Hello, this is Con-Man TF2. First of all, let me express my thanks for deciding to give this story a read. This idea has been stirring in my head for a few years and I ultimately decided to share it on Fanfiction. Please note that this is my first attempt at writing a story, so my grammar may not be 100% accurate, but I will try my best. Also, I haven't completely thought of EVERYTHING yet, so there will be a few hiatuses here and there, but it will be because I am either busy with real life issues or trying to plan out parts of this story. I would appreciate some feedback and criticism so that I can improve in the future.

I would like to give a shoutout to Insane Dominator for being a heavy inspiration for this fic. I may end up using some elements of his story in this, so apologies to Insane Dominator. I'm not trying to plagiarize.

Also, while this fic will mainly be a crossover between Code Geass and Fairy Tail, there will be other series that will show up at times, such as characters or worlds.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail, Code Geass, or any other series that will appear in this story. Fairy Tail is owned by Hiro Mashima, Code Geass is owned by Gorō Taniguchi and Ichirō Ōkouchi, and any other series that will appear are owned by their respective creators/franchises. The only thing I own are the amounts of OCs that will appear in this story.

Thank you for your appreciation and I hope you enjoy.

Prologue: Zero Requiem

2018 a.t.b.

Imperial Crown Colony of Japan

2 months after the Battle of Mt. Fuji:

It was over. The rebellion had been crushed. Lelouch vi Britannia, 99th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire, had achieved complete victory. Schneizel el Britannia, Lelouch's older half-brother, had been subjected via Geass. The Damocles, Schneizel's ultimate weapon, was under Lelouch's control. The Black Knights had been captured. Suzaku Kururugi, the Knight of Zero, was declared dead. And now the rebels were set to be executed.

In an open street of Japan, a victory parade was underway to symbolize Lelouch's absolute authority over the world. The parade consisted of an armored escort protecting 4 vehicles. 2 of these vehicles held the top members of the Black Knights. The one on the left had, in order, Kyoshiro Tohdoh, Kallen Kōzuki, Kanon Maldini, Gino Weinberg, Tianzi and Li Xingke. The right vehicle had, in order, Kaguya Sumeragi, Kento Sugiyama, Shinichirō Tamaki, Kaname Ohgi, Nagisa Chiba and Anya Alstreim. In between these 2 vehicles was a smaller vehicle that had only 2 people on it: a prisoner and a warden. Schneizel was dressed in rags and wrapped up in chains being overseen by one of Lelouch's top supporters, Jeremiah Gottwald. The final vehicle was a mobile throne, upon which sat Lelouch vi Britannia himself, who was smirking at his ultimate triumph. At the bottom of the throne was Lelouch's full-blooded sister, Nunnally vi Britannia who was currently dressed in red rags and chained to the throne vehicle by the ankles.

As the parade made its way down the street, an announcer was detailing the events happening at the parade right now. "And now, just coming into view, is the 99th and sole emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire, His Majesty Lelouch vi Britannia." The announcer said. "Our emperor also carries the distinction of being CEO of the Black Knights, as well as the current chairman of the UFN Supreme Council."

The captured Black Knights had defeated expressions on their faces as the announcer continued. "And look at this too. Those who foolishly opposed emperor Lelouch are being transported to the execution grounds."

"During the latest great war, the capital, Pendragon, was destroyed and countless soldiers sacrificed their lives. Among them, Sir Suzaku Kururugi, the Knight of Zero" In a graveyard, there is a grave that says:

Knight the Zero



2000 – 2018

Here lies a consummate and invaluable

Knight to His Highness Lelouch vi Britannia,

99th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire.

"Now that the E.U. has ratified the United Federation of Nations Charter," the announcer continued, "the Emperor has allowed us to complete the grand task of unifying the world."

"Glory to His Majesty Lelouch! All Hail Britannia! All Hail Lelouch!" the announcer finished.

While the announcer was praising Lelouch, the citizens who were watching had another feeling entirely.

"Glory my butt" one citizen said angrily.

"This is just a dictatorship" another citizen said. "Anyone who disobeys him gets killed."

"Shh!" a woman said to the second man. "If the wrong people hear you, they'll kill your entire family."

In a reporter van, Milly Ashford was going through papers with a sad expression while one of her partners commented behind her. "I can't believe we have to broadcast this and call it justice" the reporter said.

Among the spectators was one of Lelouch's friends from school, Rivalz Cardemonde. Rivalz too, wasn't happy with what was going on. "Lelouch," Rivalz said sadly. "Is this what you wanted? What you set out to do?"

"To control the world? To control every person in it?"

As the parade continued, five people were watching in a nearby building with rebellious intents in their hearts. These five were Cornelia li Britannia, Lelouch's half-sister, Viletta Nu, a Britannian officer and the secret lover of Ohgi, Yoshitaka Minami, a core member of the Black Knights, Zhou Xianglin, a member of the Chinese Federation, and Gilbert G.P. Guilford, the personal knight of Cornelia.

As the parade moved forward, Viletta let out a gasp of shock as she saw Ohgi among the captured. "Ohgi!" Viletta said worringly as she prepared to strike, only to be held back by Cornelia. "Do that, and you'll play right into their hands" Cornelia told Viletta trying to persuade her not to act reckless.

"But he's…" Viletta started to argue back until the group heard a collection of gasps coming from outside.

Back outside, the parade had come to a sudden stop as something was causing a fuss. "What is that?" a knightmare pilot exclaimed as they proceeded to activate their scanners.

Up ahead, a lone figure was standing in the middle of the road as a sign of defiance. What shocked the people is that the figure was… the masked vigilante known as Zero! His appearance had shocked the spectators.

"Zero?!" Rivalz shockingly uttered.

Nunally looked up from her position and was shocked as she uttered "Zero…"

The captured Black Knights members expressed their shock as well as they know that Lelouch was near them. "Zero?!" Tamaki said in shock. "That's him?" Kallen shockingly questioned. "But that can't be. Lelouch is over there" she said turning her head to Lelouch, who had a shocked expression on his face. Kallen then suddenly had wide eyes, as if she had figured something out. "Was that it?!" Kallen asked herself as she turned her head back to Zero. "Is that what Lelouch and the others were planning all along?!"

Zero then charged at the parade.

The knightmares attempted to shoot Zero down, but he evaded them with impressive speed and agilities. As he went over the knightmare frames, Jeremiah suddenly stepped forward. "Cease fire!" Jeremiah ordered as he pulled out a blade from his arm. "I'll take care of this interloper!" Jeremiah then jumped from the vehicle and headed towards the approaching Zero.

Just as Jeremiah reached Zero, the masked vigilante jumped and boosted off his shoulder. As he was falling, Jeremiah flashed a hidden smirk. 'Onward, masked knight' Jeremiah said in his thoughts.

Zero landed on Schneizel's prison vehicle, jumped off it and landed at the bottom of the mobile throne, next to Nunnally who had a shocked expression. He then jumped again to Lelouch, who stood up and proceeded to pull out a gun. "Impudent Fool!" Lelouch shouted as he tried to fire at Zero, only for the masked vigilante to swipe the gun away with his sword. Zero then pointed the sword at Lelouch's chest and pulled back his arms for the stab.

As Zero was going in for the kill, Lelouch smirked as a flashback came to his mind.

*Flashback, sometime after the Battle of Mt. Fuji*

In the throne room of the Damocles, Lelouch is conversing with Suzaku Kururugi, who faked his death in his battle with Kallen, about the final phase of their plan.

"Suzaku" Lelouch said, "you have to kill me. You must promise."

"You're really going through with this? No matter what?" Suzaku asked Lelouch.

"As planned, the hatred of the whole world is directly upon me and now the only thing that remains is to get rid of me and finally break the cycle of hatred." Lelouch says as he hands Suzaku the mask of Zero. "The legend of Zero isn't dead" Lelouch said. "It lives on within the hearts of the Black Knights. Schneizel will serve Zero also. With this the world will gather not for an exchange of force but an exchange of open dialog around one table. Mankind will be able to move forward into the future."

Suzaku takes the mask from Lelouch and looks at it grimly. "And that," Suzaku said as he grips the mask.

"Yes" Lelouch said, "is the Zero Requiem."

"We both realized it back in C's World." Suzaku said. "We knew how humanity was longing for the future."

"Hey Suzaku," Lelouch chuckles, "Geass power is similar to a wish don't you think?"

Suzaku gasped at Lelouch's words.

"It's a request to someone to give you the power to achieve what you can't on your own" Lelouch said.

"A wish?" Suzaku asked. "No."

"Yes" Lelouch interrupted Suzaku, "And I'm going to grant a wish called Geass to all the people everywhere. For the future of the entire world."

"The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed."

*Flashback ends*

Lelouch awakened himself back to reality as Zero, as Suzaku Kururugi, was getting closer to him.

Around the site people were reacting in various ways. Nunnally's eyes widened, Rivalz extended his head forward in shock, Milly turned to the screens in the reporter van, Kaguya's eyes windened in shock, Kallen, Ohgi and Tamaki were struggling in their binds, Tianzi turned her head away and closed her eyes, Cornelia and her group proceeded to rush to the entrance of the building they were in.

'Suzaku' Lelouch said in his thoughts, 'you're going to be a hero now. The messiah who saved the world from Lelouch vi Britannia, the enemy of the world, as Zero.'

As Lelouch finished his thoughts, the sword hit its mark and impaled itself through Lelouch's chest, Lelouch giving out a pained gasp as a result.

As the people looked on in shock, Suzaku started to shed tears about having to kill his best friend. "Lelouch…" Suzaku said through his tears.

"The punishment for what you've done shall be this then:" Lelouch said as his body started to weaken. "You will live on, always wearing that mask serving as a knight for justice and truth."

Lelouch weakingly placed his right hand, covered in his own blood, on Suzaku's mask. "You will no longer live your life as Suzaku Kururugi." Lelouch said. "You shall sacrifice the ordinary pleasures of your life for the benefit of the world, for eternity."

Suzaku could barely hold back his tears. "This Geass," Suzaku said weeping, "I do solemnly accept."

With the talking done, Lelouch removed his hand from Zero's mask and Zero released the blade from Lelouch's chest. Lelouch stumbled to the ramp of the mobile throne until he tripped and fell onto the ramp, sliding down to the bottom where Nunnally was.

Nunnally had a mildly shocked expression as she looked at the pale form of her brother. "Lelouch? Are you…?" Nunnally asked as she approached Lelouch, who was looking out forward with a sad smile on his face.

Nunnally let out a small gasp as she placed her hands on Lelouch. Suddenly, as if they shared minds for a short time, Nunnally began to have visions of Lelouch and Suzaku planning out Zero Requiem. "You mean…" Nunnally said in shock, now knowing what Lelouch was trying to do "everything you've done until now?" Nunnally began to have tears in her eyes as she grasped Lelouch's hand in hers and pulled it close to her. "Oh, big brother! I love you!" Nunnally said.

"Yes…" Lelouch said as he looked at his sister for one final time.

"I… have destroyed… the world… and created… a… new."

Lelouch's eyes then closed permanently. Lelouch vi Britannia, the 99th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire, founder of the Black Knights, conqueror of the world and the demon of the world… died for the sake of a new era of peace.

Seeing her brother's death caused Nunnally to start shedding tears. "No! You can't!" Nunnally cried out in anguish. "You can't leave me! Please open your eyes! Big Brother! BIG BROTHER!"

Cornelia then came out into the open and announced, "Lelouch the demon is dead! Free his prisoners now!" At this call, Guilford, Xianglin, Viletta and Minami came rushing out to the prisoner transports as the crowd suddenly began filling the streets, joyous at what had just happened.

Jeremiah held a small smirk before putting his hand to his ear to speak into a communication device. "This isn't good!" Jeremiah said into his earpiece "Everyone! We must retreat from here!"

The captured Black Knights could only look in awe and shock as Zero stood on the throne triumphant. "Is that who I think it is?" Tohdoh asked himself, still trying to comprehend what he just witnessed. "Could it be possible?"

"It's Zero!" Kallen suddenly called out, tears in her eyes now knowing what Lelouch and Suzaku had done. "That man… is Zero!"

"It's just not fair…" Nunnally cried as she held the corpse of her brother in her arms. "The only thing I needed to be truly happy was to be with you." Nunnally couldn't hold back her tears any longer as she gripped Lelouch's clothes. "How can I even think about facing the future if you're not there with me?" Nunnally the buried her head into Lelouch's chest and wept for the loss of her brother. Her cries were drowned out by the chanting of the crowd around her, all calling out one name.

"Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero!"

With Lelouch's death, the Zero Requiem was complete. As expected, since all the hatred of the world was focused solely on Lelouch, the cycle of hatred was broken following his demise. A lot of evil things that happened in the past was blamed solely on Lelouch, but perhaps that was because it was easier for people to accuse someone with a name, rather than a piece of equipment called Damocles. The energy that was once expended on war, was now being directed towards solving other problems such as poverty and hunger.

After Lelouch's death, Nunnally succeeded her brother as the 100th Empress of Britannia and officially made the Holy Britannian Empire a part of the United Federation of Nations. Kaname Ohgi became the prime minister of Japan and married Viletta Nu. The Damocles was secretly destroyed by directing it towards the sun. Suzaku continued to protect Nunnally as the new Zero and Schneizel continued to serve Suzaku since he was commanded to serve Zero.

All in all, the Zero Requiem was a success, the cycle of hatred in the world was destroyed, and a new era of peace was beginning.

However, for Lelouch, this was not the end.

Zero Requiem would be just the beginning of something new for the fallen emperor.

A new journey.

A new adventure.

A new mission.

This is where Lelouch's quest of redemption… begins.

So, how does it look so far? I was originally debating over how to start this story. It was either after Zero Requiem, or if Lelouch was actually killed by the Black Knights and Charles succeeded in his Ragnarok Connection plan. But in the end, I went with Zero Requiem. It just made more sense to me.

Now this story will mainly follow Fairy Tail canon, but there will be a few original arcs in my story. I haven't thought of everything in these arcs yet, so expect a couple of hiatuses from time to time.

The next chapter will focus on Lelouch after his death and the start of his new adventure.

Please favorite and follow this story if you wish too.

Thank you guys for reading.

And I'll catch you all in the next chapter. Peace.

Next time: A brand new world.