Steven woke up with a cover on his face. He only saw out of the little eye sockets from this cover. He could barely move. What's going on? Steven thought. He began to panic as he felt something move around him. What?! He didn't know how he got here, but this "thing" he's in seemed dangerous.
He tried to get out, but that made the tight squeeze tighter. Oh god! Steven panicked. He couldn't move, or he was sure he'd get springlocked. Spinglocked? Steven didn't know how he knew that word, but it occured into his mind. He breathed. Calm down, Steven. It'll be over soon. he thought. The Gems will come find you, so you won't be here for long.
Suddenly, a springlock tripped, crushing his left arm. OH DEAR GOD! Steven panicked as another springlock crushed his right arm. WHAT'S GOING ON?!
The springlock on his legs tripped, and finally, all went black as the springlocks around his head tripped.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this new story! please note that THIS STORY IS NOT CONNECTED TO STEVEN AND SPRINGTRAP!