Springtrap woke up in a van. What happened? He asked, He remembered what happened before, like his blog, Kasey...
"KASEY!" Springtrap panicked.
He's probably worried sick about me! Springtrap thought. He looked around. He doesn't know why he was here. Then he remembered: He set Fazbear's Fright on fire, in hoping to end the torture of the sin he made: murder. He saw a man driving, yet why does he seem familiar?
"Calm down. You're only being shipped to a new location, Springbonnie." the man said.
I remember that name! Springtrap thought.
"Can you tell me why I'm here?" Springtrap asked.
"You were in the fire, and surprisingly enough, in good condition. So you're gonna go to a new Freddy Fazbear's, where you will start over." the man said.
"Start over"?" Springtrap asked.
"Yea. That's why you started the fire, right... William?" the man looked at Springtrap for a split second, then back to the road.
Springtrap panicked. I need to get back to Kasey! he thought.