Disclaimer: Disney, God, Disney, this is all yours and I don't even dream on getting my sticky fingers over it. And I guess that it also belongs to Melissa de La Cruz who wrote the books (I'm not really sure how much attention did Disney pay to the the books' plot, honestly, because I didn't read them - they're really difficult to obtain in my country in any language, BTW, I'm a spanish native speaker - So, so much potential, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU DISNEY, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THAT VILLAINS STORIES).

Author's note: MAJOR WARNING, I only watched the movies, I don't know almost anything from the books and what I knew I added to this fic. It really gets on my nerves not having all the information I need to write a fic but to be honest, this wrote itself, lone, lonely, loner. Also, this fic develops in what I consider my own AU, because Disney didn't exactly use the folklore behind their characters (At least in the Auradon!TimeLine they used for Descendants, you know, last Maleficent movies and all that) and my personal and subjective opinion and interpretation of the characters.



(Someone else's furious about Mal's attitude in Descedants 3? Because that's basically the reason I wrote this 'cuz I was so mad... that and the Korë - verse by TheHarleyQueen in Ao3, if you can, may take a look at it, it's amazing)

Very nervous about this new fic! I have no plans of this being really long, maybe one or two chapters per movie, let's see how that goes. I'm not used to write in english and this is also a translation of my own fic in spanish, if you have a correction for me, you're more than invited to tell me (SERIOUSLY, YOU CAN, HALF OF THE TIME I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANTED TO EXPRESS IN SPANISH AND I'M CONFUSED).


As well, how do i suppose to tag characters if almost everyone have an appearance or participate and I only have to choose four. Why do I submit to this.

Brief note: 'amto means aunt in arabic.

Metanoia (from the Greek μετάνοια, metanoia, changing one's mind) in the context of rhetoric is a device used to retract a statement just made, and then state it in a better way. As such, it is similar to correction, is used in recalling a statement in two way, to weaken the prior declaration or to strengthen it. When it is used to strengthen a statement, works to ease the reader from a moderate statement to a more radical one. Metanoia is later personified as a figure accompanying kairos, sometimes as a hag and sometimes as a young lady. Ausonius' epigrams describe her thus: "I am a goddess to whom even Cicero himself did not give a name. I am the goddess who exacts punishment for what has and has not been done, so that people regret it."

The Barrier came to be born out of fear, and as much as Auradonians deny it, in a selfish desire of retribution. By a coward and hypocrite King who had his second chance in life, but coudn't let others have it too if magic was involved in the ecuation; once upon a time an Enchantress placed a spell on a cruel Prince, to show the world how he really looked inside, how ugly and rotten can a person be even with a beautiful appearance, once upon a time magic wasn't in his advantage and he still didn't forget about his paws and fangs. The barrier nulifies magic but can not erase what already existed and half of the Isle's residents are magical beings; an unusually ruthless punishment from someone who stands up for goodness and compassion, advocates for redemption. There was no necessity of bringing Villains back to life only to locked them away in an Isle to putrefy; it is preferable to die, instead of the lack of freedom. Pirates can rant for hours about it to whoever sits and pay attention to their words. There's nothing worse than being a prisoner of your own nature.

Magic boils in their blood, settle into their bones and none of the villain kids can refuse its existence. It's painful, horrifying, that an essential part of them was snatched before they were even able to talk. 'Life is not fair' is the Isle's motto, they all learned early that lesson because it was that or dying, but it doesn't mean they don't feel the loss.

Mal is a fairy, Fae from head to toe, she feels it everytime someone gives her a name to posess and something in her chest tighten for the deals people unintentionally make with her; she tried, so hard, to ignore what people temptingly offer but she wasn't raised to be benevolent. She remembered every promise is made to her, each accord she sealed, and every soul in the Isle knows who they should turn to if they want the terms of a contract to fulfill. It would be easier if her father was a human, diluted blood wouldn't whisper in her ear; unfortunately, even though he was an absent parent, her father is a God - an old one - and that just strengthen what was already there.

Magic is her essence, for all intents and purposes, the barrier couldn't take that from her without killing her.

She recognized it, she accepted it, but she hated it, as much as a fairy can hate as Maleficent used to say. Fae don't feel emotions in the same way humans do, but they do have a long memory and a tendency towards vengeance that few creatures apart from their kind could understand; gods are volatile, erratic and passionate, they experience sentiments as no one has ever before. Mal will always have a dual nature in conflict, yet she conform with knowing she is able to hate and love in a way her mother will never be, the VK taught her that (although understanding, she cannot stop herself from wanting her mother's approval, which is as close as she will get from any kind of affection).

If nothing else, Mal didn't grow up terrified of what she is, didn't have to hide her wings behind tight shirts and pristine clothes and use a glamour to disguise the tip of her ears as Fairy Godmother and her daughter do. It sickens her that even freedom, they let themselves to be limited in those forms.

She is imprisoned but, at least, is against her will. That's what she muttered to herself every night before sleeping.

Mal shouldn't and can't practice her magic, however that doesn't vanish what she truly is, doesn't stop that thought of 'mine' everytime she sees another VK because they are hers as any other being who freely give their name to someone of her kin. That posessiveness might scare a human in its intensity, sometimes makes her feel some kind of guilty, but Mal's not human and the never ending pain the barrier exerts on her never let her forget it; she's not human, she doesn't have to love like humans. She carefully watches over her words since she can't make false promises, lying is not a luxury fairies can allow themselves to do; omit, avoid, conceal, distort, but never lie. They comprehend and not under any condition would ask her something she couldn't keep to, nevertheless she promises and gives her word to them because there is nothing in this world she wouldn't do for her family. There is no treasure to protect in the Isle, no hollow tree to put golden coins and shiny gems, but there are people and that's enough to ease that part of her that refuses to be chained for the fear of a man to magic.

Their friendship... is not easy, nothing is easy in the Isle. Mischief is in her blood, is intrinsic to her kind, she cannot hold back and not torment people a bit, even when not everyone deserve it; Evie was one of her many, many victims, and despite the fact her friend constantly assures her all is forgiven now, Mal won't dismiss it from her mind. Not fae, nor the gods ever forget. She will remember, till the day of her death, the day she decided to take away someone's else freedom for ten years; when she was not better than King Adam and harassed a little girl for something that wasn't exactly her fault, and then tricked a scared kid to betray the only friend he had. She didn't lie to Evie when she invited her to that party in Carlos' house, neither lie to De Vil to help her trapped the other girl, but was a manipulation close enough to directly lying that her magic punished her for weeks.

Mal knew intuitively what her magic was tying to advise her. She forgave and offered an apology for first and last time in her life in the Isle - because is a weakeness all villains kids acknowledge and respect - and went againts her mother's education, but she always was so much more than Maleficent's daughter.

Evie is a princess, daughter of a Queen. Even more, she's the daughter of a witch.

Maybe that is the reason she finds so comforting the other VK's presence; the barrier can not tear off villains kids from something that was given by nature itself. Mal, with her vibrant green eyes, her purple hair and pointy ears she proudly shows to the world, always feels like something which belongs to forests and woods or temples; Jay who looks and behave like a human, but like his father is a Djinn and magic swirls below his skin in enthralling patterns with the colour of sand that everyone admire but pretend not to see; Carlos who, notwithstanding Cruella's statements he is nothing special, exhibit the same aura as Mal, as if he was Fae but... different, darker and stranger, and not something Evie wants to examine so close because Carlos is a sweet kid who rarely is influenced by his supernatural blood, whatever might it be.

(Mal secretly confessed her that once she dared to ask her mother if she knew which Fae engendered Carlos and why one would willingly go even near of the crazy woman. She said Maleficent smiled at her, congratulating her for detecting that in the other kid when herself found it difficult to figured it out, and answered that Cruella simply wanted a child - and while there were no gods of life in the Isle to give blessings - somewhere in the darker depths of that prison of them, there were some creatures older than time willing to grant her with something as artless as a child. Crum-Dubh still wandered the land of livings albeit not in his original form, and although mortals weren't devote to him as in the past, he never forgot his roots; by chance, fate decided he should met Ichabod Crane long years ago and ended up in the Isle. Evie tried not to think about it, but everytime she hugs her friend, she have the feeling there is someone who watches her in the dark. Damn fairies.)

Evie was a witch incapable of practicing magic, which was essentially the purpose of her life, but that doesn't prevent her from curl up in her friends' proximity, enjoying their out of this world presence. Sense in the tips of her fingers that possibility, taste in her tongue a potential spell, be delighted by the light of the moon and breathe in the clean air of the ocean in Samhain's nights while she danced away from everyone's sight; unable to do magic did not meant she was disrespectful. Uma let her into her territory the times of energetic change because she was Mal's enemy but never Evie's, the few witches there tended to keep together. Although her mother strictly prohibited her from assisting to the Witch School of the Isle - alleging it was unnecessary if there was no magic and it was the best for her to focus on learning how to get a prince - Evie trade beauty advices with Maddy and Ginny Gothel, and they gathered around under the shade of the only hamadryad who was inclined to speak to kids and listen to her stories from beyond the barrier, from a time when magic was consider a gift and not a curse in the Kingdom.

She does not endure lack of magic like an amputated limb, as Mal described her once, or like air itself suffocated her in its simplicity as Uma said; but there is a hole in her life, not far from the feeling of an open wound oozing blood, still very raw, where something crucial used to be but was stealed and she didn't have it enough to truly recognize the ache. Evie tries to ignore it as much as she can, filling the vacuity with charming smiles and make up, but it's hard when her mother dresses her like a princess and educates her as one but her hands itch and the sticky rhymes slip from her mouth easier than any courtesy and empty praise Grimhilde tries to drill into her mind. Evil Queen taught her to clean, cook, charm and seduce.

Carlos taught her to sew. And Evie thinks that is more precious than any other Grimhilde's lesson.

Each tuesday, her mother sits her in front of a mirror and makes her enumerate out loud every defect and imperfection she could find on her own aspect and body, what improvements she can do about them, and Evie is not surprised the very first thought she always has each time she overlook her reflection is that she would only need four words to put away the woman in the mirror if she has access to her magic. She longingly watches the red shine of the apples that grows outside her window and comes to think in how easy would be poisoned one and trick her mother into biting one so she would never woken up again, because the only one true love of the Queen will always be herself and there would be no kiss which would save Grimhilde if her own heart was the one rejecting love.

But... her mother would not fall for old strategies and Evie also doubts she could poison her mother without hesitation, as tempting as it would sound.

(Her father used to say she had a tender heart. He was trying to teach her how to hunt and she cried every time she well-aimed a shoot in little animals; he would wipe away her tears and kissed her forehead and nevertheless he made sure she learned how to use all weapons available in the Isle, how to follow the tracks of a prey and how to get some food in the wild, he never compeled her to continue doing it once she had the knowledge. Her dad gave her all the tools she would need to survive, because the daughter of The Hunter - Queen's favourite - has to know how to do certain things. When her mother found out about his lessons, she forbade The Hunter to continue visiting her and Evie cried for days but it didn't soften up Grimhilde at all because a princess must not ruined the smooth skin of her hands with the hardness of a bow. Evie couldn't see her father again but she never forgot and neither gave up practicing archery, although her hands remained untouched thanks to Mother Gothel advices.)

She is a witch who cannot conjure anything, chained as the rest of inhabitants of the Isle, but surrounded by creatures and humans who belong far beyond that loathed barrier and even when her emotions tended to avoid the negative spectrum most villains prefered, Evie cannot spare the effort in not feeling resentful for what it's doing to all of them. She's besides Mal when she curls up into herself because it hurts a Fae, people who are made for nature, living among dead vegetation, her father's side not really helping because Hades is Underworld's god, he prospers in the lack of life; Evie is sit along Jay in the contaminated beach, because he sometimes need to feel the sand even if is wet, so could pretend for a moment he is in the desert he was born to be, singing one of the few arabic lullabies Jafar gave to him when he was a child; she's there for Carlos, who doesn't understand what he is and doesn't want to acknowledge Mal's allegations of his possible father, who craves shadows more than any human kid should and Samhain's nights he goes along to her and the rest of the Isle witches in their rites despite not comprehending because there is something wild behind his eyes which drives him to get out of his bed and run, run, run for the forest in a hunt, but there is not such thing in the Isle and it's slowly killing him.

Is not only for her friends she laments.

She is the one Gil turned to at three in the morning, waking her up from beauty sleep, because he didn't know who else go to and she is the only witch he trusts - their fathers being friends and more than once having play dates when they were kids (before the exile, before her mother banned her father from visiting, before Mal). He took her to Uma, who is screeching and crying from pain in the floor of Ursula's shop - but there is no sign the woman is near - and a desperate Harry Hook whose blue eyes are wide opened and terrified, full with bewilderment; both stared at her when she scarcely can hold Uma up and - without letting them help her - she dragged her outside to sea water and grasped her close while the cecaelia panted, unsuccesfuly trying to breath in. Uma is a Sea Witch as her mother, but even more, she is a creature who must inhabit in ocean depths, not destined to walk in two legs in land; she has problems in adapting to live on the surface, hang out around other magical being helps - as Evie discover two years ago - but Uma has no one with magic in her surroundings.

(The nights she spent in Mal's Castle and Maleficent felt particularly chatty, the women whispered almost with sorrow. You are magical, girls, you are magical but you were stolen from that before even born).

Uma has Harry, who is a real pirate at heart, and Gil - son of Gaston - but both are completely humans and incapable of understand what she is going through. Mal took to her side any supernatural ally she could have, and as good as witches get along with each other, you don't just entrust your weaknesses to others, is not something done in the Isle. After a while, when she considered the captain's breathing was stable enough Evie got them out of the water. Harry was there to received them, a dangerous look on his face, and put his hook in her defenseless throat but refused to drop Uma; she couldn't, even when she knew Mal was going to throw a tantrum of colossal levels, she couldn't let her go. Uma needed her and though neither of them said out loud they were friends, she didn't want the other girl alone just to relapse. Her eyes confronted Harry's and dared him into doing something about it, killed her there at the shore, her arms still trembling for holding his captain against her -in water -for almost an hour and without a weapon over her, absolutely vulnerable.

The son of Hook hesitated. He looked at Uma, who was unaware of his anger and leaning her face on Evie's neck who was still fiercely holding her, and groaned in frustration. Evie couldn't even rejoiced about her victory when her legs weaken and she fell to the ground, not letting Uma go even in uncounsciousness.

When she woke up again, she is in her room and if it wasn't for the scent of salt in her skin plus her stiffed hair, she would have thought it was all a dream.

In the next confrontarion between the VK and Uma's crew, while her friends clashed swords, Evie was distracted enough to be disarmed by one of the pirates and she felt the steel kissing her skin so she closed her eyes in acceptance of the end... which never came. She opened them when she felt the blade got away from her, but something cold softly brushing her cheek.

Harry's eyes gazed at her, sharp and implacable.

"Yer no allow t'die yet, princess"

And so on, he went away, taking the confused pirate who Evie was fighting with the collar of his shirt, and she realized the strife around them have finished. Carlos jumped and put an arm around her, rambling about the aparently horrible experience while getting them in the opposite direction Uma's crew was heading, but she couldn't herself and took a glance behind her, only to see Gil who is smilingly waving at her and Harry shouted him for that but when he saw her staring, he winked at her. Evie didn't see Uma anywhere, but she felt her voice distantly caressing her ears.

Mal's enemies, but never hers.

Evie smiled in acceptance. She can live with that.

Jay never had Jafar's shackles in his wrists, but he could as well be locked in a lamp for how the barrier affects his Djinn side. He's surrounded by people who want, wish, crave, because it's an Isle full of greedy villains with ambitions and something inside him rises up eager to make a deal, but he can't because there is no magic and therefore no wishes to accomplish. However, he feels them, remember every single one. His father says someday they will be free from that prison and he should take into account future clients. He doesn't really believes the barrier will ever fall, but damn if he doesn't ache for it with the ferocity of a sandstorm.

There is no sunlight above the Isle, always covered by storm clouds and Jay feels he is going to wither. Djinn belongs between burning dunes of the desert, under a scorching sun which reflects golden patterns in their skin, they are trickters and swindlers, they were born from smokeless fire and like humans, they were created free. But being immortal means there are lots and lots of years of living within they can be chained, as they did by humans. Jafar was a sorcerer and then he became a Djinn, but he fell in the trap of believing genies were made for serving others and his own magic transform him in retribution, he was punished by his predujices;Jay is the first Djinn, half to be honest, to be born in centuries and while he came to this world with no strings in his soul as most of his kind, he's imprisoned as everyone else in the Isle. Jafar doesn't feel that freedom's craving, he just wants revenge - which is fine - comprehensible as he was human once, but Jay never got the chance, he yearns for fading in the wind and dance with the sand.

He steals and plays, jokes and flirts around, tries to assuage that ache in his guts each time rain falls over him (because raining in desert is possible, just not everyday) and some of his internal flame dies a little. Djinn were not made for living among water and Jay knows it better than anyone.

He met Mal and that part of him loosen a bit. Fae are not desert creatures but there is magic in her that no difficult to sense and she more than other understands the power of words and the hunger for deals. Faeries's playfulness mix well with genies' and Jay couldn't help himself following her. Mal's eyes flashes poisonous green and Jay permitted his own eyes light up red. Their friendship was natural and, as much as she feels like nature itself, Jay recognize something in her similar to him; a fire who cannot be extinguish, born from nowhere, who will always stand because it's just more than their fragile actual shapes.

(She confessed her father is Hades, and Jay could easily see it. Fire elementals instinctively ackowledge each other and while Mal's fire belongs to Underworld and not the desert, he welcomed the familiarity between them)

Evie is harder. She is a Witch, and although his own father was once a sorcerer, was her kind who taught humans how to chain them. But she's still magical... and she smiles so brightly he cannot stop himself from coming closer, so Jay delights in her potential power, feel it in his bones, she was theirs now and he didn't fight Mal when she said she is now a VK ; wisely, he remained quiet about the years both of the tormented the girl. First time Evie hugged him, Jay's magic swirled in his chest and showed in his skin, it liked her and welcomed her presence.

With Evie, came Carlos who is supposed to be merely a human as anyone. Jay is perfectly sure he is not. He wouldn't say he can smell powers (that's too weird, he has his limits), and it's complicated to get something from the other kid further than almost cronical insecurity but he knows there is something who is not from this kingdom, not from this world, in Carlos, which feels like Mal and not her Fae side. Jay didn't say anything, but when he put an arm around Carlos and the shadows in their surroundings got darker and expanded, he nodded crearly hearing the warning. There is someone in the Isle who takes care of Carlos and is as dangerous as Hades, but Jay is a Djinn and while they favour solitude, he will not be distancing from his friends because of a threat of an absent parent. He flashed his eyes red in challenge to whatever was hiding in the dark, between the crooked dead trees around Evie's castle.

The VK are not the desert, nor the sun, but Jay loved nevertheless as if they were. They feel like the freedom it was taken away from them, like the magic they are unable to use and they are his home more than Jafar's tent will ever be.

(They feel like 'Amto Nasira singing for him and Jade to sleep, her warm kisses in their cheeks, whose magic doesn't turn off because she is no Djinn but was always more than a simple sorceress and, unline his father, her worst mistake was loving too much)

Carlos is human. He knows it. He deduced it from his vulnerability when he tries facing his mother, something she always repeats to him, he's not special, as common as everyone, no, worse than them because he's tiny and powerless, just a fragile and almost useless human. He deserves that corner in his mother wardrobe, not a bedroom. Logically, he understands this, the lack of magic since the barrier shouldn't affect him, ever, he shouldn't even blink at it but... there is something inside him, which is in constantly pain, which hissed in indignation each time his mother shout at him or commanded him to do her chores. Something dark and angry which twists at Cruella's voice and the nights of the eight festivals claims to run, chase, hunt and he craves, craves, craves for something he doesn't really know or comprehend, but it feels ancient and furious.

He doesn't like to look himself in the mirror those days because there is a wild and sinister creature hiding behind his eyes and there is no Hunt to join to in the Isle, he's no hunter but that's how he knows it should be called.

(It has many names, Cŵn Annwn, Åsgårdsreia, Vilda jakten, divja jaga... The Wild Hunt. It calls for him, cries for him, it wants him. It invites him to ride through the sky, in old and forgotten roads or above land, it's waiting for him, always waiting for him. 'Come wanderers, hear our calling lost souls, lead us old gods, join in little spirits, it's time to hunt.')

Carlos imagines that his reflection is exactly what his mother meant when she described a rabid dog. So he sheltered in Evie's arms and gathered with the witches in their rituals trying to calm down what hides in the shadows and under his flesh.

His mother uses him as her servant and as Carlos doesn't know any better, he allows it, but there is a voice in the back of his head who sounds like Jay, like Mal, like Evie, that says he does not have to obey this shrivelled women. She is his mother and despite all he loves her; but he can't stay with her, can't live with her, at his early ten years he already understood it and that was what led him to cling into Diego's jacket and begged to take him too, even if at the end, his cousin left without Carlos.

When Jay offered him moving to an aparment in the core of the Isle, he accepted and while he is the only one who permanently resides there, all of the VK has their little home far from home there. Nonetheless, ocasionally Carlos goes back to Hell Hall just to check his mother didn't get trapped in her own trap around the ruined mansion.

(He recalled the burning pain in his leg, his flesh teared apart and the hours he spent alone, only with darkness as company, and when Cruella found him, there was no reassurance or comfort for him, only a cold hand letting him out and an order to clean his blood from the fur)

Or just check if Cecil have murdered her yet. He would forgive him if his uncle sucumbs to the temptation.

It's despicable, and among all villains parents, Carlos admit in the privacy of his mind his mother is the worst. She has not excuse in Fae's nature as Maleficent, or the ambition of a better future for his son as Jafar, nor trying to accomplished her frustated dream in her daughter as Evil Queen.

Cruella's just insane, her sanity mere pieces of cloth sticking together by an impeccable needlework but with cheap thread.

Hope you enjoyed this ride, because it was beautiful emotional rollercoaster for me to write. (I translated this in seven hours and i don't even have the energy to edit it, so i'm just going to post it and then warn me about my grammar or conjugations or tenses problems, which I will have, i'm sure)

Remember, reviews are love (and I need love now, okay, this fic fucked me up in so many ways is not even funny). If you have extra info, your comments will be more than appreciated (do you want a temple? You will be the new god i'm devoted to, seriously), I'm practically walking blind on this (although, as is an AU, everything's more flexible? Idk, I don't make the rules).

Some explanations for people - like me - who didn't know all these characters even existed: Mad Maddy (Madam Mim's granddaughter, y'know, enemy of Merlin) and Ginny Gothel (daughter of Mother Gothel, Rapunzel's parental guardian, who kidnapped Rapunzel and locked her in a tower for years).They, apparently, along Anthony Tremaine (Anastasia's son) have truly important roles in second book of Descendants , even though they don't appear in movies (They are the antagonists of Return to the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel). He, uh, he doesn't have an appearance here but next in the future he will. Nasira is Jafar's fraternal twin sister, that's what Disney wiki says, at least (She tried to bring Jafar back from the dead and because of that she opposed to Aladdin, Jasmine and the Genie and also did a lot of probably nasty and evil things, but the important thing here is that she did it for Jafar), it's suspected to be Jade's mother (Jay's cousin, briefly mentioned in books) but we don't know that for sure. Concerning Diego De Vil, I found little about him beyond he's Carlos' cousin (possible Cecil's son) and he has a band named Bad Apples and we presumably know this because Carlos wanted him to play in a party, so... personality traits and all that stuff are just speculations of mine (he's part of the Anti-Heroes group that Yen Sid formed so I have my hopes).