~ Lady Akitsu ~ Konichiwa, minna-san! I know it's been awhile, and so I bring you another chapter along with my sincerest apologies. *bows* Gomen nasai! ^_^; I hope you all can forgive me. Anyways… On with the story! ^^;;

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ranma ½ nor any of its characters. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi-sama. I do, however, own Sabriel. So, ask first if you want to use her character.

KEY: Italics for thoughts, foreign words, or book titles, ALL CAPS for shouting or sounds, and bold for emphasis in speech.

The Sabriel Series, Part I: Enter Sabriel

Chapter Seven

            As Ranma rushed headlong through the usual morning crowds of schoolchildren gathered in the front courtyards of Furinkan High, he lead behind him an enraged Akane. The skirts of her school uniform billowed out behind her as she ran, revealing a pair of strong and shapely legs, which were slightly blurred from normal sight at the moment due to the high speeds they were moving. However, once again, Akane's speed was of little merit compared to Ranma's.

Ranma, you jerk… How will I ever measure up to you… thought Akane as she narrowed her eyes at his quickly retreating back. Her steady breathing pattern was rapidly dwindling into a frenzied panting. Akane could hear her heart's frantic pounding tattoo in her ears, and it felt to her as if it would soon leap out of her chest at any moment.

This is going nowhere fast, and that idiotic fiancé of mine is getting farther and farther away, no matter how fast I try to go…At this rate, I'll never catch up to him! Akane realized. There must be something I can do…Her eyes glanced around her, taking in scene, when they finally settled on her black briefcase-like bag, gripped tightly by her right hand.

Waitaminute… That's it!! she thought with a smirk. If I can't get to him, maybe this thing will… It's worth a shot. Akane suddenly stopped running and slid to a stop, swinging her bag behind her and twisting her waist as she did so.

"HEY, RANMA!!" she called out to him and swung her arm forward, letting the bag fly. Ranma jumped and turned his head to look over his shoulder, his expression puzzled.

What the…? What's that tomboy plannin' on doin' this time? Without warning, Ranma's vision was quickly filled by a rapidly spinning black mass heading straight for him.

"Oh, sh-!" was all he could manage before the bag collided with his skull with a loud WHAP! He stumbled back, forced off his balance. Unfortunately for Ranma, the noise gathered the attention of everyone in the area, which included Kuno, who had just arrived. Akane smirked, satisfied, as she walked up to where Ranma stood with a dazed look on his face and a large red bump on his forehead.



Ryouga frowned. It had been at least an hour since they first started down the mountain range, and they weren't even close to a third of the way down. As he looked about him in the palest of twilight surrounding him and his ever mysterious traveling companion, he shivered and vainly tried to warm himself up by rubbing his arms as he trudged on ahead in cold, wintry atmosphere. Ryouga sighed and shook his head.

If this trip keeps going at the rate it's at right now, we'll be dead before we ever make it to the bottom of this damned summit Ryouga thought despairingly. He knew that they must find shelter to at least last the night, and soon. Ryouga shuddered at the very thought of the consequences if they didn't. Frostbite and amputation were definitely not options, especially for martial artists.

Ryouga quirked an eyebrow at that thought. Why would I say that in plural? I mean, how exactly could I tell that this hooded woman was a martial artist? He looked ahead for her and watched her, analyzing how she walked from behind.

She definitely has the movements of a natural martial artist. Gods, she certainly is graceful, isn't she? And for a cloak, it really is rather form-fitting on her… and what a fine figure it is, too. A slow grin crept up onto his face as he thought this, along with a hint of a blush on his cheeks. Well, that was shortly before he realized what he was just thinking and quickly reigned in his wandering (not to mention slightly lecherous) thoughts before they went any further.

My god, what the hell am I thinking?! Ryouga mentally shouted at himself with a horrified expression on his face, his eyes dilated and opened widely in shock. His face had flushed to a shade of crimson only comparable to Ranma-chan's hair, and despite the frosty weather, Ryouga began sweating as if he were in a sauna.


~ Lady Akitsu ~ Sorry about such a short chapter! I know; it's a cop out. It's just that I have so many ideas bouncing around in my head that I can't put them to words! Argh! Baka writer's block!! *smacks self* _ Anyways, I hope you liked what I have so far, and please be sure to stay tuned; there's plenty more wackiness and soap opera-ness to come! ^^; And as always: reviews, comments, and questions are always encouraged and greatly appreciated! ^^;