A/N: Hi i have been assigned basketball AU.

There will be smut, I'll alert you in the chapter that there will be smut, and it is Intersex!Ruby(which means GP!Ruby), if you don't like it you can check out something else I've written or not.

When all the lights out (hey!), where you going?
I keep a window, for you, it's always open
I'm like a lighthouse, I'm a reminder of where your going
I'm in your head now, I'm every second now
Is your love going?

Want You In My Room - Carly Rae Jepsen

Noise was never a hindrance, no noise always seemed to help Ruby get in the zone. She dribbles quickly, focusing on the blaring music in her ears, and the feel of the concrete under her feet. It's a warm fall day in Vale, and Ruby couldn't care less. She's running easy training motions around the concrete court outside of her dorm in the steady fall sun, the heavy beat of her favorite band thrumming in her ears. One step, two step- spin and!

"Nothing but net." Ruby nearly shouts, laughing as the ball falls perfectly through the net and bounces around the court.

Its two weeks into the fall semester and practices have yet to start, so Ruby had taken it upon herself to stay active in the off season, running drills and keeping in shape. She's too caught up in her internal game she doesn't see the small group gather behind her, or hear the yell of an unfamiliar voice. Her headset is yanked off, she spins and is face to face- well, chest to face, with the most beautiful cheerleader, if her uniform is anything to go by, she has ever seen. Ruby grins brightly, looking down at the shorter woman, she's got beautiful white hair, and blue eyes, and Ruby can feel her eyes turn into hearts.

"H-hi! Can I help you?" Her voice hitches, the other girl is just so pretty.

"You're Ruby Rose right? From Patch?" Ruby nods quickly, nerves gripping at her chest, was she really so well known already?

"Y-yeah! That's me!" The other girl nods once. "Can I help you?"

"I'm Weiss Schnee, and you're late for practice." The beautiful cheerleader grabs her by the wrist and turns to leave.

Ruby is nearly yanked off her feet, her taller frame struggling to right herself as she stumbles behind the shorter woman. She shifts, running to catch up, very aware of the cool press of pale fingers on her wrist.

"So Schnee, huh? Like the shoes?" The silver haired woman flushes, moving to walk a little faster, but her longer legs keep Ruby in step. "They're good shoes! I've heard nothing but good things!" She tries desperately to keep conversation open between the two of them, uncertain the next time the beautiful blue eyed girl would speak to her again.

"Yes, like the shoes." It's curt, and Ruby gets the sense that it's a no-no topic, and keeps her mouth shut.

They reach the gym shortly after, and Weiss nearly shoves Ruby towards the coach, a portly man with a bushy mustache she recognized immediately. The man had been at several of her matches in her last year of high school, right before she was drafted to Beacon, and given her full ride scholarship. He turns to face them, and the shorter girl drops her wrist like it was made of lava.

"Here you are coach Port." She takes two steps away from Ruby before the redhead is able to respond, but turns back to look at her, and Ruby can feel her looking her up and down. The heated gaze sends fire through her veins, and she licks her lips before her view of the retreating cheerleader is blocked by the portly man.

"Ms Rose! Wonderful for you to join us!" Ruby shifts, trying to get another look at the silver haired girl, before she's nearly shoved into the crowd of other players.

"I didn't know practices was today," she glances down towards him before looking back at the crowd of cheerleaders taking residence on the other end of the large gym, "No one told me."

Coach Port laughs, low and hardy, slapping the tall teenager on the back, "it's not practice per say Ms Rose, merely picking up uniforms and the like." Ruby nods easily, shifting to try to focus less on the fact that she is now very aware that Weiss was capable of a full on split, and more on meeting her new team mates. She waives lazily at her team, and receives quiet hellos from all but two members. A rabbit faunus shifts before nodding in her direction, and a monkey faunus with a wide grin smacks her heavily on the shoulder.

With the whole of the team there coach Port ushers them into the locker room to hand out jerseys and jackets. They get a total of four jerseys, two home jerseys, and two visiting jerseys, both with matching shorts, and a set of windbreakers, pants and jacket. She unfurls the crimson and gold jersey, Rose written in bright gold over the number, thirty one. She nearly screams, cheering happily she spins in her teammates.

"I'm gonna put this on right now!" She turns running into the separate girls locker room and tugging off her cut off hoodie.

There's a faint yell from behind her, something like "careful Rose!" Before Ruby is once again faced with Weiss, this time not in uniform, well not entirely. She's still in her skirt, with her long silver hair in a high ponytail, and a silky blue lace bra.


"What are you doing in here you dunce!" Her voice is shrill, cheeks tinted pink as she pushes forward, shoving the taller girl back.

Ruby falters, trying to hold her ground to explain, but- well no one ever called Ruby Rose graceful and meant it. She slips and falls, grabbing hold of Weiss' shoulders before the both tumble into a pile of extremely flustered limbs. Ruby opens her eyes and all she sees is blue, Weiss is over her, flushing a soft pink, her hands on either side of Ruby's head.

"I-I'm sorry!" She shouts, but Weiss doesn't respond. Ruby watches her eyes flicker from Ruby's sparkling silver then lower, and back up again.

They're both shirtless, Ruby in her sports bra and shorts, and Weiss in her lacy bra, tights, and skirt, and alone in the locker room. Weiss' voice is soft when she finally speaks, "What are you doing?"

Ruby swallows thickly, focused on soft pale lips before following the light dusting of freckles on high cheekbones back to unfocused blue eyes. "Just trying to change into my new jersey."

They're both nervous, the pull of attraction between them rough and tangible, but Weiss pulls back and sits up, Ruby feels like she can breath again. "Just be more careful next time." She still flushed, maybe more so, still seated on Ruby's lap as she sits up. When Weiss turns back to face her they're eye to eye, and they both flush again before she stands, offering the taller girl her hand to help her up. Weiss returns to her locker, pulling on a soft looking white sweater over her cheer skirt and tights. Ruby on the other hand pulls on her jersey and hops in front of the floor length mirror.

"It looks good." She hears Weiss say softly behind her, before the quiet is disrupted by the closing of the locker. "Not that you looked bad before."

"I could say the same about you." Ruby chimes, grinning softly over her shoulder, before the silver haired beauty flushes and exit's the locker room.

"Yes well, I always look good." She smirks as she leaves, and Ruby feels her heart hammer in her chest, college was going to be so good.

It's another week before Ruby sees Weiss again. Surprisingly it's not at a game, or in the gym, it's at lunch. The silver haired girl is sitting alone in the east courtyard, with an open textbook in her lap and a sandwich from the cafeteria in hand. Ruby watches her for a moment, her hair is down and after a small bite of the sandwich she turns the page of her book, and pushes a lock of silvery white hair behind a pale ear.


"It's not polite to stare." The voice is soft and airy, husky but calm, and it scares the piss out of Ruby.

Ruby Rose does not scream. She does not yell, or jump in fear, and no matter what the amber eyed faunus behind her says, she did not do those things. Except she did. She totally did, Ruby released a girlish yell, spinning and jumping back away from the dark skinned girl.

"It's not polite to scare people either!" She shouts, flustered and uncomfortable. The dark haired feline laughs, the attentive ears on her head flicker, and she takes a step closer to Ruby. She smirks, pressing past the taller girl before laughing again.

"If you want to talk to her, just go do it."

Ruby watches her leave, she saunters like she knows more than anyone else, and it makes the point guard fidget. She watches her make her way over to Weiss, and grab the girls attention, and gesture to Ruby. Blue eyes meet silver and her breath catches, she takes a leap. She's halfway to the table when her phone rings, and she silences it roughly before stopping directly in front of Weiss. They keep eye contact the entire time, and when Ruby towers over her she shuts her book and waits.

"Nice-Uh, weather today?" She wasn't lying, it was a cool fall day, she didn't need to wear more than her red hoodie and jeans, but Weiss looks annoyed at the question.

"I suppose it could be worse." She snips curtly, eyes still locked on Ruby, "Did you need something, or were you planning on staring at me all day." Oh I could absolutely do that, all day, any day, Ruby thinks, but holds her tongue. "Well?"

Clumsily Ruby flops to the open end of the table, Weiss' water bottle on the other end rattles, swaying from side to side, but does not fall. "Uh-Party!" She sighs, shifting before turning to face Weiss fully, one leg on either side of the bench,. She pushes her hair back and out of her face, definitely not missing the way Weiss watched the movement of her hand, before locking eyes again. "There's a party at my dorm tomorrow, after the game! Would you like to come?"

Beside her Weiss stiffens, she looks past Ruby, through her eyes and into her soul, "We'll see." She stands to leave, shuffling her book into an open bag before locking eyes with Ruby one more time. "If you can win the game, I'll come."

Ruby's heart launches into the sky, beating a mile a minute. "Y-yeah! You bet!" She stands too fast, nearly knocking Weiss' water bottle over again, but catches it and hands it to the shorter girl. "I'll win no matter what."

Weiss flushes fully at the statement, smiling before taking a step away, "You had better. Don't make me look like a fool cheering for you." And with that she leaves.

They're not expected to win their first game, not with the amount of new players added to their team, and Ruby being selected as their starting point guard, but Ruby was determined. She replays the conversation with Weiss over and over again, chants a soft 'win, win, win!' before turning to her team. Everyone had been really welcoming to her, most of all Sun and Pyrrha, who teamed up to make a set of 'welcome to the team' shirts for their newest players, Ruby included.

They're all dressed and ready when Ruby hears a soft 'psst' and turns toward the sound. She does a double-take when she sees the amber eyed faunus from the day before grinning at her, and approaches slowly.

"What, couldn't find a place to jump out and yell boo?" Ruby asks with a pout.

"I don't do 'boo,' it's a cheap scare." She smiles again before holding out a small piece of paper. "No, I'm here because Weiss wanted me to give you this." She presents the small piece of paper with a flourish, before dramatically dropping it to the ground when Ruby didn't immediately grab for it..

Frantically reaching for the falling paper Ruby sighs when she finally grabs hold of it, when she looks up the dark haired woman is gone, and she's alone in a corner of the locker room with a tiny piece of paper that reads;

Weiss Schnee

If you win, text me.

Ruby almost screams again. She holds the paper close to her chest and runs in place, burning off the sudden burst of energy. "We're gonna win! We have to!" She grins at Sun as he holds up a thumbs up, and they all exit to the court, but not before Ruby leaves the small slip of paper safely in her locker.

Dip, one, two, turn and! Shoot! The ball leaves Ruby's hands half a second before the buzzer sounds. Time slows down, the score is 64 to 62, and from behind the three point line, this shot will make or break the game for them and Ruby can't breathe. Sound comes back in a solid wave as the ball flies easily through the air, and directly through the net.

There's a soft pain in her stomach, before Ruby realizes Sun has nearly tackled her, and Pyrrha is lifting her with the help of Velvet and Fox onto the collective shoulders of the rest of the team. On her teammates shoulders she feels the full weight of their victory, and glances across the court. Silver meets blue and she grins at the look in Weiss' eyes. The silver haired woman laughs, holding her hand up to her face, thumb to her ear and pinky to her mouth as she mouths 'call me,' and Ruby's not sure she could be any happier.

Ruby arrives at the party an hour after it starts, having gone out to dinner with the team after their victory. She checks her phone ten times in the first five minutes;

Ruby:this is ruby! ready for that party?!
Weiss:I did say I would come if you won. What dorm are you in?
Ruby: gryphon! ill be there in an hour! ill keep you in the loop!
Ruby: ok! im here now!

A muscular arm wraps around her neck and Ruby is smashed into the loving embrace of her older sister. She's three beers in, and smiling like Ruby won a gold metal.

"Baby sister!" Yang cheers leaving a wet kiss to Ruby's forehead. "How's my favorite little b-ball master?" Ruby shoves at her sister, laughing softly.

"Sober, unlike someone I know." Yang blows a raspberry into Ruby's face before grinning and tugging Ruby further into their dorm.

"Well lets remedy that right away!" The ding of her phone pulls Ruby back to her earlier thoughts as she unlocks the device.

Weiss:On my way.

Ruby grins, but before she's able to type a response Yang plucks her phone from her hands, "Who ya talking to Rubles?"

"Yaaang! Give it back!" Yang shifts, holding Ruby in place with one arm while she reads the, not at all inappropriate text messages. After one read through though Yang stops.

"No way. No way, no way, no way!" Yang nearly chucks Ruby's phone before locking eyes with her sister, "You did not get Weiss Schnee's number, and get her to come to one of my parties."

"Uhhh… Is that a problem?" Nervousness seeps inter her voice, she was two years behind her sister, she might have needed to ask if she had a problem with Weiss before inviting the heiress to the party.

"Are you kidding? Weiss Schnee doesn't come to parties. She's too dignified!"

As fate would have it, that was the moment Weiss decided to show up to said party, the beautiful amber eyed woman at her side. Ruby stalls, her sister wrapped around her neck and eyes locked on to Weiss' choice of outfit; long sleeved white blouse, and faded blue skinny jeans. For the second time that night Ruby felt time slow, and when blue eyes turned to her and blinked she felt the cool splash of something, (probably alcoholic) pouring down the back of her shirt.