AN: Okay, I know I'm supposed to be gone but this idea struck me today... And I really wanted to write it. If anyone tells me to continue my other stories, then I'll stop writing altogether because writing's supposed to be for the author's fun... I will continue my stories when I get the inspiration to. Sorry to sound assertive, I just... eah ^__^;; Anywhoo, please review! This is just a prologue, everything will be explained as the story goes on.

Of A Dream | Prologue.

Sliding the blade of his sword against the barren stone ground, Van ran towards the shadowed figure, raising his weapon as his raven black hair succumbed to the violent thrashing of the wind. As his ebony strands shaded his maroon eyes momentarily, the man stepped forward, the blade of his scythe glinting in the moonlight as Van could make out the singing noise of the blade and the air. Sliding his feet out to either side slightly, so that his boots were shoulder width apart, Van swept his sword in a circular motion just in time to block his potential death, the two blades screeching against each other.

Aware of the little space they had, as they were on a cliff, Van pushed forward, then ducked down and ran past the man's raised arms, hands holding on the handle of his sword for life. Bringing his sword up again, Van planted his feet as the man turned around menacingly, his whole aura almost taunting.

"Van…" Hitomi whispered, her colorless lips barely shifting, "Help me…" she choked as her head was engulfed by dark grey waves, capped by white foam. Blinding lightning clashed in the sky, and Van smirked as the man swung his scythe up. Crying out, Van positioned his sword over his head and charged at the man's exposed torso.

"Don't…" she whispered as the surrounding water went from grey to black, the cold metal weight on her ankle digging into her flesh.

"I will avenge my people!" Van yelled as he grit his teeth and prepared to drive the blade through.

"Van…" she mouthed in vain, murky bubbles emitting her mouth as her golden brown hair floated around her.

"I will fight to the death," Van vowed as he shut his eyes, Hitomi gasping for air and wheezing as she was suddenly on land. Just as her knees were about to give way, Van drove his sword through flesh, and pulling it out viciously, Van deftly caught the body with his hand as it fell. The man laughed maliciously as Van's head began to spin, his face paling as horror swept him.

This wasn't meant to happen, this wasn't meant to happen…

"I love you," she whispered, glad she could die in his arms, despair the last expression on her sweet face as her head snapped back, blood staining her white gown.

"HITOMI!" Van yelled as he dropped his sword, and kneeled down, bringing up her dead weight and hugging him to her, her warm blood seeping into his shirt.

"Say you love me too?" struck a soft voice in his head, and as his eyes widened in horror at what he'd done, he could hear that singing of blade and air…

Something thin and cold ripped down along his spinal cord, the blade thrusting out of his flesh, then swinging back through his gut.

"I love you," was the last words he said, after releasing her and dropping his weight against the hard ground, his maroon eyes open, mouth lax.