Chapter 6 – My New Life

Blaise Zabini sat on the bed and watched his lover as he organized his clothes inside the drawers. Draco was too distracted and looked as if he was enjoying himself. Blaise snorted at that. Of course Draco would be enjoying himself while organizing. The blond even declared that he was going to organize Blaise's things as well. Blaise couldn't care any less. He hated organizing and if Draco was offering... then he would gladly accept it.

"As I was saying," started Draco. "Mother had written to me and she seems fine. She was sick for few days but nothing is serious, and she had made a full recovery."

"That's good. Send her my regards the next time you write to her," responded Blaise.

"Will do," Draco smiled. "She had also sent her regards to you. Her and father are going to France for some getaway. They're bringing me back that beautiful snake that I wanted. You know, the one I told you about before?"

Blaise hummed in response. Draco had a fascination with snakes ever since he was a child. He owned two snakes already and was in the process of acquiring a new one. Sadly, they wasn't allowed to bring a snake as a familiar to the school so Draco was stuck with an owl. Well, not stuck; since he seemed to care about the owl as much as his snakes.

He watched Draco continuing to arrange his clothes. The blond was wearing dark grey slacks and a silver shirt that hugged his body in all the right places. His boyfriend was currently bending over to sort out a low drawer, and Blaise licked his lips. Suddenly he felt his lips were dry.

He stood from the bed and walked to his boyfriend, standing right behind him.

When Draco straightened and turned around, he was startled by Blaise's very close presence.

"Blaise? What-" Blaise shut him up with a kiss.

He held his waist with both hands and pushed him backwards until the blond's back hit the wall, Blaise trapping him, hands tightening on his waist as he continued to ravish his mouth.

Draco moaned, his hand cupping Blaise's neck while the other ran over his shirt. Blaise had to hold back a groan at the feeling of Draco's gentle hand running all over his chest.

He took his hands off the blond's waist and moved them to his pants instead, intending to remove the obstacle so he could get a better view of his boyfriend. It had been few days since he touched Draco and he couldn't wait anymore.

He hissed at the sharp pain of Draco's teeth biting into his flesh.

Locking eyes with Draco, he saw the amusement and desire flash into those eyes. That minx was teasing him and Blaise was planning on getting back at him.

Just when he was about to pull the blond's trousers down, he felt a sudden pang in his chest. He fell to his knees, clutching his chest.

Noticing his boyfriend doing the same, Blaise's eyes widened as he felt something new in his heart. There was a presence that wasn't him or Draco. Their third had been found and bonded already.

No. This was not happening. No, no no no no no no. Absolutely not! Harry felt as if he couldn't breathe. This was a joke. A mistake. It couldn't possibly be happening to him out of all people. A mistake. Yes, definitely a mistake. There was no other way to describe it. His heart was beating much faster than usual, and he could feel his sweaty hands and feet getting sweatier. How the hell were these parts of him sweating when the weather was too cold? He felt as if someone had slapped his face with ice. He was confused, scared, hopeful, terrified, and nervous. He didn't even know how he felt.

After reading the results of the ritual, he had bolted outside the room without a second glance at the rest of the class or even professor Snape. The man didn't even get the chance to open his mouth before Harry decided to run off.

He knew that he was going to be bonded and knew that he was probably going to be a submissive, but this was too much to handle. The reality and realization had hit him on the face and now that it was all true, he didn't know how to handle it. He was suffocating and certain that he was going to die.

Reaching an abandoned corridor, he leaned his hands and forehead on the wall and tried to inhale and exhale as much as possible. He couldn't pass out at a time like this and make life even harder on his mates. He choked on his own spit and started coughing, then let out a small laugh at how stupid it was. Mates. Not just one person to be disappointed by him, but now there were two. Two people who no doubt didn't want him already. The worst part was the fact that he knew who they were. Two perfect Slytherins who were so deeply in love that everyone noticed. Two people who never looked at anyone else besides the other. And now they were going to be stuck with him for the rest of their lives. It was unfair. Unfair for them, for him, for everyone.

Harry banged his forehead on the wall and whimpered pathetically. What was he going to do? How was he going to explain this? They were going to be so angry with him. The anxiety was eating him alive.

He knew the bond still hadn't completely formed yet but he could FEEL them in the same castle. Blaise Zabini came across his mind and Harry couldn't stop the sob that came out of mouth. He didn't even know the other boy but part of him needed him there. Draco's image flashed in front of him and he wished the other boy was there. He remembered when Draco held his hand and walked around with him. That was nice. He wanted Draco to be there so badly. Draco was safe. Draco was protection.

He banged his head several times again and bit his tongue when he KNEW he was about to open his stupid mouth and call out the blond's name. Why was he being like this? He wasn't this needy and emotional. It was all too much to handle though. He could feel his lower lip shaking as well as his hands.

Finally, he decided to sit down against the wall, hugging his knees. Breathe in. Breathe out. He had to stop shaking.

Harry was scared of the future he would have now. Scared of the mates who he had and knew would not want him. Scared of his relatives' reaction. Scared of how he was going to mess up with two people's lives.

Don't be stupid, Harry, he told himself. He needed to calm down and face this problem without causing even more issues for the people involved. They were already stuck together and the least he could do was not embarrass himself in front of them by being so dramatic and emotional. He kept telling himself to calm down but it didn't work. He found himself shaking more, his heart beating faster.

He stayed in his place for a long time before it hit him. A sudden sharp pang in his chest and he yelped in surprise. For the first time in his life, he felt as if he wasn't alone and that just scared him even more. There was a tug-like touch inside his chest and he gasped. He focused more and was able to feel two people. He knew it was Draco and Zabini without any hesitation. All he could tell was their presence nearby. He focused more on Draco and he could tell the blond boy was pacing around. Averting his attention to Zabini, the boy was sitting. Harry found that strange. How was he able to tell what they were doing without even seeing them?

Harry prodded the connections several times as the time passed by and the dread in his stomach increased as he felt them just sitting there and doing nothing. Did that mean that they didn't accept him? He knew this would happen. No one ever wanted him and he couldn't even blame them.

His tears increased to sobs as he buried his head between his chest and knees, wishing he would just disappear and die.

Draco paced around the room, feeling anxious. It had been over an hour since their third had perform his own ritual, and he knew the bond was eventually formed. He could feel the despair, fear, and self-loathing through the bond and it just put him on edge.

"Blaise!" he snapped at his boyfriend who was sitting down. "We need to go to him."

"Not yet," responded Blaise calmly.

"I can't just sit here and ignore all of these raw emotions! He's in distress," insisted Draco.

"He needs some alone time to deal with it on his own first," sighed Blaise as he stood and pulled Draco to his chest. "It's alright, love. He will be alright."

"He's so confused," muttered Draco softly.

"I know," responded Blaise gently while running a hand through the blond's hair.

"He's scared."

"I know," Blaise repeated.

They stayed like that for a while. Draco knew that it was best to listen to Blaise and let their mate be alone for a little while so that he could deal with the new information and process them before they go to him. If they go to him now, he won't be in the right state of mind since he would need them. But at least for now, they were away and he could think for himself. Submissives usually followed their instincts when they were close to their mates, especially in the beginning.

Harry Potter. He couldn't believe their third was Harry Potter. That beautiful, shy green-eyed boy whom he stole glances at constantly. Draco was beyond happy in the beginning, before realizing what Harry was feeling. All he wanted to do was go to the boy and comfort him and stop him from being so distressed. These emotions were overwhelming for Draco, so he couldn't even begin to imagine what Harry actually felt like.

When an even bigger wave of despair hit him, Draco couldn't take it anymore.

"Can we go now?" Draco huffed impatiently.

"Yes," Blaise responded before hurrying out.

Draco was amused at his boyfriend's reaction. Blaise was very patient but he was also a person who would get overly concerned and worried. While he was the rock in their relationship, he would still be concerned even more than Draco. He was just good at presenting a calm aura.

While rushing to find their mate, Draco almost stumbled two times, if it wasn't for Blaise's hand that held his waist in order to prevent the fall. Draco didn't care though; he just needed to find Harry and fast. He didn't know how he managed to hold off going after him for over an hour, but enough was enough. Even if Blaise said no to the last time, Draco would've bolted outside.

He could feel the dread and loneliness oozing from their submissive. At one point, the pain increased and that was when Draco lost it. He ran to the direction that he knew for certain was the location of Harry.

When his eyes finally landed on him, he froze in place and was unable to move. Now that he can finally see the Gryffindor, everything was becoming more real to him. Draco might have liked the other boy, yes, but he still didn't know him. His whole life was changing and there was nothing he could do about it. How was he going to deal with someone who he didn't have any romantic feelings towards? Someone who should be, by default, his entire life? How was he going to fall in love with someone other than Blaise?

The boy on the ground finally looked up, eyes landing on Draco, and Draco shook all of these thoughts out of his mind. It wasn't the right time for that and looking at the teared stained face and quivering lips, all Draco wanted to do was to comfort his submissive.

Harry couldn't help the low whimper that escaped his lips once he glimpsed the sight of the two people standing in front of him. Were they there for him? Nothing mattered at that moment, all he wanted was to be near them. Something within him screamed at him to be close and he tried to beg them with his eyes. He didn't know what he was begging for, but he begged nonetheless.

Within seconds, he found Blaize Zabini dropping on the ground in front of him, pulling him into his chest. Harry felt warm and secure in those arms, but he still couldn't stop himself from flinching instinctively. For the first time in his life, he felt protected in someone's arms. His hands were raised behind Zabini's back, trying to determine whether he should hug him back or not. He found out that he couldn't and so his hands stayed in midair. He wanted to embrace him back but he just couldn't.

He lowered his hands slowly and felt the tears burning his eyes. He was so confused and scared and didn't know what to do.

Another hand touched his hair, and his eyes met with Draco Malfoy who was crouching next to him and offering a kind smile.

Harry couldn't help but hide his face into Zabini's strong chest. He was too embarrassed to be seen in this way. Zabini in response tightened his hold on him.

The hand on his hair started patting and running gently.

"It's okay, Harry," he heard Draco say softly. "We got you now. You're safe."

Safe. As if he was going to be safe ever again. As if he was safe in the beginning. He already felt disgusted with himself. These two were probably disgusted to have a mate like him as well. His whole body shook as he sobbed silently.

"Shhhh," Zabini soothed gently. "Why the tears, hmm?"

Harry didn't respond to him.

"You're safe with us, Harry," said Zabini. Hearing his name being uttered in Zabini's raspy voice sent a shiver down his spine. "We're not going to let anything happen to you. I promise. I got you, love. You're safe."

They were kind words and Harry wished he could believe them.

Harry stayed tucked in the Slytherin's arms for what seemed like forever. Hearing the soothing words and gentle patting, he found himself calming down eventually.

Pushing himself away from Zabini, he ducked his head and felt the heat on his entire face, ears, and neck.

"Sorry," apologized Harry.

"No need to apologize, Harry," said Draco. "We're both so glad that you're alright and that you're our mate."

"You are?" he questioned in disbelief.

"Of course," smiled Draco.

"We'll talk later," announced Zabini. "For now, let's get you to our room. You had an exhausting day."

Harry wanted to decline and tell them that he was going back to his own dormitory, but he WAS exhausted and he felt the need to be as close to them as possible. Having a confrontation was also something he didn't want at the moment. He didn't think he could handle anything.

When Zabini moved away in order to get up, Harry was horrified to realize that he had latched onto the other boy, refusing to let go. The other boy must have been surprised as well because he froze in place.

Zabini let out a small sigh. "I'm just getting up."

Harry retreated his hands in embarrassment, hoping a snake would appear out of nowhere to swallow him away from this awkward situation.

Both Draco and Zabini held his arms to help him stand and he in return blushed even harder than before. Once he stood up, something within him decided that maybe he didn't embarrass himself enough, because the next thing he knew, he was burying himself in Zabini's chest again. He couldn't help it. He felt so safe in there.

He heard a chuckle from behind him. "I'm starting to get jealous for being left out here!"

Harry stiffened at Draco's tone. He was probably making him angry by holding on to his boyfriend like this. His chest ached at the thought of causing someone to feel pain; especially Draco.

As if he was able to sense his distress, Harry found himself being pulled away from Zabini only to land in the arms of Draco.

"It's as if a missing piece from my heart had been returned to me," muttered Draco absentmindedly while running a hand through Harry's hair.

"Anyway, let's get going," said Draco.

After taking few steps, Harry's legs decided to give up and he would've fallen to the floor if it wasn't for Draco's hand on his waist.

"Harry!" cried Draco.

"Are you alright?" questioned Blaise in concern at the same time.

Harry groaned in frustration. The day was getting worse and worse for him. All he wanted to do was sleep so that this day would be gone forever and never be repeated again. He hated himself for what he was about to do next but he still couldn't help himself. With one look at Draco, he muttered a quiet, "please".

Blaise could feel how conflicting Harry's emotions were at that time. While he wanted to sit and have a discussion with the shorter boy so that they could understand each other better, he knew it wasn't the right time for that. Harry was very emotional and distraught so Blaise wanted to let him rest before they could talk and discuss their new relationship. Seeing how distressed the other boy was, Blaise's heart went for him. He never liked to see anyone suffering like that, let alone a submissive. Even worse was the fact that the boy was HIS submissive.

He watched in concern as Draco took the boy in his arms, carrying him towards their new quarters. Harry in response weakly linked his arms around the blond's neck. When Blaise focused on Harry enough, he could feel the horrified embarrassment and confusion oozing off the boy. There was a tiny hint of satisfaction and adoration towards Draco which Blaise was proud of. Of course his Draco would be adored. His boyfriend was kind and caring and he deserved to be adored and loved.

Once they entered their new quarters, Draco made his way towards the other room.

"No," Blaise stopped him. "Our room."

Draco nodded and went to the other room, placing Harry on the bed.

When Harry was about to get up, Blaise stopped him with a hand on his chest.

"Rest," he ordered the boy while placing the blanket over him.

"But-" Harry tried to protest.

"We will talk later," Blaise assured him. "You need to rest for a bit. I know how hard this day has been for you. We will be in the living room if you need anything."

Harry remained silent but nodded his head. Taking that as a cue, Blaise dragged Draco along with him outside of the room, leaving the door ajar.

They sat in the living room, each contemplating what had just happened.

"I can't believe we actually have a third," said Draco after a while and when Blaise looked at him, he continued, "I just... I feel kind of relieved? I'm not sure. I mean, I never wanted anyone else besides you, Blaise, but this somehow feels right. Harry feels right."

Blaise knew what Draco was talking about exactly since he felt the same way.

"This will be difficult," he admitted to his snake. "You know how hard it is for me to open up to anyone besides you. I don't feel anything towards him. Well, we both had a crush on him before so there's that, but that's it for me. I don't know him. I don't know how to handle him."

"You will get to know him. We both will," Draco reassured him. "That morning I spoke with him, he was very sweet and shy and I just know you're going adore him so quickly. As you said, it will be hard for us to accept this new reality, but we can do it. I know we can."

"I don't know, Draco," sighed Blaise.

"Everything is going to be fine in the end," promised Draco, kissing the other boy's cheek. "As long as we have each other and be honest then we can deal with the situation. We should at least give him a chance."

"He's a submissive," frowned Blaise.


"I don't know how to handle submissives," Blaise confessed.

"You will learn," responded Draco. "You're the kindest, most thoughtful person I have ever met and I know for a fact that you won't find it in your heart to do anything that displeases him. I have to admit that it's going to be challenging seeing you with someone else but that's something we both have to deal with."

"No one is touching you. You're mine," growled Blaise.

He was rewarded by the sweetest sound that came from Draco as the blond laughed softly.

"You're so hot when you get jealous," whispered Draco in Blaise's ear.

Draco's breath on his ear immediately went straight to his crotch but he had to remind himself that it wasn't the right time to have fun.

"We need to set rules," he informed his Draco.

"Where do we start?" questioned Draco.

While Draco was a dominant as well, he was always letting Blaise take the lead when it came to these kinds of situations.

"First, I don't want you to handle things you can't, baby," said Blaise. "If you think this is too much, you need to tell me. If you're upset or anxious or even overloaded, I need to know."

"Same thing for you," Draco said.

"We have to stay close to him for the first two weeks since the bond is still new, so let's make sure one of us is always nearby. I don't feel comfortable leaving him in here while we go to classes, but I also don't feel comfortable leaving you two alone when you might need something. Should we skip classes for the time being?"

"Let's start with that and see how things go from there, then we'll decide," responded Draco.

"I don't think we should start with a lot of rules," said Blaise. "We shouldn't make life difficult for all of us and I'm sure the rules will come as the days pass but for now, I do want to enforce few rules for Harry."

"I'm listening."

"He can't get out of the quarters alone," Blaise declared. "At least not until the bond calms down and we can trust him to take care of himself. I don't want him to get hurt and you know how submissives are."

"I agree," Draco nodded his head. "And you know how some of the people here act towards submissives. If one of them said or did anything to upset him..." he trailed off.

"They won't. And if someone does, I WILL take care of it," Blaise promised.

"What about having friends over in here?" questioned Draco.

"Let's not," answered Blaise. "Not until we all become comfortable around each other enough to have people over. If you wish to hang out with your friends, please take it outside. My mother informed me that submissives are very territorial when it comes to their nest and that they get upset very quickly."

"So no more Pansy for a while," pouted Draco.

Blaise chuckled. "Hey, at lease you're not alone in this. None of us should have friends over for now. Besides, you know how Pansy is when it comes to Gryffindors."

"You're right," shuddered Draco. "I don't want her anywhere near him."

"Shou-" Blaise was interrupted by the sudden panic he felt.

Without a second thought, he rushed to the bedroom to find Harry.

Thanks for leaving comments and reading this chapter. I hope you like it!