It's the final chapter to New World and things are going to be great for Barry and Kara. I hope you enjoy this finale!

ASA Building:

When the heroes returned to the old ASA Building, Gambi was stood there along with Nora Darhk, Lois Lane, Ava Sharpe and Lyla Michaels. They all ran and hugged their partners: Nora hugged Ray, Lois hugged Clark, Ava hugged Sara and Lyla hugged John.

"Gravedigger is in jail and the ASA was disbanded," Gambi told the heroes which made them all smile. "If they try and do the same in any other city, the government will catch them and send them to prison." Gambi told them which made the heroes happy to hear the heroes but in the back of the pack, Barry had snuck John, Lyla, Wally and Ralph away for a chat.

"Barry, is everything alright?" Lyla asked as she was concerned: the Flash was acting all secret like from his girlfriend.

"Yeah, it's just I was hoping that you could help me with something." Barry told them then whispered something which made the four smile. "Wally, can you go and see if Joe has my mother's ring?" Barry asked his brother and Wally nodded then he ran off to see his Dad.

"We're happy for you, Barry." John smiled then he hugged the Speedster then Lyla hugged him. "If you need anything, we'll help." John offered and Lyla nodded which made Barry smile.

"I may take you up on that offer sooner than you think." Barry told them then Ralph hugged his best friend. "Come on, let's go and join the others in celebrating." Barry told them then a gust of wind flew in: it was Wally and he was holding a small blue velvet box.

"Got it, Barry." Wally smiled as he ran over and handed it to his brother. "Go and get her." Wally told him and Barry nodded then hugged Wally, they then rejoined the others in the celebrations. Barry walked over to Kara who was talking to Alex, Lois and Clark, he kissed his girlfriend on the cheek which made the trio smile.

"Hey Barry!" Lois exclaimed then she hugged Barry with a smile. "Kara was just telling me that you and her are together." Lois told Barry who was smiling as he hugged Kara.

"Clark, Alex, I was wondering if I could ask you something? In private?" Barry asked and both Alex and Clark nodded, the trio walked over to the side while Kara and Lois continued talking.

"What is it you wanted to ask us, Barry?" Clark asked as he and Alex was curious to know. Barry reached inside his pocket and took out a small blue velvet box, he opened it and revealed a ring which surprised Alex and Clark.

"I wanted to ask you two for your blessing as I want to ask Kara to marry me." Barry told them which made Alex and Clark smile. "Since Kara's mom is on Argo City, I wanted to ask you two as your Kara's family." Barry explained then received a hug from Alex while Clark smiled.

"You have our blessing, Barry." Alex told him and Clark nodded. "Now go and get her!" Alex told him and Barry nodded then ran off to find Kara while Alex and Clark walked over to Lois.

Meanwhile, Kara had walked to talk with Nia and Wally who were holding hands. Kara hugged Nia then hugged Wally just as Barry ran over, he nodded at Wally who then nodded at his brother.

"Kara, can I ask you something?" Barry asked with a smile and Kara nodded. He took out a small blue velvet box as he knelt down and opened it: inside was a silver ring with a clear diamond in the centre. Everyone in the room smiled as they watched the pair as Kara's mouth dropped open as she was surprised. "Kara Danvers, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Barry asked with a smile as he took out the ring and held it up.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times: YES!" Kara cried as she jumped up and down with tears of happiness rolling down her face. Everyone started cheering for Barry and Kara as they walked towards the couple then hugged and congratulated them.

A week later:

In a wedding dress shop in National City, Kara was with Alex, Caitlin, Lena and Nia as she had asked Alex to be her Maid Of Honor and Caitlin, Lena and Nia to be her Bridesmaids. Alex was helping Kara find a dress while Caitlin, Lena and Nia were looking for their Bridesmaids dresses until they had agreed on pink dresses down to their ankles which had matching heels. Alex had picked out a purple dress down to her ankles and matching heels and thanks to her sister, Kara had picked her wedding dress.

(The wedding dress Kara picks is the same one that Iris wore.)

Meanwhile in Star City, Barry was getting his suit with John, Ralph, Wally and Jefferson. John had agreed to Barry's Best Man which Ralph and Wally were going to be his Groomsmen and Jefferson was going to be the Ring Bearer. Barry walked over to John who was getting his tie done up by Lyla, they looked at Barry and smiled as he was happy.

"You dress up smart, Barry." Lyla complimented which made Barry smile and John agreed with his wife. "Kara is lucky to have you." Barry looked at the mirror as he straightened his tie in the mirror.

"I want to thank you for agreeing to be my Best Man, John." Barry thanked John as he turned around and looked at him with his hand out. John smiled and nodded as he reached out and shook Barry's hand.

"It would be my honor to be there when you get married, Barry." John smiled which made Barry smile. Wally then walked over and hugged his brother, Barry smiled then handed Wally something: it was the Flash ring.

"What's this, Barr?" Wally asked as he was confused then he, John and Lyla watched as Barry took out a small blue vial. "Is that the Metahuman cure?" Wally asked and Barry nodded.

"Central City needs the Flash and I can't think of anyone better to continue the legacy." Barry told his brother which made Wally smile. "Wally, you are now The Flash." Barry told him which surprised everyone. "As for me, I'll continue Oliver's legacy." Barry told them which made John and Lyla smile.

"In your words, Barry: I can't think of anyone better." John smiled which made Barry smile as hearing those words from John made him feel great. "But are you sure you want to give up your powers?" John asked and Barry nodded with a smile then everyone watched as Barry pulled the cap off and drank the cure.

Wedding day:

Four days later in National City at a church near L-Corp, all friends and family of Bartholomew Henry Allen and Kara Melissa Danvers had arrived to watch the wedding. Barry and Kara had asked J'onn to perform the ceremony which made him feel honored so he agreed and Mia offered to sing Running Home To You which made the wedding feel even special. Barry was at the altar with John, Wally and Jefferson while all the guests had taken their seat. Kara was about to walk down the aisle when Clark walked towards her.

"Thank you for doing this, Kal." Kara thanked as a tear rolled down her cheek. Clark smiled as he wiped her tears away then he escorted his cousin down the aisle and towards Barry. Clark then took Kara's hands and placed them in Barry's then walked down the stairs and sat in the front left row with Lois, Alura, Eliza, Joe, Cecile and Kate.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Bartholomew Henry Allen and Kara Melissa Danvers." J'onn announced which made everyone smile at the couple while the happy couple at the front smiled at each other. "I believe we should hear the vows the couple have written for each other." J'onn then looked at the couple so Barry took a deep breath and smiled at Kara.

"For years, I was always thinking that I was destined to be with someone and some point down the line, I thought they were right. But all that changed when I met you, Kara Danvers." Barry started and he could see that Kara blushing as her cheeks were as red as her cape. "When I met you, I knew that you were one but I was allowing fate to control my actions until I realized something: Fate doesn't control who you fall in love with, your heart does. My heart chose to love you and only you. I would do anything to show you how much I love you, Kara." Barry announced which made the guests smile and clap for Barry's speech.

"I guess it means that it's my turn now." Kara spoke as she was looking nervous but she sucked it in and smiled. "When it comes to relationships, I suck but who doesn't have a back history with relationships? I was about to give up on having romantic relationships but then something happened and that something was meeting you, Barry Allen. When I first met you, I had a teen girl crush for you but then it changed to me falling in love for you." Kara admitted to everyone which made Barry smile. "But now, we're here getting married and I've never been anymore happier." Kara told Barry and everyone else in the church who were happy.

"The rings." J'onn spoke with a smile on his face then Jefferson walked to the front and held out the two rings on a pillow. "Do you, Bartholomew Henry Allen, take Kara Melissa Danvers to be your wife?" J'onn asked and Barry smiled as he picked up a ring and slid it on to Kara's finger.

"I do." Barry answered then Kara picked up the remaining ring.

"Do you, Kara Melissa Danvers, take Bartholomew Henry Allen to be your husband?" J'onn asked as he looked at Kara who was smiling as she slid the ring onto Barry's finger.

"I do." Kara answered as both she and Barry smiled. Before J'onn could do or say anything else, Barry pulled Kara close to him and kissed her, then everyone stood up and everyone cheered for them as they were clapping their hands.


The wedding reception was being held in a posh restaurant thanks to Lena as she booked the entire place. There was a long straight table at the front of the restaurant with Barry and Kara sat at the front with John, Lyla, Wally, Nia, Lena, Alex, Kelly and Ralph.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Alex asked as she stood up and tapped on the side of the champagne glass. "As Kara is my sister, I wanted to make a speech about Kara and Barry. Kara has always been busy with her work and helping others but never spent much time on herself. But since she's been around Barry, she's been slowly changing by helping both her loved ones and herself. Kara, you helped me find true love," Alex spoke as she looked to her left and held Kelly's hand which made her smile. "And now you have the one who you have loved for so long. I wish you and Barry a happy and wonderful life together. To Barry and Kara!" Alex shouted as she held up her champagne glass, everyone in the room held up their glass as they smiled at the happy couple.

"To Barry and Kara!" Everyone shouted which made both Barry and Kara smile as they picked up their glasses and tapped each other's.

"To us." The couple said in unison then everyone drank their champagne and enjoyed the reception. While the reception was going, Kara was thinking about a life changing decision.

Kara's apartment:

Barry and Kara were packing their bags as they were going to spend their honeymoon on Argo. They were almost finished when the front door opened and in walked Alex, Kara walked over to her sister while Barry packed their bags.

"Kara, is everything okay?" Alex asked as she and Kara sat on the couch. Alex then watched Kara open a drawer next to her and took out a black box. "What's in there?" Alex asked, then was surprised when Kara opened it to reveal a gold stone.

"Gold Kryptonite; Kal gave it to me as I asked him to give me," Kara explained which shocked Alex. "I want you to take my place as Supergirl, Alex." Kara told her which surprised Alex as she didn't see that coming.

"Kara, you're serious?" Alex asked and Kara nodded. "I don't know what to say. What are you going to do?" Alex asked then Kara stood up and walked over to the bedroom, she shortly walked out holding a green suit similar to the Green Arrow suit but it had a skirt instead.

"Me and Barry will be continuing Oliver's mission," Kara told her sister just as Barry ran over and sat on the arm of the couch, he then placed his hand on Kara's shoulder and Kara placed her hand on top of his. "It was my decision. We want to honor Oliver by continuing his mission and living our own lives as well." Kara explained then Alex sat forward and hugged both her sister and brother-in-law.


My name is Barry Allen. For six years, I was the Flash and fought to protect everyone. I always thought my fate was set in stone but then I broke free of those chains and decided to be with the one I truly love. Her name is Kara Danvers and together, we live together in Star City as Mr and Mrs Allen. During the day, I work at the SCPD and Kara works as a reporter but when night comes; we go out with other heroes and continue Oliver's mission of fighting to protect his city and the people he loves, as well as work alongside Oliver's friends and family to keep Star City safe.

My wife gave up her Kryptonian powers and trusted her sister to continue protecting National City as Supergirl. Now, Kara's become the hero known as Artemis while I fight as the Green Arrow.

This is the end of New World and I thought I might end it with Barry summarising what happens to them now. I hope that you enjoyed this SuperFlash story. Don't forget that I've put up a poll so you can vote for what pairing you would like to see.

See you all next time!