Anakin opened his eyes with a start, and saw nothing. The space was empty, a black room that seemed to go on forever. He looked down to inspect his body and saw that he was still in his sleeping clothes, and without shoes. His bare feet were submerged in cool water, and small ripples pulsed away from his ankles. Anakin looked around, trying to see if he could find anyone in this place. As he kept turning in place, he began to worry when he noticed that there was no one else around. Anakin reached out in the force to see if there were any other lifeforms present- but there were none. Panic started to set in as Anakin continued to spin around in place.

He cried out for his Master, who would have probably scolded him for getting lost, or losing control of his emotions, but he didn't really care at the moment. His breathing grew heavier and more frantic with each second as he realized he might be trapped here. Then he stopped moving.

A muffled voice was speaking. It was calling his name. It echoed around the empty room, and Anakin couldn't figure out where it was coming from. He looked ahead, his eyes bright with fear and took a step forward. Then another. And another. Something was compelling him to move forward. The tone of the voice changed. It sounded like it was encouraging him to continue forward. Like as if it wanted him to find something, or someone.

As he began to move faster, his feet splashed against the water on the floor, causing the ripples to spread out for as far as he could see in all directions. He looked down at them, and saw his own distorted reflection staring back at him- rumpled sleep clothes and all. Anakin continued to move forward and then he saw it.

A person stood ahead of him, their face and figure obscured by a cloak. They wore jedi robes, but the robes were worn, like as if this person had seen years of action. The voice seemed to be radiating out of them in all directions. Surrounding the space that they were in, and calling his name. Anakin slowed down, his feet splashing against the cool water and causing his pants to get wet as he changed his pace. He slowly approached the figure, trying to sense them in the force. The presence was calm, bright, but sad.

"Hello?" He called out to the figure. They turned to face him; their face still covered by their hood. The water had gotten the end of the robes wet, and they pooled around the bottom of the figure, rippling just like the water that surrounded them. The light beige robes stood out in the dark room, making it look like as if the figure was glowing.

"Who are you?" Anakin asked. "Where are we?" He said with more urgency.

"Everywhere, and nowhere." The voice responded. With each word they uttered it echoed and reverberated around the whole space. It sounded like as if the figure was speaking from all directions, even though they were facing Anakin.

"That doesn't make any sense." Anakin said while crossing his arms. The voice laughed at him, but the figure didn't move at all.

"It will in time." They said.

"What's your name?" Anakin asked. The figure stayed silent, and Anakin looked down with a start. The ripples that he was making had stopped. The figure's robes stopped moving with the water as well. They both stood still, and Anakin held his breath in anticipation.

"I am an old friend." The voice said.

"Then why don't I know you?" Anakin said. "I've never seen you before in my life." He said while pouting.

The voice chuckled, and Anakin uncrossed his arms. Their laugh was warm, and sounded so familiar, yet he couldn't place where he had heard it before. It felt like he was listening to an old friend, but he knew that he had never met this person before. No jedi that he could think of at the temple wore robes that looked like this person. No jedi that he could think of felt like this in the force.

"You will, in time." The voice said.

"What does that even mean?" Anakin exclaimed, exasperated by their lack of answers that made sense to him."

The voice was silent, and extended a hand out towards him. Anakin took a step back with a start when he noticed that the hand was a silver prosthetic, reaching out to him from beneath their robes. He looked back up at the hood of the figure, trying to see if he could see something, anything about their face, or who they were.

"I don't understand." He whispered, worry filling his voice. The figure continued to reach out, the metal fingers uncurling slowly. Anakin looked back down at the hand, his heartbeat filling his ears as he slowly placed his hand inside the metal one. It was cold.

"Anakin?" Master Kenobi's voice called from nearby. "Padawan!" It said with more urgency. Anakin gasped and sat up with a start- he was back in his bedroom and sunlight was streaming through the window. He looked down at his hands, and noticed that the right one felt cold. The next thing that he noticed was that he was covered in sweat, like as if he had just completed a rigorous training course. His hands shook as he brought them up to his face, and he ran them through his hair.

"Yes, Master?" Anakin said while answering the com

"Where are you? You were supposed to meet me for saber practice." Master Kenobi replied, sounding mildly annoyed over the line.

"Coming, Master!" Anakin said while throwing his covers off of him and jumping out of bed. His legs shook slightly when he landed on his feet, and a pang of worry shot through his heart.

It was just a dream. He told himself as he got ready for the day.