Rescue Angel Chapter 2

I would like to thank Metalder Bunny and Ant Crown for your support, though to clear up a part of a comment, I did not realise that a Cat 5 was the largest storm but this is Tokusatsu Fan Fiction so just view a Cat 10 double the danger.

I own Nothing!

:Chapter Start:

Outskirts of Tokyo3-Super Rescue Pheonix-on the roof-Dawn

Shinji and Jimmy are sitting on the roof of the Pheonix both were drinking orange juice from drink bottles while watching the sun rise over the horizon, behind the Pheonix. They were silent before Shinji says, "Look I am about to ask you to do one thing you would never do, for the sake of Humanity," Jimmy nods as he sips his drink before he started chugging when Shinji says, "I need you to go to school with me."

Jimmy lowered his drink and looks to Shinji and says, "I hate you," spilling all of his Orange Juice over himself.

Shinji simply says, "No you don't two thirds of the Class should be female after all," causing Jimmy to frown and sigh in defeat.

Tokyo3 Highschool-Start of the School day-That day

Shinji drives Core Striker Max quickly towards the High school that Rei normally goes to. In the passenger seat is Rei as she silently observed their surrounding as this was her first time driving to school. In the back seat is Jimmy wearing his coat over his school uniform of the school, a style choice that Shinji was following. Since Rei's recovery she had been living on the Pheonix away from NERV, where her time spent was limited exercise and training on the simulators and improving quickly. Shinji simply asks, "So what is your school like?"

Rei turned to him as he continued to drive and says, "Quiet," Shinji nods at that before Rei continued, "When everyone is not there."

Shinji blinked before chuckling and says, "Understandable. I mean with a giant monster suddenly attacking the city. I doubt that many people will have their families stay in the city."

Jimmy snorts in amusement and says, "Are you kidding, the only families that will stay are those that are part of NERV, know that only NERV can help them or have no say in the matter." Shinji became silent in thought on that.

Shinji scratched the back of his neck with his left hand as they pulled up to the school in front of the majority of the remaining students. Shinji grabs Quske and steps out the car with Rei and Jimmy before reaching the gates when Core Striker Max departed without them. They walk to the main office where they get their timetable and head to their classroom in time for the group to meet the remaining third of the students. After introductions to their new classmates Shinji and Jimmy was in their seats as the teacher started Maths, "During second Impact a radical change in the magnetic poles resulted in the radical changes in the atmosphere and causing a year round Summer."

After the first minute of this Jimmy stands and walks out the classroom shaking his head, if he wanted a constant history lesson he would have gone back to school years ago. Shinji sighs in understanding as he notices on his desk terminal a message, 'Are you the one who drove that truck when the giant monster attacked?' Shinji sighs and replies quickly, 'yes' before being swarmed by his classmates. All of whom started asking him questions on what that creature was and what FireDragon was. Shinji answered most of them before Quske revealed himself and started answering questions with the female students even bringing him into hugs while commenting on how cute the little robot is. Shinji accepted the help and noticed one who was glaring at him, while Rei appears to be staring outside without any care.

Shinji eventually stepped out the classroom and was followed by two student, on a military Otaku with a camera and the other an athlete in sweat suit. They followed him outside where Shinji finds Jimmy napping in the branches of a tree. Shinji shakes his head at his friends antics when the boy in the Sweat suit stepped up to him and turns Shinji around planning to punch him in the face only for Shinji to catch the fist and ask, "What did I do to offend you?"

"You hurt my little sister!" the boy states.

"You mean the girl who was taken to the shelter near the school during a sudden attack by an unknown entity? The little girl who had been left alone in a building that was about to collapse on her?" Shinji simple questions caused the boy to flinch before Shinji says, "My name is Shinji Ikari, and that creature was only the first."

Sweatsuit frowns before saying, "Toji Suzuhara," his voice was light in regret.

The Otaku simply says, "I am Kensuke Aida, tell was that machine you were driving a secret Government secret?"

"No, it was a rather public project from before Second impact," Shinji states before saying, "It is not the only one." That gets Toji and Kensukes' eyes to widen before they openly exclaim their shock when Shinji asks, "Want to see them?"

Fortunately that was when Rei and the classes President arrived to return Quske and to convince the four to return to classes. The unfortunate part was a group of NERV security, also known as Section Two arrived and took Rei back to base and had fully intended to take Shinji as well when Quske beeped saying, "There is another creature like the one that attacked a couple days ago!"

Jimmy dropped down on a couple Section Two soldiers and says, "Shinji you intercept in FireDragon, I will head to the Pheonix hopefully JetFalcon is ready for battle."

Shinji nods before saying, "You may want to take these two with you," pointing to Toji and Kensuke before Shinji knocks out the last Section Two soldier and then uses Quske by yelling into the megaphone, "Fire1 Chaksou!" before the Fire1 armour attached to him and he summons Core Striker Max who slammed through a wall allowing Fire1 to get in and start driving into the city leaving Jimmy with unconscious Section 2 members and two teens wanting answers.

Jimmy sighs before shouting, "Rescue Calibur!" in response a a blue sword flies through the air and Jimmy speaks into the handle, "Dash4 Scramble!" a couple minutes later a black Nissan drives up to them and they sped away from the school towards the Pheonix with one extra Passenger in the class president.

With Fire1-Middle of Tokyo3

Fire1 asks Quske, "Where is it?"

"It will reach the main land in three point nine seconds," Quske answered, "Head to the water, that is where the entity is coming from."

"Roger," Fire1 grabs Quske, "FIREDRAGON SCRAMBLE!"

At the Pheonix

Dash4 reaches the clearing that the Pheonix is located in time to see FireDragon deploy and drive towards the city. Dash4 sped into the Pheonix to see Saiki-san and his team preparing the rest of the equipment in the case of deployment. Jimmy climbs out Dash4 and rushes to Saiki-san's side and asks, "How bad is it?"

"It is the second one," Saiki-san states before asking, "Did you find some drivers?"

Toji looks around at the different vehicles and sees FireDozer and appeared fixated. Jimmy says, "Shinji seems to think so, but," Saiki-san nods in understanding before he sees Kensuke taking several pictures a moment.

Saiki-san walks over and asks, "Want to pilot one?" Kensuke froze at that before bowing to the master Mechanic and requesting permission.

Jimmy takes Rescue Calibur and runs over to JetFalcon and transforms into Fire4 and takes off quickly. Toji just continues to stare at FireDozer in thought.

With Fire1-A few minutes later

The Angel, which appeared to be a cross between a snake and octopus was swimming towards the city as Core Striker Max jumped into FireDragon and activated its rescue mode. As the Angel reached the city the buildings started to collapse into the ground and the sirens started going off, calling for evacuation. FireDragon pointed it's ladder at the Angel and fired only for the Angel to duck the attack. FireDragon continued to fire as the Angel avoided everything fired at range. Two glowing pink tendrils then grabbed FireDragon and sent him flying back.

Quske shouts, "Shinji, the creature it is detecting any ranged attack and avoiding them!"

Fire1 frowns and was about to fire again when suddenly JetFalcon roared onto scene and fired some ice missiles towards the Angel. The Angel in question ducked under the attack and through a chuck of the ground through the air at JetFalcon. Fire1 was stuck staring at the Angel before he asks, "Quske do you detect any energy fields around the Angel?"

Quske searched quickly before saying, "There is a slight magnetic wave emanating from the entity, it appears to act as echo location for the creature."

Fire1 hits the wheel of Core Striker Max and says, "Damn, it can feel anything we shoot at it before it even touches it!"

That was when Fire4 voice cut in, "Meaning that neither of our Final Rescues can touch it."

Fire1 frowns before saying, "There is on who could but we haven't found Fire2 yet?"

Fire4 shouts back, "Then what was the point of taking those three to the Pheonix!?"

FireDragon reversed as the Angel got closer and closer to it. Fire1 was silent but thinking at high speed, 'Come on Toji, even you would do something if given the chance!' though as soon as that thought was made there was a loud roar before a grey vehicle designed like a Dragon slammed into the Angel, with a pair of Dover scoops on the back.

Toji shouts, "What are you two doing!?" from inside DozerDragon.

A couple Minutes Prior-Pheonix-DozerDragon pod.

Toji was staring at DizerDragon deep in thought as Seaki-san walked over to him and says, "I know what you are thinking."

Toji speaks, "What could I be thinking?"

"That if you drive DozerDragon, you can get revenge on those that almost hurt your sister. The Rescue Vehicles are not weapons they are protectors of the world. They wouldn't accept a teen looking to hurt someone, even if they are monsters," Saiki-san finished before he returned to his duties of servicing the equipment.

Toji frowns before walking up to DozerDragon and saying to himself, "I almost lost my little sister and it would have been my fault. Instead she was saved by the same guy who saved our town," Toji sighs loudly and says, "I guess I owe him more than just punching him like most of my problems," Toji slammed his head on DozerDragon before thinking he is hallucinating when he hears a growl, but then his eyes widen when he hears the front of DozerDragon open revealing an Ambulance inside. Toji stepped inside DozerDragon before Dash2's door opened for him. Toji was in the driver's seat before he said to himself, "I am going to regret this later!" as the Rescue Megaphone attached to the wheel suddenly shifted to Scramble and DoverDragon launched from the Hanger.

Saiki-san frowns as he watches this before saying, "Shinji will be smug about this later," before he barked orders to everyone to continue working.

The Battlefeild-present

Toji was sitting behind the wheel scared out of his mind but ready to fight. Fire1 activates a screen to see Toji and shouts, "Put on the Fire2 suit! If you don't you could get injured!"

Toji looked around before remembering earlier and pulled out the Rescue Megaphone and selected 'Chokso' and raised the Megaphone over his shoulder before shouting, "FIRE2 CHOSOU!" into it before silver armour appeared around his body with a mechanical under bite over his jaw. Fire2 looked at himself in the mirror quickly before suddenly having to reverse away from the recovered Angel. Fire2 then shouts, "What do I do!?"

Fire1 and Fire4 both shouted at the same time, "RESCUE MODE!"

Fire2 shouts, "Rescue Mode!" causing DozerDragon to charge quickly towards the Angel as the two scoops on its back shifted around and turned the long vehicle into a bulldozer that slammed into the Angel. The Angel was knocked back quickly before Fire2 sees a large chunk of building that had collapsed and then lifted it into the air and spun around to throw the chunk into the Angel, causing it to Stagger. Fire2 shouts, "What now?"

"FINAL RESCUE!" Fire1 and Fire4 shout again, "

Fire2 nods and says into his Rescue Megaphone, "FINAL RESCUE!"

"FINAL RESCUE APPROVED! EXPLOSIVELY SUPPRESS IT!" Fire1 and Fire4 shout as Quske sends Fire2 a quick message.

Fire2 reads the message quickly before shouting into the Rescue Megaphone, "BUND CRASH!" with that Dozer Dragon roars before lifting it's entire front and then slamming down violently creating a wave of ice that travelled along the road and into the Angel resulting in the creature being frozen from the point of contact. Fire2 roared as DozerDragon sped onto the ice chunks crushing them as DozerDragon drove over the ice until it slammed into the Angel and lifted it in its glacier prison before launching it into the air. Fire2 breathed deeply as Dash2 was covered in orange flames and its mouth opening, "DRAGON! ATTACK!" DozerDragon shouts, 'GO!' before Dash2 was sent flying through the air with a spin before it collided with the frozen Angel where it shattered into pieces leaving Dash2 to land without issues. Fire2 stepped out the Ambulance and removed his helmet while breathing deeply. Fire1 and Fire4 disambarked from their machines and removed their helmets to speak with Toji. Toji simply says, "That was crazy," as he slides down the side of Dash2.

Shinji chuckles and says, "Actually that was normal. Though you are going to need to apologize to Seaki-san, I think you scuffed the paint," Toji looked at him in shock before the three have a good laugh as Section Two arrives. They all have their weapons aimed at the three which causes each of them to sigh while Quske sends the three machines back to the Pheonix as the three were arrested and taken to NERV.

They was cuffed behind their backs and Quske was taken along with their helmets as they were placed in the back of the Section Two prison transport. Once inside and alone, Toji asks, "What the hell is going on, we just saved the city!?"

Shinji answers, "Simple, the higher ups of NERV want the Angels killed their way not anyone elses way," what Shinji did not tell them was that Quske had been recording both fights and have uploaded them to every news outlet and government division on the planet. Shinji then goes to say, "Well I hope they have something to eat, I had to skip lunch for this."

With Misato-That moment

Misato's day had not been that good, first Commander Ikari was ordering the return of Rei to the base to pilot EVA01 or when it was operational Unit 00. Which had to be done when an Angel attacked. Misato ordered everyone to get readings on the Angel and anything else that may help. In that time Misato pulled up documents as the battle was declared started, this document stating that Rescue Force/Fire was reinstated as a sub branch of NERV, with separate command structure due to dangerous equipment that was dangerous in anyone elses hands. This document was already signed by Saiki-san and each of the current leaders of Rescue Force/Fire. She quickly signed the document had the sub commander officiate and then had the document uploaded to the system, within five minutes of the Angel being detected, time stamps ensuring that the document can't be rejected after the battle. She had control of operations during Battle and no one can change her orders after the fact.

When Rei arrived she was placed in her Plugsuit and set up to use EVA 01, within a minute of the Angel reaching the city and engaging FireDragon. Misato frowns when none of Shinji or Jimmys' shots reached the mark, but was cheering when DozerDragon arrived and knocked the fight out of the Angel and winning. Unfortunately that was when Commander Ikari stepped in and order Section Two to arrest them.

Misato looks down to the launch bay to see Rei being released from the EVA and lead by doctor Akagi out the hanger. Misato frowns before quickly making her way to them, saying, "I want cost of repairs on the city by this time tomorrow!" Strangely enough said costs were marginal as the only damage to the city was on the port where the battle took place with three buildings even being touched. Evacuations did not even finish by the time the fight finished.

Misato runs down to the changing room where she finds Rei alone wearing her white Plugsuit that appears to be a size to small on her frame. Rei was staring at the roof in thought before she noticed Misato and asks, "Is there a problem Captain Katsuragi?"

Misato smiles and says, "Well Shinji and Jimmy was arrested, thought you might want to join me in setting them free," she waves the documents stating that they were allied with NERV. Rei nodded and was still wearing her Plugsuit as the two left the changing room. Misato walks with Rei before making idle small talk by asking, "So, how was EVA 01?"

Rei was silent for a moment before answering, "Like I was drowning in blood," that statement surprises Misato as Rei continued, "The only comparison I have for EVA 01 is that of a sleeping animal."

Misato frowns as they reach an elevator she asks, "How did you know what a animal is like when it is sleeping?"

"I found a small white cat five years seven months and ten days ago, I took care of it for five days. When I returned after a medical exam the cat was gone," Rei admits before adding, "I never discovered how it exited my apartment at the time."

Misato frowns remembering around that time, Commander Ikari had stated that a Terrorist Group had been threatening NERV, so he had ordered Section Two to start clearing NERV locations of possible leaks in of information or booby traps. It really ticked her off when she arrived during a search of her apartment when the Section Two guards were in her room sniffing her laundry, drinking her beer and straight up being perverted creeps when they tried to force themselves on her. Let's just say when she was done with them, they would never 'perform' again. Misato asks, "Are you feeling all right?"

That actually got Rei twist her lips in thought before saying, "Doctor Hammond, she asked me a few questions that has given me many questions that I do not know the answer too. The one I keep going to is, 'What will I do after the Angels are defeated?' The Doctor even asked if this was my choice," Rei looks to Misato with deep confusion as she asks, "Do I have a choice?"

Misato looks at Rei and suddenly burst into tears before pulling Rei into a hug, she was hugging as the elevator doors opened to a couple technicians who see Misato crying into Rei's shoulder, Rei looked at them silently as the Elevator doors slowly closed leaving the Technicians to start a rumour about Kiseragi and the first child.

They eventually reached the detention level when Misato released Rei and after she whipped away the tears. Misato took a deep breath and the two started towards the cell blocks past one of the Section Two lunch room where they see a group of Section Two soldiers playing Russian roulette. They left the group as they continued to drink vodka, but when a bullet was fired and the Section Two soldiers were cheering as the wet sound of a bursting skull was heard. Misato grabbed Rei's shoulder and rushed them forward quickly, Misato even flinching when another shot was heard.

They reached the Cell blocks where they find Quske, being thrown back and forth between three Section Two soldier each wearing Shinji, Jimmy and Tojis' helmets laughing. Misato stepped forward and shouts, "That is it, remove those helmets or each of you will spend a week in a cell," they all laughed at her before she grabbed a baton and broke some knee caps.

Rei picked up Quske, who says, "Thank you, they said they were going to use me for target practice if I did not summon FireDragon," Misato hears this and beat each of them a couple more times before taking the helmets back. They walked over to the only closed cell to find Jimmy and Toji in their rescue suits and the hands cuffed above their heads in the middle.

Misato says, "Oh my god, what the hell!?"

Jimmy looked up at Misato and asks, "Those jerks took our helmets and punched Toji here when he asked why we were arrested. NOW CAN YOU CUT US DOWN THEY TOOK SHINJI SOMEWHERE AND," he paused at that before noticing Rei in a skin tight bodysuit and says, "Hello, come here often?" he flirts with Rei.

Misato shakes her head before going to the cuffs on the two boys' wrists only to find they were tied with rope and cut them down. Misato says, "What the hell were they thinking!?"

Toji simply says as he rubs his wrists as he says, "While they were walking us into the base they mentioned something along the lines of the higher ups wanting Shinji placed inside Unit one."

With that Quske shouts, "Shinji is three floors up," with that the group runs to the elevator, ignoring the three shots fired from the Section Two break room. They go up the three levels and find themselves in the Section Two interrogation level.

They run in and reached the first interrogation room and force open the door to find Shinji in the middle of being punched in the face as the Section Two soldier was saying, "You will pilot the EVA!" what they did not know was that the entire time Shinji stared at them without saying a word.

Misato rushed forward and shouts, "STAND DOWN! By order of the combat commander during the last engagement with the Angels Shinji Ikari and those affiliated with Rescue Force and Rescue Fire, are under my command during Angel attacks and attacking them in this manner means punishment," Misato finished her statement before untying Shinji, who was still wearing the Fire1 Rescue Suit, from the chair. Shinji stands with face really bruised before Misato asks, "Are you Shinji?"

Shinji thinks for a second and asks, "That punishment thing, I would like to do that," Shinji reached over his right arm and pulled out a large hammer before saying, "Rescue Hammer," the smashed the knee of the man who was telling him to pilot EVA 01, before saying, "No." He then steps on the guy on his way out. Shinji accepted his helmet from Rei while saying, "Thank you, you hungry," Rei was silent before a noticeable groan was heard from Rei's stomach causing Shinji to smile before they walked out the room and Shinji finds a coat for Rei to use at the door and placed it around her as they started walking towards an exit that allowed access within the city. Misato stayed behind but gave them a card to purchase some food at the vendors, with money from Section Two.

Misato then walked through the base and got lost before calling Ritsuko to get directions to her lab. Once she reached the Lab, Misato sighed loudly as she took a seat and says, "Does NERV even need Section Two?"

Ritsuko frowns while she continued to type away along her Computer terminal going over the data from the First Angel. Ritsuko simply says, "Well there is a risk of Terrorist attacking us. According to SEELE, there is a group of human radicals that believe the Angels are need to be worshipped and not killed."

Misato frowns at that before asking, "When were they formed a week ago while we had a complete monopoly on the information?"

Ritsuko looks at her as she removes her glasses and says, "According to Commander Ikari, during Second Impact, one of the survivors started it shortly afterwards." Misato groans as she leans back. Ritsuko then goes onto to ask, "What happened?"

"Well," Misato starts sweeping her 'well' before she says, "Section Two had two teenagers tied up and hanging from their hands in a cell, and Shinji tied down to a chair and beating him to get him to Pilot EVA 01. That is not including what I saw before that. Several members of Section Two were drinking and playing what appeared to be Russian Roulette with a live gun and more than one bullet. Then Rei and Myself caught three of them wearing Shinji and his friends' helmets while passing Shinji's robot friend back and forth. Fortunately I already had the documents stating that Rescue Force members were under the same protection as our pilots along with several points of who they are to be treated."

Ritsuko frowns before saying, "So they were following orders from before the change."

"The idiots didn't even realise that Shinji actually had a weapon that they did not remove from any of the three. Though his classmate Toji is now a member of the team."

Ritsuko frowns before saying, "That is bad," Misato frowns in confusion until Ritsuko says, "The institute declared Toji Suzuhara is the Fourth Child. Does this kid look familiar?"

Ritsuko opened a picture and shows it to Misato, who says, "That is the child Shinji saved."

Ritsuko nods before saying, "Read this," Misato reads some text and her eyes widened as Ritsuko says, "According to this information from the institute, we are to 'use' his 'injured' sister to have him pilot an EVA. Shinji has a document just like this only it states that Shinji will pilot because he would be willing to die if it meant someone convinced him that we need him."

Misato frowns at that before saying, "That is completely wrong. Shinji is nothing like that. If anything he would give us the middle finger and told too," Misato frowns before suddenly asking, "What about his friend Jimmy?"

Ritsuko looks at the files and says, "Nothing, we were given about ten profiles but all of them are in Shinji's class," Ritsuko's eyes widen before she growls. "This is not research, this is a raffle. Pull a name out of a hat of a set number of names," she uses the NERV mainframe to research the names and suddenly says, "You are going to 'love' this each of these names and Shinji, were all in the same medical ward within a month of being born along with the Second Child."

Misato frowns before asking, "So they were not really chosen?"

"Katsuragi, Leave," Commander Ikari stepped into the room. Misato looked at her friend in concern before Ritsuko nodded that she will be fine Misato left. Commander Ikari asks, "How is the 'Project' progressing?"

Ritsuko frowns knowing what Gendo Ikari was thinking, she goes on to say, "The Dummy Plug Project is progressing along the same as before. Though once the two Angel core samples are finally brought in will accelerate the project, but until EVA 01 is activated we will have to change the casing of the Dummy Plug."

"I want the Dummy Plug attached to Unit one, I have already placed orders to ensure that the Third Child will pilot," Commander Ikari states and before Ritsuko could correct him the Commander states, "Humanity will see us as heroes once the world is saved," Commander Ikari straight up leaves before she explain the problem with his logic.

With Shinji-Ramen Stand near the highway entrance towards the Pheonix.

Currently Shinji, Toji and Jimmy still in their Rescue Suits, and Rei wearing her plugsuit under a black coat. They were enjoying some ramen, Shinji and Rei enjoying some MISO Ramen while Toji and Jimmy were enjoying a multi meat Ramen dish. The boys were still on their first bowl while Rei was already on her fifth, which she finished and asked for another. Shinji laughed lightly as she enjoyed her first ever taste of Ramen.

Qsuke then spoke up from his position between Rei and Shinji, "Core Striker Max is on it's way, so last bowl Rei," Rei had a slight frown but nods in understanding.

Jimmy simply says, "This is really good Ramen," as he finished his bowl. He looks to Rei as she enjoys her last bowl of Ramen for the night and says, "Well you have to love a girl with an appetite."

Shinji chuckled as Rei suddenly burped, resulting in the three boys to laugh loudly while Rei appeared confused. That was when Core Striker Max arrived and beeped it's horns and Core Striker Max spoke up, "Section Two operatives are five minutes from this position, they are armed and dangerous, New Faces."

Shinji nods and says, "Let's go," Shinji pays the bill, whispering to the owner and leaving an item with the owner, before he get's in the driver's seat, with Jimmy and Toji being pointed to the back seat so that Rei could sit in the passenger seat. Core Striker Max sped away from the stand and missing the Section Two soldiers who then spent spotted the Ramen stand and proceeded to force the owner to sell the free food even complaining about the quality of the 'free' food. The owner used the Section Two card to buy all the food.

Half hour later-The Pheonix-Main Hanger

Saiki-san was standing at the main hanger door as Core Striker Max arrived. Shinji lowered the Driver's side window and say, "Something wrong, Saiki-san?"

Toji stepped out and apologized for stealing DozerDragon when Saiki-san says, "Actually I am happy that DozerDragon was able to roar again. For now, tomorrow you are here first thing in the morning and you are using the simulators until you can driver DozerDragon with your eyes closed. Then, until you can do it in your sleep," Toji accepted that as Saiki-san says, "Shinji we move Rei's room to your level, so show her, her new room. Jimmy you still have chores." Jimmy sighed before they went inside for the night as the main hangers closed for the night stopping an Section Two personal from entering, about two soldiers who drove past the Pheonix only to give up when one shot the other with a bullet bouncing off the hanger door and into the other member's arm.

Germany-NERV development Facility

The commander of the German Branch of NERV was currently sitting behind a desk drinking heavily as an Asian man entered his office and the commander says, "Well, it is official SEELE have decided to move Asuka and EVA 02, along with the special package from the research of the EVA."

The man nods before saying, "Well Asuka will be happy to see Misato again. Plus I am sure you will be happy about this."

The commander laughs and says, "Ha, you are damn right! Heavy training sessions almost daily. She is costing our Branch budget. Plus that personality of hers is a pain!" The man just chuckles at this while the Commander calms down and says, "We are having the EVA transported with the United Nations Fleet, we plan to have you and the girl flown to Japan in two weeks where you will arrive at the same time as EVA 02."

The man frowns before saying, "She will disagree with that. You should consider having her travel with 'her' EVA," getting a groan from the Commander.

:End of Chapter Two:

Well I bring you another member to the team and another Angel defeated. At the completion of this chapter I have been contemplating a new story, Destroy all Humans! and DC Comics, only it will an OC taking over the world taking individual heroes and villains one at a time, but it would be somewhat inappropriate for some readers or most readers.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this chapter, please review and until next time...BEWARE THE WRAITH!