Okay, so I know Ahk was probably a bit younger in the movies, but in this story, I made him my own age ;) 25. Rami Malek himself was 24-25 when he played Ahk in the first movie, so I thought it would be alright :) enjoy the chapter! It was my favourite one to write so far!

As they approached the museum, they could hear loud music and see the bright lights coming from the main entrance.

"We have to go in through the back. Larry locks the front for obvious reasons," Ahk said.

Once they entered the museum again, Ahk took his and Amara's coats, and quickly dropped them off in the Security Office to dry. Then, they made their way down to the main hall. The exhibits were all enjoying themselves. There was a large staged dance floor, and music was blaring over the intercom. A few of the exhibits were playing soccer. A massive food station was set up as well. Amara looked around, bouncing up and down in her cute, excited way.

"So, this is a party?"

"It is," smiled Ahk. "What do you think?"

"It's amazing! Though, I don't think I could eat another bite though…"

"It's alright, neither can I."

"Hey guys!" They both turned to see Larry walking over to them. "How was your evening?"

"It was marvelous! Larry, thank you for allowing it!" Amara answered, her voice laced with joy.

"You are welcome anytime, Amara. I knew Ahk would look after you on your first night in the big city." Amara smiled up at Ahkmenrah, squeezing his arm to show her appreciation. Larry then turned to Ahk, who was giving him a death glare.

"'Tomber amoureux à Paris', Larry? Really?" he asked in a sassy tone.

"Hey, my French isn't that great!" Larry defended. Amara giggled at how serious Ahk was trying to be. "And the Valentine's Day special for two?!"

"Umm… you know, I think Attila is calling me, I'll catch you guys later!" Larry winked at them and ran off.

"What a liar," Ahk and Amara both said at the same time, and chuckled.

"So, Amara," Ahk held out his hand. "Will you honour me with a dance?"

She looked at him nervously, "I do not know how to dance…"

"Let me show you," he took her hand gently in his, before leading her onto the dancefloor. Just then, a new song began playing; Blinding Lights by the Weeknd.


I been tryna call
I been on my own for long enough
Maybe you can show me how to love, maybe
I'm going through withdrawals
You don't even have to do too much
You can turn me on with just a touch, baby

Ahk placed one of her hands on his shoulder, and the other he held gently in his.

"Now, just sway back and forth with me," he guided her, "move your feet with the beat of the song. No, no, let me lead you. You just relax. And don't look at your feet," he quickly took his hand momentarily from her waist and put it under her chin, lifting it so that her eyes met his.

I look around and Sin City's cold and empty (oh)

No one's around to judge me (oh)

I can't see clearly when you're gone

I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights

No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch

I said, ooh, I'm drowning in the night

Oh, when I'm like this, you're the one I trust

Hey, hey, hey

"This is not as easy as others make it look," Amara remarked.

Ahk smiled at her. He found her to be the sweetest. He could tell that she was a bit nervous at the way he was holding her. But he knew that it wasn't the type of nervousness where she wanted him to leave her alone; he could feel that she needed him as much as he needed her. So, he continued to guide her to the music.

I'm running out of time

'Cause I can see the sun light up the sky

So I hit the road in overdrive, baby

Oh, the city's cold and empty (oh)

No one's around to judge me (oh)

I can't see clearly when you're gone

I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights

No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch

I said, ooh, I'm drowning in the night

Oh, when I'm like this, you're the one I trust

I'm just walking by to let you know (by to let you know)

I can never say it on the phone (say it on the phone)

Will never let you go this time (ooh)

"This is a nice song," spoke Amara. "Ahk, I'm so glad you asked me to accompany you tonight. To be honest, a creature like me could never hope to dream that a great pharaoh like you would ever want to spend time with her."

Ahk could not handle it anymore. He would tell her tonight. He looked at Larry, who, a moment later luckily made eye contact with him. Ahk gave a small nod, to signal something, which Larry immediately understood. He went over to the computer and began working on something. In the meantime, Ahk took his hand from her waist to her cheek, brushing a strand of hair that had fallen out from her perfect curly ponytail, behind her ear.

"Amara do not look at your feet. Eyes on me," he whispered. When she lifted her eyes, he smiled gently at her, his hand still caressing her cheek. "You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in life and in death." Amara had a momentary look of surprise pop onto her face. Then she blushed, and tried to look down again, but Ahk stopped her, holding her face up with his hand, "No, keep those beautiful eyes on me," he whispered, smiling.

I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights

No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch

Hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey

I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights

No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch

Once the song ended, the lighting in the room changed. Instead of the bright pinks and greens that were shining to the upbeat music of the last song, the lights dimmed to a dark blue, with small white lights sparkling across the room. The music slowed and the song began.

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars

I'm gonna give you my heart

"How do we dance now?" asked Amara, unsure of what to do. Ahk looked at her gently.

"Sway slowly with me, to the music. Here," he took her hands in his and lifted them up to his shoulders before placing them there. He then brushed her cheek again, before nudging her head gently to lean on his chest. His own hands he placed on her tiny waist. Then, he slowly began to sway them to the music.

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars

'Cause you light up the path

"Are you happy here, Amara? Are you happy at the museum?" he whispered into her ear. He would tell her how he felt. He would risk everything. Even if she did not feel the same way, he would still be there for her. Forever. But if there was even the slightest chance that she would feel the same way… he needed to know it; to not waste another moment.

I don't care, go on and tear me apart

I don't care if you do ooh ooh

She took a moment to respond. "As happy as one can be when their life has been taken away from them." Ahk lifted his head, which was resting on hers, causing her to do the same. Their eyes met and he saw great sadness in her. It tore him to pieces and shattered his heart. Was she really so unhappy here, with him? "I mean, I love spending time with you. Please don't get me wrong. I am sorry that I never tell you about my home. I know you are curious. You ask often. But Ahk, I miss it. And it hurts me too much to think about it, remember it, let alone tell you. I miss my family. I miss the water. I am, after all, a mermaid. Yet I cannot remember the last time I was in the water. I feel cold all the time… incomplete, like a part of me is missing somehow. There is no comfort of water surrounding my body." Ahk had never in his life wanted anything as much as he wanted to kiss her he in this very moment. To take away even the smallest bit of sadness from her.

'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars

I think I saw you

But she went on. "I used to swim up to the surface of the ocean and use the water as a bed. I would lay on my back and look at the starts. But it has been forever since I saw one star, let alone a sky full."

They continued to sway. Ahk did not know what to say. He completely understood her. He missed his mother and father. He missed Egypt. He was lonely, and he could feel that she was too. Ahk couldn't imagine how she felt being out of water. It hurt him to think that. So, he stayed silent, until the last three lines of the song came. She leaned her head back onto his chest and he whispered the lyrics to her as they danced,

'Cause you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars

Such a heavenly view

You're such a heavenly view

She was a heavenly view to him. She was everything to him. Maybe they hadn't known each other for more than two weeks. Maybe she hasn't told him that much about her home. But he was completely in love with her. He would do anything for her.

And then, out of nowhere, an idea hit him.

"Come with me," he whispered, before taking her hand and pulling her off the dance floor.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," he smiled at her, "but you'll love it."

As they walked hurriedly down the halls, he never let go of her hand. A short while later, they arrived at a large sign: "the Hayden Planetarium"

"Close your eyes, Amara." He whispered to her. She looked at him quizzically, and he asked, "do you trust me?"

"With my life," she whispered back.

"Close your eyes and give me your other hand. I've got you," she did as she was told. As he led her inside, he couldn't help himself, he let his thumb massage small circles into her hand. He couldn't get enough of the feel of her milky white skin. He was head over heels; there was no point denying it any longer.

"Can I open my eyes?"

"Soon," he led her to a railing, placing her hands onto it. He then moved to stand close behind her. So close, that he could feel the heat off her back radiating onto his chest. He took a deep breath, inhaling her beautiful scent, before whispering to her, "okay, open your eyes."

A gasp escaped her lips. They were standing under billions... trillions of sparkling stars. Stars surrounded them on all sides. It was as if they were the only two beings in the universe. And they did not mind at all. "Oh my..."

"Do you like it?"

"I- Ahk, I don't know what to say..."

"Don't say anything. Just enjoy,"

They stood like that for what felt like hours but was mere minutes. Neither one saying anything. Ahk took a breath. 'Okay, now or never, tell her!' He commanded himself inwardly.

"Amara," he whispered.

She was still so captivated with the stars that she missed the gentle way he said her name, muttering simply a 'yes?'

He took another breath and whispered again,

"Amara, look at me." She sensed the seriousness of his tone and immediately turned to face him, gasping at how close he was. He gently leaned in and placed his forehead on hers. "Amara, there is something I must tell you. I don't want you to feel pressured. I just need to get this off my chest. I need you to know."

"Okay," she whispered, lips only an inch away from his, "What is it Ahk?"

"Since the moment that I met you..."

"So sorry to interrupt this... PRECIOUS moment," came a voice behind them that Amara did not recognize. Ahk on the other hand, went immediately stiff under Amara's hands. He blocked her and breathed, "stay behind me." She looked at him confused.

"Oh please, don't stop on my account. Go on, baby brother! You were about to spill your heart out. Let's hear your sad story."

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here? This cannot be real," Ahk spoke through gritted teeth.

"Oh no, that's right! You HAVE no sad story. Mommy and daddy gave you EVERYTHING. Including, my birthright! My rightful place as 4th king!"

"No sad story?" Ahk looked at his brother surprised, before anger clouded his features. "How about my brother running a blade through my heart when I was only twenty-five, as I slept?"

"Still sulking about that, are we? Well, looks like you're doing just fine."

Suddenly, ten others entered the planetarium. From what Ahk has told Amara about ancient Egypt, they looked like Horus warriors.

"Kahmun, what are you doing here? What is it you want from me now?"

"Come now, baby brother, is it not obvious? I want your happiness taken away from you. MUH!" He barked a command to the bird-like creatures. Four of them stepped forward and grabbed Ahk, pulling him away from Amara.

"No!" He yelled out, struggling against the Horus' firm grasps. Ahk was strong. But two on each side was impossible to escape.

Kahmunrah turned his attention to Amara, who was still standing against the railing, eyes wide in fear, confusion written all over her face. He approached her slowly.

"My, my, aren't you a pretty one," he smirked.

"Amara!" Ahk yelled, "Get away from her!"

"Now why would I do that? She is a very beautiful girl,"

"Ahk..." Amara whispered in a shaky, frightened voice. "Ahk what do I do?"

"Amara, RUN!"

She instantly ran to the left to dodge Kahmunrah, only to have her path blocked by a Horus. She gasped, as Kahmunrah strode to her and grabbed her wrist, pulling her to him.

"I think we have all we need here, boys. You four, stay with him. Make sure he does not follow us," He indicated to Ahk, who was using all his power to struggle against the bird warriors.

"Brother, wait!" Ahk pleaded. "I will give you anything. I will give you the title, give up my claim to the throne. You shall be the rightful pharaoh. Anything!" Amara looked at him with big eyes. She couldn't believe that he would do all of this for her. He continued. "Or better, kill me again!"

"No!" Amara pushed herself away from Kahmunrah to no avail. "Ahk no, don't say that!"

"Why, look at little brother! Willing to give up the things he protected all his life... for a girl. She must be some girl to deserve that honour. Or perhaps, you are the same fool you were in life, Ahkmen," Kahmunrah looked at Amara with a sneer, "no matter, I suppose I will find out the answer myself."

"Brother please, just kill me again. End this! Do not involve Amara. She is innocent!"

"Innocent?!" Kahmunrah exclaimed, "no one is ever innocent. Why on earth would I kill you, brother? I got everything I need. You see, I had some inside help in getting here. A certain group of pirates forged some transfer papers for me and my men to get here," he explained, "when I awoke, they had the perfect deal for me: they would give me your tablet if I were to end a certain mermaid's existence. So, while you were gone, they snuck into your tomb." He held onto Amara tightly with his right arm, and with the left, he reached into his cloak and pulled out Ahk's tablet. "You see, baby brother, I already have the tablet. And now, I have your girl. I will not kill you. I will make you suffer knowing that you're left with nothing!"

Ahk would not stop struggling. He looked at Amara, her eyes full of tears, but there was something else. An emotion, a longing he could not decipher. Kahmunrah said something to his men, before dragging Amara out of the planetarium.

"No! Amara!"

"Ahk!" She screamed, "Ahk, I love you! Forever, I'll love you!" Before she disappeared behind the door. Ahk was at a loss. Had she truly just said those words to him? Had she truly told him she loved him? Had everything he's been wishing for over the past weeks come true?

"I'm an idiot," he whispered to himself, as the warriors continued holding him back, ensuring he wasn't following. Then, after a minute, they pushed him down, before hurrying out the door, locking it behind them, leaving him alone in the planetarium.

Ahk quickly got up and reached into his pocket and pulling out the phone. He dialled 1.

"Hey, Ahk, where'd you and Amara disappear off to?"

"Larry! He's got her! He's got Amara!"

"Woah, woah slow down, pal, who's got Amara?"

"My brother! Kahmunrah! Imagine the worst human alive. My brother is a million times worse! Please Larry, he took her! I'm locked in the Planetarium!"

"Uh, okay, I'm on my way, Ahk. Just hang on. I'll be right there."