Cold Secrets

- M. Lauren

Rating - M, for explicit language, graphic imagery, and sexual situations.

Summary - "Do you make it a habit of spying on people, or is it just me?" Honeymaren teased.

She's a single-mother, a librarian, and now head over heels for a blonde science teacher. Honeymaren has delivered coffee to Professor Aren everyday for two months now; all in the hopes of getting to know her better. Elsa is beautiful, intelligent, and painfully closed-off. However, Honeymaren is determined to break down her walls, and hopefully not her heart in the process.

Flattered yet shocked, Elsa struggles to find the courage to let this new woman in. The librarian with an unusual name is interesting and full of mystery- as are the books she loves to read. Unfortunately, as the two embark on a new relationship, their secrets begin to drive a wedge between them. As it turns out, Honeymaren's story is all too reminiscent of Elsa's, own, complexly dark past...

Chapter One

Seeing her here, Elsa nearly didn't recognize her. Long brown hair, flawless coffee-coloured skin; it was definitely her. She was the woman who worked weekdays at the university library. Elsa often spent her afternoons hiding in the study rooms, and avoiding the students who refused to look up her office hours. They were stubborn like that.

The woman was kind; quiet. Elsa also sensed she might have a bit of a feisty side to her, too. Though, she had never seen it exercised before. It was in the subtle roll of her eyes after the head librarian would walk away. And when she'd scold the students for late returns, not caring how they might talk behind her back after.

Some afternoons, the woman would return from break with a second coffee in hand. She'd give it to Elsa, smile, and Elsa couldn't help but feel guilty for not having learned her name. She was always too startled by the gesture to respond. The most she'd brought herself to offer was a mumbled, 'thank you'; often followed by a blush. However, the woman never appeared bothered, and it comforted Elsa to see that.

Until today, Elsa had never noticed her outside of the library. She looked different in her casual blue jeans and plain t-shirt. Even her hair was left loose, free from its usual braid. Long brown curls cascaded down her back and scattered against the white fabric.

She stood at the counter as the barista took her order. Her hands fumbled through the folds of her purse. She appeared frazzled, rushing through the process. Yet, before Elsa knew it, she was standing from her seat, and approaching the register to help.

"I've got this one covered." She slid past the woman, handing the barista her phone.

She stepped back, eyes cautious. The woman turned to her with her head cocked to the side.

"It's about time I had the opportunity to get you back for all those coffees." Elsa smiled, leading the woman away from the counter. "You have always been so kind to me. I'm happy to finally return the favor."

The woman blinked. "Thank you?" she sang unsurely. "I mean, thanks..."

"Anytime," Elsa shrugged. Her eyes scanned to the side, checking on her things at the table across the cafe. She suddenly felt uncomfortable, and wondered if she'd made a mistake.

"I mean it." The woman continued, reiterating her response. "You didn't have to do this. It's awesome, really!"

Elsa batted her off. "Don't mention it…" she paused. "Though, I've just realized I never caught your name before."

Grinning, she laughed with a shake of her head. "It's Honeymaren- strange, I know! My mother was a comic of sorts, I think. You can call me Maren if it's easier for you?"

"Honeymaren," Elsa nodded. "I'm Elsa," She extended her hand.

"Professor Aren, I know." Their hands met briefly.

"You took my class?"

She watched Elsa's eyes turn wide. "No, but I do overhear the students talking about you sometimes…"

A steady blush surfaced over her cheeks. "Nothing awful, I hope."

"Oh no, nothing like that." Honeymaren assured her.

Their conversation pulled to a halt as the barista called to them from behind the counter. She held Honeymaren's coffee out to her. Her fingers laced around the cup, and she smiled before turning back to Elsa.

"I'm actually meeting someone here, or else I'd stay and chat for a bit."

"No, no worries." Elsa pursed her lips. "I have papers to grade, and it's Saturday! I imagine you want to get back to enjoying your day off."

Something faint yet strange, flickered behind Honeymaren's eyes; but as quickly as it was there, it fell away.

"Thanks again for the coffee." She motioned with her cup. "I'll be sure to get you back next week."

Elsa stepped away from her. "That is really not necessary..."

Honeymaren simply shrugged and turned her back on Elsa. She cut through the dining area, flashing a tiny smirk over her shoulder as she walked away. Baffled, Elsa rolled her eyes to calm herself. She quickly returned to her seat. Her eyes fought against the notes to hold them there, but something kept directing them across the room.

Honeymaren sat alone with her back to her. Long minutes went by, and Elsa couldn't help but stare. She'd never known why Honeymaren went out of her way to be kind to her. The first time she brought Elsa coffee, she claimed it was an accident made by the cafe. Yet now, two months later, the deliveries hadn't stopped.

Elsa wasn't great at reading people, nor their motives. Throughout high school, her sister had been relentless in telling her so. Elsa assumed Honeymaren was friendly. Perhaps it was loneliness that drove her to be so kind? Or maybe she wanted someone to talk to...

Or, though it made little sense, perhaps it was that she was interested in seeing her outside of work...

Despite the nerves that sparked beneath her skin, Elsa was unbothered by the thought. She had made a career out of turning down dates. First there'd been her undergrad, then her masters, and then the five hundred practical hours she'd finished in July. She'd never had time to date, and now that she did; she wasn't certain she wanted to. At the end of the day, Elsa was thankful that Honeymaren wasn't intrusive. If she was interested in dating her, Honeymaren was, at bare minimum, being polite about it.

Elsa's wandering thoughts were pulled back to the present when a man quickly swept past her shoulder. Nearly knocking over a table of patrons, he hurried toward the back booths. The man sat across from Honeymaren and flashed her an apologetic grin.

He was attractive. That went without saying. His dark complexion was smooth, and his jaw, wide. He had magnificent hazel eyes, a perfect smile, and short hair. Even the man's clothes were iron-pressed. Elsa could only assume he came from money.

She was stuck watching as he extended his arm across the table. Honeymaren pulled her hand from his reach and leveled him with words Elsa could not hear. There was evidently tension between the two. Elsa told herself that was why she was staring so intently. She didn't know this woman well, but she felt responsible to make sure Honeymaren was safe. It wasn't that she didn't trust this man. Elsa didn't know him, but Honeymaren made it no secret that she was bothered by his presence.

Elsa could see him trying his best moves with her. The way he shrugged, bat his hand, and smirked; he was used to getting his way. However, Honeymaren acted as if she had seen this all before. She was stern in her mannerisms. Her back was rigid, and her movements, stiff. She appeared impatient as she spoke to him, hands flying against her words. Whatever this meetup was, Honeymaren wanted it over with as quickly as possible.

Suddenly, the man's eyes turned to meet Elsa's. He mumbled something, and then Honeymaren's head was rotating as well. In a breath, Elsa had dropped her gaze, but not before seeing Honeymaren frown. She'd been caught staring by this kind stranger. She was spying; eavesdropping. It was embarrassing...

Uncomfortable, Elsa began packing up her things.

She couldn't work while this odd meeting taking place across from her, and she certainly didn't want to be caught staring again. Her computer and papers went flying into her bag. There was no organization to it as she stood. Quickly, she zipped it, and hurried towards the door.

Elsa didn't look back while she crossed the street, yet she thought about doing so even after she sat in her car with the belt across her lap.

Something was off-putting about that man. What she found stranger was the way Honeymaren behaved with him there.

It was no secret to Elsa now, that this woman surprised her. She was unnaturally kind, and felt a mystery in comparison to the other staff members that Elsa knew. Now, there was a man involved; an peculiar man with a cocky personality and smooth grin. Elsa couldn't place him. The two appeared too different to be in a relationship.

But there was something between them, yes, and Elsa wanted to know what.

It was a riddle of sorts, one to be unraveled...

Unfortunately, Elsa was not the type of person to get involved.

