Chapter One

"Hey Soph."

I blink back the tears that were forming on top of my eyes and turn to see two sparkling teal eyes. Only, they didn't belong to Fitz. It was Biana standing by the cot. "How're you doing?" she asks me quietly, sitting next to me. She offers me a hand and I gratefully take it.

I lean my shoulder on hers and we stare at the handsome blond boy bedridden in the Healing Center.

"I'm fine I guess," I shrug a little. What else could I say? "Are you okay though, Biana?"

Biana's eyes shimmer with tears. "Yeah. I can't believe this happened. I-I..."

I nod, understanding what Biana was trying to say. "I know. Keefe- Keefe doesn't deserve this."

"No, he doesn't," agreed Biana. She touches his cold cheek and frowns, sniffling. She brushes a strand of his hair out of his eyes and blinks.

It must be so hard especially on Biana since she's always liked Keefe that way. It must crush her to see him like this, so weak- so vulnerable- in a coma- it was breaking me, but on Biana I had no idea what it was doing.

"Hey guys. Checking on Keefe?" Dex asked, his face drooping as he enters the room.

"Yup," Elwin answers from the next cot over, where he was tending to some Level One who got into some trouble at phys. ed with the splotchers.

Dex walks over to us and sighs, plopping down next to me and Biana. "So, you want an update on what's happening?" he asked me.

I nod.

Lately I've been sleeping here at the Healing Center, just in case Keefe would wake up so he wouldn't be alone. Grady and Edaline let me, though I could tell they thought it was hopeless anyways. Keefe wouldn't wake up purely because I was here.

I lick my dry lips and hug myself, peering up at Dex. His strawberry curls were flat, pressed to his forehead with sweat and lack of effort. Keefe's being in a coma was affecting everyone's appearance in some way. I never really try now. I just change my clothes every two or three days and run a brush through my hair whenever I remember.

Biana sometimes applied chapstick to her lips and paid attention to her hair but her clothes didn't make such a statement anymore. She wore simple tunics and plain skirts.

And Fitz- well, he still cared about his looks as per usual. He styled his hair just the same as before and wore the same clothes. But he never smiled. His teal eyes never had that glow that they did when he smiled. And that had enough effect on its own.

I return my focus to Dex, who's gossiping wildly.

"So, Marella's gotten so good at restraining the flames that now she can practically hold up an entire wall for like five minutes," Dex proudly stated. "And," he lowered his voice conspiratorially, "I thought I saw some... stuff... going on between Tam and Glimmer."

Biana giggled, intriguingly widening her eyes. My jaw drops.

"Good to see Tammy Boy's finally got some guts," a familiar voice said.

All our heads slowly turn.

There he was, sitting up in the bed, with an attractive smirk wore on his facade and crossed arms propped on his lap. "I'm back, baby!"