Moment of Weakness

Chapter Four

"Mad?" Tikki's voice was shaking, but deceptively calm. "I'm not mad, Marinette." Marinette sighed in relief, but it was too soon. "I'm furious!" The Kwami shouted, somehow turning an even deeper shade of red. "What were you thinking?! Your identity could have been found out! Or Chat Noir's. Even if your secrets weren't enough to convince you that last night was a horrible idea, think about yourself! Where is your self-respect? Huh?! Marinette, I just…And what's going to happen now? What happens to Ladybug and Chat Noir's partnership now that you and he are an item? What happens next time he flirts with Ladybug? Will you flirt back? Will you get jealous? And what about—" Tikki stopped, blinking as she realized she was about to ask what about your friendship with Adrien? That definitely would not help this situation. "What about me, huh? What about Plagg? What happens to us if all of this blows up?"

Marinette shrank back, feeling every question sink deep into her heart. "You think this will blow up?" She asked, eyes wide, tears forming a ball in her throat as she began to overthink again. Tikki was right; what had she been thinking?! This was Chat Noir, flirty cat-boy that loved playing games. What if this was just…lust? Just frustration? What if he really only thought of her as a friend? They had talked the night before, but what did they really say? That they were attracted to one another? That they enjoyed each other's company? Maybe that just made them friends with benefits. Really good benefits…her eyes drifted back to her rumpled bed. She shook her head to clear it. No, that wasn't what she needed to think about here. "Oh, Tikki, what if he doesn't really…" She tried to hold back her tears, sniffling.

Tikki softened immediately with a sigh of defeat. She floated over and rested a tiny hand on the top of Marinette's head. "Look. I may not agree with the logistics of the situation, and I think that you are seriously lacking in the self-control department, but I know he cares about you. And not just Ladybug, but you, Marinette. I think…I think that this may turn out alright for the both of you, but you have to be…careful. And you have got to work on thinking before you leap."

Marinette sniffed and looked up at her. "You think so?"

Tikki nodded. "And I guess it will be nice to see Plagg from time to time."

Marinette smiled. "He said the same thing earlier. I'm glad to see you two this happy." And Tikki did look happy, like spending time with him had lifted a weight off her shoulders, loosened the crease between her brow.

Marinette's phone started to vibrate, only a moment before her alarm blared through the room. She turned it off as she stretched. Again, she felt the unfamiliar tug of sore muscles, and blushed. Glancing down, she saw a new notification, and opened it. It was a text message, from an unknown number.

[UNKNOWN]: I hope you don't mind, Princess. I called myself so I'd have your number.

[UNKNOWN]: I had a great time last night. Looking forward to this afternoon.

Marinette smiled and giggled as she answered.

The feeling is mutual, kitty. Now get ready for school.

She grabbed her towel and clothes and headed towards the bathroom, when he answered.

[STRAY :P]: So bossy, Princess ;) But, for you, anything.

Marinette rolled her eyes, but she couldn't kill her smile as she turned on music, stepping into the shower.

"You're chipper this morning," her mother said as Marinette bounced down the stairs, early for once.

"I had a good night's sleep. That's all!" She said as she ran past, kissing her mother on the cheek. "I'm headed out."

"So early? At least take a muffin!"

Marinette grabbed a muffin on the counter and tossed it into the air, effortlessly catching it and taking a big bite, leaving her mother looking after her in stunned silence. She could barely contain herself. It was as if the world were brighter and happier. She was almost skipping down the sidewalk. She headed for Alya's, meeting her friend just as she was leaving the house. "Alya!" she called, waving.

Alya froze for a second, startled, before meeting her. "Mari, you're…awake. And here. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Marinette giggled and entwined their arms as they walked. "Nothing special. I just woke up early and in a really great mood. I thought I'd walk you to school for once."

"O…kay…" Alya eyed her warily. "Who are you and what have you done with Marinette?"

"Alya," Marinette complained, rolling her eyes. "Seriously. I just had a good night."

Alya eyed her some more, then stopped, her eyes going wide. "Who is he?" she demanded. That finally broke through Marinette's haze. "Obviously this is some boy's doing. You went on a date last night, didn't you!"

Marinette's eyes darted around. "No, Alya I-"

"Don't you lie to me, girl," Alya warned, narrowing her eyes. "You're smitten, more than you get even around Adrien." She froze. "It isn't Adrien, right?"

Marinette blushed. "No! I swear, it isn't Adrien."

"But it is someone."

Marinette sighed, smile falling. "Okay, yes, but I can't tell you everything right now. It's still…" Her phone vibrated in her pocket, and she reached for it automatically. "New." She smiled down at the message.

[STRAY :P]: Have a good day, princess.

"I knew it." Alya said triumphantly from over her shoulder. Marinette tried to hide the phone, but it was too late. "There is a boy!" She danced around her friend until Marinette finally started walking them towards school once more. "But who is it? And why is this the first I'm hearing of it? And when have you had time to meet someone without me noticing? Why does he call you princess – so sweet by the way. And he is in your phone as stray? You called him kitty…" Alya stopped dead and jerked Marinette around to face her on the sidewalk. "You're dating Chat Noir!"

Marinette squeaked and pulled Alya in between two buildings, making sure no one had heard anything. "What are you talking about?" she tried to play it off.

"Oh, no no. Don't give me that." Alya kept pressing her. "Most of the sightings of him that don't involve akumas have been near the bakery. And there are some nights when I try to come over to study that you tell me I can't be at your house for reasons that got weaker and weaker over time. That never quite added up. You've been seeing him for weeks!"

"No!" Marinette tried to quiet her, still looking around to make sure they weren't being overheard. "It's not like that. Yes, he's been coming over. We're friends!"

"Friends does not explain that happy just-kissed glow on your face, Mari."

She was slapping herself now. Of course, Alya would sense the difference. She was stupid to think that she wouldn't put the pieces together. But she had never put the puzzle of Ladybug's identity together, despite the fact that her best friend and her idle were one and the same. She sighed, giving in. "Okay, yes. We kissed, and we…we really were just friends, and then last night…and…"

Alya's jaw dropped. "It was more than just a kiss, wasn't it?" Marinette put her head in her hands and nodded. Alya began dancing around again. "I can't believe my girl finally got herself a man!" She grabbed Marinette's hands and spun her in a circle. "And Chat Noir at that. I bet he was fun." Marinette blushed bright red. "That's a yes! You were safe, right?" She barely waited for confirmation before continuing. "After school, you will be providing me with every detail."

"I, uh, can't." Marinette squeaked. "We, um, already made plans?"

"Fine, then tomorrow. But no later than that, got it?" Alya glared at her.

Marinette caved easily under the withering gaze of her best friend. "Okay, fine. But you can't tell anyone, Alya. No one can know. Seriously. I don't even want him to know you know, you know?"

"I think I followed that. Don't worry, Mari. Your secrets are safe with me." With that final statement, Alya took her friend's arm once more and marched them on to school, leaving Marinette feeling like she'd just been hit by a truck and dragged kicking and screaming into a dark tunnel.

Author's note: This chapter is a little later coming out than I had planned. I just wasn't happy with it. Still not quite sure that I am. It just feels messy. But I couldn't fiddle with it any more without completely ruining it. Hopefully, I'm just overthinking everything. I hope you enjoy it! Expect more of our favorite love square soon. And thank you for reading!