"Tell us what he did," Kai threatened.

Dr. Borg raised his arms, shielding his eyes from the dangerously bright light that was poised right in front of his face. He tried to recall what had happened hours earlier, racking his memory for any suggestable evidence that might be beneficial towards Garmadon's team.

"I had guards surrounding the building." He started.

The young man standing before him snorted. "And even that didn't work, did it, Dr. Borg? You still lost the teapot, remember?"

Borg gnawed at his lip, eyes searching the room as if the answers were there. "He must have slipped by them if my droids weren't able to detect a single trace of movement. He's like a ghost!"

Before the two could continue their discussion any further, a knock sounded at the door. Kai spun his head around, wanting a better look of the suspect who had killed the mood.

"Dr. Borg, is my brother bothering you?" His sister at the door joked, switching the lights on almost immediately.

Kai spun around on his heels defensively. "Hey! I'm trying to collect evidence from the crime! He is a witness, isn't he?"

Nya rolled her eyes, unamused. She pointed to the door, forcing him out. "Lloyd wants to see you."

With a pout, Kai carried his feet to the door with a long, exasperated sigh.

When her brother had gone, Nya switched off the reading light and turned it away from Dr. Borg. She helped him out, walking him to the nearest exit where Garmadon was waiting for them.

Nya spoke first, her tone soft and apologetic. "Sorry about my brother. He gets really excited whenever something big happens where he thinks he can dig up some dirt about Cole."

Borg rested his elbows on the armrests of his wheelchair, smiling fondly at Nya. "That's quite alright, my dear." A sigh between. "Although I am a bit worried that he got away with the teapot. A relic that old hasn't been touched in ages."

Nya nodded along as they came to a stop in front of Ninjago's finest officer.

The Chief sported a navy blue polo uniform, neatly tucked in and with a friendly smile, looking presentable as always. He sauntered towards the two of them with his hand outstretched out in politeness to greet Dr. Borg.

"Pleasure to see you again, old friend," Garmadon noted, patting his younger friend on the back.

"The same to you," Borg agreed with much enthusiasm.

Nya left the two to catch up as she sought out her brother. The one whom she had sent to find Lloyd because he had something important to fill him up on. However, that something was really nothing, since Nya figured it was the only way to get Kai to leave Dr. Borg alone from interrogation.

"Of course. Iced coffee, why am I not surprised?"

Kai looked up from the tip of his straw and at his sister. His smile instantly turned upside down.

"You told me Lloyd wanted to see me."

Nya grinned. "Yeah, I did."

"Well all he did was take me out to buy this!" Kai pointed an accusing finger at his drink. "I mean, I'm always down for some iced coffee, but we almost had him, Nya!"

The younger detective folded her arms across her chest, pouting. "I know, and believe me I would have loved if we could have brought him in as well. But he got away, Kai."

"He always gets away."

Nya pulled out her comm, swiping up to reveal the picture of a dorky looking space pirate - chocolate hair and speckled freckles, with an eyepatch and a bold smile. She flashed her screen at Kai, gesturing to the space pirate.

"Mmm, that's what you say, but I've been doing a bit of research, and I think I might know a way that we can finally catch him."

Cole leaned back in his chair, feet up on the table and a glimmer in his eyes as he examined the teapot greedily.

"You've done it again, Brookstone," he started, his reflection staring back at him through the teapot. "Once again, another successful heist."

He had only heard about it in legends, but to physically see it, to know it was truly real, that was the real prize Cole had been after. His fingers wandered over the displaced symbol, wondering if he should twist the pieces back into place.

Though the thief could care less about a djinn, or it's wish granting magical properties.

Besides, Cole had several other stolen goods that were perfectly capable of granting wishes as well. Like he'd trust any djinn. He knew better from the stories.

Cole stood up from the chair, turning up his tunes as he took the teapot into another room that was filled with various stolen artifacts.

If he were being totally honest with himself, it was getting lonely. But loneliness was just something that made him a weaker victim. Vulnerable, even. For years, Cole had grown to learn that working alone was the path to success. Acquaintances only blossomed into friendships, which led to complex relationships. Relationships only fostered emotions, which would send him spiraling down an endless rabbit hole of who knew what.

Which was why Cole had no regrets when he slipped through Kai's fingers just mere inches from being caught in his light.

Their relationship was a complicated, back and forth. Neither of them really liked the other. Kai was simply determined to catch the intergalactic fugitive, while Cole only enjoyed teasing him otherwise.

He placed the teapot carefully onto an empty spot on one of the shelves, confidently admiring it.

That baby was worth a fortune.

Unfortunately, Cole had no intentions of selling it ever. Everything he stole, he kept in this room. Untouched and out of arm's reach from anyone who would somehow manage to discover his hideout.

But that was as rare as a single star in the night sky. For now, everything was just fine.

And for now, he needed to plan his next heist.

He exited the room of stolen goods, the door shutting automatically behind him with a soft thud. Cole swiped his comm off the table, fishing through an abundance of news articles.

There was one about a new cafe.

Another couple articles on Garmadon's new intern: Harumi.

Then a several good number of articles covered his story from the heist last night.

But if he went all the way back to almost a week ago, Cole would find the news about the grand reopening of Ninjago's biggest museum.

And that, was where he would find the Yin Blade.

"Once again, another daring escape by Ninjago's criminal mastermind, Cole Brookstone." Gayle fixed her glasses on camera. "Borg Industries defenses weren't enough, it seems. What was stolen? An ancient, dangerous teapot known as the Teapot of Tyrahn. Stories have warned its users to be wary of their wishes, for-"

The television switched off.

Jay rested his chin in the palm of his hand, using his free hand to poke about the eggs on his plate.

He scoffed. If he knew any better, then there was no way Cole would actually use the teapot. That thief had far greater possessions for him to get sucked into a djinn who granted wishes.

Nonetheless, something about Cole struck him as fascinating. And no, he wasn't head over heels for the fugitive. At least he thought he wasn't. But it was something about the way the criminal moved. He'd studied all of Cole's tactics on the playing field.

The way he skillfully used charm and wits to wriggle himself out of a tough spot.

The way he gracefully landed on his feet whenever thrown a dangerous punch.

His flawless maneuver. His daring heists which never seemed to fail. Really, he was made for this.

Which led to the reason behind why Jay took the offer to bring Cole in. To meet Cole, in exchange for some reasonable compensation.

As a space pirate, he went around taking anything he liked, whatever he liked, and whenever he wanted. To some extent of course. Jay didn't like to go against the rules quite as much as someone like Cole would. It was somewhat of a moral code he sought to follow.

"Fantasizing about Cole again, perhaps?" came the voice of his tech savvy colleague, but most importantly, friend.

Jay's face flushed deeply and he turned around, cape hiding his distinct blush.

"N-No." He cleared his throat. "I was just… analyzing some details. It's none of your business."

Pixal smirked, raising an eyebrow. For an android, she certainly had some sass to her.

Jay waved Pixal's enthusiasm aside, moving past her and to the bridge. "Updates?"

"We have arrived. J-Bot is looking for a spot to land."

J-Bot was Jay's little robot helper. Something the space pirate had created ages ago when he was just a kid to be his sort of friend. Jay never got rid of him since.

Jay eyed the buildings outside the front window of his ship, taking a deep breath.

"Remind me again why I agreed to this?" He joked, fingers claiming the seat as he braced himself for landing.

He was about to meet, face to face, with two of Ninjago's finest detectives under Garmadon's squad.

Pixal only rolled her eyes.

Slowly, he scampered down the ramp, Pixal tailing not too far behind him. He stopped in front of who he assumed were Nya and Kai, the ones who had brought him here in the first place.

Nya outstretched her arm to Jay, a smile across her face. Jay returned it hesitantly whilst Kai stood behind her, swirling a drink in his hand: iced coffee.

The younger detective gestured Jay towards her brother. "Kai, this is Jay Walker. Space Pirate who agreed to help us take Cole in." Jay waved sheepishly.

"Can you really do it?" Kai snapped, taking one terrifying step forward. Jay nearly flinched himself, taken aback and off guard.

Jay gripped the ends of his cloak tight, nodding. "Um, I-"

"Of course he can. That's why I hired him, Kai." Nya looked to her brother confidently. She thumbed a finger at Jay over her shoulder. "We're going to get Cole one way or the other. And if anyone can do it better than we can, it's him."

Kai scrunched his nose, tossing the empty cup into the nearest trash. He looked Jay dead in the eyes. "Something about you makes me hesitant to trust you, but I will if I have to. However, I will tell you this Jay Walker: if you fail to bring in Cole - turn your back on us and refuse to bring in this galaxy's most wanted criminal - you're going to get more than just prison bars."

Jay held his breath momentarily, trying to maintain a clear and composed form in front of Kai and the others.

"Leave the guy alone, Kai," Nya butted in, stepping between the two of them. She held her brother back, a hand on his chest. "But he's right," she told Jay, "this is a deal between us, which means you must bring him in or else there will be consequences."

"Right." Jay relaxed his once tensed shoulders.

Nya nodded. "Then good luck."

Jay plumped down onto an empty chair when he was back in his ship. He had never felt so pressured in his life.

"I realize Kai must have scared you out of your boots," Pixal teased, closing the hanger doors as J-Bot prepared for take off.

The space pirate gladly chuckled, wiggling his feet around. "Fortunately, I'm still in my boots." He reached to scratch the back of his neck nervously, "But yeah, he must have been ticked today. I heard it was a close call when they found Cole at the robbery last night."

Pixal nodded in agreement. Then a thought struck her. "What makes you think you can catch him, then?"

Jay grinned smugly, jumping out of his seat and pulling out his comm. He showed his notes to Pixal. "I've been doing some research, and I learned quite a few things, if I do say so myself. For starters, Cole's always working alone, which means that relationships seem like something that only gets in the way."

"I fail to see the reasoning behind that. Wouldn't that make it harder for you to get him to trust you?"

"Maybe. Yeah." Jay shrugged. "But I'd most likely be the first. All I have to do is gain his trust. Get him to think that I'm on his side."

"You would be playing him like a puppet."

Jay stuffed his comm back into his pocket, clenching his fists. "He's a criminal! And besides, I'm getting paid good stuff for this." He stood, hovering behind J-Bot, checking out the coordinates on the screen.

"He's going to be after the Yin Blade next." Jay deadpanned, setting a new route.

"The museum just announced their grand reopening a couple days before he stole the teapot. We'll meet him there."