Sweet Deal

Chapter Four: Easy


Things weren't going as I expected them to. Not even close. I had never expected to get a sugar baby, truly, but I really never expected to get one and find him so fucking adorable. There was no helping it, I was soft for him. I wanted to take care of him as badly as I wanted to fuck him—maybe even more and that fact was blowing my mind.

Hiring Boruto was one of the best decisions I'd ever made and I was thoroughly pleased with him, even though it was merely the beginning of our arrangement and I hadn't fucked him yet. That still amazed me, but when that pretty face of his was flushed and showing off the pleasure I was giving him—even by doing so little—it really did things to me. Strangely enough, it pleased me beyond belief to make him fall apart by my hand and I could be patient.

It would definitely be worth the wait.

While I gave him time in the bath to soak and relax, I checked the sheets and chuckled at finding them clean. He had only soiled himself and it was an image I wouldn't soon forget. Maybe I never would.

With a smile on my face, I left my room and went into the guest bathroom to wash my hands. I was achingly hard, but unbothered, amused even. Boruto was perfect. It was my responsibility to spoil him, even if it was his job to please me. Yes, that meant I wanted to have him, see how good he could suck me off and fuck him silly, but he was special. He was far more innocent than I was expecting and that turned me on to frightening levels.

It was still early evening, time to get dinner figured out. Normally I would just order something after a long, frustrating day, but Boruto had all my frustrations evaporating into nothingness. I was left feeling light and at ease—hard as fuck, but enjoying it. That cute little blond was really making me come to life and it was liberating.

So, instead of just ordering food, I decided to cook. I wouldn't consider myself an amazing cook, but I had enough skill to make it happen and I wanted Boruto to have a nice meal so he could get a good night's sleep. He was impossibly cute when he was looking sleepy, worn out from a single orgasm. I was going to really enjoy breaking him in and working up his tolerance because 'one and done' wasn't going to work out. I wouldn't be fully satisfied until I could make him come undone at least three times before I fucked him to a final one and only then would I approve of him sleeping.

After getting the food started, I checked over my emails and then noticed the twenty minutes I was giving him were up. When I opened the bathroom door, I found him still in the tub, lazing there with his blue eyes fluttering open to look over at me.

"You're not falling asleep in there, are you?" I asked, cocking a brow while leaning against the doorframe.

"No." He was quick to deny, gaze drifting over me before he sunk deeper into the tub. "Well . . . maybe. It's so warm, I couldn't help it."

I hummed, smiling and crossing my arms over my chest. "I know, but you'll shrivel up in there if you stay any longer."

"Okay." He said and sat back up, stretching a little. "I'll be right down."

"Alright. I'll be waiting." I straightened myself and left my room to head back downstairs, trusting he would make his way out of the tub. Slowly.

There was a lot for me to think about. I didn't mind being soft with Boruto or treating him well, I wanted those things too because he deserved them and I would enjoy them, but I couldn't let him or myself forget what he was here for. Tonight was about him and I would keep my word on that, but I would be breaking him in soon and showing him exactly what I wanted from him.

Dinner was coming along nicely, set to a slow cook so after checking on it, I went into the living room and sat on the recliner, turning on the TV even though I didn't intend to watch it. There were too many things on my mind and I'd never been one to watch much TV anyway. I liked the background noise though, even when it was drowned out by my mind.

"Something smells good." Boruto commented as he came around the recliner and took a seat on my lap. His head was facing the TV, but I could still see the blush spread all the way down his neck.

He was too fucking cute. Pleased with his shy, yet knowing move, I brought my hand to his back and slowly stroked it in a smooth, calming manner. "It's you," I murmured, raising my other hand to his cheek and pulling him back to lean on me so I could press my nose to his neck and inhale the soothing scent of him. That lavender and vanilla always relaxed me. "You smell wonderful."

"T-thank you." He stuttered and tilted his head to give me more room.

Boruto was perfectly submissive and I loved it. A pleased hum rumbled in my throat and I kissed his throat. "You're welcome. Dinner will be ready soon."

"I would have made it for you." He made sure to put out there, but wasn't ungrateful. "What am I going to do if you end up being a better cook than me? It really does smell delicious."

I laughed lightly and continued to rub his back, still nuzzling his neck. "I already told you, cooking isn't your job. But, I'm sure everything you make I'd like more than my own cooking."

"Yeah?" He smiled, snuggling back into my warm touch. "You're not just saying that?"

"Not at all." I said, giving his neck another kiss, this one a lingering suckle. My arms wrapped around him, holding him in place. "Maybe we can take turns."

He hummed, biting his bottom lip as his hands came to settle over my own. It sure didn't take much with him, which only made me want him more. I really loved that. Boruto probably didn't even realize he was doing it, or how it affected me. My erection had gone down, but not completely and I was still hungry for a lot more than food. This wasn't about me though. It was hard to remember that when he was getting to me so much.

"Once we eat, you can get to bed. You look sleepy." Honestly, he looked a little touch-starved and maybe even a little wanton, but I wasn't sure if I could handle more without taking everything.

"I'm not tired!" He protested and turned a bit to look at me over his shoulder. "I can . . . I can still give you whatever you need."

My brows narrowed at that, cock roaring to life instantaneously. "Careful," I warned, voice dropping to a deeper tone. "I said tonight was about you. But I won't hold back if you tempt me."

"Yes sir." He said a little breathlessly and lowered his gaze. "Sorry."

"You don't need to apologize," I reassured him, rubbing up and down his arm. "I just want to be careful with you so I can enjoy you to the fullest. That's why I won't push you too far—as long as you don't push me."

"Oh." He blinked. "I thought that . . . okay. Okay, I understand." Boruto nodded, voice sounding relieved.

"What did you think, baby?" I asked curiously.

Boruto's cheeks heated up and he shook his head. "Nothing, I was just being silly."

"You can tell me. I want you to be honest. Always." For things to work between us, honesty was a requirement.

Boruto shook his head again and tried to scramble away. "It's alright, we've cleared it up anyway."

My hold tightened on him, keeping him locked in place and I hissed at the way his thigh rubbed down across my erection. "Boruto,"

He squeaked at my tone and stilled his movements. "Sorry. Dinner, we should—it's getting cold. I'll meet you there."

"It's not even ready yet," I said, not letting myself laugh even if it almost slipped. "And you're not going anywhere. Not until I decide to let you. Definitely not until you answer me."

He opened his mouth, still trying to escape the situation, but wisely chose to close it before attempting a response. "I . . . it's . . ."

"You know… this isn't going to work if you can't talk to me." I sighed, releasing him to let my arms rest at my sides. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"No, wait, it's not that." He said quickly and fisted my shirt, eyes anxious. "I thought I wasn't good enough . . . that my inexperience was causing problems. I know now that isn't the case, I had realized that, but the worry was still in the back of my mind."

Just when I thought he couldn't get any cuter. "Yes, that's far from the case here. Your inexperience just makes me want you all the more, but it also makes me want to be careful with you and take my time." I smiled and lifted my hand again, this time cradling his cheek and brushing my thumb over his soft lips. "It's been a long time since I've wanted someone as badly as I want you."

Actually, I couldn't ever remember feeling such lust for anyone.

"Oh." He let out almost inaudibly, a mix of disbelief and bewilderment. "Ki . . ."

This guy… he really made me feel things. So many things. I wanted him close like this, couldn't see myself wanting to let him go anytime soon, and the way those gorgeous blue eyes fell to my lips was so taunting that I found myself leaning in.

I almost kissed him, but I stopped just shy of his lips, holding my breath as his fanned out on me shakily. I'd just about broken one of my own rules—and we were just getting started. Saving myself without being rude, I placed a gentle kiss just next to his mouth and sighed.

"I should check on dinner."

Boruto snapped out of his little daze, blushing furiously before he got off my lap. "Right."

"It should be almost ready." I explained, not wanting him to shy away too much, so as I stood, I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him along with me towards the kitchen. "When I'm home, unless I say otherwise, I always want you close to me. Understand?"

"Yes sir." He said and a smile spread across his face.

"Good boy." I praised him, giving him a little squeeze before letting him go as we stepped into the kitchen. The food was nearly finished, smelled great and reminded me that I hadn't eaten since lunch.

Boruto wanted to help and I didn't stop him from setting places for us at the bar instead of the table. He even fixed our drinks while I filled our plates and soon enough, we were seated next to each other, eager to eat. My mouth was watering at the sight and smell of the food and I couldn't wait to dig in, so I had a bite right away. It was good, but I wondered if it would have been better had Boruto been the one to cook it instead.

The blond took a sip of his drink before he began eating, pleased hums escaping his throat after every bite. He looked happy and had no problem stuffing his cheeks. I was happy to know he was enjoying the meal as much as me. It didn't take long for us both to finish and I collected our dishes to carry them over to the sink.

"Why don't you go ahead and get some rest?" I suggested to him as I opened the dishwasher and worked on getting it loaded.

"But I'm not . . . tired." He struggled to get out, eyes dropping a little.

I shook my head at seeing him fighting to stay awake, closing the dishwasher as I loaded the silverware last. "Yeah?" I mused, starting the wash before wiping my hands off. "Let's get you in bed, maybe you'll change your mind?"

He hummed and got on his feet, stifling a yawn. "Okay. But only because you insist."

"Of course." I smiled, trying to tone down my amusement as I walked over to him, placing my hand at the small of his back and walking him up the stairs and into his room. I pulled the covers back for him and waited as he slipped into the bed before covering him up. "Sleep well, baby."

Boruto barely lasted two seconds and his eyes fell closed as he mumbled out a response. "Goodnight, Ki."

He was so cute, I could have just stood there and watched him sleep, loving how peaceful he looked. I didn't though, I left him to rest and went back downstairs to finish cleaning. By the time I finished and had my own shower, I was ready for bed as well. It didn't take me long to fall asleep either.




The following day, I walked into Boruto's room after I was ready for work. He was still sleeping soundly, curled up on his side and buried under the covers. His blond hair was going every which way and I couldn't help but lean down and slide my fingers through it. My touch roused him and he shifted onto his back, eyes peeling opened to peek at me.

"Good morning baby. Sorry to wake you. I'm off to work, just wanted to let you know that the cleaners will be coming by today. They should be here in the next hour or so. You have everything you need if you want to go out shopping or anything and you can call my cell if you need me. I'll be in boring meetings all day."

"Meetings?" He questioned sleepily. "Who . . . who are you . . . I'm the only sugar baby." He muttered before his eyes closed again.

I laughed and caressed his cheek with my thumb. "You're right. You're the only one. I'll be meeting with boring, not cute people."

"Good." He hummed and blindly reached out a hand from under the covers. "C'mere."

"Oh?" I grinned and leaned over him, snaking my arms under him and pressing a kiss to his neck. "You just want a hug?"

Boruto's hand found my face and he raised his head to kiss my cheek. "Have a good day." He told me, fingers drifting to my hair as his breathing evened out.

"Have a good day, baby." I smiled more softly, removing myself from him slowly as he was already sleeping again.

Work was the same as always, aside from having more meetings than I did on an average day. Kagura came in with my coffee right after I arrived and briefed me on my schedule for the day. After I thanked him, he left me to my work and I was busy with my paperwork until the first meeting began.

The day was long and boring, even more-so since my thoughts kept drifting to Boruto. From the moment I arrived at the office, I was excited to get back home. Home had never felt like home to me before. Now though, with my cute little sugar baby there to greet me, I wanted to be there.

During my lunch hour, I texted him and he informed me that the cleaners had already come and gone and he had taken a cab to town for more shopping. I wished he would have taken Kagura instead but decided not to say anything for now. Instead, I wanted to send him a treat so I called a local flower shop and requested an arrangement of hot pink, long-stem roses and pink lilies to be prepared and sent to him at home, along with a white teddy bear the lady recommended and a box of rich chocolates.

After that I was sucked back into more meetings that kept me busy until early evening, much later than I had hoped to be working but the last meeting ran late. There was so much presenting and issues to discuss that by the time I was on my way home, I was ready for a shower and bed.

I walked in, tossing my suit jacket on the small table where I also dropped my keys and then started loosening my tie.

Boruto was soon there to greet me, wearing a large white and blue hoodie. "Welcome home." He said and I could smell something cooking in the kitchen.

It was nice to have someone so cute welcoming me home and cooking dinner, yet again making me certain I had made a wise decision in hiring him. "Sorry I'm late." I smiled, walking over to him and placing a chaste kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for cooking."

"It's not ready yet." He said, face heating up. "But . . . well . . . I can give you a massage while we wait. You know, like we talked about yesterday."

"So sweet." I hummed, straightening back up. "I'll shower first, okay?"

"Okay." He smiled and sauntered off.

I hated to even leave him because he looked so inviting. That blush that painted his cheeks didn't leave my mind the whole time I showered. Once I finished, I dressed in a pair of black joggers and a white T-shirt before heading back downstairs. Boruto was in the living room, sitting on the couch with the teddy bear in his lap and his arms wrapped around it, hugging it to his chest. It was bigger than I thought it would be and he was even cuter sitting there with it like that.

Taking a seat on the couch with him, I got comfortable and reached over to flick his nose playfully, then did the same to the bear. "Well aren't you two cute as fuck?"

"I wasn't expecting him." Boruto told me, referring to the bear. "Or the flowers and chocolates. It really caught me off guard . . ." He confessed. "I'm not used to gifts like that, but thank you. They're beautiful, Ki."

"Well, get used to it. It's my job to spoil you after all." I winked at him. "I'm glad you appreciate the gifts, Boruto. I was happy to get them for you."

He smiled against the head of his teddy bear, but was quick to set it aside so he could get to work. "Excuse me." He said politely before climbing into my lap. I could tell he was still embarrassed about the whole thing, but his hands didn't hesitate to start digging into my shoulders.

Boruto was surprisingly gifted at giving massages, or maybe I was just that in need of one. In mere seconds he had me grunting and breathing out deeper, eyes falling closed as I enjoyed how his hands loosened my tense muscles and relaxed my body completely. He worked his way down over my arms and back up slowly, even getting my neck. When his fingers started massaging the back of my scalp, I groaned, wishing to fall asleep just like this.

It didn't escape Boruto's notice and he softly called me out on it. "Falling asleep again?" He giggled with a quiet tone.

"No," I murmured, smiling lazily without opening my eyes. "I won't… but I want to. It feels amazing."

"It's alright if you do, a little nap won't hurt." He assured me. "I'll wake you up when the food is ready."

"Maybe… if we move this to my room?" I suggested, the thought of resting on my bed while he massaged me so good I was beginning to crave it.

"Of course." He agreed and slipped off of me, standing up next to the couch. He didn't make any move towards my bedroom though and waited for me to walk with him.

Looking forward to being massaged to sleep, I eagerly got off the couch and led the way to my room. Once there, I removed my shirt and laid it on my dresser before walking to the bed.

"L-lay on your stomach." Boruto instructed and went ahead and got on the mattress.

I did as I was told, laying down on my front and getting comfortable. "I'll probably be out in no time. Don't hold it against me."

"You don't have to worry about that." He chuckled before carefully situating himself on my lower back. He was able to cover a lot more ground and made sure to take advantage of the fact.

"Good." I sighed, closing my eyes and surrendering myself to his touch.

In this position he was able to do a lot more, his palms beginning by stroking up and down my back, adding a bit more pressure along and along until he started focusing on my shoulders. It felt absolutely amazing and he didn't stop until I couldn't have relaxed anymore, then he started working on my head, fingertips massaging it at a much better angle that had me falling asleep almost instantly.




Fingers brushed though my hair and a sweet voice caused me to sir. "Ki. Ki, dinner is ready."

"Hmm." I breathed in response, forcing my eyes to open. Boruto was smiling at me as I rolled over and yawned. "Damn, I was sleeping good. Dinner does sound great though, especially since you cooked it."

"So make sure you eat lots of it." He said and leaned over me. "I already set the table for us, all I have to do is bring you to it."

"Think you can carry me?" I asked teasingly, staring up at him.

"Ki!" He giggled. "You know I can't! You're like twice my size."

I laughed too and slid my arm around his waist, pulling him into the bed and rolling over on top of him easily. "Yeah, I like it. Your size is one of my favorite things about you."

He blushed hard and tried to hide his face against my chest. "I-I . . . I like it too." He whispered.

"Yeah? What do you say to, after dinner, we play a bit?" I asked, crawling down so he couldn't hide and I could move my lips to his ear. "Maybe this time, I'll take a turn."

I felt him shiver underneath me. "Yes, I want to."

"Okay. I'll take it easy on you." I promised, tone playful. Then I got off the bed and scooped him up into my arms before he could move. "I guess this is my job."

Boruto laughed, not having any arguments as I carried him downstairs and into the kitchen so we could have dinner together. Tonight, I wanted us to do a little more, but I still didn't plan to fuck him yet. Willing or not, I just didn't feel as if he was ready for that yet, but the time would come and I would make sure it was perfect so that he was satisfied being my sugar baby.

This deal wasn't only about my pleasure, but his as well. We had to have a mutual understanding and good chemistry if we were going to make it last—and I wanted it to last. It was still the beginning, but I was very pleased with him and he seemed happy to be with me as well. Of course, I knew that was mainly thanks to the hefty amount of money I was paying him, but there was a genuineness about him too that made me think it wasn't just the money. Maybe he liked my company too and he couldn't use me when we already had an agreement and I'd stated plainly what I was willing to give him.

If I felt the need to gift him extra things on occasion like I had today, that was my business. I wanted to spoil him a bit, wanted him to feel relaxed and comfortable enough to accept our partnership without having any uncertainties. Boruto didn't seem like every other guy out there. Yes, he had sought out a sugar daddy for money and I didn't know what his reasons were, but I knew they had to be important.

This was a guy who hadn't been touched in years, it only made sense for him to take such a job if there was some very important reason behind it. Either way, I wouldn't judge him. No matter what his reasons were. I was just happy he'd sought out a sugar daddy and I was able to find him. The more time we spent together, the more I realized that nobody else would have been good enough for me.

Boruto was perfect.