Disclaimer: Not real. Just a story. Don't read if you don't want to.

Comments: Not to oversell this story, but this could simply be the greatest single story idea EVER. I won't even tell you what it is. You'll have to read for yourself.


Beast (Beauty and the Beast)

Jasmine (Alladin)

Codes: MF, FF, cons, viol

Toon City - The Toon Goodbye

By Dbud (feedback requested, email dbud000 at yahoo dot com)

Side note: This is a personal favorite of mine. I wanted to write a scene for scene story identical to the Sin City stories.

The room was about as seedy as they came. It was a bad place in a bad part of town. Everything about it was cheap from the torn 'My Little Pony' wall paper to the broken TV to the stained and dingy bedspread to the lame Mickey Mouse phone next to the bed.

'I mean Jesus!' I wondered to myself as I saw the phone of him holding the bright red phone in his hand, 'I know that fucking little mouse is the big cheese in this town and all but how much crap can he put his face on.'

The window was open because there was no air conditioning in this shithole, not that it let any breeze in. There was no breeze in this fucking city. From the street, the WAH WAH WAH sound of a siren sped by; rising and then falling before fading away.

I was debating whether to leave. I didn't belong here, not with her. But the sight of her stepping from the bathroom pushed any thoughts of going from my mind.

I nearly spit out my beer when I saw her. I coughed as I managed to keep most of it down and wiped what leaked out of my mouth and down my chin on the fur of my arm.

"My god," I muttered as she stood leaning in the doorway lighting up a cigarette. She smiled at my comment mixed with the gulping sound I made, which she rightly took as a compliment.

"You're sweet," she said between drags and blowing out a long stream of smoke.

I chuckled. 'Sweet' was not something I heard often, or ever, when someone referred to me. Even by the standards of Toon Town, my mug was not 'sweet.'

"Heh, sweet, yeah, that's me."

I had been at Daffy's earlier that night. It was a seedy bar in a seedy part of town, so in other words, my kind of place. I was there, along with all the other slobs, to check out Ariel and get a few brews into me before I headed home to sleep it off.

I had seen her come in. She could have given Ariel a run for her money for the hottest chick to ever walk into that dive. There wasn't enough beer and booze in that place to give me the courage to ever even speak to a dame like her. But I didn't have to.

She walked right up to me and sat down, the slit in her dress falling open to let me and every other loser see her crossing her long tan golden legs. She seemed to only have eyes for me and she made me feel like I was the only guy in the room. When she had suggested we head to a hotel for the night, I was surprised but I wasn't about to turn her down either. Something told me not many guys ever turned her down.

I may not be too bright but I sure as hell ain't stupid.

Coming out of the bathroom, she sauntered towards me as I eyed her up and down; her body was gorgeous. She had let her long dark hair down and it fell over her shoulders and down her back. She had on a light sheer nightgown that flowed behind her as she walked towards me from the doorway, but as thin as it was, she might as well have been naked.

Her skin was dark. As I watched her striding to me, I was trying to decide what color it was. Caramel? Naw. Too light. Ebony? No, that was too dark. She wasn't black (not that I had a problem with black chicks). If I had to put a name on it, I'd have called her skin mocha.

Her large eyes, long shimmering hair, full breasts, rock hard nipples, smooth skin, round ass, long thin legs made her easily the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

"Remind me, what was your name again?" she asked, standing between my legs and pressing her knee against the inside of my thigh.

I stared down at her feet. Not that I had a thing for women's feet mind you, but I didn't want to look her in the eye. I had seen the reaction to my ugly mug before and even though I was used to it and had learned to ignore it, I had to admit I wasn't eager to see it in her pretty eyes.

"Beast," I told her, my voice deep and gravelly.

I felt her small hand take my chin, her thin fingers pushing through the thick matted mane of fur. She lifted my head until I was looking up at her. She smiled. She had a smile that lit up the room, even this dingy crap-hole seemed brighter.

"I'm Jasmine."

'Jasmine', I repeated in my mind, letting the word sink in. Her name echoed in my head. It was as pretty as she was. I looked into her eyes as she ran her other hand across my brow and down my cheek. I watched for the usual sight of repulsion I saw in most people's eyes. But I got none from her. She was good.

Her smile widened, like she was self-conscious. I realized how I must have been staring. She was probably used to men leering at her but I must have been staring a hole through her.

I have to admit, I'm surprised she could tell what I was thinking with my ugly mug. Most people just saw the teeth and the fur and mu ugly mug. They didn't look much past at the rest.

"Jasmine," I repeated, "that's a pretty name."

She flicked her cigarette out the window and I set the empty bottle down on the floor.

"I, ah, don't know how to ask this without it being rude?"

She leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "It's okay, you can ask me anything." She slinked into my lap, wrapping her arms around my head and stroking my hair with her delicate fingers. She sat down and a grin crossed her lips as she felt my erection under her.

"How, uh, how much is this going to cost me?"

She smiled again and lowered her face, like she was being coy. I was worried I'd hurt her feelings.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...it's just when a dame like you picks up a guy like me, it's usually because..."

"Shhhh!" She placed her finger over my mouth and slipped her supple thighs around my waist.

"It's all right. I understand."

Jasmine began to kiss me. She didn't seem to mind the fangs. I felt my hesitation melt away as she writhed against me. As my cock grew, any cares I had about why she had picked me up disappeared. I reached around behind and took hold of her firm round ass. There was a 'ripping' sound as my claws caught hold of her negligee and shredded it.

She gave me a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

"You're gonna pay for that you beast."

At first I thought she meant literally, but her wry grin told me she had other things in mind. She pulled the lingerie off and tossed it behind my head and used it to pull me to her as she planted another wet kiss on my lips.

The rest of the night was a blur of sweat and moans and pleasure. Now don't get me wrong, I've been with women, plenty of 'em. But when you look like me you get used to having certain limits on the quality of female companionship that you can expect. Jasmine blew all those standards away.

Not only was she the hottest thing I had ever seen, she was also the hottest thing in the sheets I had ever even heard of. She couldn't get enough. It fact, she shocked me several times that night with her requests, not that I was a prude mind you, but when a princess like her starts screaming for you to 'Ream my ass!' and 'Harder Mother Fucker!' it can come as kind of a shock. Not that I didn't ream her asshole harder. And she seemed to love every second of it.

She rode me until I thought I was going to pass out and I think I did at one point not that she stopped. When I opened my eyes, she was still humping my cock and wailing like a banshee as she came.

After a half night of the best sex I had ever had, we collapsed in an exhausted sweaty heap onto the bed. So spent, we practically passed out in an instant and fell into a deep sleep.


I woke after the night of my life. Jasmine had fucked me in ways that I hadn't even thought were possible. She took everything I had, every inch, and screamed for, demanded in fact, more. I had never seen a woman so horny. Then again, she had taken a lug like me back to a seedy motel; she had to be horny.

I climbed out of bed and glanced down at the Mickey Mouse watch on my wrist. Mickey's long hand was pointed at the 4 and his short hand at the 5.

"Fucking mouse", I spat, but he did make one hell of a quality timepiece.

Grabbing a beer from the bar, I staggered into the bathroom, rubbing my head. I could tell I was gonna have one hell of a hangover when I sobered up.

"BUUURRRPPPPP! Well, that's one cure for a hangover. Don't let yourself get sober."

I lifted the bottle, toasting myself in the mirror before draining the entire thing. Pulling my cock from my underwear, I took a long and much needed piss.

"Awwww yeah!"

Heading back to the bedroom, I wondered if Jasmine might be up for another round. Climbing onto the bed, I ran my big furry paw up her silky smooth thighs and over her perfectly round buttock.

About then, I noticed something was wrong. Very wrong. Jasmine wasn't moving and I don't mean she was asleep. She wasn't moving at all; her chest wasn't rising and falling like it should have been.

I took her by the shoulder and turned Jasmine onto her back. Her head fell limply to the side. Jasmine's pretty face was dull, her eyes blank and wide. I grabbed her cheeks in my massive hands and lifted her slack body to me, holding her lukewarm chest against mine.

Her head fell back as I stroked her hair, trying to figure out what had happened. Had I accidentally killed her? My mind was foggy. I did have blackouts, but I had never hurt a dame. I wouldn't ever hurt a dame. Would I?

There wasn't a mark on her though. Not a scratch. Naw! If I had done this, I would have left a lot more than a scratch.


Just then I heard a police siren from outside. Not the normal sound of one passing by. This one was close and getting louder and was being joined by others. I laid Jasmine's lithe body down and looked out the window. The alley was filled with keystone cops.

I knew they were here for me. They had gotten here before anyone had even realized there was a body. Even half drunk, I could smell a setup.

I dressed quickly as I heard the boot steps of the keystones pounding on the rickety stairs. Kneeling next to the bed, I took Jasmine's tiny hand in mine and held it.

Now it made sense; why she had came onto me and why she had taken me back to this motel and fucked me; and why she had given me the night of my life. She was in trouble; someone was after her. So, she found the biggest meanest ugliest thug she could and offered herself as payment for a night of protection. But I had failed her. She was dead; dead because of me; dead because I didn't protect her.

"Jasmine, I don't know what you were running from, but you gave me the night of my miserable life. And if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna find who did this and make em pay. I swear, I'm gonna get em for you!"


I kissed her hand just as there came a loud banging on the door to the room.

"Police open up!"

I lit up one of Jasmine's cigarettes and took a long drag.

"Okay okay. I'll be right out."

The door splintered as I hit with all my weight, sending it and three cops flying back.




Their cork guns were going off all around me; bouncing off the walls of the hotel. The keystones were mostly just cowardly assholes. They only actually looked into real crimes when they were paid too. They were panicked and firing wild, missing me.

Within a few seconds, they were beginning to retract the strings and reload the corks. But I wasn't going to let them. Grabbing two of the cops, I slammed their heads together. I kicked another and he flew back and through a door way.

More cops were charging up the stairs and the window behind me shattered as snipers fired at me; luckily the corks couldn't break the glass of the window at this distance. I needed to get out of here. I charged down the hall and through a door.

"Now ah, see here..."

I recognized Mayor Quimby in the bed with two toon girls; Babs Bunny and Shirlie the Loon from Tiny Toons. Like many toons from the older, cancelled shows, they had taken to hooking to pay the bills. Of course, both were underage, just like the mayor liked em.

I didn't have time to discuss the mayor's choice of female companionship right now. I dove over the huddled lump of him and the two hookers and lunged for the window. It shattered and I sailed out into the night. I fell and landed in a dumpster in a back alley.

Climbing to my feet, a cop car approached. I ran straight for it and leapt up, slamming myself through the windshield. After tossing the keystones out, I found myself gunning it out of there with what looked like the entire Toon City Keystone police force hot on my tail. I knew my only chance of getting away was to make it to the docks.

Luck was on my side and a few minutes later, I barreled the cruiser I had stolen through a road block and tore down a rickety wooden dock. The cops following me stopped; they knew there was nowhere for me to go. This was a dead end. Of course, I wasn't going to let that stop me. Gunning it, the car sailed off the end of the dock and into the East Toon River. The cold water filled the compartment as I pulled myself out the shattered windshield and swan for freedom.

I could see their floodlights above me, waiting for me to surface. I headed for one of the sewage pipes. Ripping off the grating over it, I swam in and followed it until I came up about a half mile away.

I stuck to the alleys as I made my way back into town. I knew where I needed to go and I knew who the one person who might help me was.