CHAPTER FIVE - The Skithra Queen

The Doctor had explained that they were planning on trapping the creature by using chemicals to start a fire to keep it at bay. She had hoped that it would be enough, but she could only guess - seeing as how she didn't quite know what they were dealing with.

Artemis stood by warily as the Doctor and Edison grabbed random vials and bottles of liquid. She didn't know how to help or what to grab completely. She had a vague idea of what she could do, but she didn't know if she had the courage to do it.

Although her mind was full of new facts and knowledge, the one thing that didn't change in her mind was the growing cowardice. Artemis didn't know what she could do to change that and be confident in herself, but she would try.

"Where's that zinc?" the Doctor asked, rummaging around the room.

Artemis' eyes glanced over to the workbench by the door and landed on a vial resting against a beaker. She hesitated, looking to see if maybe the Doctor or Edison would find it first, but they hadn't.

"Here," Artemis said, meekly while picking up the vial. She didn't quite know how she knew this vial was zinc, but in her gut, she knew she was correct.

The Doctor turned around, her eyes landing on Artemis, who held up the vial to her. Grinning brightly, she took large steps toward her and snatched the vial out of her palm. And taking that same palm in her own hand, the Doctor tugged her over to the table they were using to concoct their experiment.

The Doctor, Artemis, and the rest of the group hid silently behind one of the many tables in the room. All of them breathed shallowly, Artemis even holding her breath at certain points, as they all waited for the figure to emerge from the doorway. A low hiss and a dark shadow that fell over the hallway outside let them all know that it was time to begin their plan.

The Doctor held a matchbox in her hand as she peered from the edge of the table she was crouching behind. Artemis' skin prickled with fear as she saw the figure's shadow looming over them all and her eyes cast a look at the ring of chemicals dusted on the floor.

They all held their breath as the creature sauntered into the room slowly, carefully. It scanned the darkroom for any sign of life, of movement. And it was so preoccupied in its search that it failed to notice the ring it stepped into.

The Doctor quickly readied the match, striking it a few times before the flame took shape. The low scraping sound alerted the figure of others in the room and it quickly took notice of the Doctor hiding behind the table. But before it could take another step, the Doctor threw the lit match onto the dangerous ring - setting the circle aflame and trapping the figure inside.

The creature hissed and sneered at the group, particularly the Doctor, as they all stood up from their safe spot. Its red eyes glowed deeply as it scanned the flames licking up at it.

"Plenty more where that came from!" the Doctor said, holding up the burnt match like a weapon. "How about we try this again. Who are you?" The creature hissed in dismay. "Show your true form," the Doctor demanded.

The entire group watched in bewilderment as the figure, surrounded by flames, opened its mouth wide. From it's back, a large and sharp scorpion-like tail sprouted out.

"What in god's name," Edison said in shock and terror.

The creature's face almost seemed to melt as it's true face took form. Giant, sharp teeth took over its gaping mouth. Making the hissing sound seem more plausible now as it looked less human and more… alien.

And as soon as the alien showed its true form, it vanished. Like it was teleported away by a ship or like it did that itself. It left in a bright blip, leaving the entire group gawking at its pure presence, or rather, lack thereof.

Artemis traded a glance with the Doctor, who looked at her with a deep and serious expression. The young woman's heart squeezed as the Doctor turned away and poured the water they had on standby, in case anything went haywire, on the flames.

The group spent no more time gawking about in the building but rather hurried out of there. The Doctor called Yaz, who was currently with Tesla, where they left them. They all ran through the streets of New York in a panic as they tried to get back to Tesla and Yaz as soon as possible.

"Yaz! It's not Edison!" the Doctor shouted over the phone. "I mean, it was, but it turns out its aliens, too! They can look like anyone, so don't let anyone in! Tell Tesla! Tell Dorothy! Lock every door!" she demanded.

Artemis' heart lurched in her chest as the Doctor paused in her speech, knowing that Yaz was currently being confronted by the same aliens they had just been not moments ago.

"Yaz? Yaz, are you alright!" the Doctor asked frantically. She slowed in her steps as she listened desperately for an answer, only to hear the sound of her hanging up.

Artemis, without giving it a second thought, grabbed the Doctor's hand tightly and began to pull her toward the Tardis, which was only a few feet away. And not knowing if it would work and she would be let into the Tardis, or it wouldn't and she was run straight into its bay doors, she snapped. The doors opened.

The Tardis landed inside the lab where they had once been with a thud and a wheeze.

Opening the door cautiously, the Doctor popped her head out first, then moved her body into view of Dorothy, who stood in bewilderment of the box in front of her.

"You're alright," the Doctor heaved a sigh of relief. "You've probably got questions." She nodded sheepishly at the Tardis.

Without sparing another moment, Dorothy breathed out. "They took them."

Ushering her inside the Tardis, the Doctor's mind puzzled with who these aliens were and why they took Tesla and Yaz.

Inside the futuristic box, Artemis stood, biting at her nails nervously as the Doctor shut the door behind her with a snap of her fingers.

She zipped around the dimly lit console, hitting buttons and pulling levers. "Where did they take them?" The Doctor asked as she bent down by the console, toying with a lever. "We know they've got cloaking tech, but if I rig a bypass…" She continued as she screwed in a piece of equipment that looked vaguely like a ship's wheel. "Luckily, high speed inventing is one of my specialisms." She straightened back up and looked back at Artemis, who was now leaning against the railing.

"Do you have any hints?" The Doctor asked her

Artemis' eyes widened as she realized the Doctor was speaking to her. She gripped the railing behind her and pushed herself off it and toward the console. She racked her mind for any information she could give to the Time Lady. Any clues, any hints, any facts that would aid them all in their search.

"The aliens needed someone to help fix something of theirs," Artemis said quietly, afraid that if she said too much or the wrong thing, that the entire timeline would shift dramatically - making an entirely new one that Artemis knew nothing about. "That's all I can say, I swear." she lifted her hands in a defensive position.

The Doctor grinned. "Thank you. That's more than enough." She turned back to the console and began tinkering again.

Artemis released a deep breath and watched as the Doctor placed a strange object on top of what looked like a…toilet plunger? She cocked a brow but stayed silent as the Doctor muttered to herself.

The Doctor hurried around the console, her eyes searching for the glowing orb that had been under scrutiny. Once she found it on the opposite side of the console, she picked it up and placed it gently onto the machine she had just created.

"This is the most extraordinary thing," Edison said. He began wandering around the console, his eyes gazing at all the strange yet beautiful lights and machinery that were strewn about. "Is it a single machine or some kind of, er… mechanical factory?" His eyes looked down to the lever beside him and was about to pull it when Graham stopped him abruptly.

Artemis watched this exchange from the corners of her eyes and thought that Edison couldn't have been more far off from the truth. The Tardis wasn't just some machine or factory, it was a living creature. An intelligent and friendly mind. And although Artemis hadn't been there for long, she could feel it. She could feel in her bones that the Tardis and the Doctor were connected to her somehow.

A foreign but welcoming feeling that she never knew she needed in her life. And she wondered if the Doctor could feel this too. If all Time Lords did.

That thought made Artemis shiver. Knowing that one second the Doctor's mind was full of other Time Lord's presence, and then the next… nothing. Gone, dead from her doing. But the whole Time War was much more complicated than the Doctor knew, but Artemis couldn't tell her. Not yet.

"Oi," Graham said. "You're strictly here on the QT, right?" He paused, looking at Edison with a look of almost… disgust. "So get those dollar signs out of your eyes cos this little lot ain't for sale." He pointed a stiff finger at the Doctor, who was staring at the orb with a childlike curiosity. "Copyright, her!"

Artemis huffed and crossed her arms as she walked over to the two bickering men and stood by, idly watching. Neither of the men took notice of the short girl's presence.

"That's a British accent, isn't it?" Edison said.

Graham affirmed and nodded his head.

"Now there's a country who's never understood business," Edison spat at Graham, who glared at Edison. But not as sharp of a glare as Artemis.

Her eyes bore holes into Edison's head as she narrowed them. Almost as if she narrowed them, there would be pain from the glare. Normally, she would be nervous about being with a stranger, let alone a historic inventor. But she crossed over that line when she knew a person was being rude or downright evil to another. Uncrossing her arms, she stomped over to the American man and cleared her throat.

Both Graham and Edison's eyes gazed down upon her sharp green ones. However, Graham was the only one out of the pair who stiffened upon seeing her glare. He had seen that same look only a few other times, but it was enough to make any person go frozen with fear.

"Excuse me, but unlike Graham here," she gestured to the man in question. "I am American, kind of like you." She forced a fake grin out, but her eyes showed a different emotion behind the fake facade. "And I really hate to be a bearer of bad news but…" she sighed out a long and dramatic breath. "Unlike you, I am actually a good American. And it's people like you," she jabbed a sharp finger into his chest, causing him to stumble slightly. "Who ruin the reputation for the rest of us." Artemis glanced back at Graham with a sincere smile before turning back to Edison's baffled and almost frightened expression, with a sharp glare.

"Okay?" Artemis gritted out as she tilted her head in a condescending manner toward the man before she pivoted away and walked back to the Doctor. She breathed out a frustrated sigh and noticed the Doctor fidgeting with the orb once more before turning around to see a screen details regarding the aliens.

"Of course! That's why they left it behind," the Doctor spoke to herself. She had a bad habit of doing this, and as much as an older Artemis told her to keep it to herself, she couldn't. "It's been hacked. It's not broadcasting anymore, it's receiving."

Everyone's eyes landed on the screen, which flipped through several images of the Earth and its population, the human race.

Artemis stood beside the Doctor, her gaze on the screen, but also occasionally glancing back at Edison to make sure he wasn't doing anything.

"You mean it's a bugging device," Graham said. "Thought so. Moment I saw it," he said with feigning confidence, trying to fake out the inventor, who looked at him in disbelief.

"Exactly," the Doctor breathed out in awe. "Repurposed from its original intent. It's been scanning the Earth since it's got here." She picked through her coat, her fingers gripping the sonic before she scanned the screen, causing it to land on a single image of a man. "And it must have finally found what it's been looking for." The man in the image was no other than Nikola Tesla, staring straight back down them all in the Tardis.

Artemis gulped as she watched as the Doctor turned back to everyone with a serious expression. Not a hint of sarcasm or humor in her tone.

"They're hiding their real faces behind projections, they could look like anything, be anywhere. There's no trail!" the Doctor said exasperated.

Artemis cleared her throat lightly, drawing the Doctor's eyes to her. "Not exactly. There's always a trail."

She hesitated slightly as she approached the console, but shook her head and took on a different expression. One of feigning confidence as she pulled levers and pushed buttons. She didn't know how she knew what to push, just that the pressure in her mind led her to the right place.

The Doctor watched on in awe and almost… shock as Artemis fidgeted with the console without faltering. Like she had done this a million times before. But in fact, she had never done this. It was only her second time in the Tardis and she didn't even know where her room was, let alone how to work the Tardis.

But the Doctor grinned.

She knew sooner or later that Artemis would be gaining more knowledge gradually and would soon understand little things that only the Doctor understood. This just meant she was even closer to being a true Time Lady.

"If we're looking for a trail to follow, what if Tesla already found it?" Ryan said.

"But he did," Dorothy said, walking in front of the group, her eyes trailing up to the screen which held an image of a newspaper with the headline, Tesla: I Heard Message From Mars. "The Mars signal. I didn't believe him, not really. But he records all his observations. We have to go to-"

"Wardenclyffe," Artemis interrupted with a sharp voice. She grinned sheepishly at the sudden turn of heads from everyone. "Sorry, but I think it's time we went," Artemis smirked as she flipped a lever confidently sending the Tardis shaking slightly as it flew through time and space.

"What did you do?" the Doctor gasped, running forward to the console. Artemis looked at the Doctor nervously, wondering if she had done something wrong, but in her head, she knew that she hadn't. "Where's the noise?" the Doctor said.

Artemis sighed out but smiled as she realized she hadn't done anything bad. "I just configured a few keys and gears. Did you know that you run this Tardis like a wagon? So many gears and wires are misplaced and the Tardis doesn't have the heart to tell you."

The Doctor gaped at the other woman but stared back at the console with a glare. Artemis smirked as she pushed herself from the console and leaned against the wall by the bay doors.

"You couldn't have told me?" the Doctor argued under her breath to the Tardis console, who only buzzed in reply.

The Tardis' slight movement only lasted for a few seconds longer as it finally landed on the solid ground softly. Pushing the door open, Artemis trotted out of the Tardis and waited as the Doctor followed in a close second.

The lab was filled to the brim with inventions, machinery, and new items that were practically buzzing with energy. And some of them were. Some inventions buzzed loudly and others hummed softly as electricity flowed through them.

"Wow, now this is a lab," Ryan said as he exited the Tardis.

"Mr. Tesla started transferring all of his work to Wardenclyffe months ago," Dorothy said as she walked beside Artemis and the Doctor to a nearby table. She lifted a large item resembling a telescope with careful hands. The two Time Ladies looked on the item with awe. "He intercepted the Mars signal with this. He calls it his Teslascope." Her eyes trailed down to the table where several rolled pieces of paper with lines and numbers written on them were sat. "here are all the readings he took."

"They must have increased the cloaking when they realized he'd spotted them," the Doctor said, lifting up one of the papers to her eyes, only to place it back down on the table.

"Hey!" Dorothy whispered in a harsh tone to Graham. "Don't take your eyes off him and don't let him touch anything."

Graham nodded as he turned over his shoulder to Edison, who stared at the Tardis in amazement and curiosity. Although he understood why Dorothy was so cautious, he didn't understand why he had to be the one to do it. But he agreed nonetheless and kept a watchful eye on the man.

"We're on Long Island," Edison said breathlessly. "This box transported us halfway across New York. Unbelievable."

Artemis grimaced as she heard him call the Tardis a box. But she tried to ignore it as she lifted a scroll of readings, like the Doctor was doing, and read them carefully. Her mind wandered off, ignoring the bickerings of Graham and Edison as her eyes examined the pages for the answer they needed.

"It must be here somewhere," the Doctor muttered.

Artemis frowned as she pulled up yet another scroll of paper, only to see it wasn't what she needed. She glanced over to the Doctor as she lifted up a scroll, and immediately exclaimed.

"Ah, I found it." The Doctor unfurled the scroll as her eyes scrutinized the readings on the paper. "The signal readout. Now we're in business."

Artemis grinned as she saw the Doctor's eyes latched onto the paper. With a friendly gesture, she clapped a hand on the Doctor's shoulder, catching her attention.

"I'll go get it," she said.

The Doctor paused for a moment but smiled when she realized what she meant. It was as if Artemis had read her mind because one second she was in the lab with everyone and the next, she was inside the Tardis, searching for an item that would aid them.

A few minutes passed and then Artemis appeared from the Tardis, a large hexagonal box in her hands. Grunting, Artemis struggled as she pushed the heavy box onto the same table where other reading laid.

Wasting no time, the Doctor clicked open the box and sighed out. "I knew I had one in my toolbox." Her eyes landed on Artemis for a second. "And you knew too." Her hand reached in to grasp one of the many vials inside the case. "Braxium Bouncer, Mark III. Found it at a bazaar." She grinned to the group, almost as if it was an amazing feat, finding something at a bazaar. "I remember when you verbally fought the woman who sold it to us," the Doctor grinned at Artemis, who looked at her in confusion. The Doctor's eyes widened. "Ah, I forgot. You haven't done that quite yet."

Fumbling with the machine in her hands, the Doctor said. "Bit wonky, but I can't take the Tardis." She pressed a tiny button on the side, causing the machine to buzz and glow brightly. "This should give us enough power to transport me, Yaz, and Tesla back here."

Artemis frowned as she said this. She had assumed that the Doctor would take her with her because of her knowledge of everything. But she had assumed wrong.

"But once I'm there, I can't jump back until it recharges itself. Which, you know, I'm not worried about. Definitely. And you shouldn't be worried about it either. Not in the least," the Doctor feigned confidence and glanced over at Artemis, but regretted doing so once she saw the expression she had taken on. One of betrayal and defiance.

"You are not going up there without me," Artemis said while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes I am, Arty, we don't know how dangerous it could be-"

"But I do!" Artemis interrupted.

The Doctor sighed out a frustrated breath and pushed back her hair with one hand. "That's the thing, you know of parts, but not your own future. Please… just listen this one time," the Doctor took Artemis' hand gently, gazing into her hard eyes which were softening by the second.

Artemis groaned but agreed, nodding her head. The Doctor grinned widely and squeezed the hand in her grasp before letting go. She then tapped a few more buttons on the machine before it lit up, engulfing her in bright light and she disappeared from sight.

The remaining Time Lady whined as she tapped her foot anxiously as soon as the Doctor left. She began pacing up and down the room, picking at her nails as she stared at the floor below her. The eyes of Ryan and Graham followed her moving body with worry. They knew how she functioned when the Doctor appeared to be in dangerous situations without her there. But for Artemis, this was her first time stressing over this. She had never known the Doctor long, but in her mind, she had known her for years. Artemis had grown fond of the Doctor and all her reincarnations. But the Doctor too showed some form of fondness for Artemis.

A few minutes passed and no one made a sound. The only noise was from the constant patter and muttering that Artemis did as she bit at her fingers. But soon, there was another noise.

A loud buzzing and crackling noise shook Artemis, causing her to stop her pace and look to where it came from.

Three new bodies appeared in the room and Artemis immediately rushed toward the blonde-haired figure with open arms. Artemis crushed the Doctor between her hands and breathed out a sigh of relief at her safety. The Doctor took a second to realize what was going on before she too hugged Artemis back.

The embrace didn't last much longer as the Doctor and Artemis led the group into the Tardis. Everyone filed through the doors, but one body hesitated at the entrance before finally pushing through.

Tesla gaped at the interior of the Tardis. "Fantastical!" He said breathlessly.

The Doctor and Artemis stood beside the console, pushing buttons and pulling levers.

"I couldn't figure it out either," said Edison.

"The internal dimensions transcend the external."

The Doctor paused in her tinkering of the orb for a moment. "Spot on," she said as she pulled out her sonic and buzzed the orb. Leaning down to the orb, she spoke confidently to the alien on the other side of the call. "Listen up, Skithra queen, it's me, on behalf of Tesla."

Artemis' eyes trailed over to the man in question, only to see him peering into a pair of binoculars. Rolling her eyes, she reached over and tapped him on his shoulder lightly.

"Consider this your official eviction notice," the Doctor continued. "Get your ship away from Earth right now." The Doctor spoke with pure disdain and anger. Artemis had seen this side of the Doctor on the tv more times than she could count, but seeing it in person was a whole other version. It made Artemis' spine shiver and her blood run cold.

"We will take the engineer, or this planet shall burn! Surrender him and your lives may be spared," the alien queen hissed through the orb. Her voice was chilling and harsh. Almost sounding like a constant and deep guttural hiss.

"You can't have him. He's with us. And we're not going anywhere."

"Then we will kill all the teeming millions that infect this world, and you and your friends will die first," the Skithra queen said.

The Doctor straightened her back up and glanced around the Tardis in shock, before landing on Artemis, who gave her a weak frown in return.

"This is the choice you must make. Give us Tesla, or the planet, and all who live on it, shall die," the alien finished and clicked the call, ending the transmission to them.

Artemis gulped as she looked over her shoulder to the inventor with a soft frown and sympathetic eyes.

Tesla looked defeated. His eyes looked down at the floor in dismay and whispered in a soft voice. "It cannot be me or the Earth. You can't place this burden on me." Giving one final look, he turned around and marched out the Tardis doors, into the lab.

Artemis placed a gentle hand on Dorothy as she tried to follow him out. She stopped her in her tracks and gave her a soft smile. But her eyes are what gave away that she truly meant it.

Stepping alongside the Doctor, Artemis left the Tardis and cautiously approached the defeated inventor with the Doctor. He stood in front of the window, gazing out onto the streets where people milled about, not knowing about what was going to happen.

Artemis and the Doctor stopped beside Tesla's sad demeanor and waited. Waited for the right time, waiting for a break in the silence to speak. But Tesla spoke first.

"I've spent my life wondering what might be out there. But creatures who would destroy the whole planet just to get their hands on me?"

The Doctor shook her head slightly. "Recognition at last," she said sarcastically.

Tesla chuckled a low laugh. One of feigning humor. And the Doctor matched it.

"You know, Mr. Tesla," Artemis started. "Better you than Edison." She shrugged.

"You do realize it's killing Edison that they want you and not him," the Doctor said, turning to look at the taller man.

Tesla smiled with what seemed like a genuine smile, but it faded soon as his mind wandered. He exhaled deeply and continued. "This place, Wardenclyffe… I was so close." All of their eyes looked out the window to the tower that stood high above them all. "People would finally see what it would do. What I can do. But now no one will ever know." He paused, thinking of the choices they had, let him get taken by the aliens, or the entire planet die. "You must all go. Let them take me."

Artemis scoffed. "You think we'd let that happen?" She turned to the Doctor and Tesla with crossed arms. "In the short time you've been with us, do we look like the type to let aliens take you for their own personal gain?" Tesla parted his mouth to speak, but Artemis silenced him once more. "The answer is no. We will not let this scavenging alien race take one of the best inventors ever."

The Doctor grinned. "Nikola Tesla, you're going to change the world. But first, you're going to save it. Now tell us all about Wardenclyffe."

Tesla looked at the women in shock but then smiled deeply. A smile full of gratitude and appreciation. With a few found glee, Tesla led them both over to a table nearby which held stacks of blueprints and readings.

Artemis turned her head at the sound of the Tardis door creaking open slowly and watched as Dorothy's head popped out cautiously. With a grin, Artemis waved her over to them, which caused the rest of the group to file out of the Tardis and over to the table.

Pulling out a rolling blueprint, Tesla cleared room on the workbench. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a pen.

"The tower works by harnessing the electric field of the Earth itself," Tesla circled the tower on the paper with the pen. Here, my magnifying transformer pumps millions of volts into this tunnel. The current races down through the Earth until it reaches the other side of the planet, and then bounces back. Then it's channeled into the tower, wave after wave after wave, and up into the air" His once blank blueprint was now filled with circles, lines, and sketches. "My intention was to build a series of these towers...transmitting energy throughout the ether, a world wireless system."

Artemis cocked her head as she looked down at the blueprint with scrutinizing eyes. She knew of what the tower's functions were. But seeing Tesla explain them in person and with a diagram was enough to make her giddy.

"But with enough power, it could be used to send a single bolt of lightning high up into the sky," the Doctor took the pen from Tesla's grasp and leaned further over the paper.

"Ah, well if we generate one large enough, it could strike the ship, like so!" Tesla watched as the Doctor drew a large bolt of lightning on top of the tower with a grin.

"Yes! High-five," the Doctor raised her hand to Tesla with a wide smile full of glee. Tesla looked at her in confusion.

Artemis chuckled as she pushed down the Doctor's hand gently and whispered in her ear. "Too early." The Doctor paused for a moment and then gaped in realization.

"In a pig's eye," a voice called out.

Artemis turned around to see Edison standing in the back of the group with disdain.

"You want to bet our lives on a contraption like this, huh? Some fantastical idea no sane man would ever invest in?"

Tesla shook his head and closed his eyes tight, breathing in sharply. He turned around to face Edison with a look of disgust and confidence.

"At least I have ideas," Tesla strode to Edison and stopped right in front of him, staring him down. "You have filled a factory full of men to do your thinking for you. Half of your inventions were thought up by other people."

"Anyone can have ideas. I make them happen," Edison rebutted. "All those men, all those inventions, I turn them from a sketch into real things people can buy. That's how you change the world. You're too blind to see that my factory is the best idea either one of us ever had."

Tesla fumed, "And you-"

"Alright," Artemis drawled. She groaned as she pushed herself from the table and walked over to the bickering men. "Stop fighting over petty things because we have the rest of the world to save." She placed her hands on each of their chests and forced them away. She frowned as she glanced between the two of them. "If you two think any more about fighting then I won't hesitate to fight back, but it won't be with words."

She pushed both of their chests back a little further before she pivoted on her heel and turned to see the Doctor gaping at her, her cheeks slightly red. Artemis cocked her head at the strange expression on the Doctor's face. She couldn't quite discern what she was thinking either.

"Why is your face all pink?" Artemis asked the Doctor innocently. She stopped right in front of the woman.

The Doctor's eyes widened and she cleared her throat, completely avoiding the question. Her eyes glanced back at the room and spoke up in a slightly wavering voice.

"We need to move quickly. We have to prepare the tower." She looked back down to the paper on the desk beside her and leaned forward, resting her hands on the table. "Here's what we're gonna do."

The Doctor, Artemis, and Tesla all worked at Wardenclyffe with the tower while the rest of them all worked on their own projects.

Yaz and Edison made sure people stayed inside their homes and buildings. And Dorothy, Ryan, and Graham found weapons and inventions to use against the aliens.

Artemis helped the Doctor bring out the box filled with the bouncers which powered many things. A series of wires, tubes, and connectors were set beside the tower, waiting to be used by eager hands. Tesla connected many wires and pipes to the tower, helping amplify the voltage in order to shoot the power to destroy the ship above.

The Doctor worked with the Tardis in order to extend the shield. Once it was done, it cast a faint blue cover around the tower and its surrounding area, protecting them all.

However, after a few hours of work and hard labor with the tower, a low hissing sound interrupted them right as they finished.

"Doctor?" Tesla's wavering voice called out. "We have company."

Artemis and the Doctor turned around to see multiple large scorpion aliens surrounding them all, hissing and screeching loudly. Their red, beady eyes staring straight at the trio, who stared back at them, fearfully.

But this fear was replaced by relief when one of them tried to move further, only to be stopped short by the shield. This caused them to bounce back harshly and made the shield glow blue where they made contact.

"Shield's working then," the Doctor sighed. "Come on!" The Doctor tugged both Tesla and Artemis toward the lab beside the tower.

The lab was dim now. Not holding the usual brightness that was caused by the many machines and inventions being lit up and glowing with energy. It was a different feeling than before. One of fear, nervousness, and anxiety. All of these feelings culminated from the aliens right out the door. Inside, the rest of the team was already preparing for the inevitable. Holding weapons, clenching fists, and staring at the door that protected them from the aliens.

"Just in time," the Doctor said out of breath as she barreled through the door. "We need to barricade the door now." She gestured to the door briefly before she tugged Artemis further from it.

"Good god," Edison whispered.

"There's too many of them!" Yaz said. Her brows furrowing and her lips quivering. But she didn't let this feeling last long as she and Edison began lifting large pieces of wood and machines, blocking them against the large door.

They all knew this wouldn't last long once they got through the shield, but it would be enough to hopefully save them.

"Well, they may have superior numbers, but we have superior minds," Tesla said, pacing around the room.

"We just have to hold them off," the Doctor said, squeezing Artemis' hand that was tightly gripped in her own. She looked over at Artemis' eyes with a question. Almost as if she was mentally asking her for help on how to fix this.

Artemis noticed this right away and gulped. "What type of species are they? They connect to their queen somehow… right?"

The Doctor pondered with this information for a moment before she gasped and pulled her hand away from Artemis'. "They're a hive species!" She waved her hands about. "So if we take out the queen…"

"We take out all of them," Yaz finished. She had done as much barricading as she could do with Edison while also listening to the Doctor and Tesla's ramblings.

"Yes!" the Doctor and Artemis shouted at the same time, causing them to stare at each for a moment with a grin.

"She's still on the ship, and, hopefully, we're about to zap her with a lot of Wardenclyffe electricity!" The Doctor looked to the group with hopeful yet worried eyes.

Artemis could see this look clearly in her eyes. A look of warning that it could go wrong if one bad step was forced underway. If one wrong action happened. And she knew that something would happen that they hadn't planned for.

"There's a but," Graham affirmed.

"Small detail," the Doctor continued. "Once we power up the tower, the Tardis shields will drop, but it will be about 30 seconds before we can blast the ship. There's not enough juice for both."

The look of disbelief and shock written on everyone's faces was enough to kill the mood in the room. Dorothy, looking the most worried as she had never experienced anything like this before. At least Tesla had the experience of seeing the aliens and their ship up close which helped him a small portion.

"We will keep them out," Artemis said, drawing all their attention to her. "Don't worry, the Doctor and I won't let anything happen to any of you guys." She smiled a reassuring grin.

The mood lifted slightly at her words. Uplifting the expressions of everyone, especially Dorothy, who looked on Artemis with a soft smile.

"Ready?" the Doctor asked Tesla and Artemis.

Tesla sighed out but straightened his back in confirmation. Artemis nodded with a serious expression and stepped toward the Tardis, the two others following behind her.

Inside, all three of them prepared the Tardis for the bolt of energy needed to shoot the ship in the sky. They all grunted and groaned as they forced all their strength into the heavy wheels as they cranked them.

The sweat only lasted a few more moments as a bright blue glow of energy flowed from the Tardis console, into the tubing, and out to the tower. The entire Tardis' hue turned from burnt orange to a light blue glow as more and more energy was pumped out to the tower.

"It's working," Tesla said as he read the measurements of the energy on a hand-held machine.

On the same screen which showed a reading of the orb of Thassor before, now showed an image of the tower outside the lab. The tall structure was now glowing bright blue with energy and sizzled at the power held within it.

"The tower's charging," the Doctor said. "Nearly there. Get ready out there!" she called out to the group inside the lab. "Shields are about to drop!"

They all held weapons and machines, prepared to fight the aliens once they broke through the blocked door. Graham stood in front with a machine Tesla made called a Death Ray. A low hum came from the other side of the door as the shields dropped, letting the aliens come even closer to the lab and the people inside.

The tension in the room was so dense with worry and fear as they heard the screeches and hisses of the aliens as they ran closer to the lab's front door. The front door thudded with bodies hitting them as the aliens tried to force their way into the lab.

"Shield's down! Few more seconds!" the Doctor tried to reassure them.

"We ain't got a few seconds, Doc!" Graham shouted back, his grip on the death ray quivering. The wood blocking the handle of the door creaked and cracked with the force of the bodies hitting it and clawing their way through.

"What?" the Doctor exclaimed, her brows furrowed in confusion. "Signal coming from the Skithra ship." She glanced up at the screen with a look of shock.

Artemis gulped, knowing what had happened. Her eyes trailed to the doors of the Tardis as she heard the doors of the lab being blasted open.

"We can't blast the ship because the queen's no longer on it," the Doctor whispered, staring at the screen.

Artemis and the Doctor both rushed out the doors of the Tardis to see the alien queen herself threaten the group. A fury flowed through the Doctor's veins as she saw the danger her companions were being put through. With a deep and demanding voice, the Doctor said, "Stop!"

The aliens' attention flickered to the Doctor as she grinned a sinister smile.

"If you want Tesla, you have to go through me," the Doctor said confidently.

"Us," Artemis corrected as she tapped the DOctor on her shoulder.

"Doctor, did you really think I'd let you hide away down here, hatching your little plans?" The alien's demeanor was enough to make Artemis shiver, let alone the terrifying face and sharp teeth she held. She trailed over to the Doctor and Artemis, eyeing them up and down as she circled them ominously.

"If I'd known we were going to have a royal visit, I'd have put the kettle on," the Doctor said.

Artemis snorted at this rebuttal but looked back to eye the table beside her. A table filled with machinery and inventions. One of them being the bouncer. As soon as she saw this, a memory came to her head. The Doctor needed this in order to send the queen back to her ship. But it was too far away for her to reach it herself, unlike in the show. Another form of the timeline being messed up.

Letting the Doctor and the queen circle each other, eyeing each other up and down, Artemis slowly backed up to the table and gripped the bouncer behind her back. Her hands touched the cold metal of the device as she waited for the moment to throw it.

Her mind went blank as she zoned out. She thought of other things at the moment. The fear of messing it up, the fear of ruining the timeline, and killing them all. Fear of failure.

She gulped as her eyes stared at the ground in front of her, but her mind was brought back to reality as she saw the Doctor getting restrained by the Skithra. They held her arms behind her back, her sonic in her hand, and the queen chuckled at her weak defenses.

Artemis breathed in deeply, knowing it was now or never.

"Hey Skithra queen!" she shouted.

The queen's narrowed eyes met Artemis' wide ones as she hissed. "What."

Artemis only grinned as she threw the bouncer at the alien. "Catch," she said confidently.

The queen caught the device with one hand as she peered down at it in curiosity. She cackled as she held up the device to her eye, inspecting it closely.

"What is this? Another device to add to my collection?" She hissed out.

"No," Artemis said. The Doctor craned her head as far back as it went, trying to see Artemis. "It's a device that'll help us win. Doctor!"

The Doctor spent no more time wondering what the device was. She knew in her gut that Artemis had thrown her the bouncer, but this feeling was tested when the Doctor, with one hand, scanned the bouncer with the sonic.

The queen snarled and hissed as she was teleported back onto the ship in a red glow.

"Tesla, now!" the Doctor shouted.

From inside the Tardis, Tesla pushed the final button, letting a shock wave of energy flowing through the tower and out into the air, striking the ship above with the queen in it. The aliens in the lab slowly disappeared into the ship with the queen as it filled with lightning.

Artemis held onto the Doctor as the alien that once trapped her, disappeared. She sighed in relief at her well-being.

The morning following the attack, the Doctor and her companions prepared to leave for good. Saying their goodbyes and exchanging hugs.

Yaz followed the Doctor and Artemis as they waited beside a building in the city streets.

"Now, this all changes, right? The protests, the funding. Tesla's tower just saved the world! That's gotta mean rich and famous," Yaz said.

Artemis frowned, knowing that nothing would change. Only they knew of what happened last night and how amazing Tesla was. The rest of the world would see him as nothing more than a crazy inventor with no funds.

"No. Nothing's changed," the Doctor admitted with a sigh. "A few years from now, Wardenclyffe is torn down. Tesla keeps on inventing, but no money, no fame. He dies penniless. History leaves him behind. But his vision of wireless energy, that does happen, a connected world, and that idea starts here, with him." The Doctor ended on a happy note. She had wanted Tesla to get the recognition he deserved but knew the consequences of the timeline would be too great.

Yaz frowned. "That's not right. People should know."

"Either way, it doesn't change what he's done."

Yaz had always been the type to try to get the best out of people, and maybe that's why Artemis liked the girl so much. But Artemis knew that the future and the past couldn't be altered in the way that Yaz wanted.

"Doctor? Artemis?" Tesla's voice called from behind.

Artemis turned over her shoulder with a wide smile and Doctor, too, followed suit.

"You have to let me study that machine of yours. It is by far the most magnificent invention I've ever seen in my life."

"Never mind the Tardis, you've got enough magnificent inventions of your own," she assured the inventor.

"Yes. Yes, you're right. You're right, of course. There's so much to be done. Thank you. Thank you, all," Tesla spoke meekly, holding his hands behind his back.

Artemis smiled softly at the man. He was as amazing in person as she thought he would be. A brilliant mind in a city full of imposters. A man of great talent and intelligence. But she already knew someone who sounded like that description.

"Don't give up," the Doctor said.

"Whatever anyone says," Yaz said as she leaned forward.

"Keep growing and inventing brilliant things," Artemis said with a smile. "The world needs more people like you in it. People that aren't afraid to find new ways to solve problems and people that aren't afraid to fail."

"Well, let them talk. The present is theirs. I work for the future. And the future is mine," Tesla said before he turned over his shoulder, and walked away.

The Doctor and her companions were exhausted. Although Time Lords don't need as much sleep as humans, it didn't mean that they didn't get tired too.

Artemis had already changed out of her time-period clothing into a much more comfortable pair of loose shorts and a t-shirt. She had almost gone to bed immediately when she heard a noise come from the console room.

Treading down the stairs quietly, she spotted the Doctor under the console of the Tardis, tinkering with the wires. Her blonde hair was sticking up in places and the goggles on her face were sliding down slowly as if they were too big for her head.

Clearing her throat as she stood beside the console, Artemis rested an arm on her side.

In a surprise, the Doctor popped her head out from underneath, only to gape up at Artemis, who stood above her with her hip popped out. The Doctor brushed off her chest and stood up, straightening to Artemis' level.

"What are you doing?" Artemis asked, nodding her head to the console.

"Oh, I-"

"You're trying to get the Tardis to go back to it's wheezing aren't you?" Artemis interrupted the Doctor.

The Doctor gulped, and parted her lips, only for Artemis to laugh.

"It's fine, I knew that you would eventually want to change her back."

The Doctor's worried expression changed into one of relief at her words.

"You know, I find it funny that-" Artemis' words were cut off by the feeling of heat and pain emanating from the locket against her chest. She groaned as she doubled over, gripping the chain of it.

"It's time already?" Artemis grunted out. The heat grew like a forest fire, consuming her whole body. She could barely feel through the pain that the Doctor placed a gentle hand on her back, rubbing it reassuringly.

"It's okay," the Doctor said. "You'll-"

But before the Doctor could finish her sentence, the fire overtook Artemis' body, casting a bright glow over her as her body transported through time and space.

Artemis winced in pain as she felt her legs touch solid ground again, but her legs felt so heavy that they seemed like someone had attached lead to them. Grasping at the railing beside her, Artemis opened her eyes slowly. She took in her surroundings and noticed the familiar interior of the 10th Doctor. Her suspicions were confirmed when she heard the voice of the Doctor call out to her.


A strong grip straightened her back and helped her to the chair beside her. Her eyes squinted up in the dim lighting to see the handsome face of the 10th Doctor staring back at her in worry.


Ahhhh I hope this chapter was good enough? I kinda got writer block halfway through so iibaicubbiaybdiausn. You know?