Loyalty to Only One-
It happened almost 30 years before the 3000-year war. A young Demon found a baby Vampire in a collapsed house. He saved the child and took him home, adopting him as the grandson of the Demon King.
The Demon child became the Commandment of Love and the Vampire became the Commandment of Loyalty. The Demon child's symbol of Commandment was on his forehead, going over his right eye, while the Vampire's symbol was the left side of his abdomen.
The Vampire grew so attached to the Demon; he was loyal to only him and would follow him anywhere. Even to a battle against the entire Demon Race; alongside a Fairy, a Giant and a Goddess.
He stayed by his leaders' side after he was killed and made sure he and his love were laid together; for it was the wish his leader had if he were to ever die.