It was a lovely afternoon at Hyrule Castle. The sun shined bright in the blue sky, unhindered by clouds. Birds and squirrels chattered excitedly outside the castle windows, frolicking in the green, leafy branches of the tall trees in the surrounding forest. Stray leaves fluttered into the gentle current of the castle moat, along with the occasional flower petals. A soft wind swept through the woods, inviting the silent princesses, blue nightshade, and all the foliage to join in to the joyous dance of springtime. At the heart of the woods, the castle stood proud, it's tall towers watching over mother nature's own little kingdom.

Inside the walls of the mighty castle, Queen Zelda sat quietly in her study, making preparations for the christening of the child she was due to have at any moment. She carefully wrote out each invitation, personalized for the races they'd be sent to. Behind her, the Zora and Gerudo champions Mipha and Urbosa sat on a small couch, quietly discussing plans of how and when to reveal that they themselves and the other two champions were alive and well to the public. Zelda paid them no mind, figuring she'd discuss it later with her husband. She was brought from her thoughts at the sound of the door. One of the new handmaidens she had hired popped her head into the room.

"Your grace, Master Link would like to see you in the nursery. He said he had a surprise for you." The woman stated. Zelda nodded, and with the help of the two champions she got to her feet.

"Thank you. We'll be right down." The young queen said. The handmaiden bowed and left the room. One she had left, the three women started down the hall.

"I wonder what Link is planning." Mipha pondered aloud. Zelda shrugged.

"Who knows? Perhaps he's ordered a new toy for the little one."

"Maybe he repainted the room like you asked." Urbosa speculated. The champions helped Zelda down the stairs leading to the royal family quarters. The trio saw the Rito champion Revali standing outside the nursery. He was missing his shirt and had splotches of blue, yellow, and red paint all over his chest and head feathers. There was even a bit on his beak. He waved them over, uncharacteristically cheerful.

"There you are. We just finished."

"What did you do, take a birdbath in a paint bucket?" Urbosa joked. The proud Rito scoffed.

"Hmph. Only the one Daruk dropped on my head." He mumbled. Under his breath, he hissed something about a clumsy Goron. Urbosa burst out laughing; Zelda and Mipha couldn't hold back a few giggles either. "Ugh, just go inside."

When the girls stepped into the room, they were struck speechless. Link and Daruk were standing in the center of the room.

"Surprise!" Daruk shouted. Link just smiled and gestured. On the north wall, a beautiful mural of the four regions was painted, including the four divine beasts. In the center of the wall was the castle. It was astounding. Across the room was a crib with a mobile hanging over it. The mobile had a little stuffed dog, cucco, dragon, and korok. There was a couple rocking chairs in the corner and a nice dresser for the child's clothes. Plush toy sand seals were scattered around, varying in size and color. The other walls were a soft yellow, lined with pictures Link had taken of different flowers and animals. Zelda nearly cried, she was so overwhelmed with joy. What finally drew out the tears was the picture over the crib. The last photo the champions took before the Calamity.

*"Well, what do you think?" Link signed. Zelda smiled, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. She nearly knocked Link to the ground with the force of her hug. He laughed, hugging her back.

"I love it! Oh Link, it's incredible! Thank you!" She sobbed into his chest. Link smiled and sighed contentedly. He was happy his wife loved the nursery. Neither Hylian noticed the other four champions leave the room.

"Well, what do you think?" Daruk asked.

"You men did a great job." Mipha stated. Urbosa nodded in agreement.

"It was stunning. I'm sure the little vai or voe will enjoy it very much."

"I hope so. The mural alone took all day." Revali said.

"I believe it. It looks very detailed. I could even see shrines and towers."

"It was Link's idea. He wanted his child to be able to see Hyrule's scenery and know that they were born into a wonderful place. Or, something like that. He's kinda hard to understand sometimes." Daruk explained. He shrugged. "Anyway, all that painting made me hungry."

"What doesn't?" Revali quipped. "Although, now that you mention it, I could go for some fish."

"Dinner does sound good. I'll get Link and Zelda and you three go on ahead to the dining room." Urbosa suggested. She turned back and reentered the nursery. She wasn't surprised to see Zelda still fawning over the mural, Link standing proudly at her side.

"The others and I are going to start on dinner. Care to join us?" Link nodded eagerly. Zelda nodded as well, and they followed Urbosa out of the room.

After dinner, Link sat outside polishing the Master Sword by the front gate when he heard the tell-tale sounds of hooves. A black horse and his rider, face hidden by an unmistakable mask came to a halt in front of the gates; A Yiga clansman. His red and black clothes were distinctly different from that of a normal member; more ornate. His mask had two small horns at the top, resembling a demon. The Yiga, who was bigger than a foot solider yet smaller than a blade master, raised his hands.

"I request an audience with the Hylian champion! I come unarmed, alone, and in a truce!" He called. His voice seemed a tad familiar, but the Hylian champion couldn't place it. Link sheathed his sword, climbed up on the top of the gate, and glided down to meet the man.

"What do you want?" He signed. The man jumped down from the horse. He made a gesture and transformed into a normal Hylian.

"I am Kohga the third, new leader of the Yiga Clan. My father and his men were defeated by you shortly after he stole the Gerudo Thunder Helm. After that, as you may know, the remaining few attempted to ambush you. They were under my brother's rule, Kohga the second. In a last ditch effort, he tried to kill you himself. To state the obvious, he failed."

"So you've come to avenge him and your father?"

"No. When my brother died, and I became the clan's master, I vowed not vengeance; but to take Hyrule's throne." Link gasped. He drew his sword. "Ah Ah, no need for violence. I come only bearing a deal." Link put his sword away slowly. He glared at the man.

"What kind of "deal" are you talking about?" Kohga III smiled darkly.

"A duel. In six months, should you accept the challenge, we will fight for the hand of Queen Zelda and the throne. If you do not accept, I'll have my men wipe out every single Zora, Rito, Gerudo, and Goron in the kingdom. I won't rest until every last one is six feet under." Kohga III growled. Link, after a moment of stunned silence, sighed. There was nothing he could do. He knew he could never stop that many Yiga. He cleared his throat. To make things official, he wanted to speak up. He hadn't spoken since he said "I do" at his wedding; not using his voice for so long left it hoarse.

"I... Accept." The normally mute champion choked out. He signed the words as well, in case Kohga III didn't understand. He stuck out his hand, which the Yiga leader shook.

"Then I will see you in six months. The battle will take place in the throne room, the queen will bear witness and make sure no man cheats. We shall only be armed with our hands, and wits. The winner kills the loser. I honestly don't care for violence, and I don't want to kill anyone, but otherwise I will lose the respect of my men, and Hyrule will be endangered." Kohga III stated firmly. He snapped his fingers, once again donning his Yiga outfit. He mounted his horse. "Train hard, for I am unmatched in this field. As a handicap, I will not train."

"We'll... See." Kohga III nodded. He shouted a command to his horse and took off into the horizon. Link sighed.

*"I'm in trouble."

*sign language
