Hey everyone! Chapter 4 is here. As always, I don't own Naruto or Harry Potter. Thanks for reading!

"Hello my name is Sai."

Luna is visiting Konoha again. She had a lot of fun the last time she visited, and she just couldn't resist visiting again. The teen in front of her is pale, and dressed in all black, shirt cropped at the midriff. It's an odd look, but it suits him.

"Hello Sai! I'm Luna."

"I know. You look just like your picture in the bingo book. You are known as Bloodless Moon, the bounty hunter that doesn't kill." He frowns. "I don't particularly understand. Bringing in a target is a lot easier if they are dead."

"I'd rather not kill people. Death may be a part of the cycle of life, but everyone deserves to live."

"Most of the bounties you bring in probably end up dead."

Luna nods. "I know. It doesn't mean I have to like it. Sometimes the world spins a certain direction, and you can't change that. I try to bring in those who are truly despicable. People like Bellatrix or Fenrir Greyback."

"SAI." Naruto runs up to the other teen. "There you are."

"Hello Dickless."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT." Naruto spots the blonde a few seconds later. "Hey! You're that girl Baa-chan was talking about!" Luna nods hesitantly. She doesn't know who this Baa-chan is, but she does recognize the blonde from Suna at least. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto, future Hokage of Konoha!"

Luna smiles. "Nice to meet you again."

"Dickless, is this how you make friends? I don't think it's a very successful method."

Naruto glares at Sai. "No, this is not how you make friends. You have to get to know people first, not just have one conversation with them. And don't call me Dickless."

"But that's your nickname." Naruto's glare deepens at Sai's response.

"Oh!" Luna's eyes light up. "Can I have a nickname?"

"NO." Naruto shouts.

Sai ignores Naruto's shout, and instead stares thoughtfully at the blonde. "I will call you… Ditzy."

He may seem blunt and rude to some people, but Luna likes that Sai is honest in his assesments. His nicknames aren't meant to be cruel or mocking unlike the names her fellow Ravenclaws called her. Ditzy is also drastically better than Loony Lovegood. "It's a good name."

Naruto gawks. "WHAT THE HECK!" The blonde screams, aggravated. "It's an insult."

Sai smiles. It's a fake smile, but Luna can tell his happiness is genuine; he just doesn't know how to smile. "I will call you Happy." Luna decides. He seems to have trouble with emotions. The dementors probably got to him and tried to nibble on his soul. It happens from time to time. Hopefully a cheerful name like Happy will help him find the brightness in life.

Sai nods. He doesn't smile this time, and his face is blank, but Luna can see a bit of emotion in the lines of his face, genuine emotion instead of the plastic smile he plastered on before. "I have to go report for a mission."

"Ehh? Sai? We don't have any missions." Naruto frowns in confusion as the other teen vanishes. "Is it just me or is he acting weirder than normal…" he turns to Luna, doing a complete 180 topic change. "Hey! You've seen Sasuke right? I'll buy you Ramen if you tell me about him. Ichiraku Ramen! It's the best food in all of Konoha!"

"Ahh… I wouldn't know, I've never had ramen."

Naruto stares slack jawed at her. "WHAT!" his scream seems to echo through the eternity of Konoha. "You've never had Ramen?!" Grabbing Luna by the hand, Naruto pulls her towards Ichiraku's at a breakneck pace. "How can you have never had ramen? It's the food of the gods, the best food ever! You just have to try it!" They race through Konoha, quickly arriving at the Ramen stand. "Hey Teuchi. Two miso ramens please." He seems to completely forget about Sasuke.

"It's nice to see you Naruto. Who's your friend? A girlfriend perhaps?"

Naruto flushes. "NO! It's nothing like that. This is Luna. She's never had ramen before. Can you believe that?"

Teuchi chuckles as he starts making two bowls of ramen. "That makes sense then, you brought her here to try ramen for the first time, right?"

"You bet!" Naruto nods. "It's horrible that she's never had Ramen. Can you believe it?" He shudders. "It sounds torturous just thinking about it."

Placing a bowl in front of each of them, Teuchi chuckles. "Well, here you go."

"Itadakimasu!" Naruto cheers, digging into his ramen. He turns to look at Luna and blanches. Her bowl is empty. "What! You finished eating that quickly." She even finished before he did!

Luna nods. "How could I not, it tastes so good." Her eyes sparkle with delight. "The noodles are perfect, the broth is warm and savory, and the vegetables are perfectly cooked. Ramen is amazing." Luna sighs. "It's so warm and hearty, like it's made with love. You sir." Lun addresses Teuchi. "Are a master of your craft. It's like a Patronus was transformed into food!"

Naruto nods in agreement, he might not understand the entirety of what she's saying, but he gets the gist of it. "Finally! Someone else who sees the true power of ramen!"

Several passersby sweatdrop as they overhear the conversation. The duo order several more bowls of ramen, both blondes quickly going through the savory noodle bowls. "Hey Luna." Naruto asks through a mouthful of noodles. "Baa-chan said you can do a teleportation jutsu, can you really?"

Luna grins. "Yep, it's called apparition."

"Really! The best thing I have is summoning." It's not a big deal to tell her that, right? He did summon a giant toad right in the middle of Konoha during the invasion so it's not like he's giving her any new information.


"You don't know what summoning is?" As Luna shakes her head, Naruto's mouth drops in disbelief. "But summoning is so cool! All the Sannin can summon. Orochimaru has snakes, ero-sennin has toads, and Baa-chan has slugs. They're super cool and can talk and help you fight."

Luna's eyes light up in delight. "Really! I've always wanted a talking animal friend. Arnonld can't really talk."


"He's a crumple-horned snorkack made with not-chakra and genjutsu."

"I have no clue what that means, but it sounds cool! Can I meet him?"

"Sure! Luna chirps.

"Cool! I can summon one of my toads to show you what summoning looks like." The duo quickly rush out of the ramen stand heading for a training field.

"WAIT." Teuchi yells after them. "You forgot to pay." He sighs. The duo is already out of sight. Groaning in exasperation, Teuchi stares at the twenty empty ramen bowls. "I guess I'll just put it on Naruto's tab."

"This is Arnold."

"Wow! So he's made out of genjutsu and this not-chakra thing?"

"Yep. I've always wanted to find a crumple-horned snorkack. I never did end up finding one, but I realized that sometimes the best things aren't found, but made."

Naruto nods. "Yep. Like friendship. It doesn't just fall on you. You have to make an effort. Like with Sasuke-teme. He ran off with Orochimaru, but I will bring him back to Konoha no matter what, and reunite team seven!"

"That sounds nice, you must be a very good friend Naruto."

"Ah thanks Nee-chan." His cheeks flush red. "I mean, can I call you Nee-chan?"

"Of course you can." Luna smiles gently.

"Great! Anyway, I'll show you summoning now. I can even teach you if you want." (Several other Konoha nin feel the urge to bang their head against the wall.)

Luna's eyes light up. "Can I really? It would be so cool to summon talking animals!"

"Yep!" Naruto runs through several hand signs, showing them to Luna. Boar. Dog. Bird. Monkey. Ram. He has to go through them slowly since Luna doesn't know or use hand signs. It takes a bit, but the blonde eventually gets it down. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" She vanishes.

Naruto pales. "Oops." He chuckles weakly. "You need a summoning contract for that, don't you…Hopefully she'll be fine."

Luna stares at the hare. (Not a rabbit or a bunny, a hare.) The hare stares back. She smiles. "You are absolutely adorable. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

The hare smirks (as much as a hare can smirk.) "The pleasure is all mine Miss Luna."

Luna's smile widens. "What do you think about magic, Mr. Hare?"

"The name is Patrick, and magic is cool as long as I'm not being pulled out of a top hat. It's a downright awful way of being summoned. It gives you vertigo and it feels like you're being twisted together and pulled apart."

Luna nods solemnly. "I'll keep that in mind. It's kind of like apparition, useful, but awful."

"Sounds about right kid. Come, I'll take you to meet our boss. Hopefully he'll let you sign our summoning contract. You seem nice."


Luna eventually ends up signing the hare contract (We are hares, not rabbits. We're in no way shape or form related to that imbecile Kaguya), however her first meeting with the hare boss and her test as a potential summoner are marred from the history books. Several witnesses completely block the incident from their minds, although they have

a strange fear of cannibalistic strawberries, ghost yetis, and the color pink for months afterwards.

Harry Master of Death Omake: Luna gets a new pet:

Harry is drinking tea, a nice earl grey. It's just the right temperature too. "Do you have any fives?"

"Nope. Go fish."

Harry frowns, drawing another card. "You know, I can't tell if you're lying or not. The whole grim reaper look makes it kind of hard to tell."

Death chuckles, it's a rather creepy sound, like rattling bones mixed with nails on a chalkboard. Harry would also liken it to a dying cat screaming. "Do you have any twos?" Death asks.

Frowning, Harry hands over his twos. He sighs. "I'm bored, Death."

"I know Master, you've been bored for the last century or so, much to my despair. You really need to find less destructive hobbies. You blew up the moon, convinced the snakes to start a revolution, brought dinosaurs back to life in order to put on a live addition of Jurassic Park, almost started a zombie apocalypse, started a stunt career dressed as Skull de Mort from Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and started your own cult under the name Jashin."

Harry pouts. "I can't help it."

"Like I said, you need better hobbies. I'll be back in a minute, Master, I'm needed elsewhere."

"You're being summoned!" Harry's eyes light up. He jolts to his feet, nearly knocking over his tea. "Can I go instead of you! I promise I'll be good."




"But Death…" Harry turns watery green puppy dog eyes on the immortal being.

"Ugh. Fine. You're supposed to seal a demon inside of a baby in exchange for Minato Namikaze's soul. Try not to break the fabric of space time again." With a wave of Death's hand, Harry vanishes.

Minato Namikaze is decidingly confused when a lanky raven haired teen appears instead of a shinigami. Harry meanwhile stares at the giant fox demon in undeniable awe. "OMG! IT'S SO CUTE AND FLUFFY!" With a quick flick of the elder wand, the Kyubbi shrinks to about the size of a cat. Cooing in delight, Harry picks up the miniature nine tailed demon fox. "Aren't you just the most adorable thing ever!"

With a sharp crack, Harry vanishes, taking the Kyuubi with him. Minato stares. The shinigami is a teenager? Also, wasn't the shinigami supposed to take his soul instead of absconding with the demon fox?

"Death! Look what I found. Isn't he adorable." Death blinks as Harry holds up the miniaturized nine tailed demon.

"Harry…" Death sighs in exasperation. "Did you not listen to a word I said?"

The immortal teen frowns before sheepishly smiling. "Uhhh, oops."

"Did you at least collect Namikaze's soul?"

Harry winces.

Death sighs again. "You're not keeping it."

"But Death…"

"No Harry. Do you remember what happened with your last pets? I've already suffered through dragons, dinosaurs, dementors, pokemon, and a surprisingly violent blue dog thing."

"Hey! Stitch is not a thing. He's an alien."

Death ignores Harry's comment. "I don't need to add a demon to that list. Find someone else to keep it."


Luna stares at the nine tailed fox sitting on her bed. The Nargles left her an adorable fox instead of taking her shoes and books. How nice of them. The fox is really quite cute. "Hi!" She chirps. "What's your name?"

Kurma glares at the cheerful blonde. He has no clue what is going on. One minute he was free of his seal, then there was red, the sharingan, and he was happily destroying Konoha. Namikaze tried to reseal him, and then a raven haired teen appeared from nowhere, shrunk him, then gave him to this cheerful blonde as a pet. Well, at least he's not sealed. "Kurama," the Kyubbi grumbles.

"I'm Luna, Luna Lovegood. Though sometimes the other girls call me Loony."

"I didn't ask for your name, human. Where am I?"

"Oh, we're at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Kurama deadpans.

"You can't have pets that aren't toads, cats, or owls Miss Lovegood." The pink toad-like woman smiles a fake sugary sweet smile.

"But Kurama isn't a pet, he's a friend." The fox in question glares at the blonde's words. He's a demon damn it, not her friend. Sure, he may reign terror down on the other human girls who dare mock his… er the blonde, but that does not mean they are friends.

"Well your friend is against the school rules." Kurama's glare deepens. Who is this toad to dictate where he can and can't go? If he was still his original size, he'd devour her for her insolence. "Well Miss Lovegood?"

"But Kurama is a cat."

"I AM A DEMON. I AM THE KYUUBI NO KITSUNE, NOT A PUNY CAT." Kurama's eyes glow red as he practically soaks the surrounding air in killing intent.

Luna doesn't even seem to notice. "But we want the Toad to think you're a cat. You couldn't really pass off as an owl." The pink toad gawks, looking between Luna and the demon, her face rapidly pales. Her eyes roll backwards as she falls to the ground with a thud.

Kurama smirks in satisfaction. It feels quite good to spark fear in these petty humans. Now how should he go about trying to eat the toad. On second thought, maybe he shouldn't. He is above eating humans. Besides, this pink atrocity seems more toad than human.