Hotel Omens

AN: Hello, dear readers. Yeah, I just recently got some inspiration to write this fic. This chapter is on the shorter side so I hope you can forgive me, but still find it entertaining.

Now to reviews.

Dracus6: I'm honestly not sure I would do it. And I'm not really open to ideas at the moment.

Guest: Glad you think so.

awsomerebel55: You'll have to wait a bit before that happens.

3 When It Comes To Decisions

Crowley came down the stairs back to the lobby, his shades back on, and everyone was sitting at their own place. Except for Niffty who was hopping excitedly. For what exactly, Crowley wasn't sure but for some reason, he didn't want to find out.

"What happened?" Vaggie asked sternly as she saw Crowley come down. "Why isn't she here? What have you done?"

"Oh be quiet you atomic bomb," Crowley said but suddenly stopped and look up in realization. "No, no. That sounds stupid. I'll stick with firecracker."

Vaggie grabbed her head in frustration. "Ugh! Will you stop joking around?! Tell me, why isn't she down here?!" she demanded as she glared at Crowley.

"She's just thinking it over. Don't worry about it," he said with a dismissive tone, hiding the regret he actually felt. "She'll come down any minute, just be patient."

Vaggie's eyes only narrowed at him, but she conceded and left him alone. "Just remember. I'm watching you," she threatened.

"Then I'll make sure to go the right," he joked which only made her growl. His phone then started ringing. He took it out and on the calling screen was written 'Velvet' with a selfie of a woman with grey-brown skin, hair that was a combination of red, brown and a bit white in pigtails. She was also wearing a dress following a similar color scheme. "Oh no, what does she want now?" Crowley muttered before accepting the call. "Hello."

"Hello, Anthony!" a chirpy voice came from the phone.

The shaded demon resisted the urge to sigh. "Something I can do for you, Lady Velvet?" Crowley asked.

Velvet was located in a dimly lit room, sprawled on a fancy couch. Her grin could almost split her face.

"Oh, don't be so formal, Anthony," she said as she leaned backward. "I haven't seen you in a long time. You honestly spend way too much time in the human world."

"Well… I do have a duty. Looking after the Antichrist and all that."

"Come on, I know you aren't all business. You are the one who invented my favorite thing in the world! I mean, who doesn't like selfies?!" she said as she looked over a framed picture. It was one of the very first selfies ever taken. In it was Velvet smiling widely while holding a peace sign with Crowley right next her making a duck face. "You know, you should come over some time. We'll have a lot of fun."

"Ugh, yeah, you see, I'm really busy and I don't want Hastur breathing down my neck. I'm really sorry. Bye, bye."

And the call ended making Velvet look at her phone in disappointment.

Crowley sighed as he pocketed his phone. He didn't want to deal with any more Overlords than he already was. The thing is, ever since he invented the selfie and showed it to Velvet she became really obsessed with them and couldn't stop thanking (read: pestering) him about it. He would have blocked her but he wasn't feeling suicidal at the moment.

Crowley then made a clap with his hands. "Well, if there isn't anything left to do I'll-"

"Get out of there, Alastor!" a slithery voice could be heard outside the hotel. And that voice angered Crowley for so rudely interrupting him. "Get out and face me!"

"Ah, great! Not this guy again," Angel Dust said annoyed.

"And who might that be?" Crowley asked.

"Eh, just that annoying freak, Sir Pentious. He has a beef with Alastor and wants to kill him or something," Angel Dust explained before giving a nonchalant shrug. "I really don't care."

"Ugh, I'll take care of him," Vaggie as she prepared to get up.

"No need for that, firecracker," Crowley said as he put his hand up causing the said 'firecracker' to growl in annoyance. "Stand back boys and girls, because Anthony J Crowley will take care of the situation." With that proclamation, he put his hands in his pockets and walked out of the hotel.

Outside on the road he saw a snake demon with grey and yellow skin, two pink eyes with black slits along with a bunch of other pink eyes across his body. He wore a black suit and a hat that had a single pink eye and mouth. In his hands, he held a futuristic-looking gun.

"You there!" Sir Pentious said as he pointed at Crowley. "Do you know Alastor?"

"I might," Crowley answered as he calmly walked towards the snake demon.

"Oh, you might?" Sir Pentious then pointed his gun at Crowley, some pink energy began glowing inside the barrel. "Well then, sir Slickhair, you might tell him to face me and my weapon or you'll end up vaporized."

Crowley just spread his arms. "Give it your best shot."

Pentious laughed hysterically. "Your funeral, fool!" Sir Pentious then pulled the trigger, fully prepared to see Crowley turn to dust. Instead, several pink bubbles came out of the barrel and floated into the air, making Pentious look down at his weapon in shock.

Crowley also looked down at the weapon. "Wow. Really impressive," Crowley said sarcastically. "Now listen here." He then took off his shades. "It would be best for you to leave this place right now…" Crowley's form began changing, morphing into a black-scaled snake that grew in size. Sir Pentious could only look up in horror as the snake became so big that he himself wasn't bigger than its head. "… or elsssse I eat you. And trusssssst me, I have long digesssssstion."

Pentious began shaking as beads sweat almost covered his whole body, and with the swiftness that put the Roadrunner to shame he slithered away from the scene. Crowley morphed back to his human form with a grin on his face as he put back his shades. "I love when they run."

"Quite an amusing display, Crowley," said a raspy voice said causing Crowley to freeze in place. "Hope you had fun scaring some lesser demons. Though I'm surprised you didn't just cut his telephone line."

"Hey there!" Crowley called out as he turned to see Hastur, a duke of Hell. The man had long ashen hair, completely black eyes, and black spots on his body parts, at least those that weren't obscured by his beige coat, black shirt, pants, and shoes. "Well if it isn't Duke Hastur La Vista!"

Hastur stood there looking dumbly at Crowley, not understanding what he was talking about. And awkward silence stood between them after that before Crowley broke it. "Um, it's a joke," Crowley explained.

Hastur only scoffed and quickly grabbed Crowley by the hem of his shirt before making him look into his black eyes. "I don't like jokes, Crowley," Hastur growled out before pushing him back roughly. "What are you doing here? I thought you were looking over our Lord's son."

"Well, I was just visiting a friend here. The Antichrist won't miss me for one day," Crowley said, not wanting the situation to escalate. While Hastur held the title of Duke and not an Overlord he still wasn't someone you messed with.

Hastur then cast a look at the hotel building before huffing in annoyance. "Didn't peg you for a type to support this bullshit," he said before a swing of metal could be heard from behind Hastur. The demon duke turned to see Vaggie holding a holy spear towards his back.

"Alright you piece of shit, we had enough people interfere with us and we don't need another one of your kind here," she said threateningly, her eye narrow and her grip on the spear tight.

Hastur just turned around faster than she could react and grabbed the shaft of the spear. With a mighty shove, he knocked the spear out of her hands and the force threw her down on the road, with her grunting as she fell.

Hastur then turned the spear around and pointed it at Vaggie's throat, the Latino girl still trying to look defiant. "You should watch how you address your betters, girl," he said as he began moving closer, which caused Vaggie to move back as to not be stabbed with the spear.

"Um, Hastur, I don't think this is a-" Crowley tried saying but was quickly cut off.

"And you be quiet!" Hastur bellowed out before bringing his attention back to Vaggie. "I should end your existence right now for such disobedience."

"What is going on here?!" The three of them turned to see Charlie walking out, or more accurately stomping out. "Why are you here, Hastur? And what has Vaggie done to you?"

"You should train your pets better, princess," Hastur said as he looked mockingly at the downed girl. "This one has a problem with obedience."

Charlie glared at him. She was usually very tolerable, but when someone comes to her and threatens her loved ones then the gloves come off.

"Drop that weapon and leave. Unless you have some official business you have no reason to be here," she said but Hastur stayed in the same position. "That is an order, duke Hastur."

After a few moments of staring, Hastur grumbled under his breath before throwing the spear away. "As you wish, my lady," he said before walking away. "I have no idea why Alastor would bother with pointless shit like this. Guess he is still a mortal soul after all."

Once Hastur was out of sight Crowley gave a relieved sigh. "That guy is trouble wherever he goes."

Charlie then helped Vaggie to her feet. "Thank you, hon," Vaggie said as she smiled at Charlie.

"Well I wasn't going to just stand there and let you be run through with the spear," Charlie stated causing Vaggie to laugh.

Crowley then clapped with his hands. "Well then, my business' done here. Time to go back to the human," he said before going back to the car.

Charlie then noticed something. "Um, Crowley, since when did you drive that type of car?" she said since she knew that he usually drove a Bentley around while this one seemed like an older Mustang.

Crowley stopped in front of the car and tapped it. "This bucket? It was just standing there in the middle of the road and I decided to take it for a spin," he explained. Then he got a disapproving look from Charlie. "Oh, come on. This is Hell, leaving the car there you practically beg for it to be stolen. I just accelerated the process a bit." He then got in and turned it on with the keys he conjured since he didn't have the original ones. "See you soon, Charlie! Good luck with the hotel!" And with that, he drove away.

Angel Dust walked up the two women. "Aw, gone already?" he whined as he looked at the retreating car. "I hoped I'd get to know him better."

"Good riddance, I say," said Husker in his usual growly voice. "It's enough that we have Alastor here, we don't need four-eyes as well."

Niffty then quickly runs up to Charlie. "Oh, when's he coming back?! I really want him as a friend!"

Charlie just scratched the back of her head. "Oh, I'm honestly not sure. He isn't that frequent of a visitor," she said, with the last part being in a lower tone, one which didn't pass the Vaggie.

"Is there something that's bothering you?" she asked. "Are you sad that he doesn't visit that often? Is that it?"

Charlie only glanced at her before sighing. "If I'm being honest, yes. You see, besides my mother, Crowley's been a true friend. With my mother so busy, my father… being my father, and before you, he was one of the only people there for me. He understood me, as someone so different from others. I remember when I had my college graduation he came there disguised as my dad. I could tell it was him but the thought was appreciated. And he had a pretty colorful language when we spoke about my ex-boyfriend before I had him settle down." She chuckled at the memory.

"Then why don't you visit him in the human world?" Vaggie proposed making Charlie look somewhat surprised. "Please don't tell me the thought never crossed your mind? I mean, you can travel between the planes, you are a princess after all."

"Well… it's just that... I always tried to strive forward redeeming the damned souls of this cruelty, and… it just didn't cross my mind. And I haven't been to the human world that many times, not to mention I have a lot of things to do here and-"

"Charlie!" Vaggie interrupted before grabbing her by the shoulders. "Listen to me, you worked hard and achieved in starting this entire thing. Granted, I wish that we did it differently but here we are. So get yourself a break, and go visit him. I know he means much to you."

Charlie watched her girlfriend in silence for a few moments. "But, the hotel-"

"Don't worry, we can take care of it," Vaggie said before some crashing sound came from inside with a yell of "Who took my booze?" following soon after. "Ugh, nothing's ever easy with them," she muttered under her breath. "Charlie, if anything Alastor can make sure we don't ruin his fun. So the hotel is safe." Vaggie then grabbed Charlie's chin between her fingers. "Please, go up for a couple of days. We'll call if we need your help."

Charlie looked down, unsure if she should. She spent so much time in Hell that going into the human world made her nervous. And while she knew that Vaggie was right when she said that Alastor wouldn't let the hotel crumble down, especially with all the work he put into it and the amusement that didn't arrive, she still worried about it.

Then she once again looked at Vaggie, seeing the reassuring look in her single and the soft smile she sent her, showing all of her support even when Vaggie knew that she herself couldn't go to the human world.

Charlie honestly couldn't help but smile back.

"Alright, Vaggie. I'll give him a visit," Charlie decided.

"That's the spirit, hon! Go and relax. We'll take care of things here."

"Well, I'll first phone my mom," Charlie said as she took out her phone. "She may not answer but at least I'll leave a voicemail."

"You do that. I'll go and see if those morons broke anything," Vaggie said before going back inside the hotel.

Charlie then dialed her phone until it read 'Mom' and put it next to her ear, the ringtone following soon after. If she was being honest with herself, she was also very excited to see what happened in the human world since the last time she was there.

AN: And that is it so far! I hope that it was short but sweet. We had some character interactions and (I also hope) funny moments.

Be sure to check out my other stories. And don't forget to leave a review, they are great motivators.

See you next time!