A/N: ROAD TRIP! Chuck and Sarah's road trip gets under way. As with most road trips, there may be some unscheduled stops along the way. Let's catch up with them and see. No backseat driving though!
Disclaimer: Don't own Chuck
Chapter 25
Chuck drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, butterflies fluttering in his stomach as he waited impatiently. He and Sarah had agreed to meet at 7:30AM in the parking lot of Echo Park proper, a park in the center of the neighborhood featuring Echo Park Lake. There were a few walkers and joggers, but nobody was close enough to pay him any attention. He'd been so anxious, despite taking the time to pack a small cooler and stop at the store for "road trip snacks", he'd still arrived nearly fifteen minutes early.
After waiting another ten minutes, Chuck nearly panicked when he saw a Crown Victoria pull up in the spot next to him. He was certain that the police were going to question him, drawing unwanted attention, blowing the lid off the whole thing. Much to his relief, he realized it wasn't an actual police car when he saw John Casey in the driver's seat. Blowing out a long breath, he began to unfasten his seat belt. Coming around to Chuck's door, Casey knocked on the glass.
Rolling down the window, Chuck gave the older man a hesitant smile. "Morning Mr. Casey." The growl he received in return reminded him of his faux pa. "S-sorry, Casey. Sorry."
Giving a soft grunt, Casey gestured with his head toward the back of Chuck's SUV. "Pop the tailgate and I'll load up the stuff. Stay in the car. The less people see you the better." Chuck nodded his understanding, pulling the bill of his baseball cap down a little further as he pushed the tailgate release button on the dashboard. Casey proceeded to transfer Sarah's bags from his trunk to the back of the SUV, closing the tailgate once he finished. Stepping up to Chuck's window again, the older man gave him a hard stare. Surprisingly, Casey offered his hand through the open window. Hesitantly, Chuck took the man's hand, shaking it.
Gripping Chuck's hand more firmly, Casey pulled the younger man closer, "You do anything to hurt her, I run you through a wood chipper and feed you to the fishes. Do we have an understanding?" Chuck's eyes went wide with fear.
"Y-yes. Yes, Sir- uh Casey. You have my word. She means the world to me and I'd never do anything to hurt her," Chuck confessed, swallowing thickly. A grin grew across Casey's chiseled face as he released his grip on Chuck's hand.
"I know. I just like to see you squirm. Besides, that wood chipper would be a welcome end compared to what Walker would do to you. Good luck," Casey offered, chuckling as he backed away. Chuck gave a half-hearted chuckle as well, though there was a slight whimper to it as he thought about Casey's comments.
Casey opened the back door of the Crown Vic, allowing Sarah to step out before closing it behind her. Chuck let out a whimpery sigh at the sight of her. Although she was dressed casually in capris, a tank top and a plain baseball cap, with her ponytail pulled through the back, she was still as breathtaking as ever. Chuck just watched her in awe as she tossed her ponytail from side to side. It was a quick, simple act, nothing seductive about it, but it still felt to Chuck like it was all happening in slow motion; like a scene from a movie. He knew he was so far out of his depth with her, but by God, he was gonna drown a happy man.
Without warning, Sarah gave her bodyguard, and reluctant friend, a hug and a kiss on the cheek before pulling away. "Thanks, Casey. We owe ya one." Casey grimaced, waving her off as the blush crept up his neck.
"Get outta here. And don't break the kid," Casey called over the top of his car as he got into the driver's seat. Sarah barked out a laugh as she rounded the SUV, heading to the passenger side. Chuck's head swiveled back and forth between the two, utterly confused, as he tried to understand what was going on. Sarah pulled herself up into the passenger seat, closing the door behind her.
"Hi," she greeted with a brilliant smile, leaning across the center console to plant a searing kiss on her boyfriend's lips. Humming, both in surprise and enjoyment, he returned the kiss.
"Mmmm. Hi," he uttered at just above a whisper, the kiss nearly robbing him of the ability to speak. Blinking a few times, he tried to shake his euphoric daze, a goofy grin stretching ear to ear.
"You didn't call or text me this morning. I was beginning to worry," Sarah confessed with a faux pout as she put her seatbelt on.
"Oh God! I'm so sorry. I wrote and erased about twenty texts. I was… I was trying so hard not to be 'that guy'," Chuck admitted, looking rather pitiful.
"What do you mean by 'that guy'?" Sarah asked, tilting her head in confusion.
"You know, needy, always calling and texting, making a nuisance of myself. This relationship is just getting started and I don't want you to get annoyed with me before it gets off the ground." Sarah barked out a laugh, taking a hold of his arm as she tried to get herself under control.
"Oh, Sweetie. You'll never be a nuisance. Tell you what, if you ever start to get annoying, I'll tell you. OK?" Chuck nodded, a smirk slowly forming across his face. "What?"
"Did… did you just call me… Sweetie?"
"I…" Sarah began but stopped, replaying the moment over in her mind, ducking her head. Realization struck her and she turned crimson with embarrassment. "I guess I did. It's a little soon to be using pet names and -"
"Hey," he interrupted, taking her hand in his. "You can call me anything you're comfortable with. I uh… I kinda liked it, actually. Well, maybe more than 'kinda'," he added, sporting a blush of his own.
"That's good. I kinda liked saying it. Well… maybe more than kinda," she joked, giving him a wry smile. They both chuckled, eventually falling into that easy, comfortable feeling.
"We'd better get going," Sarah said, squeezing his hand, which was still in hers. Nodding, he reluctantly released her hand to start the car and get his seatbelt re-fastened. Once he'd pulled out of the parking lot and into traffic, Sarah held her hand out over the center console. Grinning like a fool, Chuck took her offered hand. After a few blocks, Chuck gasped, realization hitting him.
"Crap. Can uh… can we make a quick stop on our way out of town?" Chuck asked, glancing over at Sarah.
"Fine by me," she replied with a shrug. "Where are we going?"
"I need to swing by the office and sign some papers. Plus, I should give Morgan a heads up that I'm taking an extended vacation. He's been manning the fort for the past week and now he's going to have to do it a little longer."
"If you need to stay to do work, I und-"
"Ooooh No! .No. No way. Not happenin'. I'd give away most of my organs, and some of Morgan's, to go on a vacation to a secluded cabin with you. No, this is happening Miss Sarah Walker," Chuck concluded defiantly. Sarah couldn't help but giggle at his reaction, his enthusiasm making her heart swell.
"Alright. If you're sure?" Chuck just gave her a flat look and that made Sarah's giggles return. Less than ten minutes later, they pulled into the parking spaces behind an older building. The entire block consisted of older, interconnected buildings. The alley that ran through the block offered access to small parking areas behind the buildings, and, thankfully for them, some privacy.
"OK. I shouldn't be too long," Chuck said, unfastening his seat belt and reaching for the door handle.
"Well, wait. I'm coming too," Sarah called out, unbuckling her belt as well.
"Wait, what? Are you sure? I mean… Morgan's gonna be in there and he's almost as big a fan of yours as I was. AM! I'm still a fan, just…. much more," he rushed out.
"Good answer," she smirked, walking around the car to meet him. "Morgan's your best friend. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have been on the show and… well... I owe him a big debt, so the least I can do is meet him."
"You're certain? It adds to the risk of someone leaking stuff to the press. Morgan's a great friend and he means well, but…" he trailed off, not wanting to have to say it out loud. Sarah took his hand and squeezed it tight.
"I'm sure it'll be fine. He clearly wants you to be happy, so I doubt he'd risk ruining this for you. Right?" Chuck rolled his eyes good naturedly, nodding in agreement. "Right. So let's go."
"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you," Chuck cautioned, shaking his head in amusement. The two walked to the building hand in hand, not bothering to hide their grins. Opening the door for her, Chuck gestured for her to enter, following close behind. As they walked through the back hallway, passing storage rooms and restrooms, they could hear an animated discussion taking place.
"Naturally, no mayonnaise based condiments or uncured meats. Egg salad is right out. I'm thinking more along the lines of peanut butter. It doesn't spoil easily and has lots of protein." Chuck didn't recognize the voice, and Morgan didn't know any woman besides Ellie, let alone a woman that would debate the merits of desert island sandwich choices.
"That's…. I…. were you created in a lab or something? Like … Kelly LeBrock in Weird Science? A much, much hotter, Kelly LeBrock," Morgan rushed out. "You're like … the perfect woman," he continued, sounding thoroughly smitten. It was then that Chuck and Sarah came into view of the office's lobby, where a short man and two women were conversing. One of the women was facing them and looked up, gasping as she saw them.
"Speaking of perfect women…" Sydney, Zondra's assistant, interjected, pointing toward the couple entering the room, a broad smile spread across her face. The other two turned around in confusion, to see what she was pointing at. Simultaneously, the man's and woman's mouths dropped open in shock.
"Chuck! But…" he stammered out, pointing between Chuck and Sarah, completely at a loss for words. "But the…. That's….. You're…"
"Hey Morg. Good to see ya, Buddy," Chuck interrupted, trying to save his friend from the awkward babbling.
"Oh my God. You're… you're Sarah Walker. Oh my God! Oh my God! You're here… why are you here? Oh, who cares. You're here. You are here, right? This isn't some… there's no cameras or…" the young woman trailed off, her head swiveling as she looked around the lobby frantically.
"Alex… Aleeeex… ALEX!" Sydney shouted, trying to pull the other woman from her near hysterics. The woman snapped out of her daze, turning to look at Sydney. "Alex, this is Chuck Bartowski. You know, your boss? And this is THE Sarah Walker. Hi, Sarah. It's really good to see you." Sydney approached Sarah, who likewise moved to close the distance. The two hugged, then Sydney pulled away to give Chuck a friendly hug as well. When Sydney stepped back, Alex backhanded her friend on the arm.
"You just hugged Sarah Walker!" She whispered loudly. Turning to Morgan, she backhanded him on the arm as well. "She just hugged Sarah Walker!"
"You must be Alex. Sydney's told us so much about you. I am, in fact, Sarah Walker. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Sarah stated, extending her hand to the shorter woman. Like a deer in headlights, Alex took the offered hand and shook it, perhaps longer than would normally be considered appropriate.
"I'm… I'm sorry. I'm not usually this manic, but I'm a huge fan of yours. And for you to just show up at my place of work, of all places… Wow!" Alex seemed to realize that she was still shaking Sarah's hand, pulling her hand away like it was on fire. Sarah tried not to let her amusement show too much, but she couldn't help but grin.
"M'lady. Welcome to Orion. I'm Morgan. Morgan Grimes, VP and Chief Operating Officer," the bearded man declared, bowing and offering his hand toward Sarah. Twisting her lips to the side, Sarah took the offered hand and shook it.
"It's so nice to finally meet you. Chuck's told me so much about you, I feel like I already know you," Sarah admitted, giving him a genuine smile. This was Chuck's best friend and she wanted to make a good first impression, otherwise, it would make for a very rocky relationship. Morgan snapped his head to look at Chuck, mouthing the word "Really?". Chuck gave his friend an amused shrug, not saying a word. Clearing his throat, Morgan stood tall, or as tall as he could, turning his attention back toward Sarah.
"Well, Miss Walker-"
"Sarah, please. Just Sarah," she interrupted with a kind smile.
"Very well. Sarah… by your presence here, I can only assume that you have won the competition," Morgan stated, matter-of-factly.
"Actually, Buddy. I was the contestant, remember? Soooo I was the one that-"
"I meant what I said," Morgan insisted, waving his friend off. "Chuck is the greatest guy I know. If you have the chance to be on his arm, then you're the winner," he declared, nodding at Sarah.
"I couldn't agree more," Sarah replied, glancing over her shoulder at Chuck with a loving smile.
"See?" Morgan expressed, gesturing toward Sarah as evidence. "Not to sound ungrateful but… what are you doing here?" Morgan's calm demeanor slipped, revealing the freaked out Morgan under the surface.
"Well, I finally got a chance to check my email and missed calls and texts," Chuck gave his friend a serious look, lowering his chin. "All twenty-three missed calls and forty-six missed texts. Really?" Morgan gave a sheepish smile, shrugging. "You said I had some papers to sign. I'm going to have to go away for a little while longer, just until all this show stuff finishes, so I wanted to make sure I took care of stuff before I left."
"You're going away? Again? But you just got here! Why do you have to leave?" Morgan whined, looking between Chuck and Sarah.
"Morgan," Sydney interrupted, "if they're seen together in public, before the finale of the show airs, then the media will have a field day and the show will be a bust. Everyone will know the outcome and the show's ratings, and advertising revenue, will tank." Morgan seemed to get it, nodding his head in understanding, though he didn't seem happy about it.
"She's right Morgan," Sarah interjected. "On top of that, if people knew we were together, the media would hunt us down, trying to get pictures or a scoop at any cost. We'd like to have a little bit of time to get to know each other better before we have to deal with that media circus."
"Alright. I get it, but … I just missed ya, man. It's been a week and now you're gonna be gone for… weeks more? It just sucks." After a second, his eyes flew open, turning to look at Sarah, waving his hands. "Not… not that you two, you know… being together sucks… That's… that's, to borrow a word, 'awesome'! It's just, Chuck and I, we've been heterosexual life partners for more than half our lives. Spending that much time apart…" Sarah gave him a sympathetic pout, inwardly struggling not to crack up at the "heterosexual life partner" comment and trying hard not to dissect the meaning of it.
Shaking his head, he waved his hands again, "No. No, I'm being unfair. You're in Chuck's life now and I can't be selfish. Just… just promise me that you'll take good care of our guy," Morgan pleaded, taking a hold of her wrists. Sarah was a little taken aback but couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging, the way he said "our guy". It was admittedly a little creepy, but in a heartfelt, caring way.
"Morgan..." Chuck began, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. Morgan released his grip on Sarah and flung his arms around Chuck, eliciting an 'ooph' from the tall man. "OK. OK. Alright, buddy," Chuck placated, patting the man on the back. "Let's not make a scene." Morgan pulled away, nodding his head vehemently, turning his head away from the others. Alex stepped up, placing a hand on the center of his back, with a look of sympathy, and perhaps something a little bit more. Morgan took in a ragged breath with the touch of her hand and immediately seemed to relax, nodding again, this time more controlled.
"I'm OK," he admitted, waving his hand, reassuring Alex that he was alright. Chuck could see an unspoken connection of some kind between them. It then dawned on him that the conversation he had walked in on must have been between Alex and Morgan, recognizing the voices now. Perhaps Morgan may have found someone that would appreciate his … eccentricities.
"Alex, we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Chuck. Welcome aboard. How do you like it so far?" Chuck extended his hand to Alex, giving her his patented smile. She eagerly accepted, shaking his hand firmly.
"I can't tell you how grateful I am for the opportunity. I was really at my lowest when Sydney called me. I just… I couldn't believe it. I met Morgan and…. Well, let's just say I've never had a more… interesting interview." Chuck gave her a raised eyebrow, chancing a glance toward Morgan. "Oh, no. Nothing bad. He was… he was very professional, yet adorably awkward. I was really nervous going into that meeting, but he set me at ease. I have to say, if you've never had sizzling shrimp…" she trailed off, humming as she recalled their shared meal.
'Wow. Sizzling shrimp? Pulling out the big guns there Morg. Talk about a power lunch," Chuck mused, teasing his friend.
"Dude, you should see Alex at work. She's amazing. Not only has she whipped this place into shape, but just since she's started, she's managed to increase our followings on social media by almost fifteen percent. It was a stroke of genius sending her here, man," Morgan beamed. The look of admiration he gave Alex was certainly more than just professional respect, and she seemed to be giving him the same looks in return. As problematic as workplace romance could be, especially when there is a power dynamic, even a perceived one, Morgan deserved to be happy.
Sarah watched the exchange between Chuck and the rest of the group, marveling at what she saw. He seemed to be the center of the group, everyone orbiting around him. It wasn't as if he projected some dominance over them; quite the opposite. He was just genuinely kind and caring, focusing solely on others. He never tried to ingratiate himself, it just happened naturally. Morgan and Chuck clearly had a strong bond. Morgan looked up to Chuck but more importantly looked out for him. Running the business in Chuck's absence, trying to find the right woman for his friend, Morgan always had Chuck's best interest at heart. She knew she was right to trust him about their secret.
"Speaking of which," Sydney jumped in. "A little birdie may have eluded to how successful Orion Inc. has become. I seem to recall you saying you couldn't afford to hire staff when you recommended Alex for the job."
"Yeah. About that…" Chuck trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck as he winced. "I may have fibbed a bit. I'm sorry. I just… I didn't want people associated with the show to know. I didn't want my success to influence anyone's decision or draw attention away from the purpose of the show. Also, I wanted whomever the celebrity was to like me for me, not my money." Chuck peered over his shoulder at Sarah, who gave him a brilliant smile. Wrapping her arm around his bicep, she leaned her body against his.
"It wouldn't have mattered. By the third day I was completely done for," Sarah smirked, leaning up and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Chuck blushed, ducking his head.
"Third day? What's the third day? What challenge did you get? Was it some James Bond, super spy stuff, like she did in 'Break of Day'? You were totally amazing in that movie, by the way," Morgan added as he continued to ramble. "The part where you jumped out of that plane with no parachute and then dove at the bad guy who was getting away and-"
"Morgan! Focus, buddy," Chuck interrupted. "We can't tell you what's coming next. In reality, we shouldn't be here at all, but we trust you guys not to say anything to anyone. No one, Morgan. You understand, right?" Morgan sighed dejectedly, but nodded his understanding.
"I know, Buddy," Chuck reassured his friend. "Knowing that Sarah and I are together is hard to keep quiet. Believe me, I want to shout it from the rooftops, but this is important and I'm counting on you. Think of it like the Santa Clause. Knowing isn't a burden, it's a gift." With that, Morgan stood straight, his chest out and head held high.
"You're absolutely right! You two can count on me," he reassured his friend.
"Us too," Alex added, pointing at Sydney and herself.
"Thanks guys. It really means so much to us," Sarah admitted, stepping forward and pulling the two women into a group hug. Chuck patted Morgan on the shoulder then slid his arm around his shoulders to lead him out of the room.
"Thanks Morg. Let's get those documents signed so we can get back on the road."
On the "5", heading north out of Burbank, they passed the Buy More and the strip malls, leaving their friends and family behind. The Verdugo Mountains came into view out of Sarah's window, the rolling green hills and peaks disappearing into the misty low hanging clouds. The only sounds in the car were the light hum of the engine and the white noise of the tires on the road. Sarah held onto Chuck's right hand with her left, lazily caressing the back of his hand with her thumb. Her head rocking against the headrest in time with the gentle motion of the car, Sarah watched the scenery pass by as she relished in the contentment she felt at that moment.
Sure, Sarah had been on short road trips with past boyfriends, to 'wine country' or some beach house, but this felt infinitely better. She had always felt guarded, always trying to make sure she said or did the right thing, not wanting to hurt their feelings or start an argument; mostly the latter. But sitting in the car with Chuck, not having to say a word, she felt completely at peace. She didn't feel the need to speak, just to fill some sort of awkward silence. Sarah was as relaxed and content as she could ever remember. Smiling, she hummed a satisfied sigh, closing her eyes, basking in the feeling.
"You OK over there?" Chuck asked softly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Sarah squeezed back, her smile growing.
"Mhmmm," she murmured, not bothering to open her eyes. "This is so nice. Just… being here, with you." Rolling her head to face him she opened her eyes lazily to gaze at the man she'd come to love. Looking at his profile, he just seemed so kind and gentle, yet there was a strength in him. He was probably one of the strongest people she'd ever met. Life had chewed him up and spat him out, on more than one occasion, yet he still had the strength to pick himself up and carry on, never letting it darken his spirit. Call it karma, fate or dumb luck, whichever was the case, she felt eternally grateful that he'd come into her life.
Chuck gave a slight chuckle, his smile crinkling the corners of his eyes, "You said it. Oh, umm… if you're interested… I sort of … kinda made a… mixtape. Well, not a 'tape' so much as a playlist, but I like the term better. I'm old school like that I guess. Anyway, I made a road trip mixtape. Just some songs I thought would make the trip a little more interesting. I don't have to play it, if you're enjoying the quiet. I just thought… I dunno what I thought. It's probably kind of lame, like something that should've died off with high school-"
"No. No, I'd love to hear it. I'm not a music aficionado or anything, but I think that people's choice in music says a lot about who they are. So, Chuck Bartowski, show me who you are," she demanded playfully, giving him a wry smile.
"As you wish," he replied, with a mischievous grin of his own. Sarah gave him a suspicious squint at his response, but her smile never left her face as she continued to watch him as he tapped a few buttons on the Range Rover's entertainment system. Spotify displayed on the screen and, after selecting a playlist titled "Roadtrip Mixtape", Chuck pressed play and sat back in his seat, wiggling to get more comfortable.
A distinctive cowbell sounded, the rhythmic 'ding' broadening the smile on Chuck's face. Even Sarah recognized the song immediately, her grin growing as well when the drums kicked in. The energy of the song was upbeat and a little playful, imparting 'good vibes' to the two of them. As the lyrics began, Sarah found herself singing along quietly, struggling to make her voice go as low as possible,
"All my friends know the low rider
The low rider is a little higher"
She watched as Chuck pressed his knee to the bottom of the steering wheel, allowing him to hold his hands in front of him. With his palms facing upward, he began to wiggle his fingers, drawing a deep breath in through his nose. When the horns jumped, following the lead singer, Chuck lifted his hands and, with a very serious expression, extended his index fingers as he shook his hands in time with the music. Finally, he snapped his hands forward, aiming them down the road.
"OK, let's ride!" He then chuckled at himself, placing his hands back on the steering wheel. After a moment, he chanced a glance over at Sarah, who was staring at him with a quirked eyebrow, a hint of amusement on her face. 'What?"
"Umm… what the hell was that?" she asked, waving her hand around, gesturing at Chuck. Barking out a laugh, Chuck turned a little pink, feeling slightly embarrassed.
"'Gone in 60 Seconds'. The movie? You've seen the… never mind. At any rate, in the movie there's this final meeting before they go off on this major car heist. As part of their tradition, they play Low Rider to set the mood. In the scene, those are the moves that Nick Cage does as the song plays. You know… it's.. We're kind of starting off on this major … 'quest' or adventure and I thought… never mind. It was stupid."
"No!" Sarah exclaimed, giggling at his rambling. Leaning over and resting her head against his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his. "I just think you're adorable when you do those weird, goofy things."
"Adorable? Thanks," Chuck droned with a flat look. Sarah smacked him lightly on the chest, huffing out a 'tsk'.
"Don't be a butt. I like it. I've never been with someone that was so open and honest, unashamed to show how they feel. That's one of the reasons I fell in love with you. So don't you go changin' on me now," Sarah pouted, squeezing his arm a little tighter.
"As you wish," he replied, leaning his head to the side to rest against hers. After a moment, she pulled away and turned to look up at him quizzically.
"You keep saying that and I feel it's in reference to something, but I'm missing it." Chuck turned his head briefly, giving her an incredulous look.
"Princess Bride. Have you never seen it?" he asked, turning his attention back to the road.
"Mmmmmm," she hummed, thinking it over in her head.
"Wow! You… you've got a lot of catching up to do on the cult classics. Lucky for you, I have it on my laptop." Sarah chuckled at him, shaking her head.
"You brought your laptop? Am I going to be in competition with that thing for your time and affection?" she asked, in a teasing tone.
"There's nothing that can compete with you. I brought the laptop because I didn't really know what to expect out of this cabin in the woods. The laptop might come in handy for watching movies or keeping up with the state of things out here in the real world." Chuck gave a shrug, sounding matter of fact, not taking any offense.
"Good idea. I'd hate to come back to LA and get blindsided by stuff in the media. Though, taking a break from all of that for a while sounds really nice. I mean, we've told all the people that we know about-" Sarah stopped abruptly, gasping as she sat up in her seat like a shot.
"What?! What's the matter?" Chuck asked, sounding frantic.
"Oh my God! I didn't call my mom! I usually call her every week, just to check in. And now, one of the single most important moments in my life and I totally blanked on calling her. God, I feel like such a terrible person," Sarah moaned as she dropped her face into her hands.
"Hey. It's been a crazy forty-eight hours. Between the beach and well … right now, a lot has happened. If anything, it's partly my fault. I dragged you around to see my family and friends, completely ignoring your family and friends," Chuck admitted, sounding regretful.
"No! It's not your fault. I wanted to see your family. I love Ellie. She's great, and so is Devon. And we had to see Morgan so you could get some of your work stuff out of the way. I was just so focused on the show and then getting packed and whatnot, it just slipped my mind," Sarah confessed, running her hands through her hair.
"Well, why don't you call her? Or better yet, where does she live? Maybe we could make a side trip to go see her," Chuck suggested, glancing over to look at Sarah. The look of wide-eyed surprise she was giving him took him aback. "What? If you don't want your mom to meet me just yet, I get it. It's a lot to-"
"Of course I want her to meet you. Are you crazy? But you'd do that? Just… pick up and take off to meet my mom. Just like that?" She asked with disbelief in her voice.
"Why wouldn't I? I mean, if I had parents, you'd better believe I'd want them to meet you. You're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. I'd shout it out the window at every car I passed if you'd let me," he chuckled, reaching over and taking her hand. "Why is it surprising that I'd want to meet her?"
"I dunno. I guess… she's never met any of the guys I've dated, except for back in high school. The other guys always seemed spooked by the idea, or so it seemed. And, frankly, I never felt like my mom would really approve of them anyway. Sure, I talked with her about them, but … I think she understood on some level that they weren't the 'take home to momma' types of guys. Boy, in hindsight, that should have been a big ole red flag." Shaking her head in exasperation at herself, she blew out a long breath.
"So… where does she live?" Chuck asked, keeping his eye on the road.
"Oh, Chuck. She lives way up in Nevada City. That's way out of our way."
"Sarah, this is a road trip. It's all about taking that backroad to nowhere, just to see where it goes. I'm in no rush. The cabin will be there when we get there. I didn't pack any perishable foods for the trip, I just figured we'd buy those when we got to Mt. Shasta proper. So there's nothing stopping us from going wherever we want. What d'you say?" Chuck turned to Sarah, giving her a hopeful look.
"God, I love you," she breathed out, her eyes looking a little glassy. Leaning across the center console, she placed a kiss on his cheek.
"I love you too, but is that a yes?" he asked, grinning at her.
"Yes, you goof. That's a yes. I'll text her to make sure she's going to be home. I'll let you be a surprise for her though," she giggled, pulling her phone out. Typing away on her phone, she paused. "What time do you think we'll get there?"
"Um… one sec. Serenity, how long until we get to Nevada City?" Chuck asked, not pulling his attention from the road. Sarah raised an eyebrow, looking around, slowly, wondering who he was talking to. It wasn't until the car's speakers paused the music and a woman's voice began to speak.
"Nevada City, California, is approximately four-hundred and three miles from our current location. With current traffic patterns, we should arrive in Nevada City at 4:38PM. Since the trip is so long, I have added an additional sixty minutes to your trip to account for food and rest stops." The music started playing again and she just watched Chuck nod as he continued to drive.
"So there ya go. Around 4:30PM, unless we make additional stops along the way." Sarah boggled at him, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Um… who was that?" she asked, staring at him.
"Oh. That's my phone's assistant, I call her Serenity. Well, the voice is a her at any rate. I created the app as a replacement for the phone's native assistant. I wanted to be able to expand the assistant's capabilities, so I just wrote my own. Annnnd that was probably way more detail than you wanted." Chuck sighed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head at himself.
"I've never found nerdy to be so sexy before," Sarah confessed, giving him a wry smile. Chuck's eyes went wide, quickly snapping his attention to his passenger. Sarah just continued with her texting, twisting her lips to the side, trying not to laugh at the shocked expression Chuck was giving her.
After a few minutes, Sarah's phone chimed. "Ah. She says she'll be home. She's excited to see me," Sarah stated, reading the reply from her mother.
"Shouldn't you warn her that there may be extra company?" Chuck asked, glancing at Sarah. "I feel kinda bad springing that on her."
"Pfft," Sarah retorted, waving him off. "If she does make food, there's always plenty. Besides, I want to surprise her. I'll gladly take whatever scolding I get, but I suspect she'll get over it." Sarah leaned her seat back a little, making herself more comfortable. The car fell into comfortable silence, except for the music playing. The next song began to play and Sarah gasped with excitement.
"Oooo. I love this song. Turn it up!" Chuck did as instructed, cranking up the volume as the song played. Sarah danced along to the song and when the chorus started, both Chuck and Sarah belted out right along with it.
"Life is a highway. I want to ride it all night long. If you're going my way, I want to drive it all night long…"
A/N2: The road trip continues. I hope you guys aren't in a hurry to get to the cabin. We have some stops to make along the way.
I don't own Chuck or any of the music referenced in this story. For those that are curious, That was :
"Low Rider" by War
"Life Is A HighWay" by Tom Cochrane
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts with me. I love to hear from you all.
Until next time.