Disclaimer: I don't own Touhou Project and its contents are all owned by Zun.

Synopsis: The ordinary magician, Marisa Kirisame goes to borrow some books from the library Voile, once again. However she will be confronted by the gatekeeper, Hong Meiling, who has new tricks up her sleeves.




"Spell Cards"





Third Person POV

BGM: EoSD Stage 3 Theme: Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea (Re-Extended)

It was a lovely day today in the land of illusions, the sun shining so bright in the sky, fairies either planking or playing around and the flowers are blooming. And it was also a great day for a certain kleptomaniac witch to go on a 'trip' to go 'borrow' some books from her good friend in Voile.

The ordinary magician, Marisa Kirisame was casually sitting on her broom as she flew across the water surface of Misty Lake to her destination, the Scarlet Devil Mansion. She was thinking of several new ways that the magician has thought of to get into the SDM, and subsequently Patchouli's library.

As the scarlet colored mansion gets closer to Marisa's view she notices something isn't right with the gatekeeper who guards the gate.

Usually on most 'trips' coming to the SDM Marisa meets the Chinese gate guard either sneaking past when the gatekeeper is sleeping or defeating her with a love colored Master Spark.

However, when Marisa got to the gate of the SDM she was surprised that the gatekeeper was already awake, and looking like she was expecting the magician to show up.

"Black-white I have been expecting you" Hong Meiling said to Marisa with confidence in the gatekeeper's eyes.

'Since when did China get a sudden boost in her confidence?' Marisa asked herself mentally.

"What's with the sudden confidence China?" Marisa asked, still surprised. "You're confident that you will beat me, ze."

"Not exactly, black-white" Hong Meiling responded as she then channeled Ki into her hands. "I want you to be the first person of many to witness my true power!"

BGM: Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17 ~Remix

As soon as she said that, Meiling jumped into the air toward the ordinary magician to unleash a powerful haymaker.

"Woah!" Marisa exclaimed, as she quickly dodged to the right avoiding the sudden punch from the gatekeeper. "Well if it's you wanna fight China, then you should have asked!"

Marisa then started firing magic missiles toward Meiling, but the gatekeeper dodged them. Then the gate guard started rapidly punching during which Ki fists rapidly flew toward the magician.

'Where did China learn that move?!' Marisa screamed mentally as she evaded the fists coming forward to her. 'Looks like I have to use one of my spell cards to deal with this!'

"Magic Sign: Stardust Reverie!" As soon as Marisa shouted this, several large stars of different colors formed and fired in all directions hoping to hit their target. However, Meiling weaved through the stars, and blocked some of them with a glowing barrier of Ki in front of her.

After Marisa's spell card ended Meiling quickly approached the magician and struck her with a Ki infused punch.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh!" Screamed Marisa as she quickly fell down onto the ground. After smashing into the ground, the magician groaned as she got up from taking such a massive hit from the gate guard.

Speaking of which, Meiling floated slowly down until she landed on her feet on the ground. "That felt so relieving to do that to you~!" The gatekeeper said to the still recovering magician.

"Now it's my turn!" Meiling exclaimed as she closed her hands together. "Star Ki: Earth-Moving Star Pulse Bullets"! When suddenly a huge seven-colored bullet came up from the palm of her hands.

'Yikes!' Marisa cried out in her mind as she just in time rolled out of the way from the huge seven-colored bullet coming her way. 'Time to pull out another spell card on China!'

"Love Sign: Non-Directional Laser!"" Marisa proclaims as 5 concentrated lasers are shot toward the gatekeeper, after the magician finally got up. Seeing this danger Meiling started throwing ki punches toward the black-white magician, while dodging the lasers.

Marisa, then flew up avoiding the ki punches entirely, and then proclaimed her next spell spell card, "Light Sign: Earthlight Ray!" After proclaiming this the kleptomaniac witch then started throwing magic bombs toward Meiling.

As the bombs landed close to the gatekeeper, Meiling then did an athletic backflip backwards away from the magic bombs, which then exploded. After dodging these bombs, Meiling looked up to see her adversary with her aqua blue eyes but was met with a familiar site. In the magician's hand was the mini hakkero, which was quickly powering up to unleash its deadly payload.

"You may have upped your skills, China!" Marisa yelled toward the gatekeeper. "But you will never get over the FEEL OF MY ANNIHILATION OF LOVE! LOVE SIGN: MASTER SPARK!" And with that a huge rainbow colored beam of doom came out from the tiny box as large an island toward the gatekeeper. Instead of jumping out of the way like any sane person would do, Meiling simply stood there and let the beam descend onto her.

The rainbow colored beam kept going for a few more seconds until it dissipated. The attack kicked up a lot of smoke, and it looked like Meiling was defeated.

"Wow, ze!" Marisa amazed at Meiling's brave or dumb action. "She just stood there and let my Master Spark hit here, either China must be brave or outright stupid, ze!"

"Oh well!" The kleptomaniac witch said to herself. "I better head toward Voile, before Patche knows that I coming to borrow her books, again, ze."

Before Marisa could do anything, she then sensed a powerful presence coming from where her Master Spark supposedly defeated Meiling. "Now what?!" The magician shouted, as the smoke started to form a small tornado where the gatekeeper was at.

A few seconds later the smoke slowly cleared up and revealed the gatekeeper was still standing there, but with a few changes. For starters the white pants that she wore are ripped revealing her legs and feet, which transformed into a dragon's legs and feet. Her arms have been turned into that of a dragon's and her arms have sharp claws on the fingertips. Meiling's normally aqua blue eyes now appear more dragon-like, and a dragon tail appears from the back of the gatekeeper with scarlet red hair running along the back of it, and dangles from the end. The tufts of the same colored hair jut out from her elbows, and her calves. Two dragon horns that are seen in Eastern depictions of dragons rest on her head,

"What?! Impossible?!" Marisa yelled in astonishment and anger. Very few have managed to survive her Master Spark, even if it was a shadow of the original, and still be standing.

"I wasn't lying when I said you bear witness to my true power, black-white." Meiling said to the astonished magician. "You just haven't seen my true form, yet."

"What kind of form are you talking about, China?!" Marisa questioned the gatekeeper of the SDM.

"Simple, Marisa Kirisame, I am a dragon!" Meiling addressed the magician with her full name, and answering her previous question.

"What?! A Dragon?!" Marisa screams very loudly at this answer. "How?!"

BGM: 東方 Touhou remix (Orchestral) Unknown X ~ Unfound Adventure

"Enough talk Marisa, it's time for round 2!" Meiling yelled out to the kleptomaniac witch. "Ki sign: Rainbow Barrage!" After proclaiming this new spell card, she started to rapidly throw punches as fast as a machine gun throwing a lot of ki punches toward Marisa.

Reacting quickly, Marisa strafed to the right, and left as she dodged most of the ki punches, but grazed some of them. 'Looks like I have to get even more serious with fighting China!" Marisa mentally declared inside her mind. "Star Sign: Meteoric Shower!"

After declaring her new spell card, a large number of different colored stars were shot from her hands toward the gatekeeper. However Meiling either dodged, swatted the stars so quickly with her dragon hands, or used her shield from before. The gatekeeper, then dashed into the air to punch Marisa with her now, dragon fist.

Marisa quickly figured out that she was being punched, and tried to fly out of the way, but was too late, and she was punched in the gut. Afterwards she soared right back into the ground.

'Ah, not again!' Marisa angrily shouted in her mind after being smashed into the ground twice in a roll. As she was groaning, she looked up to see the now dragon gate guard accelerated toward her.

Marisa quickly gets up and out of the way from being hit by Meiling. When the gatekeeper hits the ground, where Marisa was at, the impact caused a small crater to form.

"Oops, I may have overdone that move." Meiling said to herself embarrassingly as she flew out of the crater toward where Marisa was at. While this is happening, the kleptomaniac magician just sweat drops at what she was seeing.

Getting back at what was supposed to be a fight, Meiling then said, "Ki sign: Dragon punch!" Ki starts to gather around her right hand, and then she rushes forward toward Marisa to unleash a powerful ki punch. However the ordinary magician barely managed to get out of the way from the fast moving dragon guard.

"Ritual Sign: Orreries Sun!" After declaring another spell card, four red, blue, green, and yellowed orbiting orbs orbited around Marksa, and started firing blue projectiles toward Meiling. The gatekeeper started dodging them like normal, when the orbs suddenly shot five lasers toward. Surprised by this the gatekeeper summoned her ki infused shield to block the lasers. But the spell card Marisa actually used was a distraction for her next spell card.

"Comet "Blazing Star!" Marisa was on her broom moving very quickly toward Meiling, with stars spewing from the back of the broom, because of the mini-hakkero attached to the bristles. "I'm going to take you on a magical ride China!"

When Meiling desummoned her shield, she saw the black-white magician speeding toward her at high speeds. After a couple seconds the two collided with each other, despite being rammed at full speed, Meiling managed to hold her ground against the broom.

"Ki sign: Ferocious Dragon Release!" Meiling's ki level raises dramatically, and she then uppercutted, Marisa away from her while still holding the broom.

Marisa then crashed into the ground, 'Damn it this is the third time! The ordinary magician mentally cursed herself as this was the third time she was smashed into the floor.

'That's it! I'm going all out this time, ze!' Marisa thought to herself detaches the mini hakkero from her broom to get ready for her most powerful spell card in her arsenal. Meiling sees that the ordinary magician is preparing something, tensely reading herself to face off what the kleptomaniac witch has in store.

"China! Now you shall fall victim to the power of my MAGICANNON OF LOVE!" Marisa shouted to the gatekeeper. "MAGICANNON" The mini hakkero starts to get filled to the brim with magic as it gets ready to unleash the power of love toward the user's target. "FINAL SPARK!" And with that a beam as big as a five story and thrice as powerful than the Master Spark came out from the tiny box.

Meiling seeing the humongous beam of love coming towards her, then declared her most powerful spell card in her arsenal to counter it, "KI SIGN." Meiling starts to channel a huge amount of ki into her hands, quickly becoming a huge seven-colored ball "RELEASE." The ball starts writing about almost as if it's alive, as even more ki is gathered into the gatekeeper's hands. "THE DRAGON!" Before the giant beam of absolute love can hit the gatekeeper a huge massive seven-colored ethereal like chinese dragon almost as big as a six story building, and emerged from the palms of her hands.

The ethereal dragon, and humongous beam of love clashed fiercely together in a huge sign as power. The dragon and the huge beam of absolute love were pushing each other, back always balanced each other in the end for several seconds. It wasn't after Marisa's hakkero started to run out of love power that the beam started to falter. Seizing this opportunity, Meiling transferred more of her ki into the dragon, as it started to push the beam back toward its user.

After the beam has dissipated, the ethereal dragon strikes Marisa, making her feel as though she has been hit by her own Master Spark. "AHHHHHHH!" The ordinary magician screams as she is enveloped by the dragon, and feeling the pain her victims felt when they get Master Spark.

After the ethereal dragon has dissipated without being sustained with ki, Marisa was seen on the ground panting very hard from taking such a massive hit. Her clothes were also tattered and was a big singed from the ki dragon hitting her at full force.

Meiling despite winning against the ordinary magician, didn't get off scot free. She was exhausted from using that powerful spell card on Marisa, but still had some leftover ki in her body.

The gatekeeper walked slowly toward the defeated ordinary magician, with confidence in her steps. The kleptomaniac magician thought to herself glumly, 'This is one of the worst days of my life! Up next to losing Mima-Sama!' This is because she was defeated by the supposedly normal gatekeeper.

When Meiling got close to Marisa she then grabbed the kleptomaniac leg, and then said, "Extreme Color Vivid Chaotic Dance!" The gatekeeper then started spinning in very fast circles with the ordinary magician in hand.

As the spell card ends, "So long, Marisa!" Meiling tells the ordinary magician as she was thrown from the gatekeeper hand and into the sky. "MARISA'S BLASTING OFF, ZEEEEEEEE!" Marisa calls out, as she is flung into the sky, and disappears into the distance.

Satisfied of her victory, Meiling smiles with a joyful smile on her face-only for her to quickly collapse onto the floor out of being exhausted from using her ki. She then closed her eyes, and falls asleep after dealing with the black-white witch.


While all this fighting was going on, Meiling and Marisa were being watched by several people on the balcony of the SDM.

"Wow! Did you see that big sister!" The observers said it was none other the younger sister of the SDM's owner, Flandre Scarlet. "She was doing all sorts of Kung fu moves on Marisa!"

"Yes, Yes, Flan" The big sister of Flandre answered, who was a Remilia Scarlet. "I'm more impressed that our gatekeeper is capable of holding so much power."

"Indeed, Remi." Responded a girl in pink pajamas with a pink night cap, and purple hair, Patchouli Knowledge. "I've never felt so much power from the gatekeeper as well."

"While I like to talk about Meiling's fascinating power with you Patchy, she's currently lying on the floor, and needs a comfortable place to rest." Remilia said to the youkai magician. "Sakuya!"

"Yes, my lady?" The head maid of the SDM, Sakuya Izayoi asks.

"I want you to take Meiling back inside my mansion and give her a nice place to rest in." Remilia tells Sakuya what to do with the gatekeeper.

"Yes, my lady." Sakuya answers as she teleports from the balcony of the SDM to go carry out her mistress's order.

"So, what happens now Remi?" Patchouli asks her best friend.

"Ya, what happens now, big sis!" Flandre also asks her sister.

"Simple." Remilia starts to chuckle as she grins with a fanged smile. "Things are going to get more interesting around here."

Author Notes: This is my first true story that I have ever done as of now. While company is kinda my first story, it was done by another person. So this person is my first original story ever done. The other two stories couldn't be called stories, and are more or less just information about certain characters and other things.

This first chapter of my story contains my first ever fight scene, so please don't be too harsh on me, because I had to go through the trouble of researching the characters skills, and coming up with new ones.

Also spot the number of references I just did in this chapters and post them up, and message me in my PM.