They popped out of hyperspace well above the plane of the Hosnian system with the intention of avoiding most of the accretion disk. Even so, alarms began to blare as debris impacted their shields immediately. It was a rough ride as they determined if the six ships of his small fleet could survive. Projections had been that they would, but you never knew such things for sure until it had happened.
They were fine.
Their mission was a simple one: destroy any military ships they found and discourage any civilian ones from lingering. Also, they were to assess the damage done by Starkiller Base and the general condition of the star system. Other than that, they were simply loitering, being a presence, making sure everyone knew the First Order owned this space now. As if the galaxy didn't already know that.
Pryde snorted softly to himself as he looked out the viewport. The First Order owned the entire galaxy. No one could stop them. Even now, Hux was taking his own fleet to D'Qar to wipe out the Rebels who had destroyed Starkiller Base. In a few hours, it would all be over.