Hey guys! I hope you like my story. Thank you so much for reading! :) it will take place sometime after the 1st movie but before the second one, in the time where Larry is still a night guard. I'm not sure yet if I will incorporate the other two movies into the story, but we'll see! Anyways, here you go!
When she came alive for the first time, Amaryina did not understand what was happening. All of the sudden, she could breathe. But she quickly realized that something was wrong. There was no water around her. She was perched on a stone and behind her, the wall was painted blue, resembling an ocean. And yet, she did not have any real water. She was inside a building, that much was obvious relatively quickly. There were others nearby. But the mermaid didn't have time to observe them. She had bigger things to worry about.
As there was no water nearby, Amaryina realized that her worst nightmare was coming true. The bottom half of her body began to ache as it stretched and change. She cried out and immediately tried to shut her mouth as she was drawing attention to herself and that's the absolute last thing she needed. But it was never a pleasant experience when a mermaid tail shifted into legs. Amaryina had never experienced it herself, but she heard stories.
Tears running down her face from the pain, Amaryina held a hand over her mouth and whimpered. It all took about 30 seconds, and she had a pair of bare legs. They were long and smooth. Beautiful. She dreamed of this, of the day she could finally walk; see the world. Be normal. But not like this... she didn't have any clothes on other than the top she had to match her tail. Amaryina lifted her head and noticed she had quite a little audience gather around her. Gasping, it took her some moments to truly realize what situation she was in.
The others just stared at her. Eyes unblinking, curious. No one seeing her discomfort and shock. No one saying anything. All Amaryina could think about is getting away. She scrambled up, throwing her long, dark brown hair over her shoulders, and jumped off the rock in an attempt to escape her audience. Once she landed, she expected to run to the next room, where hopefully she'd be alone to figure all this out. Only problem was, she failed to consider that she's never used legs before. As soon as she stood, her knees gave out and she collapsed. She tried again. And again. Same thing. Amaryina felt so defeated. So, she sat there, hugging her knees on the floor, at the base of the rock she just jumped off. Her ocean blue eyes shut tight, cascaded by her long, thick lashes. Her small body shaking with sobs; her pale skin covered with goosebumps. She had no idea where she was or what happened to her. How did she end up here? Where was her mom and dad? Her sister? Why was she alone here? A voice shook her out of her thoughts. It spoke a language she did not understand.
"Va bene, lo spettacolo è finito! Vai fuori di qui! Partire! Adesso! Velocemente!" The voice sounded commanding and was followed by whispers from the crowd. Amaryina opened her eyes and blinked back the tears that were blurring her vision to see the statue man shuffling everyone out. With one last look at her, he too was gone.
Amaryina was now alone in the large, cold room. She took a deep breath and tried to think. What was she to do next? Where was she to go?
On the other side of the museum... Movie night. That is how Thursdays were spent in the museum. The guardian of Brooklyn would bring his "portable projector" as he had named it, and the box would shine light onto the wall, telling a story for everyone to see. Normally, the stories were truth, or would teach Ahk about the world outside the museum, about this new world. After all, he lived 4000 years ago. Some things have changed and he wished to learn. So, he enjoyed movie night. However, Jed and Octavius had insisted that this Thursday, the movie would be something called "Star Wars". Larry had explained that it was not real, and Ahk had lost interest. He simply did not understand the point of watching something which obviously never had and never will happen. What was the benefit? He tried to watch the first 20 minutes of it, but he decided that taking a long walk through the halls alone would do him some good.
Truthfully, as much as he did not want to admit it, he was lonely. The others, before Larry became a night guard, had years to form bonds. They were all close and knew one another on a deep level. When Ahk was released, at first everyone feared him. Then they accepted him. But he did not feel any bonds. Teddy was always warm towards him, but Ahk could not help feeling out of place. It was not the first time.
Ahk stopped in front of his tomb, observing it. Even when he was alive he felt loneliness. He had his parents, and his hateful brother. But the people would look and treat him as the royal he was. Everyone feared him; wished to be him. And all he ever wanted was companionship. Ahk took a deep breath, and a smile crept on his face as he remembered dressing up in the clothes of one of their male maids and sneaking out of the palace.
He heard someone running down the hall. It got louder and louder until Columbus turned a corner and sped past him. He tried to call after him,
"Everything alright...?"
"No! Ho bisogno di una donna! Non andare nella stanza della mitologia!" He yelled back at Ahk without stopping or turning around. Ahk raised his eyebrows and shook his head, having no idea what Columbus is yelling about. He took a breath and tried to get back to his thoughts. But not even a moment later, he looked down the hall again, seeing Columbus disappear behind a corner. Something in his heart skipped, and told him to follow. So, he jogged to keep up with the metal statue.
After a few moments, they were coming up to the movie room. Ahk could hear zapping and zooming from the speakers. But Columbus interrupted everyone by bursting in yelling.
"La nuova mostra è qui! Lei non può camminare! Lei è nuda Ha bisogno di pantaloni! Abbiamo bisogno di una donna lì adesso! Lei ha bisogno di aiuto!" Ahk was right behind him through the door. Larry pauses the movie and ran up to Columbus.
"Woah! Hey! Slow down Chris! You know I can't understand Italian. What's going on?"
Columbus sighed and rolled his eyes, clearly exasperated.
"Eh... New girl, si? She is-uh there. She- eh how you say... naked?" He then looked at Sacagawea and Rebecca. "Please-uh come, si?"
The two women jumped up and Columbus made for the door with them and Larry. Ahk turned around to see the rest of the museum follow as well, filled with curiosity.
"Larry..." he caught his attention. Larry immediately made for the speaker. "Hey guys! Everyone, please SIT DOWN! You can all meet the new exhibit tomorrow. She is scared right now. Probably has no idea what's going on."
"Oh, come on, gigantor!"
"No, Jed. Stay and finish the movie. You two really wanted to watch it. Last thing she needs is more stress and more... unusual."
"Says the giant!"
"Jed, we've been over this a million times, I'm not a giant!"
"Vieni più veloce!" Columbus interrupted, waving his hand.
"Guys, please." Larry tried again.
"Fear not lad," Teddy spoke up. "I got everyone under control here."
Larry nodded towards the president with a look of appreciation. And then he turned to Ahk.
"Hey, come with us. I know you will act with decency. We may need some help."
Secretly, Ahk was hoping Larry would ask him to. He could not help himself. He was curious. "Of course, Larry."
Larry hesitated, "But... maybe lose the crown. We need to seem as ordinary as possible."
"As you wish," Ahk smiled, removing the crown and setting it down on one of the speakers at the exit of the Theater room.
They all began jogging down the hall towards the room of mythology, quickly stopping by the locker room while Rebecca grabbed a bag.
"Larry," Ahk spoke while they sped down the halls, "who is the new exhibit?"
"A mermaid. I completely forgot they were bringing her in today. I should have prepared more."
"We forget. It happens, even to guardians," Ahk said kindly with a smile.
Once they arrived at the now closed doors of the room. Columbus held out his hand to stop Larry and Ahk, "Fermare!" Then indicated to Sacagawea and Rebecca to enter.
That's it for the first chapter, the second one is coming! Have a great day everyone :)