I know, I know. It's been a few years. I haven't had a lot of free time and to be honest I still don't. I just wanted to write something to relax a little and this idea came to me. So if this ends up getting dropped as well then I apologize in advance but for the time being I hope you enjoy the story.

(Marshalanime does not own Naruto)

It had been more than an hour since the sun sank over the horizon as the elderly kage sat at his desk overlooking a few documents. In his earlier years he would always glare at the few sheets of paper left on his desk at the end of the day. They simply meant another few minutes each sheet that he'd be stuck in his office instead of home with his family, but time changes things and over the years those who'd greet him at the door have passed on one by one. Now it was a bit of a relieve to see a few extra documents tossed on his desk as it would give him something to distract his wandering mind. Not to say he didn't have people he liked to see but given his position he could usually write of a visit as part of his duties.

Speaking of which one such person made a surprise visit of his own, making his presence known with the creak of the door opening. Glancing up Hiruzen let a gentle smile spread across his lips as he saw that familiar tuft of blond hair enter the room. "Is something on your mind?" Hiruzen asked the boy. It was odd that he would come to his office, in fact it was the first time he ever recalled seeing the boy here. Then there was the melancholy look the boy had, a look that pained the old man so. He knew the boy lived a tough live. In a village of hundreds, he lived completely isolated and unwanted save for the aging Hokage and his academy instructor, Iruka. He understood the loneliness and sadness that the boy must feel daily but to see it plainly written on the boy's face was a sight the man never wished to see.

Lifting his eyes from the floor Naruto gave a small, if not hollow, smile. "Can we... talk for a while...?"

And so, for the next couple of hours Hiruzen spent his time with the boy, brewing tea for them and moving over to the sofa set up along one of the walls. Hiruzen could tell there was something the boy wanted desperately to say but couldn't for one reason or another. Though eventually the boy mentioned what one of the instructors had told him after his failed graduation.

"Now why would Mizuki say that?" Hiruzen said aloud with a quizzical expression. He already had several guesses of course, none of which painted the man in a good light. "While learning a jutsu from that scroll would be a sign of your potential there's a reason those jutsu are sealed away. I'm sorry Naruto but there's no way I can let you see it." Hiruzen regretfully told the boy.

"That's fine. I probably know one or two of them already anyway..." Naruto remarked before taking a sip of tea.

"Come again?" Hiruzen replied without hesitation. Surely that was one of his jokes. Who would teach someone his age such justu?

Before the old man could say more Naruto continued with a soft voice. "My clone just finished up with Iruka-sensei... So, I probably don't have a whole lot of time left. You know how he is whenever I get in trouble. He must be freaking out right now." As he finished the blond reached into his pocket to pull out a thick bundle of papers.

"Naruto... what's this?" the kage questioned as he took the offered bundle. At this point worry was written all over his face.

"It's a bit sloppy, sorry. I didn't really know how best to write it, but..." Naruto started before trailing off, small tears welling up in his eyes as he looked at the man he'd happily call a grandfather.

It was like a knife plunging into his chest. "Naruto, my boy, whatever is troubling you we-" Hiruzen started as he reached out for the boy only for said boy to throw himself into his chest and wrap his arms around the man. With a few muttered thankyou's escaping the blond's mouth Hiruzen returned the embrace. The man swore to himself in that moment that he had to, no, needed to do better. However, it was also in that moment that the man witnessed the boy's body start to light up. If he had to compare it to something it would be like watching fireflies all gathered in one spot with flashes of light dancing in the darkness. Time seemed slow as the man watched the light intensify, and in response to the intensity the boy's body became translucent. What felt like an eternity probably only lasted a few seconds before the light, along with the boy, finally vanished. He was gone.

Quiet. The Hokage's office was silent as Naruto sat alone, wiping a few tears from his eyes. With his eyes cleared up the blond took his hands and gave his cheeks a few hard slaps and then jumped up to his feet. "Come on! You've made up your mind, no turning back now!" Naruto told himself before puffing out his chest.

Walking out of the tower Naruto made a B-line through the illuminated streets towards a small residential district. Once there he walked up to one of the small two-story buildings, took out a set of keys, and let himself in.

The next morning Naruto woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside his window. The sun was low in the sky as it shone over the land. With a yawn Naruto sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Dragging himself out of bed he grabbed a change of clothes and made his way to the bathroom. While in the shower he could hear the door open.

"Naruto? When did you come in, I didn't hear anything." a man's voice came from the other side of the curtain.

"Last night. You and mom were asleep, and I didn't want to wake you." Naruto replied as he lathered his hair.

"Must have been pretty late. Kushina feel asleep on the couch waiting for you to walk through the door." Minato mentioned with a slight chuckle remembering his drowsy wife trying and failing to stay awake.

"Ah, sorry. I had to take care of some things first." Naruto told him.

"Out celebrating I see." the older blond remarked with a smirk as he looked himself over in the mirror.


"Actually, I failed the graduation exam."

"I... see." Minato replied as his smirk vanished. He knew how important it was to Naruto to pass and had hoped that for his sake that he'd pass, despite his own feelings on the matter. To hear otherwise was disheartening. "So how long will you be staying this time?" the man asked hoping to change the subject.

"Actually, I was hoping to stay here... permanently." Naruto admitted and Minato's eyes lit up.

"Of course! You're welcome to stay as long as you wish!" Minato exclaimed, elated, before quickly reigned himself in. "But ah... are you sure about this? You've always been adamant about living over there."

"I'm sure. This is what I want." the blond reaffirmed.

"Wonderful! I'll let Kushina know. She'll be so happy." and with that the man left to inform his wife with a skip in his pace.

That's right, he was an outsider who decided to make this world his home.