This will be a little three-part short story, though I have weighed the idea of adding one extra chapter if the story does well! I'm a little late on posting this here, the site wasn't working for me, but here it is. I enjoyed writing this, and I hope you'll enjoy it as well:)

Also, feel free to find me on Tumblr under eiramrelyat! I post more Everlark on there as well:) Happy reading!

Katniss's wet sneakers squeaked loudly against the laminate flooring of the high school hallway. She was running late, nothing unusual, and while running to the red brick building, she unknowingly stepped in a puddle left behind from the sprinklers. It couldn't have been a better start to the last day of her senior year. Then again, that was just one of the few things that occurred that morning.

Haymitch had passed out on the couch after a long night at the station, as he did most mornings, except this morning, he decided to change his routine. He popped a bagel in the toaster oven, forgot about it, bringing the bagel to catch fire. By the time Katniss rushed downstairs from her room, her hair still damp, from her shower, the kitchen was already taken over by a black fog.

Their home security system informed the local fire department, sending a fire truck to their house for the sake of putting out a burnt bagel. Haymitch had watched the scene unfurl in a daze, clearly uncaring that he could have burned the kitchen down. A firefighter joked that he should opt for coffee next time. However, Haymitch seemed uninterested in conversation and pushed them out of the house so he could go back to sleep. How he slept with the smell of burnt bagel in the air, Katniss will never understand.

Once that was all said and done, it had cut into part of her morning regime, leaving her only five minutes for brushing her teeth and pulling her hair into a braid.

At last, her best friend, Peeta, informed her that he couldn't pick her up for school. He had explained that the senior hockey team was having their ceremonial last day of school breakfast that morning. This, he had only told her twenty minutes ago. Twenty minutes ago, Katniss should have already been in her homeroom.

Needless to say, Katniss found herself in a bad mood, when she should be rejoicing that she'll never have to walk the halls of Panem High again.

Katniss slowly walked up to the large wooden door of homeroom, debating whether it would even be worth it to attend for the next fifteen minutes. She almost walked away, but she pulled open the door and stepped through the small opening she made.

All eyes were on her as she entered the room, especially a pair of blue ones in the back where Peeta sat with Gale and one of his teammates. Heat burned her cheeks from the amount of attention she received. Ignoring the empty desk, her best friend left for her, she quickly claimed an empty seat in the front row.

"How nice of you to join us, Miss Everdeen," said Mrs. Dower. She looked at Katniss from atop her small-framed glasses, giving her a pointed look. "I hope you brought a book."

She unzipped her backpack and cringed from how loud it seemed to be in the small quiet room. Her hand dug inside until her fingers felt the torn spine of her well worn paperback book.

"Yes," Katniss told Mrs. Dower. The older woman made a high pitched noise before turning back to her reading.

Katniss attempted to read the book in front of her, but she could feel a pair of eyes piercing the back of her head, though it wasn't hard to guess who's. She was upset with Peeta, he ruined a part of her day that they'll never get back again. Or perhaps it was his way of pushing her away gently, and the thought almost scared her. Was she losing her best friend already? Will he throw away their ten years of friendship that easily? A month after graduation, he'll be moving to a different state to attend the University of Minnesota, where he received a full ride to play hockey. Katniss, on the other hand, is staying put into attending the local community college because she was still unsure of what she wanted to do after high school.

Maybe it's for the best; she'd be a weight on his shoulders back in Panem if they stayed friends. Though she didn't think she'd be saying goodbye so soon.

The bell rang fifteen minutes later, and Katniss all but ran out of the room.


From behind her, she heard Peeta calling for her from the body of students. Katniss feigned hearing him, and walked faster, until a group of girls blocked her path, allowing Peeta to catch up. He nudged her with his elbow as he walked in step with her.

"Hey," he said.

Katniss glanced at him from the corner of her eye to see his boyish grin plastered on his face. It did ebb away at her grumpiness, but she didn't want to let him off the hook that easily.

The group of girls they walked by swooned at the sight of Peeta and Katniss fought from rolling her eyes at them. Katniss was used to being overlooked when they were seen together. Why wouldn't they? Unlike Peeta, she's not popular, and she glares at anyone who tries to make conversation with her. Katniss was as unapproachable as they come.

They walk out to the buses that take the seniors to graduation rehearsal, and Peeta finally grabbed her elbow to stop her. A scowl forms on her face, but she turned to look up at Peeta. Her scowl fumbles a bit when she actually looks at him for the first time.

It would be silly for her to deny how attractive her best friend is. His blonde curly hair peeking out of his favorite baseball cap, those broad shoulders, and that small indication of a grin that is always present on his face.

Madge was surprised when Katniss told her she didn't want to date Peeta. But Madge didn't understand their friendship. She and Peeta don't see each other in that light. Plus, Katniss couldn't imagine how the relationship would end come graduation. Even now, their friendship seems to be falling into the same unfortunate predicament.

"Okay," Peeta sighed, "I'm sorry for ditching you this morning." Katniss arched her eyebrow, and Peeta rubbed the back of his neck. "And for telling you last minute. I honestly forgot, I swear! It's's been hectic for me the last couple of days. Our family is in town for graduation... I'm sorry."

She felt herself deflate. She'd spend every last minute with her parents and Prim if they were still around. Katniss couldn't hold this against Peeta.

"It's fine, Peeta. I just had a long morning."

Peeta frowned, visibly concerned. "What happened?"

Katniss tugged on his arm. "How about I tell you on the bus."

He nodded, and when they found their seats, Katniss told him about Haymitch's bagel fire. Peeta laughed as she finished her story, and Katniss found herself laughing too. Things felt typical between them again.

For the first time in a long time, Katniss was nervous as she sat in her designated seat during the graduation ceremony. Apart from her anxiety, the rest of the seniors were practically buzzing with anticipation. At the same time, they waited for the high school principal to finish his commencement speech. After that day of graduation rehearsal, the two days that followed flew by entirely too fast.

Katniss had yet to start her summer job as a lifeguard for the community pool. So those two days resulted in a lot of nothing. With Peeta being busy with his family, and Haymitch on night-shift, it left her to celebrate alone. Granted, she had Haymitch to talk to in the mornings. Though, it was more or less like talking to a zombie rather than her uncle.

She wished she was sitting next to Peeta, but his last name left him sitting three rows behind her with Johanna. Instead, she was squished between a boy named Marvel and none other than Peeta's teammate, Darius. Darius has practically had a crush on Katniss for as long as she can remember, and she would have given in if he wasn't so obnoxiously persistent.

"I like a challenge," he told her once after she threw all of the red hearts he left on her locker in the trash. It would have been sweet if they didn't consist of compliments about her body for all of Panem High to see. She had been mortified and red in the face. Peeta, however, thought it was hilarious, and she had an inclination that he was in on the whole idea.

Now she was stuck sitting next to him for two hours, and the smell of his strong cologne didn't help her nerves any. She also wished she wore her jeans, instead of the white summer dress that Madge suggested yesterday. Katniss can practically feel Darius ogling the expanse of her bare legs.

"Don't be nervous, Everdeen," he whispered to her, and she hated how obvious her feelings were to him.

Katniss ignored Darius and stared at Glimmer's bedazzled graduation cap in front of her.

"Congratulations to this year's graduates!"

Then the seniors stood up from their seats, and black graduation caps were flying through the air, even Katniss threw hers. Now it's lost among the sea of students, but she didn't plan on keeping the ensemble. She doubted Haymitch would do anything with it other than toss it in a box and stuff it in the attic.

Haymitch stood next to Peeta's parents amongst the throng of people. He looked disinterested in whatever Peeta's aunt, Effie, was telling him- nodding his head out of tune with her words. His eyes lit up, though, surprisingly, when he noticed Katniss from the crowd of students. He's probably relieved to get out of the conversation with the woman at his ear.

"Congratulations, sweetheart," he said once Katniss walked up. Haymitch wrapped an arm around her shoulder and squeezed.

"Thanks, Haymitch."

"Now where's that nephew of mine," came Effie's shrill voice. It was no wonder why Haymitch was relieved. "Oh, here he comes!"

Katniss turned around as Peeta walked up to the small group, and she couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked in his black pants and light blue dress shirt. Effie rushed past me, her stilettos clicking against the hardwood flooring, and enveloped Peeta in a hug.

"Congratulations, Peeta! We're so proud of you." Then she let go of him and stepped away. "We need pictures!" She grabbed Katniss's arm before Katniss could protest and pushed the two together. "You two look lovely!"

Katniss and Peeta don't hug, except that time at her family's funeral, so it felt foreign when she felt Peeta's hand rest on her lower back. She could feel the heat of his palm through her articles of clothing, or maybe with everyone's eyes on them, left her hyper-aware of the fact.

"Watch that hand, boy," Haymitch said. And for some reason, this made Katniss blush.

"Say cheers!" Peeta and Katniss laughed when they say it out of sync, then Effie takes the photo.

Peeta's hand lingered for a few seconds after the photo was taken, and Katniss can't help but think that he forgot he was touching her, so she stepped away, and it fell to his side. Yet, Katniss couldn't help but admonish that she liked his hand at her back.

Slowly, the crowd dispersed, and Katniss felt Peeta tugging on her sleeve. She looked over, and he nodded his head in the direction of the exit doors.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat." Katniss felt excited at the notion of food.

"You kids drive safe; it's busy out right now," Haymitch said as they start weaving through the few people still in the stadium.

Peeta bought them shakes and burgers from their favorite drive-in and then drove them to their spot that overlooked the mountain landscape of Panem. They ate in comfortable silence on the tailgate of his truck. Katniss wanted to enjoy as much time with Peeta before they go their separate ways.

She knew that once he's gone, communication will be sparse. He'll be playing college hockey for the Gophers, while she'll be busy with work and school. Sure, they could find the time, but Katniss has no doubt that he'll be making new friends. Minneapolis is full of people.

"What are you thinking?" Peeta pulled her from thoughts.

She crumpled up the burger wrapper and tossed it in the brown paper bag it came in.

Us she wanted to say. "How different things are going to be for you, and how much in the same things will be for me. Are you excited?"

Peeta shrugged. "I am, but as you said, things will be different." He's quiet for a second, then he gave her a smirk. "And I won't have someone to scare off the girls."

Katniss felt her heart skip a beat, though she pushed the feeling aside. "I don't think girls were scared of me."

He let out a laugh. "You keep telling yourself that, and you just might believe it. I can name a few girls you scared off over the years."

She glared at him, though she couldn't fight the small smile from her face. "Excuse me for looking out for your best interest, I'm sure you'd do the same if guys were flying my way."

Peeta gave her a look, then, one she couldn't read. "I don't think you realize how many guys have tried to ask you out."

It was Katniss's turn to laugh. "Ha, ha. Very funny, Peeta. The only one I can think of is Darius, and he made it obvious to everyone while doing so. Plus, I didn't care for any of the guys at our school. Too immature."

He gives her a weird look. "I see." And Katniss feels that she has ruined their moment somehow. "So, are you coming to the senior party tonight?"

Katniss scrunched her nose. She didn't so much as care for parties, or alcohol, which is bound to be there. She'd be out of place, and surely others would take note of that too.

"Listen, I'll pick you up at nine and take you home if you're not having fun."

She bit her lip, how bad could it be? Then she nodded. "Fine. I'll go."

Peeta dropped her off at the house around six, which gave her plenty of time to get ready for the ridiculous party. Katniss walked through the front door and found Haymitch watching baseball in the living room. She walked in and plopped on the couch.

"How was dinner," he asked, not tearing his eyes away from the television screen.


Haymitch never asked more than he needed to. Usually, he'd ask one question, get an answer, and be done with the conversation. Katniss didn't mind, that's one thing she liked about Haymitch, he didn't fill empty space with unnecessary words. It also helped that she kept out of trouble.

Though, at that moment, she wished he would have said more so she could ease in her question about the party. Katniss wasn't good with words either or asking for favors. She thought of what his response might be, yet it was no more than a yes or no question. Can I go to a party? Simple. At least if Haymitch said no, Peeta would be out of luck to persuade him otherwise.

But when Katniss opened her mouth to finally ask, nothing came out aside from empty air.

"Is something wrong?" Her overextended presence must have alarmed him.

"No," she paused, "but I do need to ask you something."

This caught his attention. Haymitch paused the television and turned to her in his recliner. "If it's about the birds and the bees, the only advice I can give is to use condoms."

Katniss felt her face grow hot in an instant. "It's not about that." She told him quickly. "I was wondering if I could go to a party at nine...with Peeta."

He looked at her like she grew a second head. "Katniss Everdeen wants to go to a party? And mingle with other high school students?"

Katniss rolled her eyes. "I was hoping this would be a yes or no situation."

"Sure, why not." He turned back to the game.

Katniss's mouth opened and closed, surprised he would easily allow her to go somewhere that underage drinking would be involved. "That's it? You're not going to lecture me about drinking, or boys?"

"Don't drink," he grumbled. "And I know Peeta is a good boy, I'm sure he won't try anything."

Her face could have been crimson at that point. "Peeta and I are nothing more than friends, plus he's leaving." Katniss stood up, a little disappointed Haymitch didn't say no.

"I'm sure the boy would swim the ocean for you."

She's not sure if this is him making her feel better about Peeta leaving, but it does nothing other than upset her more. Katniss stormed out of the room and up the stairs to her bedroom. Now she had to follow through and go mingle, as Haymitch put it. What was she even going to wear? Also, she's never even attended a party that wasn't an innocent birthday party.

Katniss threw herself onto her bed and glanced at the little digital clock on her nightstand. Two hours remain until Peeta will be knocking on the front door. Should she shower first? Katniss grabbed her hair and reveled in the smell of Peeta's truck that still lingered there. Cinnamon and something sweet.

She laid on her bed for another three minutes, before pulling herself to the bathroom to shower. Katniss let the water run through her hair, removing the waves and the scent of Peeta. It only took her a couple of minutes to wash her hair and body, then she turned off the tap and wrapped her towel around herself.

After brushing her teeth, Katniss walked to her dresser and began pulling out her clothes. Katniss didn't know why she was making such a big deal out of something she doesn't want to do, yet she practically ransacked every drawer, approving none of it.

"This is dumb," she grumbled.

She yanked a pair of jeans and a white button-up tank from the pile of clothes and put them on, no longer bothering how she looked.

It wasn't long until nine o'clock rolled around, and Peeta was knocking on the front door. Haymitch answered the door as Katniss walked down the stairs.

"Hello, Haymitch," she could hear Peeta say nervously. "Is Katniss around?"

"Yeah, I'm sure she'll be down in a bit." There was a sigh. "Listen, look after her while you're there. She's not my daughter, but she may as well be, and I don't want anything happening to her. Do you understand, son?"

Katniss felt touched by Haymitch's words, and she'd run out there and hug him, but she doesn't need them to know she was eavesdropping on a private conversation.

"Yes, sir."

She took that as her cue to enter the foyer. Peeta gave her that boyish smile of his when he saw her.

"Be safe," Haymitch told her as she walks out the door.

"I will, I promise!"

Katniss climbed up into the passenger seat of Peeta's truck and buckled her seat belt when Peeta started the engine.

"Are you excited to go to your first party," Peeta asked, shooting her a small smile.

She shrugged. "I'd rather watch baseball with Haymitch, which says a lot because I can't stand the sport."

He scoffed but looked at her again. "Well, you look nice."

Katniss blushed. She's been doing that a lot lately. "Thank you."

They pull up to a big blue house fifteen minutes later, cars already lined the long driveway. Big white greek letters hung on the side, and Katniss suddenly realized that they were at a local fraternity house. She glanced at Peeta, eyes round.

"I thought this was a senior party?"

He nodded, "it is, but Darius's older brother said we could have it here." Then he parked and let the truck idle. "I can bring you home, Katniss."

She shook her head. "I'll be fine."

Peeta gave her a big smile. "You'll have fun."

As they walked into the house, she couldn't help but notice how he kept his distance from her. Was he embarrassed to be seen here with her? He was the one that insisted she come out. Then it donned on Katniss that perhaps he wanted other girls to know he was open for the night.

It stung, but that seemed to be a common occurrence- Peeta surprising her. That is, when did this new Peeta come along because Katniss wasn't fond of this Peeta.

They walked into the warm house, and Katniss was grateful for the tank top she wore. It was sticky with the smell of booze and sweat, a very unappealing setting compared to a quiet room and book.

"Katniss?" She turned her head to see Darius heading their way. Oh great. "Oh shit, is Katniss Everdeen really at a party?"

She scowled. "Don't get used to it. This will be the only one you'll see me at."

Darius ignored her sour mood and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Come, I'll get you something to drink."

Katniss peered over her shoulder for Peeta but didn't see him anywhere in sight. He left her to her own advances, clearly his personal objectives in mind. She let Darrius show her to the kitchen, what else would she do?

Darius opened a red plastic cooler, the sound of ice sloshing as he searched for whatever he was looking for. Then he came up with a red can.

"You like Coke, right?" Katniss bulked, unsure how he knew this. He gave her an impish smile. "We ate lunch at the same table for five years now. You're bound to notice things in that amount of time."

Katniss accepted the Coke. "Thank you."

His smile grew. "You're welcome."

Darius gave her a tour of the frat house, which she found herself mildly interested. She doubted she'd ever step foot in another one again. As they went from room to room, Katniss noted that she hasn't seen Peeta at all. It's as though he vanished in thin air.

We walked back to the main room, and Darius was going on about the college he's going to. She was jealous that his athletic talent allowed him to leave the state, but Katniss knew she wouldn't last long being so far away from home.

He talked and talked and talked. Katniss attempted to keep up, but she found herself lost after something about his brother and another. She took this time to observe the crowd but stiffened when she spotted Peeta in the far corner of the room.

Peeta was groping Glimmer, his hand fondling her large breast through her thin shirt. No one noticed the display of unadulterated passion against the wall, all too drunk to comprehend their surroundings. She was of the few that was sober if any were at all. Katniss didn't even recognize her best friend that sucked face with Miss Perfect.

Then his hand up her skirt, fondling her through her pink underwear for all of the party-goers to see. Yet, they didn't see it. Katniss seemed to be the only one to notice as Peeta said something to Glimmer in her ear, causing the blonde to throw her head back. Then his hand slid under the thin pink material. The way he leaned into her, it was clear that he was drunk, his movements sluggish.

Katniss felt sick, and she tore her eyes away from the pair. Darius was still talking about his full ride in Maine, but Katniss wasn't listening anymore.

"I need to go," she told him suddenly and started walking away.

He trailed after her, and Katniss couldn't find it in herself to care. "Are you feeling alright? Do you need a ride home? I'm sober, I can drive you." She just nodded her head and followed him outside into the fresh night air.

Katniss started to shiver, her tank top doing little to shield her bare arms. She heard Darius take his jean jacket off, then it was thrown over her shoulders. It was the least obnoxious thing Darius has ever done for her, and it wasn't even a romantic gesture.

He led them to a silver Jetta, and he opened the door for her, before jogging to the driver's side. Katniss snuggled into the warm jacket about her shoulders, occupying herself out of the tears that threatened to fall.

Darius started the engine and pulled onto the main road, glancing over at her after a moment.

"You'll need to give me directions," he told her, but Katniss wasn't even sure where they were. "Okay, what's your address? I'll put it in my GPS."

She mumbled it through his jacket as he punched it into his phone.

"Listen, if you need to vomit, let me know beforehand. I just cleaned my car."

Katniss rolled her eyes, the tender moment from earlier gone. "I'm not sick, I just hate parties."

"Oh, well, that should have been obvious. To be honest, I don't care for alcohol either." Katniss shouldn't have been shocked, but she was. Darius saw. "Hey, not all of us get pleasure from being wasted. I'd much rather watch everyone else act like idiots."

Again, he surprised her. "You're not so bad when you're not trying to hit on me at every chance."

He snickered. "That's what we do. I chase after you, you turn me down. I'll win you over soon enough."

"I take back what I said," Katniss said with a hint of amusement.

Darius clutched his chest. "A woman for my own heart."

"I'm sure you'll find another Katniss to antagonize in Maine," she reassured him.

He shook his head as they turned onto her street. "There will only be one Katniss Everdeen."

Darius pulled into her driveway and set the car in park before getting out to open her door. He accompanied her to the front door, and she gave him back his jacket.

"Does the knight in shining armor get a kiss?" He waggled his eyebrows, and Katniss chuckled.

"No, but you get my thanks."

His hand ran through his short red hair, and he offered her a smile. "And you wonder why I keep coming back."

"It's a mystery honestly," then she stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. Darius's eyes nearly bugged out of his head, and he rubbed the spot where her lips were only seconds ago. "Thank you, Darius."

He had a goofy smile on his face as he stepped off the porch and back to his car. Katniss walked into the house and felt her phone going off in her pocket. She pulled it out to find three missed calls and five messages from Peeta, but she stuffed the device back in her pocket, ignoring his worried texts and calls.

Katniss wandered into the living room to find Haymitch waiting for her on his chair. He looked over when he saw her.

"How'd it go?"

That's when the floodgate broke open, and she started to sob. Haymitch stood up from his chair, offering her a fatherly hug. She wept into his nightshirt until she had no more tears to shed. All the while, Haymitch soothingly smooths her hair.

"It's okay, sweetheart. You want to talk about it?"

Katniss shook her head, sniffling, and tired. She went to her room soon after, though she couldn't sleep. All she could think of was Peeta and Glimmer. She didn't know why she was so upset, it never bothered her before when Peeta flirted with girls. But perhaps him groping Glimmer cemented the reality that Peeta is slipping between her fingers. She felt that her fingers were only clinging to the shell of Peeta, and maybe it was time to let go.

She turned over in her bed and grabbed her phone to read the messages Peeta had sent earlier.

'Hey, I've been looking for you. Where are you?' She doubted he was thinking of her well-being while his tongue was down Glimmer's throat.

'Someone saw you with Darius. Did you leave?'

'I wish you would just let me know that you're okay.'

Anger boiled to the surface at his last text. Where was he for the first hour of the party? If Darius wasn't there, who would have brought her home? He didn't deserve to know where she was or how she got there.

She furiously messaged Peeta. 'Have a nice night Peeta.' It was petty, but the fact that her answer kept him guessing, rested well with her.

Katniss tossed the phone across the bed and listened as it skidded across the blanket until it landed on the carpet with a soft thud. Her phone vibrated against the floor, and she knew she was receiving a call from Peeta. He called twice until her room was silent again.

She tossed and turned for an hour, fighting herself to not pick up the phone on the floor. Her mind was set, angry, and determined, yet her heart tried to reason with her. Peeta's still her friend, and though she doesn't realize yet, the silly boy already stole her heart.