Chapter 24: What a True Friend is

Crystal's POV

Harley and I went into a compartment with Percy, all of us winning the House Cup…again (thanks to a certain pair of lightning scared siblings).

Harley left to change once Percy started on Penelope and what she had planned for them over the summer.

"So, Crystal." Percy said, smirking as he crossed his arms "About what was said in Lockhart's room when you were locked in…"

"Look, Percy. Let's get this over with." I snapped, crossing my arms and flipping my hair over them "I know you like Harley and Harley likes you so don't deny it. You know I'm right."

"What makes you think I like Harley?" Percy asked, nervously threading a hand through his curly hair.

Look, Percy. I'm ok with it, because I trust Harley and I know she'll stay true. But so help me…you do anything to her…anything to break her heart. Let's just say…you'll be in Saint Mungo's for the rest of the year." I said, making for the door of the compartment.

I heard something said in Percys mind. He was wondering what had just happened.

Then he was mentally standing up to me. Calling me a bitch and telling me to leave Harley alone.

"Don't even try to say that, Percy." I snapped before leaving the compartment.

Before the train started moving, I saw Maria fly through an open window.

"Great, what now?" I ask as I took the letter she had and opened it.

Crystal Wells,

I told you this summer to break it off with Harley. She is a bad influence and I have heard you are being called a house traitor! You are embarrassing your family and your good mother's name with your half breeded mind! If you do not stop seeing her and writing to her, you know the consequence. And remember, you will be with me for two weeks this summer.


I sighed and walked into the compartment with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Harley.

"Hey, Harley." I said, looking down.

"Hi, Cryssie." Harley said quietly.

I sat down across from Harley, ignoring the talk everyone was having about what they were going to be doing that summer.

"Cryssie!" Harley shouted after a couple minutes "You seem out of it…what's wrong?"

"Oh." I said "Nothing. Can I talk to you out in the hall?" I asked, getting up.

"Sure!" Harley said, getting up and following me out into the hall.

I waited for her to close the door behind her before I said something.

"What's up?" Harley asked, leaning against the wall.

"This is going to be hard to say." I said, pulling out the letter from my cloak.

Harley looked at it and looked at me with confused eyes.

"Your aunt again?" she asked.

I hesitated for a second before saying "No…it's about Percy."

"What about him?" Harley asked, crossing her arms.

"Well, I said it was ok for him to like you." I said, looking down into her surprised blue eyes "But if you ever want me to…you know…teach him a lesson, just tell me." I added with a smile.

"Thanks, Crystal, you're a real friend." Hannah said, giving me a hug "I'm going to go say goodbye to him, so I'll see you in a couple minutes."

"Yeah, see you." I said, hugging her back and watching as she left before I took out the letter again.

I took one last look at it and groaned as I crumpled it up.

Harley's P.O.V.

The next morning was the first morning that the Petrified students were seen. And…the last day of term. I really didn't want the term to end, as always. But this time, I had a better reason than not wanting to go back to the Dursleys.

I still had feelings for Percy. And Penelope with him…for an entire summer…the very thought made my heart shatter.

Gryffindor won the House Cup again this year (Thanks to Harry and I) and we went onto the train.

I sat with Crystal and Stephanie and Cameron. But this ride, it wasn't me on Percy's lap. It was Penelope.

I excused myself from the compartment to change and went out to Harry's, Ron's, Hermione's and the Twin's compartment. Ginny had gone home with Mr and Mrs Weasley.

"Hey, guys." I said entering, my gaze fixed downward.

"Hey, sis." Harry said quietly. He didn't want to go home as much as I didn't.

"Hey, Fred, George." I said to the Twins, trying to smile.

The two goof nuts looked up at me and smirked as Lynn walked past, her hair still red and gold.

"You guys had better have taken pictures!" I said.

"Don't worry, I did." George said, waving one around "I'll send them to you for your birthday."

I smirked slightly "Thanks." I said, keeping my gaze down again "Hermione, can I have a word with you…alone?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Sure, Harls." Hermione said, standing up and following me out of the compartment. "What's up?"

I looked to her "Have you ever…had a friend…that's a boy…that you really, really like. And then…just as quick as you think things are going, someone asks them out?"

Hermione shook her head "No, I can't say I have. Why?"

I looked down a little "Because…that happened to me with a certain guy and…that made me feel…nasty."

Hermione looked shocked "Which one? Is he in Gryffindor?"

I nodded.

Hermione smiled "It's Percy, isn't it?"

"How did you know?" I asked, gaping.

"I always know. Even if I was Petrified for most of last term, I know for a fact you like him. I see it in the way you look at him."

"Then what do I do?" I asked, looking imploringly up at Hermione.

"There's nothing you can do, Harls." Hermione said, patting me on the shoulder "It's just natural that this sort of thing would happen to you…I just never would have thought it'd be at age sixteen."

"How did you know?" I asked, gaping.

"What thing would happen?" I asked looking up into Hermione's brown eyes, that seemed to be holding something back.

"Harls…I don't know about you…but I think…" she swallowed and lowered her voice "I think you're in love."

"In love?" I squeaked, hardly believing it.

Hermione nodded "I think you're in love with Percy."

I put my face in my hands and sighed "That would explain a lot." I mumbled.

"Explain what?" Hermione asked.

"Did Crystal ever tell you…that at the beginning of term…Percy and I…kissed? Like, kissed-kissed?"

Hermione gaped "No, she never did. Why?"

"Well, I…I liked it." I said as I started for the change rooms with my bag.

"When he kissed you?" Hermione asked from another stall.

"Well, I…I liked it." I said as I started for the change rooms with my bag.

"When he kissed you?" Hermione asked from another stall.

"Yeah." I said, shrugging out of my uniform and pulling on a t-shirt "And when Penelope asked him out…I felt as if my heart was glass and she took a sledge hammer to it."

"Oh. You're definitely in love then." Hermione said.

"I don't even know if it is that sort of love, Mione." I said as I pulled on my denim skirt "I might only love him as a friend."

"Or," Hermione said as she left her stall "you're in denial."

I shrugged "I don't know. I'd better get back to my compartment. Thanks Mione." I said, giving her a hug "You're a real friend."

"I know." Mione said, returning the hug "Owl me this summer." she said as the train slowed to a stop.

I smirked as I pulled away and started back into the compartment "Yeah, I will. As long as you write back."

I went back into my compartment, I ran into Crystal, who pulled me out and told me that it was ok for Percy to like me…and she'd be there if I needed her to teach him a lesson.

I gave my stuff to Harry and finally had a moment alone with Percy since him and Oliver locked me and Crystal in Lockhart's room. I didn't say much to him after that, seeing as I had pretty much announced to him that I liked him…loved him…whatever, I didn't know how I felt.

"Term's over again." I said quietly, kicking a pebble around at my feet.

Percy nodded and ran a hand through his already slicked back hair.

"You excited to spend the summer with Penelope?" I asked trying to joke.

"No. She's a psycho stalker!" Percy yelled "Oh, crap, here she comes."

"Percy!" Penelope shrieked, throwing her arms around Percy and kissing him. I felt a pure loathing bubbling up inside of me. "I'm going to miss you so, so, so, so, soooo much this summer!" she added when she pulled off. "Don't forget to owl me, baby."

"You know I won't, babe." Percy said, half heartedly, rolling his eyes when Penelope wasn't looking.

"I'm gonna go." I said, turning my back "I'll owl you guys later."

I started after Harry, Dudley, Vernon and Petunia, wiping angry and jealous tears from my eyes.

I stopped in my tracks when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around and saw Percy gripping it.

"Hi again." I said, rushing to hide the fact I started to cry.

"Hey, you left before I could give you this." Percy said, smirking as he handed me…an MP3 player. "Crystal told me how to program it. And expect a few…surprises from me in it."

I smiled and threw my arms around Percy "Thanks…I love it." I said.

"COME ON, YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" Vernon's voice boomed through the station "I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!"

I pulled away from Percy and looking sadly into his eyes "So…I'll see you next term." I said.

"Yeah." Percy said, pecking me on the cheek "See you."

On my way back to Privite Drive, I put in the MP3 and found that Percy added "Teardrops on my Guitar" by Taylor Swift. It seemed fitting, after all, Penelope was the reason for the teardrops on mine.

After that song there was another…one I never heard before. It was called "My Heart Lies With You." I looked down on the screen of the player…and the artist was…PERCY WEASLEY!

My eyes widened as the song played. Percy wrote and sang this song?

Must be for Penelope. I thought as I listened through the song.

But then again, Crystal did say that she told Percy it was ok for him to like me.

Did he like me? Or did his heart lie with Penelope?

I could say this much…this summer was going to be pretty confusing.

A/N: So ends Book #2! Holy Cow, I can't believe I finished another one! Thanks for reading everyone! So…please review! Harley Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is coming up soon!