"Shoot them Harris!"

one of the hunters yelled Holland potter, Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger were running through the woods away from the group of Muggle hunters they were using guns couldn't kill them with the wiccan herbs that killed them because they were a different kind of witch and they had potions that could heal them and natural healing magic because of their cores natural defense it wanted to live and expand and save it's host. the shot rang out and Hermione lifted her hands and yelled out


the shield expanded so that the three friends were covered Luna grabbed Holland and Hermione and twisted on the spot and apparated away.

"Dam it you didn't shoot fast enough, we have to find a way around their magic since they learned to wield it with out their wands."

the other hunter nodded as he wiped the sweat from his forehead, he bent over trying to catch his breath, they weren't like the other supernatural hunters they were just human trying to cleans the world of the un-naturalness that lived with in it

"I don't know what to do, we should probably talk to the other hunters, see if they have had any success, there aren't any other older witches and wizards around any more and the younger ones are adapting better, they probably have some ritual that they are doing to protect themselves."

Harris said Sheridan nodded as well and they turned and headed back the way they came since they wouldn't be able to find the witches since they popped away.
Luna, Hermione and Holland landed in an abandoned building Luna let them go and walked around looking out the windows while Hermione and Holland started setting up the ritual Hermione set up the candles and the incense while Holland cut her hand open with a ritual athame and catching the spillage in a obsidian bowl once it was filled as an offering of blood and magic she set it at the northern point she then grabbed a brush and painted the rune for the goddess of Magic she then moved to the south and in a crystal bowl she put pure water and then she stirred salt in the water as a Symbol of the purity of the request then she painted the rune of journey

"Make sure they are place on the true compass points."

Hermione reminded her Holland nodded then she took out a wooden bowl she put on the western point Luna handed her the time turner they had stolen during the early days of the war so that they could try and prevent things from going wrong she then painted the time rune then on the Eastern point she took a white candle and lit it and drew the rune for knowledge and guidance and power Luna drew containment runes on the four walls then she placed anti-muggle wards and notice-me-not wards Holland then sat in the middle of the circle Hermione came around and painted runes on Holland's forehead and wrist's for wisdom, desire, strength.
Hermione stepped back out of the circle and then looked over to Luna and nodded her head then she looked at Holland.

"Ok Holland the ritual is prepared all you need to do in put yourself in a trance then start the chant then hopefully if your found worthy and your sacrifice is good enough hopefully we'll get some answers on what to do."

Holland nodded.

"Right, ok lovelies let's get this Zen thing going hopefully this will work."

she closed her eyes and started breathing deeply she listened to Luna dreamily humming softly lulling her into a trance once she reached the point where her senses were stretched out she felt the power building she then started the chant.

"Great lady Hecate I call on you and offer my blood as a sacrifice, I request your blessing I offer you the pure water and salt of the earth that your magic permeates, I offer you the time turner as an offering to do with as your will directs, our world is dying the balance is being destroyed I ask to know what I must do to bring back your ways I ask your guidance great lady."

the magic swirled around her and it heighted more then what she thought her body could handle and just when she thought she was about to burst and that her offering wouldn't be accepted she heard a voice.

"my child I accept your offering, you are correct the magic of the world is dying and I am dying because my ways are not being honored because of fear, the earth requires blood, rituals, and magic. this must be done, you must save magic and my creatures you will be my judge you will have the ability to control the wiccan witches they have an inflated sense of themselves they don't know what true balance is they defy me; their magic is not true magic you must teach them you are my blessed! you are my champion you have also become the champion of Thanatos god of death those whom you judge you will also judge between life and death of the supernatural hide them and hide the evidence of my creations I will take you to the time and place where discovery first started since your family and their enemies are at the center of it."

Holland was flabbergasted her family, she didn't understand she didn't have any family left so she questioned it

"My family, I don't understand I wasn't aware that I had family left."

she stated curiously.

"they are the very first vampire that the tainted wiccan earth magic created your ancestor is Named Elijah Michaelson, before he was seduced and tainted by the binding magic of the doppelganger he loved another woman, her name was yajna Leifdotter they had relations which produced an heir and then that love was stripped from Yajna and turned to Tatia Petrova she bewitched Elijah and Nicklaus as a siren would to a ship of sailors, she had a destructive personality it is the balance that she pays for having binding blood she will always hurt those that are close to her she cant help it, Yajna left when she discovered her condition and Elijah started running around after Tatia she made her way to England and she married a noble wizard in the Druidic community there eventually the descendants produced the man who married Rowena Raven-claw who eventually that produced Helena Raven-claw and she had a child with a wizard in Albania before she was murdered by the bloody Baron that child's descendants produced the Peveril's then eventually culminating in the potters and finally you."

Holland was astonished she was related to one of the founders of Raven-claw and apparently one of the original Vampires, it was pretty incredible but her nerves were picking up.

"will I be able to do this, I mean the whole world depended on me with Voldemort will I be able to do this when every magical person and creature depends on me I don't want to screw it up."

Hecate pulsed her comforting magic to Holland and it filled her with warmth and confidence.

"you will be able to do this as long as you remain balanced your family will help you and I have given you the power to complete this task Holland you are my chosen and one of my children this is what you desired, will you accept or will you let the magic die? will you let the creatures that give this planet life die as well? you must understand the consequences as well once I take you to that place and time you must stay there."

Holland didn't know that would have been asked of her but it made sense she had to stay to make sure everything went well and stayed on track.

"I'm ready my lady."