Disclaimer: I Naturelover369 do no own Kane chronicles or Percy Jackson *sobs* Rick Riordon does but I do own the plot

Sadies POV

It's been two months since the war with Apophis. But still It's been hard for me adjust since every minute I get to think I think about all the people who died to help us. I remember the magicians in Texas who were killed in cold blood just so Apophis could destroy that bloody scroll.

Sometimes I can't help but to feel it's all my fault. Carter keeps telling me It's not my fault. He try's his best to comfort me but it's still hard. Lately I've been having mental breakdowns because the faces of the magicians who sacrificed themselves to help us haunt my dreams.

Last night uncle Amos came to Brooklyn House to deliver some news to Zia Carter and I. I thought the news might be about Setna. Who by the way is still on the loose. But instead when he approached us he said that as the legal guardian of Carter and I he decided it was time to send us to school. Zia was to go to keep a eye on us.

Next he said that we were to go to Goode high school and school was starting next week. After Carter and Zia left uncle Amos stopped me. Then he said that I should try to take my mind off the war and move on. At that I started to sob and I said "how can I move on. All those deaths were my fault and if I was better all those people who died would be alive today" after going on like that for a while I eventually calmed down. As I headed up to my room I started to think about the war and ended up crying myself to sleep.

After I fell asleep I had a dream that everyone blamed me for the deaths of the magicians at the Texas nome. When I woke up I started to cry and after a while Carter came in after hearing me crying and started to tell me it was ok. That nobody blamed me for the deaths of the magicians in Texas. Soon I fell back asleep only to be woken up an hour later.

As I got ready for the day I tried to look presentable.

After I showered I put on my normal outfit of black skinny jeans a Green Day t-shirt my leather jacket and combat boots. As I looked in the mirror I saw that the purple highlights I put in my hair had faded. So I quickly put in some royal blue highlights and I when down stairs to get some breakfast.

When I sat down with my plate of scrambled eggs and cup of tea I heard Carter and Zia talking about how excited they were for school. But I knew better school would be a living nightmare for me. Everyone would treat me like a outsider and when someone asked why I was so sad they would not understand.

But I knew I could not disobey uncle Amos. So I have to go to school. Today I am going to get my school supplies.So after breakfast I asked uncle Amos for the list of supplies I need. After I got to the store I got a few binders pencils and other general school supplies.

As I started to walk home started to think about the war again but I told myself to stop thinking about it. That all those people that died would not want me to think about it. But I still started to cry. Once I got to Brooklyn House I collapsed on my bed and tried to forget the war but suddenly Isis spoke in my mind.She said "Sadie remain strong for we cannot despair" but to that I said "I can't stop remembering all of the death that I caused" after I said that she said "you did not cause those deaths child now sleep" after she said that I felt my eye lids slowly start to close.

When I woke up it was about dinner time so I got up dragged myself down the stairs and joined everyone at the table. After I ate I said good night to Carter and uncle Amos. After I fell asleep I had the same dream as last night but this time I did not fall asleep again.

AN: hey guys sorry if this chapter sucks it's my first fanfic so please review criticism is welcome
