
She spends the next couple days at the manor, camped out at her mother's side while Graham and Lancelot filter in and out of the house with news and updates. Granny comes by with meals and Will swings over after his shifts, but other than that, no one else is allowed within the tall impeccably manicured hedges of the Blanchard property.

Leo comes home as soon as Emma calls and he sits silently on Mary Margaret's other side, occasionally answering for his mother when Henry or Regina asks questions, but the college-aged boy leaves back for school as soon as the weekend ends, his departure as quiet as his arrival had been.

By day three, Emma feel so stifled inside the grand house, she places a call to Killian in the confines of the bathroom, begging him to come get her with an excuse about how he can't sleep without her, or that he needs her to help him with his daily PT, even though he's already been reinstated and going out on calls.

Thankfully, her lieutenant swoops in that night in a (mostly shining, somewhat salt-caked SUV), armed with an overnight bag and dinner. It's a perfect compromise, when Emma already feels guilty for leaving her mother so soon, to begin transitioning her out of the quiet house where time has come to a standstill and they are stuck drowning in grief all over again. She needs space, distractions. She needs Killian.

"So, you're done avoiding me then?"

Emma freezes just as she's sinking down onto her bed, her wide eyes taking in his lifted brow and crossed arms.


"I know I've been busy getting back into the swing of things, but I am still quite perceptive, love. And that," He sweeps his arm out, as if gesturing to the past few days lined up right next to him, "was avoiding me."

"No," Emma protests weakly, "I was just… my mother needed me." She finishes, barely able to mask her wince. Killian's not wrong; the first night she came back to the manor, she had been busy reheating dinner when she missed his call, and after that, it was easy to just… let them go to voicemail as she sat next to Mary Margaret or made arrangements to cover both their absences at their respective diners.

"Hm." Killian uncrosses his arms to reach behind and fish out a flask from his back pocket. Uncorking it swiftly, he takes a swig before holding it out to her a little gruffly.

Emma stands, walking tentatively towards him to take the flask and sip, waiting until the alcohol burns a warm path down to her stomach before setting the flask down on the dresser next to her. Slowly, she lifts up to her toes, pressing her lips to his gently. It takes a second until Killian responds, his hands settling on her hips as he parts his lips more under the pressure Emma applies until she can taste the rum.

"It's more than that, isn't it? It wasn't just because Mary Margaret needed you?"

Emma smoothes her hands over his shoulders, settling back onto the flats of her feet, her eyes focusing on his chin. "I can't help but think it's my fault you got hurt. Felix is obsessed with me, you saw the way he set it all up." Emma admits, voicing the thought that's been swirling around in her mind for the past three days. She continues on quickly, sensing that Killian is about to rebuke her for thinking this way, " If you didn't know me, or my family so well, maybe he would have left you alone. And you wouldn't have almost died, or got injured-,"

"If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't be half as happy as I am today." Killian says firmly, shutting down any further protests from Emma.

"Has he asked to see me again?"

This time, it's Killian's shoulders that drop, guilt encompassing his face and Emma bites her lip, cursing herself for even bringing it up. It's no question that Killian still blames himself for letting her go into the room with Felix in the first place, but Emma's not upset with him. Not when she finally learned the truth, however horrible it may be.

"Nevermind." She mutters, pulling away to dig around in her dressers for some pajamas.

"He hasn't said much, other than his confession." Killian mutters, turning to his own bag and rifling through it before stopping and running a hand through his hair. "Did Graham already mention…?"

"Confessed to the fire, but the murder was unintentional? Yeah, he did." Emma says a little bitterly. "He also said it would be hard to get him on those charges, especially if Felix was clever enough to mess around with the wires. The later cases are apparently easier because of the accelerant he started using when he escalated, but…" She busies herself with dabbing toothpaste on her toothbrush before brushing, and Killian follows suit and there's silence between them until they get back to the bedroom. Emma chances a look up at him and sees his usually bright sapphire eyes clouded with guilt.

"Oh, Killian." She sighs, moving back over to him, her fingers lightly tracing over his chest until they reach the back of his neck. It had been a mistake, lettering her own guilt of having someone when her mother is going through the pain of losing her true love all over again push him away. She never considered how much his own guilt might be eating him up.

Killian's arm settles around her back, pulling her closer to him as his lips land on her hairline, his other hand weaving through her hair. "Let's just go to bed."

Morning comes too soon, and Emma finds herself dreading leaving the warmth of Killian's arms to confront her mother's empty eyes and explain to her she is leaving to go back to their apartment. So instead, Emma lazes around in bed for as long as she can, luxuriating in the feel of Killian wrapped around her between her girly sheets in her childhood bed, praying he continues to sleep for as long as possible and not daring to move in case she wakes him. The truth is, there's no telling how Mary Margaret will react to Emma leaving. Sometimes she is quiet, lost in her all-consuming grief for long periods of time, other times, she jumps out of it quickly, vivacious as ever. A few times, she lashes out and Emma can't help but feel like that is what is about to happen, with all the new emotions the investigation has yielded.

Eventually, though, Killian stirs awake, his arms tightening around Emma for a fraction of a second before he relaxes again, blinking blearily at her. It's clear he's been subject to nightmares the past few nights without her at his side and she tries not to dwell on that. There will be time to make amends for that later.

Henry is still shoveling cereal into his mouth at the table when Emma and Killian finally make it downstairs and the boy grins widely at them, while Mary Margaret offers a thin smile from next to Henry.

"Good morning."

"Pity pastries?" Emma remarks dryly, inspecting a raspberry danish before setting it back in the basket.

"There's chocolate frosted flakes that will turn your milk into chocolate." Henry offers magnanimous. "But you have to put enough in. Mom only lets me mix in a little with my raisin bran."

"No thanks, lad. You keep your cereal for yourself." Killian says, clearly stifling a laugh as he shoots Emma a look, "Eggs, lass? Mary Margaret?"

Her mother shakes her head and Emma eyes the untouched bagel on the plate in front of her before leading Killian to the counter to pour coffee from the pot. Killian lingers by the fridge, making a show of looking for creamer while Emma returns to the table with two mugs, one for herself and one to replace the cup of tea in her mother's hands that has gone cold.

"Mom," Emma reaches out and takes Mary Margaret's hand in her own, "Listen, I have to go back to our apartment today. I need to start working again." She says in a cautious voice, gauging her mother's reaction carefully. Mary Margaret's eyes flicker, clarity returning to her green orbs and she nods, squeezing Emma's hand back.

"I know, sweetheart. I know."

Emma lets out a slow breath of relief, starting to pull her hands away until her mother's hand tightens, keeping her there.

"You father is still a hero. He still died a hero and nothing can take that away from us." The widow says, almost a little desperately and Emma nods in agreement, tears prickling in her eyes.

"I know, Mom."

With a final nod, Mary Margaret releases her hand and takes a sip of her coffee.

"Can I come by the diner after school?" Henry pipes up excitedly and Emma turns to him, lightly brushing the hair back from his forehead after she ruffles it.

"Of course, kid. I'll help you with your math homework."

"Cool! Will Killian be there too?"

The fireman returns to Emma's side, wielding his cup of black coffee, "Yes, lad. I'll be there. I'll buy you a cup of hot chocolate, hm?"


True to his word, Killian orders a cup of hot chocolate as soon as Henry plops down in the booth next to Will and when Emma drops it off, Killian slides it across the table in front of the boy, the whipped cream wobbling precariously on the surface of the hot drink.

"Thanks!" Henry takes a hearty sip before scrunching his face up and swallowing hard.

"Easy, lad." Killian chuckles, handing him a napkin.

"How was school, kid?"

"Good." Henry shrugs, "I made some more friends today and we built a snowman during recess. But it's kind of muddy since everything is melting now."

"Good for you, kid. Wanna get started on your homework, and I'll check back in a little later?"

Henry shrugs, "Okay. I'm kind of hungry though. Can I get a snack? Mom said to put it on her tab."

"How about some fruit and a cookie?" When Henry nods, Emma turns to head back into the kitchen, checking on the pies in the oven before asking Jaq to tell Ashely she's going on her lunch so she can be back by the time the pies are ready to come out.

"...and Susie said that her parents are going to vote at the city council meeting so they can put up a statue or something, but Avery said his parents said there should be a foundation for money instead."

"What are we talking about?" Emma asks, sliding into the booth with a plate for Henry and her own plate heaped with a sandwich and onion rings.

"Uh, the kids apparently were discussing at school how they wanted to honor your dad." Will explains, reaching over to swipe an onion ring from her plate. He's blocked by Killian, though and Emma smirks.

"Really?" She says, turning to Henry, "During class or on their own?"

"In the afternoon while we were waiting for the bus to come." Henry says with a childlike air of innocence strong enough to deflect the awkwardness emanating from the two firemen in the booth. "They asked me what I thought and I said I had to ask Mary Margaret."

"That's a good idea." Emma agrees, taking a bite from her sandwich and not missing the warning look Killian shoots over the top of her head at the patrons just walking into the diner with sympathetic looks on their faces. It's been happening all day now, and Killian and Will have been acting like guard dogs, staving off anyone who dares to approach her with a pitying smile. Emma's let it slip so far, but she's not going to let it go on past today.

"Everyone has the same look on their faces when they talk to me at school too." Henry says in a hushed voice and Emma smiles at him, telling him it's nothing he has to worry about and he should just continue on as normal if that's what feels most comfortable for him.

"Well, at least I got great tips today." Emma says, patting her apron pocket jokingly.

Will narrows his eyes at her, "Are you profiting off your customer's pity?"

Emma shrugs, "you pay to get into a zoo, right?"


"Well if they wanna ogle me and make some donations along the way, I'm not going to complain. It's not like I'm putting on a show of damsel in distress or smudged mascara."

"Fair enough," Will concedes, even though Killian still looks uncomfortable.

"It's fine," Emma whispers to Killian, as Henry busies himself pulling out his homework and handing Will random tidbits from his backpack as he digs for his pencils, "It was worse when Dad first died. Now, I'm kind of used to it. Give it a couple days and everyone will find something new to focus on."

That something new comes a couple days later in the form of Neal's very own abandonment scandal, when word gets out that Tamara was using Felix as a source and had been writing under the pseudonym of Greg Mendall, and his would-be bride flees in the middle of the night. Neal slinks into the diner the day after, hands shoved deep into his pockets, head bowed to avoid the stares of everyone he passes until he reaches the bar and slides into the open seat next to Elsa, pushing his hood back before clasping his hands in front of him on the countertop.

Emma just grimaces sympathetically at him while Elsa regards him with a primly lifted eyebrow, chewing on her sandwich like she doesn't have a care in the world.

"So, uh, Tamara left. Skipped town. But you, uh, you all know that." Neal begins, wincing as he speaks, "And so you were all right. I was wrong and I guess I'm just trying to apologize."

"Sucks being left, huh?" Emma says archly, unable to help himself.

Neal smiles ruefully, "Yeah, yeah it does."

"Hm." Is all Elsa has to offer as she crunches on a potato chip.

"I guess she was originally planning on using my story as her debut, but then I brought her here where she found bigger fish to go after, and for that, I'm sorry."

"I bet your dad gave you an earful." Emma wagers and Neal shrugs his slumped shoulders, sipping on the pity cappuccino Ruby's just placed in front of him.

"Well, that's nothing new." He looks up, his sad eyes turning serious, "Emma, I'm sorry about your dad."

Emma nods slowly, acknowledging him, "Yeah, me too."

"So are you sticking around town then?" Elsa asks, picking up her sandwich again and Emma doesn't miss the slight gleam of satisfaction in her friend's eye that Neal got a little bit of a taste of his own medicine after everything.

Neal releases a long sigh, pressing his lips together, "Yeah, I guess so. I don't really got a lot going on in Vancouver anymore, so I guess it can't hurt to stick around, now that everything in Boston is kinda smoothing over. That is, if it's okay that I do."

"Neal," Emma laughs a little, "It's not like I can just kick you out of town on my own whim. This is your home, too."

"Right, but you're Storybrooke's princess. Anything you say, goes." Neal counters, his lips quirking up in a bit of an uncertain smile.

"Well, I won't lie to you, you're gonna be getting a lot of dirty looks and whispers behind your back-,"

"But that's my cross to bear." Neal accepts, nodding his head. "Better now than never to work my way back into everyone's good graces again."

"At this point, it won't be so hard- you'll have their pity now, so that kind of smoothes over the whole fugitive thing." Elsa offers, smiling serenely at Neal, whose face goes blank for a second before he starts chuckling.

"Thanks, Elsa."


"How's your mom?" Neal asks after Emma leaves and comes back from delivering orders.

"She's doing okay, considering. Maybe you want to go see her. You know she'll forgive you, that's the kind of person she is. Even if she told me a million times she wouldn't." Emma says indifferently, "Oh- but makes sure you go see her at her diner, not at the manor." She adds hurriedly, "I don't think Regina will give you the same kindly treatment if she catches sight of you."

"Yeah, noted." Neal nods vigorously, before asking to place his order.

"Hey, Els, don't you have to get going?" Emma asks, catching sight of the time.

Elsa shrugs, "Eddie is opening for me today, so I just have to pop in later and check on him. He's doing pretty well, considering. I think he rather likes the parlor. I like having him there- gives me more time to focus on creating new flavors and making the cakes."


"Dopey Eddie." Emma clarifies for Neal, while Elsa rolls her eyes.

"He's not dopey." Elsa insists, "He's actually quite great with the kids. They all love him."

"You just have to say that because you're his boss." Emma counters, sharing a smile with Neal while Elsa rolls her eyes. It's becoming easier to look at him without having anger flare up inside her each time and it makes her hopeful that they can eventually return to some kind of friendship instead of just outward civility at some point. If the last six months have taught her anything, it's that people are what's important and she can't- won't- lose anymore people than she has to.


Things settle back into a more normal routine after a couple weeks, much to everyone's relief. Felix doesn't spend much more time in Storybrooke, not after Graham and the District Attorney make the decision to kick the case up to the "big leagues" in Portland, where they try all the cases together.

Time passes in a blur after that, and Felix's trial comes and goes. Both Emma and Killian are called in to testify until the trial ends abruptly, the day before they are both expected to give their testimonies in court, the boy apparently growing bored of the proceedings and surprising everyone by taking a plea deal.

Surprisingly, Emma is okay with that. She doesn't need to face him again and Felix will at least get the help he needs in a psychiatric facility close to Carlion and for now, Felix seems satiated with his game, letting it get put to rest quietly.

Killian makes a spontaneous decision for them to stay in the city, since they already have the time off and disappears for an hour while Emma naps in their hotel room, having spent the previous night tossing and turning rather than getting any shut-eye. When the lieutenant comes back, it's with a playful grin on his face as he instructs her to pack up before whisking her a few blocks closer to the pier where they had their first date, stopping just outside a weathered but sturdy looking building, labeled only as "Inn & Tavern."

"Killian..." Emma gets out of the car slowly, pulling the strands of hair the wind has blown into her face away "What is this?"

"I changed our reservation. I thought you might like a change of scenery after your frantic pacing last night in our hotel room."

"To a romantic getaway?"

"For romantic sex" Killian waggles his eyebrows, slamming the driver door shut.

"You brought me to a brothel?"

"I-, no, Swan" He sighs exasperatedly and Emma stifles a laugh, "You're impossible." He mutters, shaking his head.

She strides over to the other side of the car, pulling him down but the neck of his shirt for a kiss

"You love me for it."

"Aye" Killian gazes adoringly down at her for a few moments until he seems to realize they're blocking the front door with his vehicle. "Stay here for just a second, love. I'm going to go get us checked in and we'll be on our way."

Emma tilts her head, confusion settling in at his wording but she's quickly distracted by the smoldering kiss he plants on her lips and she stays where she is, pulling her coat a little tighter around her torso. It might be March, and the weather is getting warmer, much warmer than the winter freezes they've grown accustomed to, but the wind is harsher by the seaside and in the shade. She studies the building in front of them and the old but meticulously preserved tavern connecting to the more modern-looking multi-story inn.

"Okay, get back in the car." Killian says, jogging back out a few minutes later.

"What? I thought we were staying here..." Emma says, bewildered as she jumps back into the SUV.

"Not here, exactly, but on their property-," Killian gets into the car as well, leaning over to press an excited kiss to her cold cheek, making Emma laugh.

"Killian, what's going on?"

"You'll soon see, my love."

Emma can't help but return his infectious smile, watching out the window as they drive along the scenic coastline until Killian turns onto a much more secluded road, passing by several long driveways until they reach a series of similar looking cottages facing the bay.

"Killian…" Emma gapes at the quaint looking cottage he parks in front of, homey and modern at the same time before turning to look at him, excitement bubbling up inside her.

"This is ours for the next couple days." He says proudly, getting out of the car, "The family that owns the inn used to have a house built on this property until the younger generation decided to move closer to downtown."

"Killian," Emma laughs again, a free and joyous sound as she launches herself into his arms. He clings onto her, bending backwards slightly so he can look up at her face, receiving her kiss with as much enthusiasm as she gives. "I love it. Thank you. This was such a great surprise."

He sets her down gently, but doesn't let her leave his embrace as he leans his forehead down to rest against hers, "I figured since we haven't had much time lately to go out on date nights, I should do something special."

"The perfect romantic getaway."

Killian raises a hand to his ear, "I don't know if it's perfect, I'd like to think I have much better ideas in store for the future…"

"And I'm sure those will be just as perfect." Emma teases, pecking him on the lips again before she extracts herself from his arms, "Are we going to go inside or what?" She calls, already moving around the car to get to the trunk with Killian's chuckles following her.


It really is the perfect getaway, the cottage has everything they need, including basic amenities and light snacks and beverages and it's not too far away from the main city so they can go out for meals and entertainment. But after the first afternoon, they come to a mutual decision to just purchase enough groceries to tide them over for the duration of their stay and revel in the peace and solitude the cottage by the sea affords them.

In reality, that just means that after they come back from dinner in the city, Emma and Killian tumble into bed (actually, they have a quick tumble on the couch first) and don't leave it until noon the next day, when Killian whips up a spectacular brunch while Emma distracts him the whole time wearing nothing but one of his barely buttoned flannel shirts and peppering kisses all along her boyfriend's bare torso.

"Sooo this is basically a sexcation." Emma says playfully, passing the back of her hand over her mouth as she stretches up from her spot on the floor between his strong legs. Killian gives her what must be his best aggrieved look while she smiles cheekily at him, settling on his lap. But all she sees is the lazy look of post-orgasmic pleasure while his cock begins to harden again and twitch between her legs.

"When you mention this to everyone back home, please don't refer to it as such." He tells her as sternly as he can, though his usual timbre is a little strained as Emma shifts teasingly on his lap, making a show of swiping her lips across her bottom lip, still tasting traces of him.

"Bloody hell, woman." Killian yanks clumsily at the flannel until his hand makes contact with her breast, squeezing roughly for a second before he catches himself and murmurs an apology against her lips. But Emma's already let out a loud moan and she grinds herself down on his lap, her hands cupping his face as she dives in for another bruising kiss.

"Do it again," She pleads, only half-aware of how needy she sounds.

"Swan, you are going to be the death of me." Killian growls, grasping her ass and yanking her closer until their hips are flush together before his hands travel up her sides to squeeze her mounds, thumbs teasing her nipples none too gently.

"Oh god," Emma cries out, tightening her legs around Killian when his teeth scrape down her neck, his hands still squeezing and cupping her sensitive skin while her hips move of their own volition, coating his length with her arousal. She tilts her pelvis so his tip slides in just a little and Killian groans, crushing her against him.

"What will it be, love? Another quick fuck on the couch or would you prefer the bedroom this time?" He asks in a throaty voice that makes her core pulse in anticipation.

"B-bedroom, I think."

Killian's already moving before Emma finishes talking, toeing off his briefs and surging forward,letting the momentum carry them up and out of the small living room so he can stumble up the stairs while Emma sucks a mark into his neck that will surely leave Killian wearing collared shirts for the next few days. It's somewhat of a miracle that the fireman gets them safely up the stairs and into the bedroom without dropping Emma or tripping on the stairs and she reminds herself to compliment his competence later. For now, though, she decides to add fuel to the fire, nipping on his earlobe as she whispers to him to do whatever he wants, and to not worry about being gentle. A shiver ripples up Killian's spine underneath her fingertips and Emma smiles to herself, even as Killian throws her down on the bed, his hungry eyes devouring her as she bites her lip and props herself up on her elbows. There's an internal war raging in his darkened gaze, a battle between primal lust and loving desire until the lust takes over and he reaches out to flick open the last button on the flannel with surprising dexterity given he doesn't seem to put much effort into the motion. Emma sheds the shirt instantly under his roving stare and with a nudge from his hand, flips onto her stomach, his calloused hands taking the lead and tugging on her hips until Emma scoots back towards him, her legs hanging off the bed.

Killian wastes no time, covering her body with his so his cock is fitted perfectly in the crease of her ass, running his cock once, twice between her cheeks with smooth thrusts of his hips while he pulls off his shirt. Emma gives him a coy smile over her shoulder- the one she always reserves for the bedroom because it drives him crazy- and pushes back, trapping his hard length, causing him to let out another guttural groan before his expression darkens and his hands return to grip her hips possessively.

"You look so gorgeous like this, Swan. All breathless and needy for me." Killian leans forward, covering her back with his chest, supporting himself on his elbows while his hands run up her stomach to play with her breasts and tweak her nipples. "I love you so much," He whispers in her ear, his tender voice a stark difference from his barely restrained thrusts, now angled to slide between her wet folds. Emma just mewls in response, his hot member hitting her clit and she struggles to gain a balance between holding herself up and pushing back to seek friction from his warm body.

"Are you sure, my love?" Killian asks, stilling his movements for a second as his lips turn soft against her cheek and Emma nods frantically.

"I want you to show me how much you want me. I don't want you to hold back. I'm yours." She gasps and Killian buries his face in her neck, tongue flickering over her erratic pulse. He's tense above her, all muscle and coarse chest hair and she surrenders herself to him and his carnal need with his first hard thrust into her, sliding home, taking her as roughly as he was tender the night before while making slow and sweet love to her. There will be bruises tomorrow to remind them of their passion, and there is no double Emma will feel sore, but it's all worth it in the end, feeling how intense Killian's desire for her is, like an unquenchable fire, the same as she feels for him.


"I want to be happy."

She feels him turn to her, but Emma keeps staring out at the sea, "Are you not happy, my love?"

"I am- I mean, I want to be peacefully happy. Like I am right now. Like nothing can take that away from me anymore. That I can honor my dad's sacrifice without being resentful and lonely. Like I can finally pick up the pieces and enjoy my days off instead of dreading them and the solitude they bring. Oh, and also, no more stale pity food."

"I think we can manage that." He says softly and Emma turns so she can lean up and kiss him sweetly, their hands still woven together. In front of them, the waves continue to crash against the rocky shore and when Emma pulls away, she leans her head on Killian's shoulder.

"I think so too."

"To a new beginning." Killian announces, turning so he can wind his other arm around her waist, their chests pressed flush together.

"A happy beginning."

"Yes. A happy beginning." He agrees, cupping her cheeks in his hands and kissing her forehead. Emma thinks she'll never stop reveling in the fact that she can now feel the skin of both his hands instead of the scratchy material of his splint.

"Mmm, okay." Emma sighs, feeling better about leaving their little sanctuary by the sea. "Okay." She repeats and steps back toward the car, already packed with their things. "Shall we head home then?"

"As milady wishes."

It's an easy drive back to Storybrooke, not so many cars on the road and spring slowly starting to emerge from the last dregs of winter. What was originally going to be a stressful trip with the question of closure up in the air has become a restful and restorative few nights away and Emma can't help the smile that rests naturally on her face.

"Are you nervous?" She asks suddenly, just thirty minutes away from Storybrooke. Killian glances at her with a raised eyebrow but he contemplates her question seriously, taking a few seconds before he answers.

"I only got the job because Robin didn't want it."

"Yeah," Emma says, rolling her eyes playfully at him, "But are you nervous? You know Will won't go easy on you."

"I have big shoes to fill." Killian replies steadily. "And Lancelot will be around as much as he can to ease the transition."

"You got the job because you deserve it," Emma says firmly, not missing the grateful look Killian sends her way. "Captain Jones." She adds with a wink and if she's not mistaken, a faint blush colors his cheeks.

"I don't know who's going to give me a harder time about it, you or Will."

Emma laughs. It really wasn't so much of a surprise to her when Lancelot announced he was leaving Storybrooke to lead the Carlion Fire Department and subsequently suggested Killian fill his role as captain, but as for the man himself, she suspects Killian went into shock for a couple minutes, judging by the amused expression on Lancelot's face when he walked into the diner later that day to personally relay the news of his planned departure to Emma.

They drive for another few minutes before Emma gathers the courage to voice her musings to Killian.

"It's nice having a little house by the sea."

"You think so?" Killian's voice is carefully neutral and Emma sneaks a glance at him, his expression controlled but lips twitching at the corners.

"Yeah, it's calming. Quiet without being too quiet. A little cold, but it's Maine. It's always cold."

"I'll build you a house by the sea."

"Really? You know how to build a house?" Emma teases and this time, there is definitely color to his cheeks.

"I'll hire contractors. Get Will to help."

"And build a picket fence to go along with it?"

"And a little dock as well. Elsa and Will can build their own cottage next door. It'll be just like when Will and I were lads."

"Mmm, that's a nice dream." Their fingers tangle over the gear shift and Killian squeezes her fingers lightly.

"It doesn't just have to be a dream."

"Yeah," Emma shares a smile with her handsome captain, just as they cross the town line."I perhaps not."

A/N: SO sorry about the delay! I couldn't decide how I wanted to end this. Thank you, thank you everyone for reading/following/favoriting/commenting! I really could not have done this without you all. Stay tuned for an epilogue to follow and I think I've got a Leap Year AU fic brewing up somewhere if any of you are interested in reading something like that...