Notes: This was written for Hermione's Nook Love for All fest! The prompt was to find a famous quote and base a fic off it.

"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for awhile." Westley, The Princess Bride

"Sectumsempra!" Harry shouted, swinging his wand wildly.

Deep cuts appeared on Malfoy's chest. He stumbled backwards, blood pouring freely from the wounds. He collapsed onto the waterlogged floor.

Harry stared at Malfoy dumbfounded for a second. He couldn't quite believe his eyes. He tripped as he staggered toward Malfoy. A sharp pain cut through his hand as he tried to catch himself. The floor was littered with glass and porcelain from their fight.

Harry didn't care. He scrambled through the water on his hands and knees until he reached Malfoy.

"I am so sorry! I didn't know what that spell did!"

There was too much blood. Malfoy was pale under the scarlet. Harry tore open Malfoy's shirt. He needed to see the damage.

Harry didn't know any healing spells. All he knew was a bit of muggle first aid from all the times he had had to see the nurse when Dudley had beaten him up.

Malfoy was barely breathing. He had to do something. There wasn't enough time to get to the hospital wing before Malfoy died of blood loss.

Harry pressed directly on the worst of the cuts with his bare hands. He knew applying pressure was supposed to stop bleeding. That was the only thought that registered in his panicked mind.

Malfoy's eyes shot open as he made a strangled noise of protest and pain. Harry felt like screaming in frustration. Malfoy was dying and it was his fault. Hermione was right about the Prince's book. It was dark.

"Magic," Malfoy forced out in a choked voice. "Idiot."

Of course Draco Malfoy would be a git while he was dying. Harry forced himself to not roll his eyes.

"I don't know any healing spells!" he snapped back.

"Episkey! Use... epis-" Malfoy hissed through clenched teeth, but he couldn't finish the sentence. It looked like it was all he could do to stay conscious.

Harry fumbled for his wand, but was distracted immediately. Malfoy's body suddenly went rigid, his eyes squeezing shut. Harry cupped his face in his bloody hands, a fresh wave of panic shooting through him.


His body started convulsing. Harry was almost certain he was dying... and he felt helpless to stop it.

Cold hands grasped his wrists tightly - more tightly than a dying person should be able to manage. Malfoy's eyes flew open. They were glowing silver.

Actually, everything about him seemed to be glowing. Harry blinked, his panic momentarily forgotten. He had never seen anyone so beautiful before.

He tore his eyes from Malfoy's face as his body relaxed on the wet floor. He had to heal him. The fear started welling up in Harry again. He hastily grabbed his wand.

"Episk-" he stopped himself.

The wounds were healing on their own. The skin was stitching back together.


"Malfoy? We need to get you to the hospital wing. Can you stand up?"

Malfoy's eyes were still glowing. Harry tried to help him up, but Malfoy wasn't cooperating. He was staring up at Harry, looking as if he had never seen him before.

"Harry," he breathed again.

Before Harry knew what was happening, he was pinned to the floor under Malfoy. Water was soaking his robes, but he didn't care.

His heart hammered as he tried to escape Malfoy's hold feebly. Malfoy should have been weak. He should have been able to escape easily... but Malfoy was unmovable right then.


"Mate..." Malfoy whispered, lowering his head.

Every objection and question died in Harry's throat as Malfoy's lips touched his.

All that mattered was Malfoy kissing him. Harry's brain short-circuited as Malfoy nipped his lower lip. Harry pressed into the kiss and was rewarded by Malfoy's mouth opening. His tongue slid into his mouth, brushing against Harry's.

A soft sound escaped Harry's throat. Malfoy jerked away from the kiss, meeting Harry's eyes.

"Mine..." Malfoy murmured.

"Yours," Harry answered.

He wanted to be Malfoy's boyfriend. That was the only coherent thought he could form. He was dazed from the kiss, but Harry had wanted Malfoy for a long time. It wasn't just that Malfoy was attractive in a weirdly pointy way. Harry liked the way Malfoy didn't see him a savior or a hero. Malfoy saw him as just Harry.

Malfoy's lips turned up in a smile. He kissed Harry again, letting go of his wrists to tangle his fingers in Harry's messy hair.

Harry didn't have time to enjoy the kiss for long. Malfoy lips moved from his to kiss a trail down to his neck. Harry felt dizzy with how badly he wanted Malfoy.

He yelped as Malfoy bit him, his teeth sinking into his flesh. It hurt, but only for a moment. A warm feeling spread from the bite, filling Harry's body. He could feel Malfoy's magic. It was flowing from Malfoy into him and lighting him up. Harry felt like he was glowing too.

Malfoy's magic felt different from his. It was like sitting in front of a fireplace on a cold winter day... it was like coming home.

Malfoy licked the bite, soothing the leftover sting. Harry shivered, pressing up against Malfoy. He tugged on his silvery hair until Malfoy's lips met his again.

"What is going on here?!"

Malfoy reluctantly broke the kiss, but stayed on top of Harry. Harry flushed as he turned his head and saw Snape. He tried to move out from under Malfoy, but he had pinned him down again.

"Uh..." Harry glanced up at Malfoy.

Malfoy met Harry's eyes. He hadn't looked at Snape yet. Harry could see Malfoy was thinking fast. Then, his jaw set.

His skin stopped glowing. His eyes returned to their usual grey. He didn't look heart-stoppingly beautiful anymore. He just looked like Malfoy.

Harry had been developing feelings for Malfoy for years now. It was definitely an on and off thing. He could go months thinking Malfoy was a complete asshole, which almost always happened after Malfoy started spouting blood purity nonsense. Then, after some time had passed, he would find himself enjoying the way he smiled at him. He would find himself wanting to kiss the smirk off Malfoy's face.

A thought dawned on Harry. He was fairly certain he and Malfoy had just agreed to be boyfriends.



It was enough to make Harry smile.

Malfoy stood up, facing Snape. "Potter gave me a lust potion, I think. Do you have an antidote?"

The smile was instantly wiped off of his face and Harry stared at Malfoy in sudden outrage, but didn't have time to formulate a response.

"Disgusting. Why is the bathroom in this state? And why are you both covered in blood?" Snape narrowed his eyes.

"Potter attacked me first. His hand is bleeding."

Snape obviously didn't want to point out that there was too much blood to have come from Harry's hand.

"Fifty points from Gryffindor and detention every weekend until the end of term, Potter. I don't want to listen to your excuses. Mister Malfoy, come with me so I can give you an antidote."

Snape left with Malfoy as Harry stared after them in stunned anger. It was so unfair. Malfoy knew full well that he hadn't given him a lust potion... and he hadn't started that fight.

Fuming, Harry stormed out of the bathroom to find Hermione and Ron.

He found Hermione first. She was on her way to the library, but stopped and stared in horror when she saw him.

"Is that blood?!"

"Sh... hang on."

Harry dragged Hermione into an unused classroom and locked the door behind them. He cast muffliato and turned to her.

"Harry, what's going on?"

"I just... I just snogged Malfoy." Harry started pacing.

Hermione's mouth fell open as she sat down at a desk heavily. Harry raked his fingers through his hair.

"Okay... how about you tell me what happened from the beginning?" Hermione suggested.

So, Harry did. He told her about finding Malfoy crying in the bathroom. He told her about the fight and how he used sectumsempra .

He silenced her 'told you so' with a dark look.

Harry described the blood, the way Malfoy glowed, and the kiss. He even told her about the biting. When he finished by telling her about the way Malfoy stopped glowing and the interaction with Snape after, Hermione pursed her lips, looking troubled.

"Malfoy glowed?"


"That's really unusual. I can't think of any spell or magic that would cause that..."

"Is that really the most important thing right now?" Harry asked.

"Maybe... I think I remember reading something about this." Hermione hummed thoughtfully. "Let me see your bite."

Harry sighed and stopped pacing long enough to pull his shirt down. Hermione came over to him to inspect the wound.

He felt something like protectiveness fill him as she studied it. He didn't want her or anyone else to see the mark Malfoy had left.

"Harry... these aren't... well, human teeth marks." Hermione backed away, chewing on her lower lip.

"What do you mean? I'm fairly certain Malfoy is a human."

"Are you sure it was really Malfoy?"

"Of course I am."

"Well... this mark was made by sharp teeth. Like fangs? And the teeth clearly broke skin... but this looks weeks old."

Harry stared at her, his hand going up to his neck to feel the mark. He couldn't actually feel it... no, wait. The spot where he knew he had been bit felt warmer than the skin around it.

"Hermione," Harry said as calmly as he could, "what is going on?"

"I'm not entirely sure... I have a theory though. I need to check the library."

And with that, Hermione hurried out of the classroom.

"Have you gone mad?" Ron demanded.

Harry had found Ron in their dorm and had quickly filled him in on the situation. Ron, of course, was more concerned with the blood and water soaking Harry through. He made Harry stay still so he could heal his hand while Harry told him everything.

"I'm pretty sure I have. I mean... I have had a crush on him for years... but now I really want to punch him and then snog him again."

Turning on his heel, Harry went to his trunk and pulled out clean clothes.

"How is that different from normal?" Ron snorted.

"Rude." Harry threw a pair of socks at Ron.

It would have been nice to shower, but Harry needed to talk this through and understand what had happened. Instead, he used a cleaning spell and changed into clean clothes as he talked.

"Honestly, if you really want to snog Malfoy, I'll support you... just... Harry, he's a downright git. I still don't think he's a death eater, but he is a prick. What if he hurts you?" Ron sat on his bed, chewing on his lower lip.

"I don't think you have to worry about that." Hermione let herself into their dorm.

"Why not?"

Hermione held up her finger and started casting spells to keep them from being interrupted or overheard. When she was finished, she pulled a book from her bag and opened it to a place she had bookmarked.

"Malfoy is part veela. Usually, males don't come into their veela inheritance at all. Female veela automatically do when they become adults, unless they take a potion." Hermione laid the book in front of them. "Fluer used a potion, I remember her telling me about it."

"Wait. Malfoy is a veela?" Ron demanded, looking horror-struck.

"Yes. The only way for a male veela to actually manifest their veela traits, is if they get their... well, fated mate's blood in their system." Hermione glanced at Harry. "You said you tried muggle first aid to stop Malfoy's bleeding... and your hand was bleeding. Did you place that hand directly on Malfoy's wound?"

Harry felt himself blanch. He nodded shortly, his gaze falling to the book. He felt dizzy.

"Well... when your blood came into contact with Malfoy's system..." She cleared her throat. "You said he looked beautiful when he was glowing, right?"


"Did you feel compelled to please him?"

"No…" Harry answered after a moment. "It was more like I wanted desperately to be close to him. Like my feelings had been intensified tenfold and I couldn't fight them anymore. It felt like if I wasn't holding onto him, I would float away. Or maybe more like he was gravity? Like I was being pulled in?"

"That makes sense. You're bonded with Malfoy. Well, halfway, in any case. That bite is a bond mark. Veela bite their mates. Their saliva and magic creates a link between them." Hermione cleared her throat. "You'll... er, have the urge to complete the bond, but it won't become unbearable until you're both of age."

"Wait, wait, wait," Ron said, holding up his hand. "How is Harry supposed to... do that... if he doesn't have special veela spit?"

"That's your question?" Harry demanded, looking affronted. "What about the part where I'm mated to Malfoy?!"

Ron shrugged, his face turning red as his hair. "That too."

"Ah, according to the book, the veela will use their magic to give their mate the ability to bond with them? That part is kind of vague." Hermione looked a little helpless. "Harry, I promise this isn't as bad as it sounds."

"How can it not be?! He hated me before all of this! And I hate him seventy percent of the time!"

"And the other thirty you're like a school girl in love," Ron muttered under his breath.

"Well... you are his mate. That means on a deep level, you are extremely compatible. He can't hate you. If he did, the bond mark wouldn't have healed cleanly."

"What do you mean? He's constantly being a dick to me. When I caught him crying in the loo, he tried using the Cruciatus curse," Harry said irritably. "You have to hate someone to use that curse!"

"But would the curse have even worked for him? He could have tried to cast it and have had it fail." Hermione pointed out. "The bond wouldn't have worked unless you both consented."

"But this is Malfoy," Ron said, watching Harry worriedly. "He's a slimy git. Besides, I know Harry is bi, but isn't Malfoy straight?"

Harry felt a hot rush of anger at those words. He wanted to scream at Ron that Draco wasn't slimy or a git. Then, he realized he had just used Draco's first name in his head. He liked the way it sounded.

"Don't talk ab-" Harry cut himself off. "I don't think... isn't he dating Parkinson?"

To his surprise, Hermione laughed into her hand. "No, she's definitely not into Malfoy."

"How do you know that?" Ron asked wearily.

"Because she asked me if you and I would go out with her a couple hours ago. Apparently, Zabini gave her a potion that forced her to ask out the person she liked most, but she likes both of us."

There was a loud thump as Ron fell off his bed.

"She what?!" he demanded, a strange mixture of horror and embarrassed pleasure on his face.

"She wants to date us." Hermione shrugged, gesturing between herself and Ron. A smug smile was playing on her lips.

"Can we get back to Malfoy being a veela?" Harry started pacing, feeling restless. "I love you both and Parkinson asking you out is fascinating, but I'm having a crisis here."

"Er, well, yes," Hermione shifted uncomfortably, the smile falling from her face.

"What is it...?"

"Um... you're going to feel an urge to finish the bond Harry... then, uh, you will need to... consummate the bond. You will be... well, married for all intents and purposes." Hermione winced. "Like I said though, it won't become unbearable until you are of age."

"Consu- Married?! You can't be serious?!" Harry felt his stomach plummet.

"Surely, there's some way out of this? We're still in school! Harry's too young to be married!" Ron said desperately.

"I'm afraid not... at least, not that I know of. Cases of this happening appear to be extremely rare. We can keep searching... but Harry?"

Harry met her worried brown eyes. "What?"

"Malfoy must love you. If he didn't, the process would have taken a lot longer. He would have appeared... horrifying at first. Like those veela at the World Cup. He wouldn't have been able to bond you. At least, that's what happened to one woman in Bulgaria."

Ron looked ready to protest, but Harry beat him to it. "Why did he tell Snape that I gave him a lust potion?"

"That is obvious." Hermione rolled her eyes. "If Snape or any other death eater finds out that you're his mate, it will put him at risk. You-know-Who would think he's not trustworthy because of his feelings for you. He could be killed."

Harry swallowed. "I need to see him."

"Harry, no!" Ron leapt to his feet and grabbed Harry's shoulders. "This is the bite thing talking! You can't get married to him at sixteen!"

Harry shrugged out of Ron's hold and glared. "This isn't like when you drank that love potion, Ron. I'm not about to confess my undying love for him. I'm just going to tell him what Hermione told me."

Harry tore the page about veela out of the book, ignoring Hermione's squawk of protest, and left with his cloak and map.


If you liked this chapter, feel free to leave a comment. I love it when people say hi.