Five siblings, two brothers and three sisters, huddle together as they try to stay warm in the damp, dark dungeon they were thrown into.

"I'm scared." Morgan says, tears brimming her eyes.

"Me too." Maggie says, her tears already streaming down her face.

"I'll protect you guys, don't worry." Magnus says, holding his brother and sisters closer.

Mana scoffs. "Mags you're only four minutes older than me." she says. "You don't need to act like you're the big brother."

Malur nods. "Yeah. It's okay to be scared." he says.

The five of them stay quietly shivering for a moment before Magnus, the oldest of the quintuplets, speaks again. "They're going to separate us, aren't they?" he asks.

"P-Probably." Maggie, the fourth oldest, sniffs. "That guy said something about selling us."

"...We'll find each other again if we do. Get separated I mean." Malur, the youngest, says confidently.

Morgan, the third oldest, shakes her head. "You don't know that." she says.

"No, we don't." Mana, the second oldest, says. "All we can do is hope one of the Legal Guilds comes to get these guys."

Mana is roused from her dream by an uneasy feeling of being watched. She groggily opens her eyes and screams when she wakes up to see a boy with black floppy hair and gold eyes standing over her. He stares down at her with a curious look on his face, "Why are you sleeping on the ground?" he asks.

Mana responds by kicking him in the balls and scrambling out from underneath him. She jumps up, watching him warily as he drops to his knees, groaning and clutching his family jewels. Now that she's standing, Mana gets a better look at him, trying to determine if he's really a threat.

The boy looks to be around her age, maybe a little older and definitely a bit taller. He has tanned skin and an athletic build. He wears a cropped, unzipped white jacket with a large, yellow fleur de lis' on either side. He doesn't seem to be wearing a shirt, instead being covered by bandages from his abdomen up to the bottom of his neck (now Mana feels a bit bad for kicking him). He wears black pants with a yellow stripe running down each leg and black gladiator sandals with matching black gauntlets.

"Er, sorry about that." Mana apologizes. "Why the hell were you watching me sleep?"

When he recovers from the assault, the boy stands up on two shaky legs and smiles apologetically at Mana. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." he says. "There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know."

Mana gives him one last once over before shrugging. "Whatever. I just needed a break." she says. "You own this forest or something?" she asks.

The boy laughs. "No, I was just passing through." he says. "You should be careful though, there's some bad people around here." he warns.

Mana raises an eyebrow. "And you're not one of them?"

The boy shakes his head and gives her a proud smile. "I'm Danate Lunith, a Mage from Phoenix Fire." Danate introduces himself and turns his head. He moves his hair out of the way and shows her the purple emblem on his neck.

Mana freezes.

I recognize that name. That's a Legal Guild. she thinks to herself. Maybe he can help?

"Have you ever heard of Revenant Beasts?" Mana asks.

Danate's face falls. "I have." he says. "Why are you asking?"

"They kidnapped my siblings and I when we were children. They sold us as slaves, separating us. I only just recently escaped from who I was sold to." Mana says coldly. "I'm looking for them."

Danate crosses his arms. "For Revenant Beasts or your siblings?" he asks. "I won't tell you where to go looking for trouble when I can't even sense an ounce of Magic coming from you." he says disapprovingly. "You need to be the best version of yourself before you even think about rescuing or getting revenge against anybody." Danate says.

Mana grits her teeth and clenches her fist. "Excuse me?"

"You need to get stronger." Danate reiterates. Then, it's like a light bulb appears above Danate's head; his face lights up and he looks like he just figured out the secret of the universe. Danate walks forward, grabbing Mana's hands and smiling. "Come join Phoenix Fire!"

A/N Hello it's me, back at it again with a SYOC.

All locations, guilds, and people in this story are of my own/submitter creation and are not canon to the Fairy Tail universe unless stated otherwise. Fairy Tail characters will eventually be making an appearance though, so stay tuned. ;)

This will be posted and updated on fanfiction under Semp1tern1ty and on Ao3 under sempiternity. DM me your submissions, please do not post them in reviews/comments. They will not be considered.

There are three guilds for you to join:

Phoenix Fire - a Legal Guild and the focus of the story (SUBMISSIONS TEMPORARILY CLOSED)

Aberrant Hydra - a religious, Legal Guild

Silver Sabelum - a Legal Guild

You can find the character form on my profile!

**Submissions are CLOSED**