Chapter 4

Hadrian Potter was lying on bed, with one leg over the other, swinging it around. He was already bored and it was still his first night with the Cullens. He was BORED. If he was back in Italy, at least he could spend his time with Alec and Jane doing stupid shit. Their favorite night hobby was to spy on Marcus. While Marcus was one of the three leaders of the Volturi, he was a quiet man who barely ever spoke. Hadrian always found the older vampire fascinating. What was Marcus thinking about and what did he even do in his free time? No matter how many times he had sneaked around and tried to spy on him, Marcus somehow always lost him. Something within Hadrian told him that perhaps Marcus knew that Hadrian was following him and that the man hid from him on purpose just to mess with him.

Maybe he could do the same thing with Carlisle Cullen. He decided he liked the man for the simple fact that he promised he would take him hunting. Hadrian never hunted any animal before so that was going to be interesting. He couldn't wait to go hunting. Hadrian wished that Carlisle would take him hunting now.

He groaned and held a pillow over his face. That damned ugly Edward had a nice scent despite being a huge pain in the ass. And who was Hadrian not to appreciate a nice smell? He threw the pillow across the room and listened to the sounds of chatter coming from downstairs.

"Shut up," growled a female voice that he didn't hear before.

"Just admit you're jealous you can't beat me, Alice" laughed Emmett.

"I want a rematch!" yelled the female.

"Did you seriously go GROCERY shopping this soon?" asked Rosalie.

Hadrian shuddered at that voice and glared at the wall, imagining himself ripping her head off her body. He was definitely going to make her pay once he had the chance.

"Of course," responded another woman. "How's the new boy, Carlisle?"

"He's okay. Just settling in, I suppose," responded Carlisle.

Hadrian stayed still and focused his hearing on them. They were talking about him.

"So everything went alright?" she asked.

"We had some problems but everything is alright now," sighed Carlisle. "I need to have a discussion with Rosalie later but other than that, there are no issues."

Hadrian snorted at that. Okay, no issues at all. Were these people so used to beating each other up to the point where it was normalized? He couldn't believe he just calmed down and let it go for now, but he decided to ignore it until the next day maybe or at least until he relaxes a bit and settles in, then he would show that blonde girl why it wasn't a good idea to mess with him.

A knocking on his door caught him off guard.

He stayed quiet since he didn't want to speak with any of these people just yet. Unless it was Carlisle; then that was fine. He cursed under his breath for being obsessed with the older man already. Older men had always had that effect on him. Hadrian had always wanted to please them and make them proud of him. He didn't know if it was because of an issue he had during his human life or not. While he remembered a lot of his previous life, he didn't remember much about his father, or even a grandfather if he ever had one.

The knocking came once again but he stubbornly kept quiet.

"Hadrian?" he heard a soft voice call out.

He immediately recognized the voice as Jaspers'. He felt a bit guilty over snapping at the other man earlier but he stubbornly crushed the thought aside. These assholes started it anyway, not him.

"Can I come in?" Jasper tried again.

"No," he snapped.

"I just want to check on you and see how you're settling in," said Jasper.

"I'm fine so you can piss off now," Hadrian responded.

He hated these people and the last person he wanted to be close to was this Jasper. The older vampire could easily manipulate his feelings and Hadrian didn't want that to happen.

"Just for a minute," Jasper called and then with a lower voice, "please?"

Hadrian sighed at that. This guy would just not leave him alone. Best thing to do was to get this over with.

"Okay. Come in."

Jasper opened the door slowly and peered at him from the doorway. Now that there weren't any distractions, Hadrian allowed himself to stare at the older vampire openly and shamelessly. That blond hair that appeared more honey-colored was fascinating. He wasn't very tall but compared to Hadrian's short form, he was definitely much taller than him. Unfortunately, Hadrian couldn't see much since the vampire was wearing a suit and no part of his body was visible except his face, neck, and hands. His eyes trailed off Jasper's hand and he saw the slender fingers. They looked so... nice. He didn't know why he found some people's fingers pretty, but Jasper definitely had pretty fingers.

Jasper cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable about the attention he was receiving.

Hadrian smirked from his spot on the bed. "Well? What do you want?"

The older vampire closed the door behind him and pulled the desk's chair and placed it next to the bed, sitting on it.

"I know this must be very difficult for you," said Jasper and Hadrian raised his eyebrows in confusion. "Being sent away from your coven like this and while you're still very young must be confusing, but you should give us a chance. This is something you wanted to do before you turned so it was important to you. Very important that it was the one thing you asked your Sire for when you could've asked for something else."

Hadrian contemplated his words and while part of him understood why this happened, the bigger part of him refused it and decided to be a stubborn. So what if it was something he wanted to do when he was still a human? He was now a vampire, for God's sake. Instead of being with his Sire, he was stuck with these assholes who had yelled at him, forced-fed him blood he didn't want, and raised their hands on him.

"I do apologize for trying to send some emotions your way earlier," Jasper's admission was unexpected. "All I wanted to do was to calm you down since you were in distress. I'm used to helping my family with that but I should've been more mindful of the fact that you don't know me and might not appreciate it. I'm sorry. It won't happen again unless I have your permission or if it was absolutely necessary."

He did appreciate the honesty of the vampire so he softened the look on his face. Maybe this person was also redeemable in his book, just like Carlisle. He hadn't decided yet, but he would cut him some slack. Just a little bit. Maybe.

"My mother is preparing a room for you so that you can have your own space. I see that you're angry with Edward?" chuckled Jasper while looking around.

Hadrian felt embarrassed all of a sudden. He WAS frustrated and angry earlier so he decided to throw Edward's stuff around. Some of his books were on the floor, CDs everywhere, clothes thrown around, and random items. He knew it was childish but it was the only thing he could do to get his payback.

"Your bed is going to arrive tomorrow but the rest of the furniture needs a couple of days before they arrive," said Jasper. "At least you will have your own room, so you don't have to stay in Edward's. And... if you need anything just let me know. My room is the one in front of this room. You can come to me at any time."

He didn't respond to him.

"I'm sure my mother and Alice would be happy to take you shopping over the weekend since you might need to decorate your room or maybe some clothes and items? Sadly, we have school during the week."

Hadrian would've choked on the thin air at the last statement.

"You go to school?" he asked in disbelief.

The honey-blond haired vampire seemed surprised that Hadrian responded to him, and flashed him a small smile.

"Yes, we have to keep our cover and since most of us were turned when we were young, we go to school as a coverup while Carlisle works at the hospital and Esme stays home. She has a small gardening business."

"Your Sire works at a hospital?" Hadrian asked with wide eyes.


"But... oh," he replied.

"Do you need anything for now?" questioned Jasper.


"Oh, okay," Jasper responded. "We're going to school tomorrow so you're going to have the house all to yourself along with Edward."

"Edward is staying?" asked Hadrian with a disgusted look which prompted Jasper to laugh.

A new thing Hadrian discovered about Jasper was that he had a nice laugh.

"Someone has to watch over you," teased Jasper with a smirk.

Edward Cullen was too old to be sulking, but that was what he was doing at the moment as he sat on the couch with crossed arms and a scowl planted on his face. Carlisle had informed him that he was going to stay with the new vampire the whole day tomorrow and he couldn't object to it. He could never refuse a request from Carlisle. The man had saved his life on multiple occasions and Edward owed him everything he could offer.

The worst part was listening to Jasper talk with the newborn who was also not happy with the arrangement. As if that little vampire had any reason to hate the fact that he was going to spend the entire day with Edward. Edward should've been the one upset over babysitting a tiny vicious newborn with a nasty mouth. Besides, he was going to miss seeing Bella Swan.

He could just imagine her sitting there in one of the classes, peeking at him over her shoulders and getting startled at the fact that she was caught. That had been a daily routine which Edward found amusing. He had just started talking to her few days before they had to visit the Volturi. Things were finally moving between them. He knew it was dangerous for him to try and talk with her but he couldn't deny himself. Her smell was appetizing, singing to him to get closer.

Hearing a muffled laughter coming from his bedroom, he regretted on not focusing on them since he now didn't know what they said to laugh like that. The newborn was very wild and aggressive that it was weird to hear his genuine laughter.

"Edward," Carlisle called from his office and Edward went there at once.

"Yes, dad?" answered Edward before suddenly feeling shy. Calling Carlisle dad was embarrassing but he liked the sound of it.

"Close the door and sit," Carlisle smiled.

"You already know that you will be staying home tomorrow with Hadrian," stated Carlisle. "I want you to make sure to keep an eye on him so that no one gets hurt. I kept several blood bottles in the fridge. They're all fresh and should quench his thirst. You can restrain him if needed, but ONLY if needed. I don't want you to hurt him, Edward. He's still just a newborn. A child."

"No need to worry," responded Edward.

"I know I can count on you," said Carlisle. "I will try to finish work earlier tomorrow. Esme will also be out of the house. I don't want her here while I'm not."

Edward wished he could feel what Carlisle felt for Esme. He longed to have a mate to spend the rest of his immortal life with. It would be nice to have someone instead of being all alone.

"When can we meet with the mutts to discuss the newborn?" Edward questioned.

"I'll call Billy now to discuss it," Carlisle sighed.

"Is everything okay? You seem troubled," asked Edward in concern.

"I'm fine," smiled Carlisle. "It's been a hectic day, that's all. I'll go hunting later."

Edward knew that Carlisle always went hunting to feel better and he hoped that it would work this time. His father was dealing with so many issues and he definitely needed a break.

He went out of the study room after excusing himself and sat on his spot in the living room again. The house was very quiet. He tried to focus his hearing and he could tell Alice was whispering on the phone and laughing, Emmett was apologizing and begging Rosalie, and Jasper was still chatting with the newborn who was once again quiet.

It was annoying how he couldn't retreat to his own room and work on his music. He missed writing new songs and playing with his precious piano. Instead, he spent the entire night reading and watching videos through his phone. It was still fine though. The newborn needed his space and Edward was willing to give his up in order to lend it to the young vampire.

The next morning, Carlisle as usual was the first person to get out of his room. He was dressed for work already and once his eyes landed on Edward, he flashed him a kind smile.

"Good morning, Edward," the man greeted.

"Morning," mumbled an annoyed Edward.

"I hope everything goes well today. If you need anything, give me a call," said Carlisle.

"Will do."

Carlisle walked towards him and placed his hand on his shoulder, squeezed a bit, and left the house.

Once the older vampire was out of the house, next came Esme who greeted him with a warm smile and a kiss on his cheek.

"Good morning," she said as she fumbled with her handbag. "It's a lovely day today, darling. Did you have a good night?"

"I did. Enjoy your day!" he shouted as she ran out of the house. Esme was always very cheerful in the morning.

He didn't have to wait long before Rosalie came down with Emmett tagging behind her, followed by Jasper.

"Hey, bro!" Emmett grinned cheerfully.

"Alice, hurry!" snapped Rosalie which only prompted a "just a second!" from Alice who was still upstairs.

"I'll make sure to say hi to your Bella when I see her," smirked Emmett while walking towards the door.

"Don't you dare, Emmett!" screamed Edward.

Emmett laughed and left the house, Rosalie and Jasper in tow. It didn't take long for Alice to come running from upstairs towards the exit while shouting "good morning" to Edward before leaving.

Edward sighed and closed the door. He had no doubt that the day was going to be long and difficult due to the newborn vampire who he was now stuck with.

This chapter is shorter than usual but thanks for reading!