Author's note: Hey-Hey people, ProphetOfPuppets here. The fic has been a great thing to invest my time in during the corona quarantine. Keeps me sane while I write this batshit story that rides the silly and serious rollercoaster constantly. This chapter is kind of one of my weirder ones thanks to all the jumping on pov but don't worry if you don't like too many pov jumps just leave a review and I'll split the pov jumps into their own chapters so we can have longer Overlord and Ainz pov chapters. I've also started to set up all the pieces in the big puzzle that will be Ainz tracking down The Overlord for good. Can't have Ainz or Demiurge pulling the solution from their ass like so many other fics. To anyone who might worry about this being a bit too one sided, don't worry. I have plans and bullshit to challenge Ainz mentally and physically. Fights are all fine and dandy but throwing an issue at people that they can't win from having a bigger power level is also fun.

Inside The Nether Tower, all the mistresses and Gnarl stood in front of the central portal that The Overlord would return from. With a mighty crash of lightning and a crescendo of sparks, The Overlord descended from the ceiling mounted portal. But something was clearly wrong. He was held like a puppet above the metal floor, strings of multicolored magic sparked around him as he twisted and grabbed at the air. Desperately seeking purchase on anything as he was suspended.

"My Overlord!" Fey and Gnarl shouted as Fey used her connection to her husband to command Minions to form a series of ladders and pillars made of minions to try and grab onto The Overlord.

"Gnarl! Shut it down! Something's wrong!" Screamed both The Overlord and his mistresses. A stack of brown minions jumped onto their overlord and tried pulling him to the floor but were sent flying when suddenly the suspended overlord began spinning like a top. Molten arcanium was sent flying as it was still dripping off The Overlord. Forcing everyone who wasn't fire proof to take cover behind the throne, statues, or behind slower minions.

The Overlord's weapons on his side stayed put until he was spun like a top, adding onto the molten mix of flying metal was also his weapons of death. The axe went sailing out of the throne room and into The Nethers chaotic storm that always surrounded the tower. His sword embedded itself into his throne, nearly cutting Gnarl's wrinkled scalp off. The mace actually was caught by one of the minions, or rather caught by the second minion after the first one's arms came off from the catching attempt.

Gnarl attempted to use his connection to The Nether Tower's magic to shut down the portal, but it was to no avail as he was sent flying back from a pulse of chaotic magic. The Overlord grabbed onto one of the prongs of the ceiling mounted gate in a desperate bid to anchor himself only for the entire magic gate to pull itself and him into the earth it was suspended from with an ear popping 'bang'.

A few tense minutes would pass until the ceiling mounted portal returned to The Nether Tower, sans its overlord cargo. Letting out a weak 'puff' of air as if the last gasp of a dying man.

The mistresses weren't too happy with this development. Juno paced about the throne room, muttering something to the tune of "Second time this month we've lost him, I can't take this happening so many times". Fay meanwhile was sitting on the throne with her eyes shut, trying to use the bracelet to connect to her missing husband. But Kelda, Kelda wasn't taking the answers from Glorn or Gnarl about the situation well.

"Damnit Glorn! Where is he!" yelled an infuriated Kelda as she held up the warlock above the ground by his robes. "Witchboy doesn't just 'become unfindable', you white bearded sop I will taxidermy you!" The nordbergian woman regularly killed and stuffed big game by herself in the old world, hence the threat having credibility.

Juno hesitantly put her hand on Kelda's shoulder as if she might burn from touching the peasant barbarian. "Come on sugar, ripping the head off the magic man isn't gonna bring The Overlord home any faster" Around them, minion maids swept up the molten arcanium to bring back to Giblet's forge.

"I-I agree with Mistress Juno! The portals to anywhere but the towers went dark after that spell cataclysm struck but The Tower and Nether Hearts remain undisturbed!" Stammered Glorn as Juno took her hand off Kelda. "When an Overlord meets his final death-usually at the hands of his moral superiors as mandated by the ways of good and evil, not another equally vile being-his domain usually reacts very...explosively and crumbles rapidly-yet the towers remain intact, my magic still works, the minions are confused but calm!"

Kelda let one hand release Glorn so she could reel it back to strike the warlock. "Explain in fewer words dictionary man."

Glorn recoiled as well as one could when they were being held up by a woman a head shorter than them but many ways stronger.

"An Overlord has to die at the hands of good for the death to even be considered for a final one! Evil can not kill evil!"

Kelda dropped him to the floor like a bag of books. A bit of library dust wafted off the dropped warlock as he pulled himself up back to his feet and brushed himself off. Kelda grunted. "And that Ainz fellow is pretty evil I assume? He's a lich right?"

Glorn nodded as Juno paced a bit, being careful to not step on the molten metal flung off her husband's armor. Juno interrupted Glorn before he could speak. "Do you think that hubby has been affected in any way by killing his dad a decade ago? His dad kills a god, becomes a god himself, then hubby does a little godly patricide himself but he's not a god but he isn't a man either, he did grow to be over nine feet tall instead of six in the years since then but…. he survived that spell Ainz hit him with."

Glorn scrambled his depths of forbidden knowledge to try and even find an answer. "The field of godhood has been…. unexplored but in the one example we have, yes it does appear that if you kill it, you get it, but a reminder his father spent a decade in hell-er The Abyss, absorbing its foul energies no doubt. Our Overlord however lives in The Nether and the normal world"

Fey got off the throne, stomping loudly to announce her presence and get all present to look at her. "What he is doesn't matter, we need to find him! Get that body he stole on ice, strip the corpse for all its valuables, put them in the treasury for safekeeping, then we send the minions out to find him!"


Meanwhile inside The Overlord's unconscious mind. He woke up in a foreign but clearly mental construction of real space. His counter invasion of his father's domain provided him with the knowledge to recognize it, it looks like The Abyss. It's got spiked rocks, most of it's on fire, filled with spiky spine-like growths, and has a giant mask wearing snakeman right in the middle. Whatever end to that body there, stretches down into a dark canyon into deeper parts of The Abyss. Right next to the long stretched out man was someone The Overlord might as well have been the spitting image of. Well, spitting image of The Overlord if he had spent 28 years in hell with just a whiny snakeman to listen to, dyed his skin a normal color, and didn't have boney spikes similar to the snakeman's protruding from his armor.

The last thing he remembers is first being shunted into The Overworld Tower, being thrown around like a ball in that throne room, before then being sucked back into the portal and tossed into The Nether Tower. Then being again used as a toy by an unseen force and thrown back into the portal. Presumably losing consciousness from the force of it.

"Oh, of course Father and The Forgotten God are the ones camping out in what I assume is my brain." The Overlord said exasperated. His suspicions were confirmed about the voice that appeared when he was attacked by Ainz Ooal Gown.

"Oh come on is that any way to say hello to your daddy Overlord?...Hmm no, Your OverDad? DadLord? I'll workshop it" The very hated parent said as he conjured a chair to sit on. "Anyway, introductions are in order, this is Bob."

"That is not my name" Complained The Forgotten God as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Well feel free to say your name if you remember it, you fool" Said The OverDad with a dismissive glance before he looked at his son.

"My name is-my name is-damn-it, she even took my ability to remember my own name" Wailed Bob, the forgotten god, as he retracted back into his hole slightly.

"This is why you don't cheat on your all powerful wife with a lesser creature" Said The OverDad before pulling a lever on his chair and turning it into a recliner.

The Overlord couldn't even begin to comprehend what was even going on in front of him. Both of these people were supposed to be very evil and terrifying but here they were just being washed up hasbeens. For evil's sake his father who had ascended to evil godhood is sitting in a plush recliner instead of a menacing throne and The Forgotten God, the very being that is supposed to be evil incarnate, seems to be whipped and muzzled like a dog by his dad.

Before the two gods could say anything else, The Overlord spoke up. "Ok, whatever kind of 'bit' you're doing here, just fucking tell me what you want instead of dragging it out into an hour long roundabout way of saying it"

That got OverDad's attention, his armor seemed to suddenly cease having a solid body inside of it and instead was filled with purple smoke as he blew over to The Overlord. Solidifying once he set his boots down in front of his son.

Becoming slightly gaseous as he swooped closer to his son's face to spit out a single name. "Lupusregina Beta"

Upon hearing that name, The Overlord's muscles stiffened and he gritted his teeth. A small burning coal of hatred sparked up in his heart when he heard that name. OverDad began hovering around his son as he continued.

"She beat you, no-correct that statement, destroyed you," He continued. "Blasted you with spells you had no preparation for, she was faster than you, she was crueler than you, and she was better than you."

"Shut UP!" Said The Overlord as he punched at the vaporous parent like a drunken man in a blind rage.

"Then she kills you, alone with no backup!" Said The Overlord's father as he, and The Forgotten God began to snicker and erupt into laughter. "She even crushed your royal jewels!" The sounds of the evil duo's laughter started to reverberate in the mental space as The Overlord put his hands to his head and seethed. Black vapor building around his body as he got angrier and his rage built up like a toxin in his heart. "You lost so badly that The Nether and Tower Hearts had to rebuild you from the ground up because you got SOFT! Is this how far you've fallen?! How pathetic! Bahahaha!"

The Overlord knew what this vapor was. It was Corruption, the metaphysical representation of evil, ever since he had won in his own world ten years ago it seemed to have abandoned him. But now it was back, it wasn't as thick as it was when he was burning villages regularly and putting Mother Goddess worshipers to the sword on altars to himself. Back then it was a thick cloud that hid his body's details but left his outline at least visible. Present day it was just a few strands of smoke but it was at least here.

"Gonna yell? Gonna get mad? Good! You're an Overlord! Losing to Ainz Ooal gown is something that I can understand! But-you-lost-to-the-help-he-employs!" The last part of that sentence punctuated with The Overdad mocking and sneering at his son with every word.

The Overlord knew he was being riled up, knew that his father was trying to drag out the Corruption that had gone dormant from ten years of peace and no serious evil. But it was working. The decade of peace he had undergone had dragged his morality somewhere to neutral with a leaning towards evil but he needed to get back on the properly evil wagon.

"Ainz and company gave you two losses in a row son! Don't make it three-give them a black eye for all their trouble"

"You're right.. I hate you… but you-are-right" The Overlord spat through clenched teeth and anger that seethed off him like steam.

"So this is what you're gonna do son, you're gonna tap into the wraiths, you took them from me after I took them from Bob" The OverDad said. "You kill a god, you get all that god's perks, the wraiths, the immortality, the power from worship, Et cetera."

The Overlord put his hands to his side after taking them off his head. "How? It's been ten years since I killed you and I haven't felt anything new?"

"That's because you're a fool, those black paladins? Those silent priests? Their prayers actually work but you've been rejecting them because they're annoying!"

"Quite literally starving your godhood of the things it needs! Such a disgraceful god, that's why you're more demigod than full god," Chimed in Bob as he put his hands to his face in a dramatic fashion. "Prayer is a god's bread and butter! Acknowledgement their oxygen! Temples their bones…. the metaphor is kind of weak at that last one but you get my point!"

"Sure you committed atrocities and created suffering but you subconsciously deflected all of the worship from yourself and your heart duo ate it up instead, The Tower and The Nether hearts mind you."

There was a pause as OverDad let that sink in. The Overlord finally put the pieces together.

"I did it because I hated you and mom, that's what you're gonna say, I hate gods or my parents or authority, something deep like that?"

"Ding-Ding-Ding! You were 18 when you started the fight against The Glorious Empire, you were still a horny, angsty, rebellious teenager! So the year after you won and I invaded, you were still a teenager striking out at anyone from spite!"

"Damn you, I'm a man now! 28 years of age and you're going to treat me as such!" Yelled The Overlord to his father's face.

OverDad poofed backwards a bit and returned to a solid, physics obeying form.

"No, no you're not, and until you throw off this angry man-child act, your ascension to deity and growth as an Overlord isn't going anywhere. That's the difference between me and you son. I was a full fledged hero and man with my own life before being an Overlord, you grew up raised by fucking hicks before getting kicked out of Nordberg once you could stand and wipe your own ass, then the minions raised you- and don't get me started on the failure of parenting that is minion parenting, because there is no parenting in minion culture"

"It's a miracle you're not a bigger disaster, those wives of yours have done a good job at sanding off your rougher edges when it comes to poor behavior" Bob the god said as he tried to be relevant in the discussion."Without them, I assume you would of been walking about the tower in your underwear, eating poorly, and doing whatever young men with too much time on their hands do"

"Shut up Bob!/Shut up Bob!" Both Overlord's snapped towards the deity. The Forgotten God retreated into the abyssal hole and stayed there.


Ainz Ooal Gown watched the spells fall upon The Overlord. His staff held tight as the final meteor spell fell onto his foe. "Lets see how two deaths affect you, hacker." he silently muttered as he watched the bright light of the meteor falling onto the area and leaving nothing but a crater full of ash. The shockwave blowing his robes around as he remains unmoving as a pillar in the sky. Invisible now as he waits for the chaos magic unleashed by the hacker overlord to fade away. Like dying serpents or ailing worms, the strands of chaos magic writhe and wiggle pointlessly until becoming nothing as they all seem to jump into a certain part of the ground.

Following the dying arcs of chaos magic with his eyes and hovering lower, it seemed upon observation that they all jumped into depressions in the ash crater that smoked like miniature volcano vents. Curiosity at the chance to find something he could use to track The Overlord buzzed in his skull, Ainz plunged his free bony hand into the largest 'vent' and pulled from it a fist sized orb of white hot smoking metal.

Even with his fire resistance, he felt it burn his skeletal fingers. Then it escalated from a simple burn to engulfing the entire limb that held it in flame as if he had doused himself in oil. On a hold over reflex from when he had flesh, he dropped it back into the ash, putting the flames out as soon as it left his touch. "Ouch…" He said more out of surprise than pain. Using [Telekinesis] Ainz hauled the blazing hot bead from the earth. His fire immunity should of blocked that but the object ignored it,

Looking at it now, it almost appeared to be a miniature sun made from a molten piece of metal. Yet it felt solid as a cold iron ingot despite clearly being white hot. It bore trace indentations from where his fingers had touched it despite that.

"[Identify item]" Ainz said with a flourish of his staff. Within seconds the anomalous material was scanned and gave Ainz a name and statistics. "Arcanium Slag Orb, Rarity: unknown, Material Grade: unknown".

"Well that's unsatisfactory….hm [Identify Greater Magic Item]" he said as he cast the next spell to further dive into the strange orbs origins. Pulling from his inventory, a chest made of adamantium to contain the anomaly after he finishes scanning it.

"Arcanium Slag Orb, Rarity: Error-First discovery, Material Grade:Error-Prismatic Ore, Properties: Magic Enhancement and Absorption, Exceptional durability"

Ainz cleared his throat, or at least made the action of doing so before he cast a spell used by PVP-ers.

"[Track Owner]" He said, and a magical connection hopped into the magical metal orb, and then popped a magically rendered screen of the target's location. It displayed a spiked stone tower on top of a snow covered mountain, any further geological features obscured by a blizzard around it.

Ainz leaned towards the magic screen, committing the image to memory. With a wave of his hand, he commanded it to zoom in much like the mirror of remote viewing.

With a sudden pop, the spell cut out. Leaving the strange metal hovering in the telekinetic grip of Ainz. The metal brightened, and Ainz could feel it sapping mana from him at an exponential rate. Releasing his telekinesis spell, it dropped to the ash crater's floor and with a loud crack that seemed to drain all sound from the world, exploded before his very eyes.

Everything went white for Ainz Ooal Gown. The sensation of gravity was lost to him. Confusion, stunned silence, and shock rattled him. When the blast vanished, and his vision cleared, Ainz found himself tumbling in the sky. His health having a large chunk taken out of it by the unexpected blast.

"[Fly]!" Ainz shouted as he fell. Regaining control of his fall as soon as the spell activated. What he saw now that he could focus astounded him. His nonexistent ears rang with the after effects of the blast. Ainz was sure that undead couldn't receive a concussion but that's certainly what it felt like.

The blast turned the crater to a glassed canyon in the earth, destroyed the eastern section of the unfortunate capital of The Re-Estize kingdom, and left a huge blue mushroom cloud at ground zero.

As Ainz hovered in the air, blue gooey glowing droplets began raining from the sky. They slid off his skeletal exterior as if they were nothing but he looked at them pool slightly in his bony palm. "What is it?" He said, very confused about what had just happened. This Arcanium had, for lack of a better term. Gone nuclear, as if it just had its atoms split. Now leaving a mushroom cloud and this strange blue fallout.

Not wanting to squander learning what the blue raining substance was. Ainz summoned a set of vials from his inventory to take samples. As he let the substance that collected in his palms, run into the vial. His eyes drifted to the human capital.

The kingdom had a terrible night. First the convoy attack, then the gates to the city being destroyed, then the spells he unleashed on The Overlord, finally this magical blast that ruined more of the city than he anticipated possible. Every window in the palace was shattered, fires were abundant, the dead and dying littered the streets. Blue glowing goo raining upon the citizens and their homes.

From this distance, Ainz could see very little but his need for information drove him closer. Still invisible, Ainz flew closer to see no trace of The Overlord's forces, either dead or retreated, but the things that caught his eye were the effects of the blue substance on the living.

It had mutated those it had fallen upon, purpling their skin and causing it to crack like burnt leather. Blue light poured from the seams of their shattered skin and their veins glowed with the same light. Even less fortunate citizens seemed to turn into blue slugs that began to spew the very same glowing blue goo.

He watched an unfortunate human peasant turn into one of the invertebrates. The transition from vertebrate to invertebrate could best be described as 'bones being thrown up'. This scene lacked any gore as all the fluid inside the person seemed to become the blue goo but regardless it triggered Ainz's emotional suppression. Whatever was left of Suzuki Satoru inside Ainz Ooal Gown felt dread from seeing the terrible transformation clearly play out. All that was left of the victim's humanity was cloth scraps, hair, and discarded hard tissues in a pile around the slug.

This was all he could proverbially stomach, mentally tired of this entire night. The blast had ruined his chances of chasing down Gazef's corpse and destroyed any evidence of The Overlord's existence. He didn't even care for the loss of life it must have just caused. He collected the chest that had been intended to hold the arcanium and left for Nazarick.


Ainz didn't expect to instantly have Albedo upon him when he returned. But upon first teleporting to the entrance of Nazarick's mausoleum, then to teleport into his home. It would be just his luck that he teleported using the guild ring so close to Albedo. Or rather upon further inspection, she had been in the process of sneaking into his room.

He thanked whatever god might be out there that she hadn't seen or heard him as she tried sneaking into his quarters but it complicates him trying to hide what he had been doing that night. Ainz would want to reveal what he did on his own terms, and not have it be discovered by one of the npcs.

'Don't turn around before I can teleport somewhere else' He thought to himself as he used the ring to bring himself to the guilds round table room. The circular table spotless as Ainz would go about privately repairing the gash in his robes that was made by The Overlord's blade.

"[Repair Greater Magical Item]" Muttered Ainz as he took his seat at the table. His invisibility spell was still active but with a word it was gone after he repaired his robes. The gash knitted itself closed, Now that he was sitting there, if any npc came upon him he had an alibi. It would be easy to explain his being there as simply being nostalgic for the days of the other supreme beings' presence.

He could almost feel Albedo shriek when she discovered his room to be empty. But he had bigger fish to fry right now. Ainz closed his eyes, and pictured a notebook with all his current information about The Overlord.

'The Overlord is a hacker; none of his items seemed to exist in the new world or in Yggdrasil. It caused the spells to malfunction when I used them to scan him. That had never happened when scanning a new world item.

The Overlord had jumped in levels in just two or three days instead of losing levels from dying. The Overlord had been killable by an lone Lupusregina Beta, when if he had been strong enough to survive attacks from a level one hundred player, that should not have happened. If The Overlord was under Lupusregina's level at Carne Village, then suddenly beyond her strength, enough to endure an instant kill from me and then to be killed from a concentrated effort of multiple spells.

That brought up two possibilities; The Overlord had boosted his levels as a knee jerk reaction to losing, or there were two of him, one below level sixty and one closer to level one hundred. Since those backup miniature overlords do exist, that makes sense. Which seemed more possible than gaining an absurd amount of levels in that short time frame. Nothing seemed to indicate a huge amount of creatures had died anywhere… wait… Katze Plains… was that what he was doing at that battle? If he is able to hack Yggdrasil, he might have invented an item that steals spare exp from kills that could bypass Avarice and Generosity... that complicates things… but this world can't be hacked, can it? So at the very least he has a finite supply of hacked in items'

Ainz would lean forward and put his elbows on the table as he put his hands together to think more. 'However if his supply of items is anywhere near Nazarick's treasury size, I could face an uphill battle against a foe I might not have expected to ever fight. This brings up logistics and dozens of other problems. Yggdrasil players can teleport anywhere and strike at any time, a hacker would have even less restrictions on teleportation. I should train the npc's in the art of counter pvp if they don't already know it. Most likely The Overlord is the only player surrounded by npcs that look similar to him. Most likely an ego thing, with luck I've encountered a solo 'guild' player, most likely he's alone because he's a hacker and too many under one roof would have gotten the devs attention… I know they say no one could hack Yggdrasil but that's what everyone says about their products'

A noise snapped him out of his thinking trance. Glancing up from the table, Ainz made eye contact with one of the homunculus maids. Who proceeded to bow and duck her head down to avoid meeting his gaze as she cleaned.


The two members of The Black Scripture entered the church. A long blue haired witch floating on a crystal ball and a blonde haired man wearing white and red. The blonde man interrogated the people who called them there while his companion began casting spells on the person they came to find.

The Windflower scripture agent was there in the church as well. They were wearing a mask to preserve their anonymity, it was hard to be an information gatherer if people knew what you looked like. Hell it's entirely possible that they're not even a man despite looking like one, such dedication to disguising their identities made them the expert spies of The Slane Theocracy.

First was the farmer that found their person of interest. He has already been interrogated by the Windflower agent but the best way to confirm something was true was to see if the person's story stayed the same no matter who asked.

"You're saying you found it like this?" Quaiesse Hazeia Quintia, better known as the 5th Seat of The Black Scripture asked. "And that it or rather he hasn't woken up despite any attempts to do so?"

The peasant nodded. "Yes Sire, found 'em in de ahm... crater, yeah, the crater." The farmer said. "Blew a hole in my field and when I came running to see, found 'em laying there, everything was dead in it, down to the worms and the ants."

Quaisesse squinted at the hick. "And you had to use multiple oxen to pull him from the crater?"

The farmer nodded again, keeping his head bowed. "Yup Sire, heavier than a boulder and hot like a brick left in the blacksmith's forge too long." He said as he would look at the figure that had been lying unconscious with a sheet over it.

"And you called for the constable, who called for a priest, who called for the mayor, who then called for the local lord, all upon seeing this man?" Quaisesse asked as he looked at the gathered figures.

The constable and his deputies, the local priest of the 6 gods, the mayor of this backwater town, and the local lord of this province of The Slane Theocracy. All of the gathered people looked back at him.

"Constable, what did you do upon seeing this man?" He asked.

The constable blinked and swallowed. "Eh... nothing until the priest came, only then under his judgement... we tried to exorcise the man, assuming his state to be of demonic origin or under the influence of a curse, attempted to break it." The deputies shifted in place nervously.

The priest spoke up. "And nothing worked, n-not in the way that a demon failed to be repelled, but instead the man there simply isn't possessed or demonic, holy water did not burn him, prayer did not wake him, and not even the holiness of the church affected him, blades and hammers did nothing to his skin either"

One of the deputies muttered. "Six gods save us, only they know who he is" Another elbowed him and kicked at a crate that was on the ground next to the covered man. "Plus we found these….firey metal bits all over the crater once we dragged em out….kept burning no matter what so we tuck em in a crate full ah bricks and that seems to keep em from burning a hole in it"

Quaiesse looked around the crowd of people that had gathered around the covered figure on the church floor. The Windflower agent still being shady as they wrote on a scroll about their own findings. They spoke for the first time since The Black Scripture had arrived.

"Can confirm, suspect had anomalous materials with them and is anomalously tough as well"

He was about to speak to the Windflower agent about their findings when his companion gasped. He turned to look at her. She had gotten off her crystal and had been casting her spells but now had recoiled from the target of her magic.

"Thousand Leagues Astrologer?" He asked. But his only response was her darting up to yank him by the ear to whisper to him. "He's the real deal, we need to bring him in"


The Black Scripture hadn't come across a situation like this in perhaps their entire history. Godkin doesn't come out of nowhere, they have clearly distinct family lines and usually the mentioned Godkin pushes what's possible for humans but never reaches an inhuman level.

But here was a complete unknown. John Doe was no heteromorph, or demihuman. All the spells to determine race that the 11th seat of the Black Scripture had cast on him simply returned with the result 'Null'. But the things they could determine were even in a clearly injured state, his life force surpassed any living being, his armor was damaged but still clearly well made and the gauntlet he had on his person was enchanted beyond mortal limits.

The 11th or sometimes known as 'Thousand Leagues Astrologer' had been acting strange ever since she convinced him to bring this man with them. They had come to the hamlet as quickly as they could. The man had been asleep for almost a week now, if you factored in the time when he appeared, the time it took to travel to him, and now the quickened return to their homebase. 11th wanted this man under her studying equipment, she seemed to be focused on unlocking his secrets.

The Windflower agent at the church had departed shortly before they did, saying something about putting feelers out to see what information they could gather about blue men that fall from the sky. But he doubted that was the only thing that agent was going to investigate, the mystery metal was another subject that the entire Slane Theocracy would be interested in.

Quaiesse caught 11th with her hands on John Doe's body more than once. She claimed she was investigating the texture of the unburnt skin but something in him told him that she had less scientific motivations.

Quaiesse pressed his thumb against his chin while in thought. Holding a chunk of the damaged armor in his hands as they rode back to The Black Scripture's hold. 11th had run some tests while they were on the move. It was heavier than any known element, in its cold state, it absorbed magic cast directly onto it while the hot metal enhanced magic that would be 'beneficial' as long as she tried pulling the magic from it. A 1st tier healing spell had seemed to go awry and caused a wounded bird she had found to be far more energetic and alive before abruptly expiring with an audible 'poof'.

11th dissecting the bird had found that its heart had gone and combusted, presumably from the healing magic going beyond its purpose and pushing the animal beyond its limits. Discarding the bird seemed to cause the 'life' that was still in excess, to seep into plants and cause their rapid growth then withering from the unsustainable expansion.

Quaiesse banned 11th from casting any more spells on it after freeing the caravan from thick weeds and grass that tangled it. A summoned cage and wagon that held the mystery man was right behind them. 11th didn't seem confident it would hold him but it would at least give them warning if he woke. She seemed disappointed about not being able to experiment. The difference between the cold metal and the hot metal was staggering. The hot metal burned with so much magic, she was sure if she could extract the magic fully from it, it could be used to fuel magic to surpass even the likes of Fluder Paradyne of the Baharuth Empire.

He had been surprised when 11th seemed to hide herself from the world. She had been like that ever since seeing the Katze Plains masacre through scrying. But this John Doe snapped her out of it temporarily. She seemed better but maybe that was just an act.

But now he would collect all his thoughts and conclusions about this figure for his report. 'Mysterious giant black and blue man appears with armor beyond normal people, no-perhaps his armor is a relic, but that does not explain the damage to the armor, if this man is godkin, what in the world damaged his relics to such a state while also rendering him into a coma we can't wake him from? Is this man an enemy of The Dragon Lords or Ainz Ooal Gown…. perhaps not… Ainz Ooal Gown does not seem the type to allow a foe to live once they draw steel against him, then again neither are The Dragon Lords merciful'

This did not bode well. How would he explain this decision to bring him to The Captain? The man seemed human enough, two arms, two legs, nothing that didn't belong to a human. Aside from the very clear difference in skin color, he inspected the comatose man further and found his eyes were golden. From the sclera to the iris, the entire eye was different shades of gold, appearing as one uniform color far enough away.

11th was hovering on her crystal as he rode a horse in the small caravan that had been made to escort the cargo to the hold. He decided he would confront 11th sooner rather than later and ask her why, why everything?

Clearing his throat, he decided to snap her out of her spell casting with a direct conversation. "11th, you have been acting very strange and very… concerned with this stranger" He said. "I am not enlightened with as much magical knowledge as you but surely you can explain why this discovery is so important?"

That prompting did snap her out of her spell casting. She scrambled to come up with something to say as she finished the spell "Oh 5th, the discovery of someone of his magnitude, wearing armor made of such a powerful material after the power Ainz Ooal Gown displayed at the Katze Plains, The Slane Theocracy must look for allies in unexpected places"

Author's endnotes: THE FORGOTTEN GOD AND THE 3RD OVERLORD KINDA LIVES BABY! That's right! Quentin3655 was on the point enough to be uncanny, I need to check and see if you've got a camera in my room where I write. Hopefully all of this isn't too much of a mind spin but the reviewers are really good at predicting what my outline says. But can you see the ways coming into the new world affected The Overlord characters, hopefully I made them clear enough but with enough bread crumbs it will make sense. For the fans of Fellowship of Evil, don't worry the netherghuls will get their time to shine. Also yes, The Overlord was canonically 18 years old when they were the main character in Overlord 2. I think Gnarl says something about you becoming of age when you start the tutorial. With the Glorious Empire ruling for 13 years and you being saved by the minions around age 5-6 makes it roughly 18-19 years old. Anyone who ever was 18 years old knows that we certainly aren't the paragons of maturity at that age. Take a few more guesses on the plot if you wanna. Chapter 8 is already 5 pages long and hopefully I'll try and keep chapters at 15 pages or less if people want them to be easier to read.