A/N: I can't believe you thought I'd kill off Iroh...

Iroh watched Azula carefully as the shouting match began.

"You-You- You absolute- traitor!" Katara yelled.

"I'm not a traitor!" Zuko shouted back. "I'm just trying to end this stupid war!"

"You didn't have to lie to us! You being Fire Nation doesn't matter!"

"If I told the truth you'd have come with the banished prince who'd been hunting the Avatar for almost three years?" Zuko laughed. A distinctly unpleasant sound.

Iroh missed Katara's reply as Azula finally moved.

Iroh reached out a hand and caught her lightning. He found himself absurdly grateful that this ship was made of wood. A metal ship would have been too great a conductor.

He made himself fall as he released the lightning into the deck of the ship. It wouldn't do for Azula- and soon thereafter Ozai- to figure out that particular trick.

Iroh was kind of amazed that it'd worked at all.

It'd been good in theory…

"Uncle!" Zuko yelled, and suddenly Zuko's face was right above Iroh's.

He looked frantic. Iroh winked at him, raising a finger to his lips.

Zuko blinked.

"I can redirect lightning," Iroh said, "But I thought it best Azula and Ozai didn't know that."

The relief that flooded Zuko's face made something in Iroh ache. "Anything I should do?" he asked. "Did it hurt?"

Kind of- but not really. It hadn't been pleasant, but it hadn't been painful either.

Katara was kneeling beside Zuko now. "You're alright though?" she asked, voice much softer now.

Iroh smiled up at her. "Of course! And as soon as Azula's a little farther away I can get up."

Katara smiled back at him. Then she turned to Zuko. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." She said.

Zuko blinked, looking at her. "Um…"

"I got a letter from my father." She said, and for some reason that comment made Zuko turn pink. Interesting. "He talked about you in it. And you said you were Li not Zuko and I- well. How many teenage ship captains have an Uncle and a scar like yours? It didn't make sense, but I trusted you. I chose to trust you. And then you were lying. And it hurt.

"But you're probably right. I don't know if I would have gone with you if you'd told us at first, especially since my father said you were hunting the Avatar. I'm still not happy you lied- but I shouldn't have yelled. And I'm sorry."

Zuko's mouth had fallen open as Katara apologized and something that looked suspiciously like tears made his eyes gleam. He cleared his throat several times before he managed to say "Thank you Katara."


They were close now, very close to the Water Tribe ships.

Zuko wondered if they could see him. Even from a distance his scar tended to stand out. It was always the first thing people saw; the first thing people made judgements on.

He felt odd. Disconnected. Like he could go forever without tiring and also like he couldn't take a single step without falling.

His head ached.

Zuko turned, stumbling. "Uncle?" he said, rubbing his head, "I don't feel so good."

He heard Uncle shout "Zuko!" but he couldn't respond,

He was falling. Unconsciousness took him.


Hakoda didn't understand what was going on. And he didn't like not understanding what was going on.

The Fire Nation ship had caught up with Prince. And then let Prince go. That wasn't how things worked. The Fire Nation didn't just let things go.

They were close now. Not quite close enough to make out facial features, but close enough to see clothing.

There were two blue clothed figures on deck.

Hakoda wished his ships weren't already going as fast as they could go. He wanted to see them- he wanted to see his children so badly. Soon. Soon.


Aang blinked as Li- well. Zuko. Collapsed.


Aang had thought he didn't know a Zuko.

But apparently he did.

So- he had actually brought Roku's hello to the right place. That was good.

"What's happening to him?" Katara asked, and she looked so concerned.

That made Aang feel concerned. Well, he'd been concerned before- but if everyone else was worried than it was really bad.

Mushi- whose name was apparently Iroh, grimaced, placing a hand on Zuko's forehead. "I've seen this before," he said, voice soft. "It's a kind of spirit sickness. He should be fine, so long as he gets proper rest and treatment."

"If it's a spirit thing can I help?" Aang asked.

Iroh smiled at him. "Not this time. This- this is not that kind of Spirit trouble. But I thank you for your kindness all the same."

Iroh gathered some of the men to take Zuko down to his room.

And Aang worried.