AN: This chapter will tell you the real beginning of the Jashin religion, the awakening of Naruto, and the creation of balance throughout the religion.

AN: This chapter has explicit matter of violence, gory, and bloody – You have been warned!

Chapter 3: Beginning

Naruto jumped through the forest, reaching out for Sasuke who was running away a few meters away until they approached a waterfall with two massive sculptures. This waterfall served as a border between the Land of Fire and the land that was later known as the Land of Sound.

Sasuke had stopped on the top of a hill, when Naruto grabbed a kunai from his attire, as the darkness formed out for him, he grabbed it and threw it at him. Sasuke ducked it and threw him a kunai, but Naruto ducked it. Sasuke continued throwing more and more, but Naruto ducked them all.

- "Naruto! Why bother with me?" Sasuke yelled out.

- "I need to kill you, Sasuke, offer you for Jashin," Naruto said back. "Offer you to my father!"

- "What the fuck?" Sasuke replied as he threw a dozen of kunais connected with threads.

The threads moved through and grabbed him around a massive rock, as he then saw the red eyes of Naruto as well as his black hair. Naruto just smirked as he cut the threads with his claws and moved away before a massive fire went down to him.

Amidst the fire, Naruto propelled out from the smoke, and moved towards him, punching him on the face as the demon eels came out, as well as his long fangs and razor teeth. Naruto punched him many times on his face, but Sasuke was just emotionless, while Naruto was between a hard and a rock place, he did not want to kill his best friend.

- "Is that best you can do?" Sasuke asked while seeing the eels moving towards Naruto, roaring at him.

- "You're holding back, hold back and we'll devour you right now" the right eel.

- "Not even with that fucking shit you have, you can beat me," Sasuke smirked.

- "He has no love for you, yet you are holding back, son" Alucard echoed through him. "Sacrifices are not easy to make, but if you don't, we will all die. Jashin, the brides, and I are all one being, we are a trinity, and if you die, we will all die, along with all your believers, chaos will reign on the lands."

Naruto got angrier at Sasuke, he was attempting everything he could to save him, yet he was still the same arrogant bastard. Sasuke then kicked him over, as he was flying around, Sasuke went back and started kicking him on the abdomen. Naruto roared at him as he ducked it and kicked him finally on the face as he moved.

- "Harder, make him bleed…" the eels were whispering as he then let them move, they were wagging as whips around him as Sasuke was considering using the Sharingan.

Sasuke ducked most of them until one of the eels actually bit one of his legs, pulling him over to him, but Sasuke did a fire jutsu, releasing himself off as he backed off. Naruto did not want to rest, he wanted to go and beat him up, Sasuke moved on and started ducking while Naruto started to see him cleared.

- "Let's see what the fucking idiot, hyper ninja has to offer," Sasuke said.

- "That arrogance," Naruto whispered as his anger was growing, his attire was feeding off it, letting more strength through his veins and his muscles.

- "Grab it!" the right demon eel said as through its mouth a sword came, Naruto moved and grabbed it.

Naruto rolled over, and try to swing over to cut him but he ducked it, Sasuke was strong, but in reality, he was not stronger than Naruto, it is just that sacrifices are not always easy to make. The darkness, which was Jashin himself was whispering to Naruto.

- "Don't you want to find with your real you?" Jashin said.

- "Jashin…" Naruto whispered. "We both are in different timelines, and finally we meet once again, kill him or you kill us," Jashin whispered as he was seeing the memories of himself with his real dad.

Sasuke took advantage of the moment and kicked him over to the water, as he was forming a Chidori towards him. Naruto shook his head and he started forming Rasengan, the red energy was forming through his clawed hands as he moved closer and closer, the two attacks were matched, and both were propelled at different directions through the waters.

- "Fight… No mercy, no mercy ever…" Jashin said. "Come on, we are more than this!" Jashin echoed.

Both then stood upon the waters, and faced each other while Sasuke let his cursed seal formed around him, and let hundreds of fireballs out, shooting to him. Naruto ducked most of them, but Naruto failed at seeing him through, Sasuke's speed was triple than his with his cursed seal, kicking him and pushing a Chidori on his abdomen. Naruto was knocked out, in the limbo, as Sasuke was holding up his neck.

- "I will not fail you father," Naruto whispered as the attire moved up to his hands, solidifying him while he pushed Sasuke away.

- "Huh?" Sasuke got speechless as he was taking a look.

The attire slithered and moved through, morphing into a mystical armor, Naruto was feeling how his strength, speed, endurance was raising, his heartbeats were more powerful as it continued growing his fingers in razor-sharp talons, longer and longer as his blood lust was rushing through.

- "Imagine them crushing his bones," the same eel demon said from him, as the attire was moving upwards.

- "Let's be together once again," Jashin echoed.

The attire moved up his neck, crushing his skin as his jaw became a three-way, in which the two sides of his lower face split apart. The left and right sides of the jaw have fangs, becoming longer. The attire moved through his throat as his tongue morphed into long tendrils that moved back in (AN: based on Drake's demon form, Blade Trinity)

- "Ah…" Naruto moaned as he did not understand what was happening.

- "Your hate and anger have connected us even further," Jashin replied.

- "I have tried really hard to not kill you, Sasuke, sacrificing my family for you," Naruto said as Sasuke saw how the black and red armor covered him.

- "But, now, I guess your arrogance did not help," Naruto roared as he was getting used to the different fangs inside his mouth, jaw, and throat.

Naruto moved up quite fast now as he was grabbing his sword with his right arm. Sasuke was attempting to catch his speed, but even with his Sharingan it was too difficult, he got punched and kicked, and those felt as if he got kicked by a piece of concrete. The two eel demons on his back moved freely, trying to bite and devour him, following the rush of the anger of Naruto. Sasuke was doing his best.

- "Kill him, Naruto!" Jashin echoed.

Sasuke attempted to shoot him fire at the demon he had in front of him, but it did nothing to him, Naruto was still against him, kicking him and punching him in the water, as he grabbed him by one of his eel demons and threw him over to the rocks, Naruto wanted blood as his throat opened up once again showing off the fangs. Naruto landed over as the eel demons were fighting to who will get the first bite.

- "Naruto… What's wrong with you?" Sasuke echoed.

- "Sasuke…" Naruto roared back at him as he went on and punched him. "You have lost your family, but I have found mine, and they need me now, they all fucking need me now!" Naruto yelled at him as he imagined Tenten, Sakura, and Ino; their souls would be consumed in pure darkness if he did not do otherwise.

Naruto tried to swing his sword, but Sasuke moved away, ran away, he needed space to breathe. Naruto moved through the waters, walking as he was roaring softly along with his eel demons. He was grabbing his black sword. The veins within his body were rushing with energy as his fangs grew longer than ever.

- "Sasuke…!" he yelled as Sasuke's curse was rushing through his body, changing him into a monster.

Naruto moved on, and raised his sword as he sliced the rock where he was hiding, breaking it apart as from his lower back two new tentacles grew out from the darkness, just below his eel demon heads, as he used it to hold himself from the high rocks and sliced them over Sasuke, but he ducked them.

- "Die, let me crush you and drink you," Naruto/Jashin said.

Sasuke was moving away, trying to hide as his cursed seal moved through, pushing through, Naruto let himself fall onto the water as he then jumped again towards Sasuke, using his two new tentacles as whips, Sasuke ducked the first one, and then but then his new wing came out and he ducked the second one slightly, and after so much pressure he tossed it away.

- "Chidori!" Sasuke yelled as the massive electricity moved through. Naruto smirked.

As Sasuke was coming closer and closer, Naruto used his tentacles as they grabbed Sasuke's arm as Naruto ducked him, the tentacles hold him in front of Naruto as the tentacles started to move apart, pulling them apart, stronger and stronger, which made Naruto smile harder.

- "Naruto… Don't…" Sasuke said.

- "You would do anything for family, abandoning your friends, so do I!" Naruto said as he roared and he pulled apart his arms as he fell onto the water.

Naruto jumped over near him as he used his eel demons as they coiled around the bleeding body, coiling with more and more strength, Sasuke was crying as he was dying. The eel demons did not want to drink of him, it was Naruto's task as part of the sacrifice. The eel demons moved him closer as Naruto opened up his three-joint jaw and drunk, sucking harder as his body was changing more and more.

- "It is time, at last, we are one," Jashin said as Naruto started roaring.

The sky was turning dark, the clouds were turning away, and the moon was turning over to the sun, making the day disappear. As Naruto finished eating the dead body, his sword started to suck of him, started to change as the blade was growing thicker and thicker.

- "Your reward… Our reward…" Jashin echoed

As Naruto was holding the grip and the crossguard, bones were growing out from it, it appeared to be a spine-like structure attached to two curved blades through an organic-looking substance. Together the blades formed a long blade, it was almost one meter long. The top portion had a large glowing Sharingan eye.

- "Fuck…" Naruto felt the rage, the revenge, the strength of the sword as the two blades broke in the middle to create a scythe. "He will also be near you, and that anger may consume us, control it!"

Naruto roared again as millions of shadows moved out from his mouth, rushing through, looking for those who deserved them, rushing through those still praying as they crushed the windows of the Church, entering their throats. Each shadow rushing through appeared to be a portion of Jashin, Naruto felt it like a part of him moving through.

- "Ahg…" Naruto breathed as he finished vomiting the shadows.

The people in the church were changing up, their fangs grew longer, their tongues more prehensile and forked, their backs grew bat-like wings, as their face changed to be bat-like, their skin was turning purplish as their hair was falling off, making their skin smooth. From their shoulder blades two pincers grew out, one of each side, and they ended in very long barbs, similar at the middle sections of their wings, their claws grew longer as well as his toes nails.

(Meanwhile, in a location in the forest)

Verona/Tenten had just finished killing Shikamaru, she was now moving through the forest, jumping and sinking her clawed hands and toes into the trunk as she continued, vanishing through the shadows as she moved through, the shadows were well through her. Nevertheless, behind her, a few miles, she heard Kakashi approaching with a bunch of medic ninjas, they were expecting a lot of wounded people from this missing while the shadows were pushing Tenten to kill them, whispering through her ears as she moved back.

- "No distractions to Naruto, don't let them pass," Verona whispered out of Tenten's mouth. "He needs to be alone…"

Tenten could not ignore it, she jumped over to the soil and moved backward, reaching to where Kakashi was, moving towards him as he ducked her. Verona landed on her hands and legs, just as her hair grew longer reaching down to the shadows. She roared at them, showing off the fangs.

- "Tenten…?" Kakashi asked.

- "Let me kill you, they want you so bad," She said as she jumped towards him, kicking him as he ducked her strong legs as she then flipped her wrists and tried to slice him in half with her arm blade.

- "Who…?" Kakashi asked.

- "The Darkness…" she replied as she moved up to him, placed her hands on the soil while she started kicking with her high heels.

Verona kept on fighting as she rolled and continued with her hand-to-hand fight, until she then moved back, standing up in front of him with her arm blades released. Kakashi could not see Tenten anymore, she was completely consumed, as her hair grew longer and longer reaching the shadows and melting with it.

- "Tenten is hiding within me, she is safe though, but tonight is so special, there cannot be mistakes, you know," she said as she was full of lust.

- "Let her go!" Kakashi said as he was revealing his Sharingan.

- "She accepted me, Kakashi…" Verona said.

Verona disappeared through the shadows, and just like her being was melted into the shadows, she was blind for the Sharingan, as she slowly emerged around him, bending her right leg around his neck as she made him fall while she then stabbed him. While Kakashi was recovering, she jumped over to one of the medics, grabbing him as she crossed her legs around his hips, and she then bit him, drinking his blood.

- "Who are you?" Kakashi said as he spits blood.

Once the doctor was dried, she jumped off him and landed with her pointing heels on the shoulders of another one, with her heels completely sunk into his shoulders, she rolled her body as with her pointed barb heels she cut his head off. The shadows were moving through, stabbing his body as she was feeding.

- "We are Jashin's consort," she said as she landed on the soil with her legs and arms.

- "Jashin?" Kakashi said as he rolled over as Verona's arm blades were rushing.

Kakashi then did the Chidori Jutsu, as a bunch of electricity was rushing through his arms, he then moved up as crushed her with the electricity, or that's what he thought when his shadow was forming behind him, and it was then the end of him.

(Lastly with Naruto)

Once that all happened, the darkness moved apart from the clouds, and Naruto's attire moved back, leaving his head, arms, and hands, as his skin was turning white once again. Naruto was looking at his hands with the regular claws he used to have, as he was breathing.

- "We are Jashin," Jashin/Naruto said.

In the middle of the water, he could feel how Verona was coming up on her bondage suit, jumping through as her fangs could be seen, she crashed on him, making him fall on his back as Naruto could see Tenten for the first time.

- "Tenten?" Naruto said as he looked at her eyes once again, pitch black, instead of her eye sockets' shadow.

- "You have fixed the balance, Naruto, Verona is still within me, but there's balance, we have reached our terms," Tenten said as she pushed herself to his mouth, playing with his tongue as Naruto received her by embracing her.

Naruto loved her deeply, as she was pushing herself against his chest. Tenten cut the kiss slightly as they looked at each other, and then kissed again. The other vampires turned normal once again as the chakra and jashin jutsus flew through them, they felt more powerful and were gained immortality.

- "How can I miss you all these years?" Naruto wondered.

- "We will be together forever, let's go and feast with those who prayed for us," Tenten/Verona said as Naruto stood up, moving through next to her consort.

Through Sakura, her anger was coming off, as her conscious was coming back, understanding all the death sacrifices she needed to do in order to push Jashin into Naruto, and create balance, her body morphed back into her being as she walked to the Church with Marishka's company within her mind. She understood the purposes and she could not wait to kiss down Naruto. That was the love she would never expect, but also she could not understand how she never saw it coming.

Among most of them, Ino and Aleera were the ones with the best balance, their abilities to reach minds out, made them balanced already. They moved up to the church to pray to Alucard and also for future plans, the complete release of Jashin religion was just beginning, there were demons upholding.

Meanwhile, Janishinist were celebrating, others, a few of them from the Ninshu religion were praying around a young girl. They were all dressed in white as they prayed with their legs crossed.

- "It is again the time to go against them once again, the Jashinists have arrived on Earth one more time," the main monk said.

- "Bless this lady to carry the light to fight them, the light to kill Jashinist," he echoed as Hinata was in the middle of the room.

The church had an open ceiling, letting the sun entering her, as her eyes turned Byakugan, her body was covered in white light.

(To be continued?)

AN: Well, during the period before Naruto's truly awakening, Sakura and Tenten were possessed by their demons, but as Naruto connected with himself, Jashin, he made balance, breaking the unevenness within the ladies. Now, what will happen with this Ninshu religion, who knows?

AN: Next chapter may take some time because now I need to plan how this story will follow~.