyone take you two away. That is a Midoriya promise, thus a promise that can not ever be broken; alright?" The two girls nodded, both calmed down and fears gone. Izumi patted their heads. "Now, I think tonight all three of us will sleep in my bed. So that means storytime. So go pick out a good one while I have to do something. I will be back in half an hour."

Enshuu tilted her head a bit. "Query: What are you going to do?"

"I am going to put Jin in the hospital wing for telling those lies to you." The eldest Midoriya daughter stated all kindness from her voice gone. "After which I will inform mother about this. He made you cry and afraid, he should not do that." With that Enshuu and Konan went to pick out a good story from the bookcase in her part of the room. Izumi marched out of the bedroom, straight to the family sitting room where she was sure to find Jingoku at this time. Ignoring all servants on her way and cutting down the traps that threatened to hinder her.

Without hesitating she cut down the wooden sliding door leading to the room and rushed inside. Her father and grandfather where playing Shogi against each other, while her mother was seated on the sofa watching her favorite show on the TV while knitting something. Jingoku was seated in the chair he preferred, pretending to read a book; but actually also watching the drama-series on the TV.

"You!" Izumi snarled at her oldest brother, before launching herself at him; and starting to punch him in the face.

Their parents and grandfather barely looked up from what they were doing. "Izumi why are you attacking your brother?" Gensei asked while moving a shogi piece to corner Hisashi. When she did not answer, instead continued to beat Jingoku bloody, was the moment the adults looked away from what they were doing.

"Izumi!" Inko said sternly. "Answer the question please."

The eldest daughter stabbed her fingertips in the ground on either side of her oldest brother's throat to restrain him, before she answered the question. "Jin told lies to Konan and Enshuu. That when I became a hero, I would hate them and lock them in tiny dark rooms." She punched her brother in his stomach. "It caused Konan to cry...and Enshuu to remember the Kihara room."

A loud 'SNAP' and 'CRACK' were heard as Inko snapped her knitting needles and Hisashi put down his shogi piece with so much force that the board and table under it cracked into half. Both their heads slowly moved to their eldest son. Flames licked down from Hisashi's lips as he stood up and started walking to his eldest son and daughter.

Before he could say anything though, Inojin peeked past the door opening. "So why is the hall littered with traps and have doors been sliced…oh...bad timing I see." The second son blinked when he saw Izumi still punching Jingoku. "Erm Zumi? I think he is unconscious…" Four heads turned towards him, causing Inojin to start sweating a little. "Well...I wanted to say that an Email from the U.A. just arrived. The first day of classes start the first Monday of April, there you will meet your homeroom teacher and get introduced to your class...they also included a list of the books you'll need this year."

"Thanks, Ino, I will read it tomorrow," Izumi said, getting off the unconscious Jingoku. She bowed at her parents and grandfather. "I am sorry. I would have dragged him to the nearest training room, but could not contain my anger."

Hisashi waved her away. "No apologies needed. Go back to your sisters and read or talk with them till they fall asleep." Izumi bowed slightly again, before walking out of the room; she gave Inojin a quick hug before heading back to the daughter wing of the mansion.

Inojin looked after his sister confused but quickly looked back to the living room when Hisashi called him. "Inojin, it seems your bother is in need of some remedial lessons with your mother and grandfather. For the next three months, you will take Jingoku's place at my side during missions. I expect you to use the full extend of your abilities, and show me why your younger siblings praise them so much."

"O-O-Of course father." Inojin stammered, working with Hisashi was normally an honor that only Jingoku or Izumi received. "I-I will come to your room tomorrow and show you what I have developed and thought out. Should I bring Enshuu too? She made most of the items."

Hisashi shook his head. "No your sisters will need to spend time together. Izumi will be gone a lot starting next month, it will be hard on Enshuu and Konan."

The second son rubbed the back of his head. "Erm...then perhaps all three could join us? They could help me demonstrate ideas and strategies."

Hisashi glanced at his wife and father, who were both nodding encouragingly. "Very well...be at my personal training room at 11 sharply. We will look through everything you bring…"

"You won't be disappointed, father! I promise!" Inojin beamed, before speeding back to his room.

Hisashi watched his youngest son disappear around the corner when he felt Inko's hand grab his own. "I'm proud of you for trying dear." She whispered.

Behind them Jingoku groaned as he regained consciousness, though when he regained some sort of vision he quickly wished that he had remained knocked out a while longer. As the glares his parents and grandfather send him, would even cause All Might to shiver with fear.


So here is the next chapter of the ultimate spear, I hope you all like it! It took a good while to get everything I wanted to include in the chapter typed out in a way that I was satisfied with it. Adding the fact that due to the virus going around, two of my co-workers quit their job and basically tripled my weekly workload since February, left me with very little time to write or for other hobbies…ugh, I get tired just by thinking about work already. Thankfully I have coming weekend and week off, so during that time I will write out the next chapter for Marionette as well.

Anyway stay safe, stay inside as much as possible, and don't forget to wash your hands!