I don't own RWBY. RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth and was created by Monty Oum. I only own my OCs

Both Saphire and (Y/n) were in the city of Vale now. But they had no idea as of to where to go. Their parents were the ones paying for the new house they would move into

So that was ultimately a bust because they couldn't pay it and they didn't have a place to go

"Brother, where will we go?" (Y/n) asked. Saphire looked at him

"I don't know, little buddy. I don't know."


It was a few days later. Both (Y/n) and his brother managed to get enough money from the people passing by to get by. (Y/n) even more so because he was younger

Still, that didn't stop either of them from giving up. (Y/n) knew, or at least thought he knew, that Saphire would get a job

Saphire didn't give up because he wasn't going to let his little brother grow up without a home.

However, a woman walked by wearing a white hooded cape with a red inside. She had red on the tips of her black hair

"Hey miss! May I trouble you for a bit of lien?" Saphire called out and asked. She looked over to see both Saphire and (Y/n)

"Oh my Oum! How old are the both of you?" She asked

"I'm 17. My brother, (Y/n), is only 4. I ask you, that if you don't want to give money to help me, then do it to help my brother." He begged

"Come on. I'll take you to wherever you want to go." She said, feeling sorry for them

"Really? That would be wonderful." (Y/n) asked

"Yeah! Come on!" She exclaimed

So, they both followed her to a restaurant. All three ate well. But, Saphire was cautious of what she might do. As far as he was concerned, she might be trying to kidnap them

"So... uh, Mrs Rose was it?" Saphire asked to be sure

"I told you to call me Summer." Summer said to him

"Oh! Well, uh, Summer. Not that I'm not grateful, but I am curious as of to why you would go out of your way to help us." He prodded with his invisible question

"Because no one should have to live in the streets. Especially not ones so young." She said

"So... you're not gonna kidnap us?" Saphire asked. A look of utter shock and surprise spread across Summer's face

"What?! No! Why would even think that?!" She burst out

"Well, someone comes out of nowhere and helps us for no reason when all we asked for was money is kinda suspicious." Saphire said "But, now that I think about it, I probably should've taken your personality into account."

"No. I would never do such a thing. In fact, I was just about to ask you if you would like to live with my husband and I." Summer said

Both (Y/n) and Saphire were surprised to hear this. So far, they'd only known Summer for about a few hours and she was willing to technically adopt them

"But, why?" (Y/n) asked. Summer looked down to him

"I said why. I can't stand the idea that someone should have to grow up on the streets. Especially for someone as young as you." Summer said again

"Well, it would probably best if we move now rather than later. It's getting very dark." Saphire said

"You're probably right. Come on. We have to get to the docks." Summer agreed

"Why's that?" Saphire asked

"We live on the island of Patch." Summer answered

"Really? That happened to be the place our family were going." Saphire said

"Yeah. What happened to them?" Summer asked a seemingly innocent question

Both (Y/n) and Saphire looked down

"Oh. Well, you're still welcome at my house." Summer said

"Thanks." (Y/n) thanked

"You're welcome, little guy!" Summer exclaimed, ruffling (Y/n)'s head

"Hey!" (Y/n) pouted

Saphire chuckled before settling back on the thought of 'what if her husband isn't as open as she is?'


They reached a cabin in the woods. (Y/n) was excited but Saphire was still anxious

"Ready?" Summer asked

"Yes!" (Y/n) shouted eagerly

"Better now than never." Saphire said more calmly

Summer opened the door

"Honey! I'm home!" She shouted. A moment after, two kids came around the corner and tackled her

One had the exact same hair and eyes as her. The other had blond hair and lilac eyes

"Mom! You're back!" The blond shouted eagerly

"Mommy! I mwissed you!" The one with red tips said

(Not a mistake)

"I missed the both of you too." Summer said

A blond man with blue eyes came around the corner

"Yang! Ruby! Get off your mother." He said smiling. He walked up and gave her a hug

"You had me worried for a minute." (Y/n) heard him whisper

"You really think I'm that defenseless." Summer whispered back

"Ahem!" Saphire cleared his throat to make them aware of him. The two kids and the husband looked to them. (Y/n) hid himself behind his brother

"And you two are?" The blond man asked

"I'm Saphire. The kid behind me is my brother (Y/n)." Saphire introduced themselves

"I'm Taiyang Xiao Long." Tai said extending his hand. Saphire took it

"These are my daughters, Ruby and Yang." Tai said

"Nice to meet you." Saphire said. (Y/n) was still behind him

"Now, what are you doing here?" Tai asked

"I led them here." Summer said. Tai looked over to her

"Why'd you do that?" He asked

"Let's go to our room. I can explain there. Saphire, come too. You can help." Summer said

Saphire went to walk with them but (Y/n) was still very much latched to the back of his legs

"(Y/n). Let go." Saphire said

"No. I don't want to." (Y/n) said

"Why's that, little buddy?" Saphire asked

"Because if you do, you might disappear like mom, dad and sister." (Y/n) said. Saphire turned around

"I'll be okay. Now let go." Saphire promised

"Promise?" (Y/n) asked

"Promise." Saphire repeated. (Y/n) let go of his leg

"Thank you. Now, why don't you make friends with Ruby and Yang." Saphire said before walking upstairs

(Y/n) turned around and looked them

"Umm... my name's (Y/n). B-but you probably knew that." (Y/n) said to them

"My name's Yang. And this is my little sister Ruby! It's nice to meet you!" She extended her hand. (Y/n) took it

"It's nice to meet you ToOoO!" (Y/n) was shaken up and down as Yang shook his hand

"Oh! I'm sorry. Are you ok?" Yang asked

"I'll be ok." (Y/n) said

"You want to pway with us?" Ruby asked

(For now, if she's speaking, just assume any mistake made is intentional)

"Um... yeah? Yeah, yeah. I want to play with you." (Y/n) said, becoming more sure of himself

"Well, we just got a new board game! It's called Remnant: the game! You're going to love it." Yang said


Saphire, Tai, and Summer were all in a room with complete privacy

"So! Do you want to explain or just sit in silence?" Tai asked harshly

"Tai! Calm down." Summer snapped at him

"No, it's ok. I'd be angry too if I had to take care if two more children." Saphire said, surprising both of them

"While that makes me like you more it doesn't explain why you're here." Tai said

"Well, to explain that, we have to go back a couple of weeks ago. You see, my family and I were living in Mistral. We were planning on moving to Vale a long time before that. But, we had only recently obtained the lien to do so. So, we booked a bullhead to Vale and set out. However, during the flight, we encountered a flock of flying Grimm. I know that, except for (Y/n), everyone in my family stayed calm. But I guess it wasn't enough. As I would later find out, the bullhead crashed and the Grimm would hunt down and kill the survivors. Thankfully, I was training to become a humtsman so I wasn't going die anytime soon. The same can't be said for the rest of the crew." Saphire stopped to look at their faces

He could see that they were surprised

"Anyway, I walked around helping anyone I could. I don't know if anyone else besides me and (Y/n) survived, but I do know they had a better chance because if me. I continued to do so until I found my father running from some Grimm. I killed them before asking where the rest were, only for him to lower his head. He asked me for my weapon and told me to run with (Y/n). A day later, we arrived in Vale. But we had nowhere to go. So, I tried looking around for a job and asking for lien. Usually, they only gave me lien because of my brother. I had hoped my dad would come back, but i had started to lose hope of ever getting to see him again." He paused to catch his breath

"Then Summer came along. She took me and my brother to a restaurant to eat and took care of us throughout the whole day. We were curious if she was just trying to kidnap us, but now I realize she was just trying to get us to trust her before she asked us to come with her so that she could get a better chance at helping us. And you know the rest." Saphire finished

They all sat in silence

"Wow." Tai said, shattering the silence

"I'm so sorry." Summer said

"Don't be. You couldn't have known and you couldn't have you have controlled the outcome." Saphire said

"Well, I believe I owe you an apology." Tai cut in

"I was hostile towards you and your brother without giving you a chance to explain yourselves. So, I'm sorry." Tai said

"Apology accepted."


"Yes! We finally beat him Ruby!" Yang said in excitement

"Yay!" Ruby shouted. (Y/n) chuckled

"Good game you two." He said reaching over to shake their hands

"Have you played this before?" Yang asked him

"No, I haven't. I just have a thing when it comes to learning new things." (Y/n) said

"Hey girls!" Tai called from the living room. Yang and Ruby walked to him. (Y/n) walked with them because he didn't want be alone

"I have some news for you." He said once they reached the living room

"And?" Yang prodded him to continue

"And we're adopting (Y/n) and Saphire." Tai said. Yang and (Y/n) paused

"What dwoes that mwean?" Ruby asked

"It means their gonna be your brothers!" Summer said to Ruby

(Y/n) looked to his brother

He nodded

Here you all go! Another chapter done. I don't have much to say. So,

See you all later!