Over thirty percent of the floating city of Tipoca lies in ruin. The aftermath of a battle between Imperial forces and the Rebel Alliance. Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine's right hand had been captured. Now Imperial forces help the Kaminoans to make repairs to the city and salvage what can be salvaged. The Empire also wants to ensure that the Rebels cannot take advantage of the situation and steal cloning technology to build an army with. As salvage and repair teams work through the rubble a clone dreams from within his cloning tube.

A little boy watches as his father is held in the air by the force, struggling to break free of Darth Vader's grasp. The boy intervenes taking Vader's lightsaber, just as Stormtroopers enter the Hut on Kashyyyk. Before they can kill the boy Vader kills them and takes the boy as his apprentice. Vader names him Starkiller. When he came of age, Vader sends Starkiller on different missions to hunt down Jedi.

His first mission is Jedi Master General Rahm Kota. During their fight Kota is blinded and presumed dead as he falls to his death. Then Starkiller is sent to kill the outcast Kazdan Paratus. Starkiller is extremely loyal to Vader and proves it on his last mission to Felucia, where he faces Jedi Master Shaak Ti. Starkiller believes that after he proves himself both he and Vader will stand together and kill Vader's Master Darth Sidious. Upon his return Starkiller is betrayed by Vader who stabs him in the back...

There is an explosion of Force Power that rips the cloning tube apart and causes debris to fall all around shaking the city of Tipoca. A clone of Galen Marek awakens. He sits up screaming and pats his abdomen where he was stabbed. He looks around at the twisted pieces of metal, parts of ships and sparks all around. Part of his cloning tube lies in sea water. His body trembles all over as he tries to stand up. He grabs the sides of his head as his mind flashes to the past again...

The clone sees the original Starkiller training at the feet of Darth Vader...Then he sees himself fighting his way through a science ship called the Emperical...He sees a droid called Proxy and a beautiful woman...

Remembering his training or Starkiller's training the Clone uses the Darkside to calm his mind and strengthen his body. He stops shaking and stands up. "I need clothes..." He says looking down at his naked body. Stretching out with the force the Clone can sense both life and death all around him. He carefully steps out of the tube and walks across large pieces of broken metal. Fallen tiles from the floor above and pieces of ship. Sometimes he has to swim through polluted sea water and reaches a part of the city with a broken walkway above him. Calling on the force he leaps two stories up and lands on the walkway. When he takes a step his mind is assaulted again, but there is no pain...

"The force is strong in you boy to sense my thoughts..." General Kota stands before Starkiller. Starkiller learns many things from Rahm Kota. And slowly Starkiller turns away from the Darkside.

"Starkiller..." He hears her voice...

"What is her name?" The Clone says in aggravation trying to remember. He starts walking. The door at the end of the hallway is off the track. He points his hand and calls on the force again. He rips the door off the track and tosses it aside. He pauses to see if the noise will draw any troops to him. When no one comes the Clone starts moving again. Up the hallway he walks to find stairs. There is a squad of troopers above him. As the Clone walks up the steps he sees a vision of Starkiller again…

Starkiller returns to Kashyyk to find a woman…A Princess…

"Juno!" He shouts remembering her name. Then he covers his mouth realizing his mistake and hides beneath the steps as two Stormtroopers come down to investigate.

"I swear I heard someone yell a name…Juro or something."

The Clone uses the force to drop a piece of debris on the head of one Trooper and knock him unconscious. He then force chokes the other Trooper to death. He removes his armor and dumps the body through a hole to the level below. "Medic!"

"What happened?" The Commander asks joining them.

"He was hit by some falling debris." As they tend to the Trooper the Clone sneaks away. He makes his way to a more stable section of the city. "Excuse me sir…There is something you should see…" He says to an officer using the old Jedi Mond trick. When they are alone he kills the man and takes his uniform. The Clone makes his way to a platform where a long-range shuttle is docked with two short range fighters and one inceptor. He boards the shuttle and using a supreme override code given to Starkiller when he served Darth Vader the clone is able to take the ship.

"Shuttle Starmax…This is Imperial Control you are not authorized for departure…Please identify." The woman over the COM demands.

The Clone shuts off the COM and takes off. The wings of the ship lower down as it takes off. There is a beeping sound on the COM as the shuttle enters space. The Clone switches back on the COM. "Unidentified Pilot This is Captain Volan of the Star Destroyer Maverick…If you do not make a vector run for our hangar we will open fire…" As the Captain talks the Clone piggy-backs his supreme override code through the signal and shuts down the Maverick's weapon systems. The code he uses is known only to the Emperor, Vader, Inquisitors, and Hands of the Emperor.

With the Maverick's weapon systems down, the Clone is able to make the jump to lightspeed. He micro-jumps for three hundred parsecs. Then he removes the Starmax's beacon and dumps it into space via the garbage shoot. Then he sets course for Nar Shaddaa and goes to hyperspace. The Clone activates the auto-pilot and leans back in his chair with a sigh.

He had escaped Kamino and was free to go where he wanted. As he relaxed the weakness he felt earlier returned. The Clone staggered to the main hold to find food. He sat for hours eating to fill his stomach. Then he goes to the refresher to bathe. As he exits the refresher the Clone has another vision…

Starkiller returns to Felucia to find Senator Bale Organa. He fights his way through Imperial troops and native Felucians. Then he faces off against Shaak Ti's apprentice. Maris Brood, he defeats Brood, but spares her life. Bale Organa vows to help Starkiller, but a rallying call is needed. Starkiller single handedly takes down an Imperial shipping yard. Later he meets with Mon Mothma, Bale Organa, Bel Garm Iblis, and Leia Organa.

Onece again Vader betrays him…

The Clone clears his mind through sheer will. "No more visions." He can feel Starkiller's Old Master Darth Vader; being held by his brother Clone. He can also sense that his brother Clone has claimed Starkiller or Galen Marek's identity. The Clone did not wish to be Starkiller. He was betrayed and sacrificed himself for nothing or so the Clone believes. Also there is the fact that his brother has the woman Juno Eclipse. And while he too loves Juno he is not willing to fight his brother for her.

"I will be my own man…My name is…Ronin…" He says not wanting anything to do with his old Master or the Rebellion his father started."


The Hutts are allowed to rule their own system and domains without interference from the Empire so long as they paid tribute. The moon is a mega metropolis, but Nal Hutta is a swamp world and home to the Hutts. The Starmax comes out of hyperspace two weeks later. He lands the ship on a platform in the Human sector.

"Welcome to Nar Shadaa." The Foreman says as Ronin walks down the ramp.

"How much?"

"Well the docking fee…"

"No!" He says interrupting, "The ship. I want to sell the ship. How much will you give me for it?"

He starts walking around it. "An Imperial Long-range shuttle."

"With a class five hyperdrive."

"You removed the beacon?"

"Of course."

"A defector?"

"How much?" Ronin says using the Old Jedi Mind trick.

"Eleven thousand."

"I want sixteen…You will pay sixteen."

"I will pay sixteen."

With his new found wealth Ronin finds a place to buy new clothes. Then he heads to a private shipyard to buy a new ship. The ship Ronin wants has three wings. One on each side of the ship and one on the back quarter. They fold to the back of the ship, the hall is off white with a main hold, a bridge, a refresher, a med-bay, and two sleeping cabins. "I will take it." Ronin says to the salesman.

"It will cost eight thousand credits."

While walking through the streets of the city, Ronin felt a dark power emanating from east side of the city. "That building what is it?" Ronin asks as he pays the man.

"That is the Old Sith Academy."

"I did not know the Sith had an Academy on Nar Shadaa."

"Oh it's not open…It was abandoned over a thousand years ago…During the war between the Brotherhood of Darkness and the Army of Light."

After stockpiling his new ship with food and fusion fuel Ronin takes a speeder to see the Sith Academy. It is sealed by an Imperial lock, if he tampers with it a squad of Stormtroopers will show up. Ronin uses the Supreme Override code to open the door. He enters the temple drawn by the darkside of the force. He searches the old academy and finds a hidden cache. Inside is a Sith Lord's robe and two Kyber Crystals. "I can build a lightsaber…" He says in excitement. It was a like an itch he couldn't scratch, but now he can.

After leaving the old academy Ronin buys the things he needs to build a double edge lightsaber. The original Starkiller wielded a single hilt. His brother wields twin sabers, so Ronin makes plans to build a double blade. When he returns to his ship he immediately takes off and sets course for Kashyyyk the place of his birth or rather Galen Marek's birthplace. While traveling through hyperspace Ronin constructs his lightsaber. He starts off with the skeleton, power core, and inner workings. Then he stops to focus on the crystals. All Kyber Crystals are initially white like a diamond. When a Jedi focuses his emotions on the crystal it changes color.

The crystals turn purple. He installs them into the lightsaber and places the casing and switch. He picks it up and switches on half the blade. Then he turns on the second half of his lightsaber and twirls it around. Thus armed he hooks the lightsaber to his belt and goes to the refresher.


Two weeks later the Eclipse exits hyperspace. The Imperial forces on Kashyyyk had been recalled because of the attack on Kamino and the more recent Wookie uprising. Ronin flies his ship into the great forest and lands in the Shadow Lands.