Chapter 1 - Am I dreaming?
I'm a mom and wife, I'm used to a big family and kids that run around and make funny noises and getting up really early because of the smallest sounds. I've always had a bad habit of sleep grabbing the kids if they wake up. You're sleeping and you hear your kid crying and you're body moves it's way up the stairs, most likely while running and maybe you hit your foot on the stair and break a toe.
Been there-done that, how do you think I ended up here? By running up stairs to get one of my kids having a nightmare. THAT is how I Died.
No, I wasn't heroically fighting off an intruder, I wasn't in a car accident. Nope I was running up the stairs basically asleep and I probably would've woken up randomly snuggled next to or on the floor by whichever child of mine it is after whispering something along the lines of " 'tis k, bad dream, sleepy now" giving said child of mine a kiss on the cheek and waking up wondering how I ended up there because I don't remember it happening. My sleepy body goes into autopilot if something happens to my kids, probably because my over-protective motherness takes over in sleep land or something.
I knew my head was on something hard and that my body felt incredibly heavy, then I remember I was running upstairs to grab my upset child, I vaguely remember slipping and I definitely remember sleepy thinking "one of my babies need me" next thing I know I hear silent mummers and then a book is slammed near my head. . . So I do what any lovely lady would do that fell down the stairs going to comfort an upset child.
"SHIT, WHERE's MY BABIES" I shout as I jump up in the middle of a uhhh (Class????) I hear a few quiet snickers around the room. Mr. teach narrows his eyes at me.
"Miss Gilbert, please refrain from sleeping in my class" Mr. Tanner says in a rather annoying bossy voice... nope sorry darling... Wait...
"Whose Miss Gilbert?" I ask with what I'm sure is an innocently confused face. Sure NOW the room is quiet.
"Miss Gilbert, this is no time for a joke. I was willing to be lenient with you last year, for obvious reasons, but the personal reasons ended with summer break."
He said with a rather snotty voice.. maybe he's not really a teacher? What an asshole, really.
But before I could tell him that I thought he was an asshole someone spoke up.
"There was 346 causalities, unless your counting civilians"
Ironically he looks vaguely familiar, they all do hmm.. maybe I'm dreaming then? Maybe if I bang my head on the table it'll wake me up?
The asshole teacher says back
"That's correct, Mr?"
"Salvatore" That sounds like the main vamp people's name in Vamp Diaries... wacky dream I guess?
"Salvatore? Any relation to the original settlers here in Mystic Falls?" Said the asshole teach. Mystic Falls huh? Maybe I'm in a coma or this is really advanced cosplay/role-play? Where's Elena though? Hmm...
"Distant" Mr. Salvatore reply's. Yup it's probably a coma.
"Very good, except that there were no civilian casualties in this battle" maybe I should interrupt and ask if they're hard core vamp diaries fans and how I got here when I just fell down the stairs while trying to get to my kiddos?
"Actually there were 27 civilian casualties. Confederate soldiers fired on the church believing it to be hiding weapons, but they were wrong. It's a night of great loss. The founders records are stored in civil hall if you want to brush up on your facts, Mr Tanner."
Ahhh that is the assholes name. I forgot. Yup it's vamp diaries. I need to get home, I must be dreaming then.
Then the bell rings so I get to go to my fake home... though I don't know where I live, so I'll ask Jeremy!
I check my pockets to see what's in them as I walk out, it looks like my iPod is here and Elena's cell from the show. Of course.
As I walk out of the room (ignoring Stefan, Bonnie and Care) I say loud in a Sing-song voice " Oh WHERE OH WHERE HAS MY BABY BRO GONE OH WHERE OH WERE COULD HE BEEEEE" with the cheeriest smile I could muster while skipping.
(brothers are fun you know, I got three of them where I come from, all younger too!) Of course Elena's friends and Vamp are looking at her funny while I do this. It makes me want to laugh! It'll be fun while I'm here however my priority is dying so I can get home.
"Elena are you ok?" Bonnie asked, as she starts to walk next to me.
"Oh, Bon-Bon I'm fine" I say all cheery, "I just gotta find my Adorable baby brother!" I say all upbeat like.
(soo, I'm gonna be acting like myself, it'll be exciting! But I need to be home for my family so this'll need to end soon)
"Okay, if you're sure Elena" Bonnie says, looking sort of concerned.
Then I see little rebellious Jere! "Jere-Bear, Brother-Mine, baby bro!" I say in excitement as I run up to him and jump into his arms, leaving the people in the hall confused by my attitude. (maybe I'm too happy and huggy right now? Ohh well, Sorry I LIKE Hugs, thank you very much)
"ELENA, what are you doing?" Fake Brother-mine says with annoyance.
"Well, brother-mine I demand you take-walk and, or give me directions home because I can't remember how to get there?" I say, while blushing and tapping my fingers together in embarrassment.
"Elena, HOW can YOU not KNOW HOW to get home? We LIVE there." He says, slightly angry and with disbelief.
"I may have forgotten?" I reply, while innocently tilting my head to the side with a pouty face and again tapping my fingers together while bouncing around a bit.
"OH MY GOD ELENA YOU CAN FIND YOUR OWN WAY HOME, I don't have time for this." He says, with frustration.
"Bu-But JEREMY, wait WHAT DOES OUR HOUSE LOOK LIKE?" I ask, confusion written on my face.
What does my darling dream brother do then? He shakes his head and walks away... he walks away from me...
"How Rude." I say out loud, then I pout, because I honestly DON'T know where HOME is.
"Fine, I'll find my own way then, get lost and all that fun stuff too. Can't I just wake up now? Stupid dream world." I whispered to myself, as I walked down the hallway at the school I took out my iPod, put my headphones in and turned on my music, all the while ignoring the confused, concerned and curious glances from my dream friends/peers and vamp Stefan.
"Elena, we have the dance at the falls tonight remember?" Asks Bonnie, "You said you'd be there when Stefan asked." She said when she saw my confused face.
"Did I? Huh?" I say, as I put my my hand up and tap my chin thinking. "I don't wanna go though." I say with a pout. You know what Bonnie does? She LAUGHS at me. Hmph.
"Fine..." I say with irritation layering my voice.
"Hey, you'll be able to show me how to get home right? So that I don't get lost and stuff?" I ask with excitement as I start to bounce up and down as we walk to her car.
"Elena, you know where you live." She tells me with patience. "You've lived there your whole life you know."
"I'm sorry Bon, but I honestly don't remember." I say with frustration.
"Okay, okay. We'll drive by your house before we get ready for the bonfire then okay? Then I'll write you some directions just to make sure you'll be able find your way back. Did something happen, you weren't like this earlier. " She asks, looking concerned.
"I'm sure I'll be fine Bon, I just, I just can't remember okay? I probably hit my head. So please, please show me how I can get home." I plead with her, I can't just tell her that it's a wacky dream.
"Alright" She says with a sigh. She doesn't look too convinced, but at least she's letting it slide, for now anyways.
She shows me how to get to my in dream-world house. Hopefully I'll be able to find it again, my sense of direction is Horrible even with written directions. I'll need to get a GPS probably.
"Just admit it, Elena." Bonnie says suddenly.
"Admit what Bon's?" I ask with confusion in my voice.
"That you think Stefan is pretty." She says plainly.
"Sure, I guess he's sort of cute, maybe. " I say with an indifferent shrug of my shoulders.
"Just sort of? Come on Elena, you can admit you're attracted to him." She says exasperated.
"Bon, I just met him okay? Sure, he's got a cute face and maybe, maybe his body is attractive but I don't even know the guy okay?" I say frustrated.
"What if he's a killer, or a rapist? Or maybe he's a chronological liar or abusive." I say while pointing at her with frustration. Ugh my dream friends are boy crazy, I wasn't even boy crazy when I was a teen. But I've had enough bad situations with the male species that it makes me feel nervous.
"Come on Elena, I doubt he's any of those things." Bonnie says with an irritated sigh.
"Really? I'm assuming you've asked him then? Or maybe you know him personally? I say with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, no... " she says
"Exactly!" I exclaim while I bounce up and down then I clap my hands. "See, you don't know him."
"So, where is he?" Bonnie asks suddenly.
"How am I supposed to know Bons?" I ask curiously. "Besides aren't you supposed to be the witch? Anyways, let's dance!" I say excitingly while I grab her hand to drag her along, but she freezes up.
"Bon, Bonnie? What is it?" I ask her while waving my hand in front of her face after she's been quiet for awhile.
"That was weird. When I touched you, I saw a crow." She says sounding freaked out.
"Huh" I respond, bored already, I am.
"A crow. There was fog, a man. I'm drunk. It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it. Yeah? Ok, I'm gonna get a refill." She says while rushing away from me very freaked out.
"Fine, see ya Bon-Bon" I wave, even though she's already out of my sight. I turn around to go towards the dancing and bump into someone.
"Hi" the chest says.
I look up and see it's Stefan. "Hello, Mr. Stefan" I say with a nod of my head in greeting, "Uhh, I'm gonna go dance now, see ya!" I speed walked away before he could say anything. Besides, I Love dancing and I hooked up my music before the party started and I Love this song and I don't want Mr. Stefan to get attached to me. I will just wait for my dream death to come, I have kids, I need my kids.
Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
I walk to where everyone else is dancing and start swaying my hips and moving my arms around my body quietly singing to the music
But you will remember me
Remember me, for centuries
I start bouncing around a bit, I didn't notice that anyone was paying attention as I was dancing around, my hands occasionally running along my body.
Just one mistake
Is all it will take
We'll go down in history
I move my body towards the ground and then move it up, not noticeing that someone was behind me as I did, I was lost in my own world.
Remember me for centuries
Remember me for centuries
I bump into someone again and then spin around, it's Mr. Stefan again.. I thought he doesn't like to dance? I decide to ignore him as best as I can, I continue to sway my hips again. Maybe he'll go away.
Mama, fight my teenage dreams
No, it's nothing wrong with me
The kids are all wrong the story's aloof
He pushes his front against my back, moving his body with me as I dance, I freeze for a second, then I turn and push him away some, I don't know him, I'm married in real life and I've had such bad luck with other males it makes me nervous. I'd rather get lost in the music and the movement my body makes.
Heavy metal, rock my heart
Come on, come on and let me in
I'm cruising on your thighs, leave my fingerprints
As I'm moving away he grabs my hand and pulls me to him and then spins me away, I give him a small smile, because he actually doesn't look uptight right now, not like he does in the show, as he pulls me back in and sways us. It's a little funny, but it's also awkward, he's unfamiliar to me, so I pull away again. Trying to show him that I want space.
And this is for tonight
I thought that you would feel
I never meant for you to fix yourself
Remember me for centuries
I accidentally bump into Care and I grab her hips and pull her close and start dancing with her. She drunk laughs at me and slurs, "Elena, what are you doing?"
And I can't stop till the whole word knows my name
'Cause I was only born inside my dreams
"I'm having fun and dancing darling" I say with a goofy wink, as I spin her away, I bump into Mr. Stefan again... then he grabs onto one of my hips and dances close to me again.
I don't wanna cause a scene with the Vamp, but his touch feels real and it makes me nervous, I've always HATED vivid dreams...
Until you die for me, as long as there is a light
My shadow is over you 'cause I am the
opposite of amnesia
I decide to just let it be as I'm going to be moving away from him as I dance to the music, but... this time he grabs onto my hand and I freeze again at the touch, as I try to softly tug my hand out of his, but he won't let go of my hand. I have to remind myself that it's just a vivid dream. Touches will feel real, I'm going to have to keep calm or I'll panic.
And you're a cherry blossom
You're about to bloom
He moves his hand with mine as I move to the music while I try to ignore him again, but it's hard, he keeps making himself move with me. Dream Mr. Stefan looks happy. But, I just want to dance, dream or not, I love dancing.
You look so pretty, but you're gone so soon
I tug my hand away from him again, this time he let's go, thankfully.
He's been here forever
And he's the chosen fruit
I could scream forever
We all poisoned you
I continue to dance as I ignore those around me. Not noticing how many of the males are watching me move.
Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me, for centuries
Just one mistake
Is all it will take
We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
Remember me for centuries
I giggle and clap as the song ends. I just love dancing!
After I walk away to get something to drink Mr. Stefan puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving and again I freeze up and hold my breath.
I don't like being touched very much. He let go of my shoulder before I can say anything about it though.
"Bonnie seems like a good friend." He casually says to me.
"Umm.. yeah, she's a wonderful friend." I say back, maybe he is interested in Bonnie in my dream? Hmm... maybe he'd leave me alone then?
"And Matt, he can't seem to, uh, take his eyes off of us." He says with slight frustration. Ohh... ok so he's not interested in Bon then. Ughhh. Can I bang my head into a tree? I hoped we wouldn't have this conversation.
" Well, Matt's been a good friend since childhood you know, me and him we uh.. we previously dated... " Not really, I never dated him, but dream Elena did and I can't exactly say that, my dream people might attack me or something.
"And?" Stefan asks, again slightly impatient.
" And then my parents died, and here we are I guess. Besides, Matt's a great guy, but as great as he is as a person we just aren't ..." what am I supposed to say? I don't really know Matt.
"Passionate?" He asks out of curiosity.
"No, he's great but, we just don't... maybe we're not passionate either, no, uh, besides you have to be able to keep awesome conversations and goof around and have fun with someone you're going keep, ya know?" I say while scratching the back of my head, because I'm making it up as I go and really that's a good reason not to stay with someone.
Then Mr. Stefan's eyes start to change and he's Vamping out.
"Hey, um, are you okay? Um, I think you're having an eye thing, maybe a reaction, are you allergic to alcohol?." I ask with a curious voice, I know he's doing his vamp thing but if I tell him that he'll get all defensive, he'd probably think I'm Kathrine, would he kill me then? Maybe I should do it just to see his reaction? Nahh, not yet.
"Oh, um...Yeah, no. It's, um, it's nothing. Um, are you thirsty? I'm gonna get us a drink." He says in hurry as he runs off.
"Looking for someone?" Matt asks me as he steps near my space. Since I unfortunately didn't flee the area yet.
"Not really, I'm just trying to decide if I wanna dance again." I say while putting my hand under my chin thinking, maybe I should do that?
He interrupts my thoughts...
"When you broke up with me, you said it was because you needed some time alone. You don't look so alone to me." He says with an upset voice.
"Matt, it's a party, you can't have a party like this without anyone there" I comment back with annoyance, I mean really, I can't stop the roll of my eyes.
"Right, Elena. You do what you have to do. I just want to let you know that...I still believe in us. And I'm not giving up on that." He says sadly and quickly turns away before I can say anything else.
I didn't repeat what Elena said... why'd he respond the same way I think with annoyance.
I see Care walk up to Mr. StefanVamp... is that gonna be the same too?
"Hey! There you are. Have you been down to the falls yet? Because they are really cool at night. And I can show you...if you want." Care says excitingly drunk.
"I think you've had too much to drink." Stefan tells her slowly...
"Well, of course I have. So—" But Stefan cuts Caroline off before she can finish asking.
"Caroline. You and me, it's not gonna happen. Sorry." Stefan says with a rather stern voice. He didn't even sound sorry...
I see him walk towards me... should I run away from him? Hmm.. I start to turn around, maybe I can sneak...
"Elena." I hear Stefan say, I freeze momentarily, I hold in a breath, I don't really wanna have this conversation, maybe I should get Jeremy now?
I let my breath out "Yes, Stefan?" I ask kindly with slight frustration.
"Is Caroline always like that?" He asks me light heartedly.
" Yeah, She'll back off eventually. But, she's a great person, maybe you should get to know her befo... Ohh, God, you gotta be kidding me!" There goes Jeremy, into the woods, I can't lose my coma-dream Bro ya know.
"What is it?" Stefan asks curiously with slight worry.
"Ohhh, it's just My brother." I say flamboyantly.
"The drunk one?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.
" Uh-Huh. That'd be the one. Excuse me sir." I say as I rush off.
"Need some help?" Stefan asks loudly to my fleeing back.
"Nah, I got this. JEREMY! JEREMY! GET BACK HERE MISTER!" I run after him.
In the woods.
"JEREMY GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE MISTER!" I shout out as I catch up to him.
"I don't want to hear it!" Jeremy snaps at me as I catch up to him.
I begin speaking softly "Yeah, I know, but Jere-bear...
Jeremy trips. He sees Vicki's body, she's been bitten. And then he screams out
"Vicki? No! Oh, my god, it's Vicki!" Jeremy shouts out.
" Oh, Shit." I say, but I knew this was gonna happen. Drama, drama, drama.
Jeremy screams out, "No!"
At the party
Matt runs over and shouts "Vicki? Vicki, what the hell?!"
"What happened to her?" Tyler asks, distress clear in his voice.
"Somebody, call an ambulance!" Matt yells out.
Tyler starts herding people away a bit "Everybody back up, give her some space!"
"It's her neck. She's been bit by something. She's losing a lot of blood too, we need to stop the blood-flow" I say so that we can add pressure to the wound.
A guy comes up and says, "Here, Put this on her neck."
"Vicki, Vicki, come on, open your eyes, look at me." Matt's calling out to his sister hoping for a response.
Stefan's gone of course, because he knows he himself didn't do it.
Salvatore Boarding House
Stefan's POV
He just arrived home, going as fast as he can. He needs to know who did it.
"What's going on?" Zach asks Stefan, looking concerned.
"Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach, and it wasn't me." I say fast, I don't want him to think I'm responsible for something I'm not, I wouldn't do that.
I enter my bedroom. Then a crow appears.
"Damon." I say sternly, as I look at my brother on the balcony, of course it's my brother, following me, trying to ruin everything again.
"Hello, brother." Damon says back, god I hate him sometimes.
"Crow's a bit much, don't you think?" I ask self righteously.
"Wait till you see what I can do with the fog." Damon Gloats back at me.
"When'd you get here?" I ask him. Isn't he responsible for all the death around here? Stupid question. Of course he is.
He ignores my question, "Well, I couldn't miss your first day at school. Your hair's different. I like it." Damon says back arrogantly.
I respond back, feeling frustrated, "It's been 15 years, Damon."
Damon smirks " Thank God. I couldn't take another day of the nineties. That horrible grunge look? Did not suit you. Remember, Stefan, it's important to stay away from fads." He responds with fake care.
"Why are you here?" I ask back, I'm feeling upset, he could ruin everything.
"I miss my little brother." My brother responds simply.
I state with impatience, "You hate small towns. It's boring. There's nothing for you to do."
Damon rolls his eyes and says, "I've managed to keep myself busy."
"You know, you left that girl alive tonight. That's very clumsy of you." Maybe a change of topic will help?
Now Damon looks amused "Ah. That can be a problem...for you." He says with another Smirk.
"Why are you here now?" Hopefully he can give me a straight answer and then leave.
Damon raises an eyebrow at me and smirks again, "I could ask you the same question. However, I'm fairly certain your answer can be summed up all into one little word...Elena."
Matt ends up leaving in the ambulance with Vicky.
Bonnie walks over "Hey. We're gonna go to Mainline Coffee, wait for news."
"I gotta take Jeremy home." I say to her, really I do, he's just a teen.
Bonnie speaks up, sounding a bit afraid, "Elena, there's no way I'm psychic. I know that. But whatever I saw, or I think I saw, I have this feeling..."
I know what she's gonna say but we'll... "What is it Bon?" I ask her calmly.
"That it's just the beginning." She responds in a creeped out voice.
Salvatore Boarding House
Stefan's POV
Now Damon's taunting me saying "She took my breath away. Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine. Is it working, Stefan? Being around her, being in her world? Does it make you feel alive?"
God can't he give it up? "She's not Katherine." I respond irritated.
"Well, let's hope not. We both know how that ended. Tell me something, when's the last time you had something stronger than a squirrel?" Damon says with an arrogant smirk.
"I know what you're doing, Damon. It's not gonna work." Don't give into the irritation, or slight temptation I find myself thinking.
Damon raises an eyebrow again, "Yeah? Come on. Don't you crave a little?"
Damon jumps at me and starts hitting me. I try to block him.
"Stop it." God sometimes I really really hate him
Damon says in a mocking voice "Let's do it. Together. I saw a couple girls out there. Or just, let's just cut to the chase, let's just go straight for Elena."
"Stop it!" I shout at him, she's a good person.
"Imagine what her blood tastes like!" He continues mockingly.
My vamp face comes out, he pisses me off.
"I can." He says as he continues to taunt and mock me.
"I said stop!" I shout out again.
I run into Damon, and throw him out of the window. Serves him right. Then he lands on the pavement, and then Damon isn't there anymore.
"DAMN-IT " I shout.
Then he pops up again, "I was impressed. I give it a six. Missing style, but I was pleasantly surprised. Very good with the whole face...thing. It was good." He continues mockingly with his annoying smirk.
I sigh, then say with sadness and resentment "You know, it's all fun and games, Damon, huh? But wherever you go, people die."
Damon states calmly without any remorse "That's a given."
I state firmly, trying to leave no room for argument, I need him to take this seriously "Not here. I won't allow it."
"I take that as an invitation." Damon says with pride, of course he does, you tell Damon (No) he decides he has to do it.
I'm going to have to beg, "Damon, please. After all these years, can't we just give it a rest?" I ask tiredly.
Damon states with no hesitation, "I promised you an eternity of misery, so I'm just keeping my word."
"Just stay away from Elena." I pled, I want her kept out of this.
"Where's your ring?" Damon asks with mock horror, "Oh, yeah, sun's coming up in a couple of hours, and, poof, ashes to ashes. Relax. It's right here." He says with glee.
Damon grabs me by the throat and throws me against the garage.
Damon angrily states, "You should know better than to think you're stronger than me. You lost that fight when you stopped feeding on people. I wouldn't try it again. I think we woke Zach up. Sorry, Zach." He says with false apologies.
Jeremy is drinking a beer when I arrive beside him of course.
"Hey Jere, I called Jenna, she's on her way.
You should put that down Jer, you'll get caught. People, they just don't care anymore. They don't care, you know, that our parents are dead, I don't want you to get in trouble and not be able to get out of it." At least I'm not telling him he has to get over it. Right?
Jeremy looks frustrated, "I've seen you in the cemetery writing in your diary, is that you moving on?"
" Oh Jer, you don't have to move on, not yet, but you have to fight to get past this. I'm going to, I'm going to throw away my diary and try to have some fun in life, preferably without being drunk or something. But, you can be sad for as long as you need to you know? I just don't want you to get hurt by being reckless and not caring about yourself, I'm sorry if I've been pressuring you and making things worse." I whisper sadly, "I'll be a better sister, I promise." My eyes start to tear up, poor guy, before me Elena was a major hypocrite sometimes.
Jer leans in and gives me a hug, while he silently cries for a little. Hopefully our relationship will be better then it was in the show.
Mystic Grill
3rd POV
"Are you sober yet?" Bonnie asks Caroline.
"No." Caroline replies sadly looking down.
Bonnie sighs, "Keep drinking. I gotta get you home. I gotta get me home." She says tiredly.
Caroline asks desperately, "Why didn't he go for me? You know, how come the guys that I want never want me?"
Bonnie sighs again at her friend "I'm not touching that."
Caroline reply's back while not listening to Bonnie's response, "I'm inappropriate. I always say the wrong thing. And...Elena always says the right thing. She doesn't even try! And he just picks her. And she's always the one that everyone picks, for everything. And I try so hard, and...I'm never the one." She says miserably.
"It's not a competition, Caroline." Bonnie says with irritation lacing her voice.
"Yeah, it is." Caroline states, as if it's fact.
Matt is sitting at the hospital beside Vicki bed. Vicki wakes up, her eyes a fluttering.
Matt says desperately "Vicki...Hey. Hey, it's okay. You're gonna be okay."
"Matt--" Vicki weakly replies
"Hey, don't try to talk, okay? You're fine." Matt says softly to her.
Vicki quietly responds "Vampire." Her voice getting quieter as she passes out again.
Matt's siting there confused by her statement.
Gilbert residence
After Aunt Jenna brought us home I started looking online for fast shipping vervain , tablets, powder, dried leaves, seeds and liquid. Luckily I have a credit/debit card so that I can order all this stuff...
Couldn't I have arrived a few weeks before the series starts? I could've been prepared for this stuff then.
But ohhh no, I have to arrive in the middle of an episode, it's sooo not fair.
I check to see how long it'll take to get here, it says 1-2 days since I choose overnight shipping. Thank goodness for that!
Mystic Grill
Caroline is sitting alone at the table. Damon see's her there and looks at her.
Then Damon smiles at Caroline. She smiles back at him when she see's him looking at her.
Gilbert Residence
I'm in my bedroom still, I'm trying to make plans, I need to learn how to fight, how to protect myself, I'm going to have to make stakes for protection and make sure Jeremy and Aunt Jenna know so they can protect themselves too, while also making sure that they have vervain in their system and on their system.
I am making notes in Elena's Diary when I hear something hit my window, my body instantly freezes up.
I see Stefan outside my window, why's he here, I tried to make sure he didn't get the wrong idea earlier, I'm not really interested in staying in my dream and fooling around.
"Stefan, are you okay? Or, uh, why are you here?" What's he doing here?
Stefan speaks up when he noticed I looked confused, "I know it's late. But, uh...I needed to know that you were ok."
"Uhhh, sorry, uh, sure, I guess. Are you ok? You're the one outside my window you know? So why are you here exactly?" I ask in confusion.
He then asks in concern, "I'm fine, no, yeah I know I am, I just, I was worried about you, are you sure that you're okay?"
I can't help but let out a laugh and show a cheeky smile, "Of course I am, I laugh in the face of danger and discord, ha-ha-ha-ha!"
"Do you mean it, that you're okay?" He asks with a worried look on his face.
"Sure, and if I'm not then, well, I'm a big girl, I can handle things on my own." I say confidently.
Then he asks, "It's okay to ask for help if you need it Elena. Can I uh, come in?" With a hopeful look on his face.
I hold in a sigh, "Let me ask Aunt Jenna, if she says yes then we'll stay in the living room and grab some blankets and make a fort or something okay? Because I don't really know you, so therefore I can't trust you just yet. Go to the front door and knock, I'll answer and then ask her okay?"
He nods in conformation and walks around to the front of the house, then rings the doorbell.
"Hello Mr. Stefan, I'll ask my Aunty if you can come in yeah?" I say with a goofy grin.
"AUNTY, AUNTY, AUNTY" I shout out to her, of course she comes running over because of my yelling.
"ELENA, What is it, is everything okay?" She asks in worry as she runs next to me by the door.
"Aunty, this is Mr. Stefan, I was wondering if we can have a sleepover in the living room, maybe build a blanket fort or something ya know? Could we? We'll sit at separate ends of the couch and sleep on separate sides of the floor, please Aunty." I ask excitingly, maybe he won't be so bad I guess.
Aunty Jenna laughs at me, "Of course Elena, but no funny business understand?" She says sternly.
"Yes Ma'am" I say with an exaggerated expression and a bow. She laughs as she walks away and Stefan well, he just looks amused.
"Well, lets get our fort set up hm?" I say as I go to grab blankets, "You can grab some pillows if you want and we'll get everything set up."
"I'm kinda tired though, so I probably will fall asleep before we can talk much." I state with fact. I will, I sleepy.
"Alright" He says with a laugh, "I just, I wanted to make sure you'd of okay tonight you know, you seem to put up a really happy facade but, I don't know how real or fake it is." He says with worry.
I laugh, "Don't worry about me darling."
We set on separate parts of the floor after we get the fort set up, we talk about favorite colors and favorite books but shortly after I was asleep.
Stefan POV
As I watch her sleep I can't help but think she's more precious then I thought and much more innocent. But the way she freezes when she gets unexpectedly touched, like she's expecting something bad to happen makes me more concerned, has someone hurt her? I move closer to her while she's sleeping and I reach over to her and move her hair from her face, i lean in closely, but then I move away to give her space. I lay down farther away like she'd want me too.
She's beautiful, and much different then she seemed when I was watching her from a distance before we officially met.
Hi, I have this story on Wattpad so if you see it there as well that's why, I'll be adding the chapters here but right now I've finished up to chapter 36 on it.
My username is the same crazyKate92