10 years ago…

Regina sat in her booth at Granny's, Henry in his car seat. Ever since they returned from Boston, he had been easier. He still fussed, but he had seemed to outgrow crying every time she came in sight. Regina wondered if it was her choosing him with the knowledge of who he really was.

That knowledge still built a pit in the bottom of her stomach.

Mary Margaret, no Snow, sat a few tables away. She picked at a sandwich, her eyes not lifting up no matter who bumped into her table or how loud the diner got. The bell above the door dinged and David walked in. One look at Mary Margaret and he backed out. She didn't even notice he was there.

This wasn't the Snow White and Prince Charming she knew. They fought for each other. They agreed on curses to save one another.

Now they couldn't even look the other in the eye.

Regina had gotten rid of Emma to save her curse. It had been worth it to see Snow miserable at first. She should be. Because of Snow, Regina lost everything she held dear: Daniel, her future, her freedom. Snow deserved to suffer.

But now Regina was a mother. She loved this little bundle of chubby cheeks, hazel eyes and sweet smelling goodness. All she wanted was to protect him from the world. Just as Snow had her daughter.

Suddenly, this wasn't fun anymore.

What could she do, though? Emma was 18. She had just given birth to a baby boy, one that Regina held in her arms. Emma had given up her child, probably because she had her only parents ripped from her. She didn't even know they were biologically hers.

Mary Margaret would watch Henry grow up. She had held him and the look in her eyes had been a dagger to Regina's gut. So much love and care. Despite how badly Regina wanted to hate her, she couldn't help but feel…


And how could she raise her son happily with the knowledge that she had ripped a family apart?

Henry started to fuss in his car seat and Regina lifted him out, cuddling him close. She stroked the light brown fuzz atop his head. She thought of the crypt in the cemetery, the one of that held her father and Daniel. It also held the little bit of magic that had come over to this land.

She could forget everything that she did. She'd remember her son, the curse, her hatred for Snow White.

She'd simply erase her memory of Emma Swan, her guilt.

It was the only one way she could raise her son in peace. Without the voices in her head haunting her.

Regina carefully strapped Henry into his car seat again and placed some money down for her breakfast. She grabbed hold of the seat and exited the diner, heading in the direction of the Storybrooke Cemetery.

Present Day

Emma enters the station, a tray of coffees in hand. She's only been working for David for a few weeks, but she already knows everyone's favorites. Considering there hasn't been any official bail bondsperson business, it's all she's been doing as of late anyway. David's given her filing to do and she cleans up around the station. She's paid well but the excitement from Boston is gone. If it weren't for her former foster parents and Henry, she almost wouldn't find the job worth it.

That day, however, she spots a strange sight. Mr. Gold stands before David, the latter of whom has his arms folded over his chest. Emma settles the tray of coffee down and heads over to them.

"Ah, there's Miss Swan," Gold says. His eyes sparkle with glee and Emma shifts a bit. "Just the woman I needed."

"I just don't know if it's a good case for her," David interjects.

"Sheriff Nolan, do you offer a bail bondsperson service or not?"

"We do, but this case…"

"David," Emma holds up a hand. "I'm capable of speaking for myself." She turns back to Mr. Gold. "What is it?"

Gold clears his throat. "I had a break in my shop, someone tried to steal a contract."


"Ashley Boyd. Have you met her?"

Emma recalls seeing her in the back of Granny's back when she was still homeless. Ashley is heavily pregnant, just a teenager. She lamented to Emma that no one thought she could do it and Emma made it clear that she couldn't let life step all over her like that.

"People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say, "No, this is who I am". You want people to look at you differently? Make them! You want to change things, you're gonna have to go out there and change them yourself, because there are no fairy godmothers in this world."

Had her speech inspired Ashley to commit a crime of some sort?

"What is this contract?" Emma asks.

"Adoption. Ashley has already agreed to give her child up for adoption. But it seems like she's having second thoughts."

Emma arches an eyebrow. "That's not illegal. Until the adoption is finalized, she has rights." Gold stares at her. "I've been through this before. She can't sign anything until at least 48 hours after the child is born."

Gold continues to stare at her, his death glare commencing. Emma simply shrugs.

"Now, it is illegal to break and enter. That's a matter for the police, though."

"Ashley is missing," David says. "I sent someone to her house and she wasn't there."

Emma sighs. "She's running."

"How would you know?"

"Like I said, experience." She zips up her jacket. "I think it's time I put my skills to use before she does something stupid."

It's time to chase and she can't wait.

"Emma, are you sure?" David says, gently. "This case, it could hit home."

"Exactly why I'm doing it. Anyone who wants their baby should have a chance to raise it."

David sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "Fine. But you're not doing it alone."


"It is sheriff business too."

Gold grins. "A family case. How nice."

Emma squirms at the word family. She was never that, not officially. And even now, she doesn't know what to call herself when it comes to David. He's her former foster father but she has tons of those. Why is she sticking around for this one?

She shakes it off. The why isn't important. All that matters right now is finding Ashley.

First they go to Sean's dad but he proves to be no help. Sean hides behind his dad, letting him talk poorly about the girl he supposedly loves. This isn't him and David isn't sure how he knows that. He's barely spoken to Sean his entire life. This whole thing just screams out of character behavior.

Seeing Emma stand up to Michael is impressive. She has an argument for every one of his points. His ignorant stance on young parenting isn't working on her. David worries if it's too much for Emma, given her past, especially when Michael challenges that all the kids have is a backseat of a car.

"Some people only have the backseat of a car," Emma fires back with vigor.

David can see the passion in her eyes and he thinks of Neal. The guy who shared the backseat with his foster daughter. The one who fathered Henry. To Emma, that had been everything.

What would her life had been like if she had been raised with them?

It's a thought he doesn't allow himself anymore. In the past, it just brought him pain. So, he buried it deep. If Emma hadn't existed, he wouldn't hurt. It didn't work, of course. He only missed her more. The only person who would get it, he had been so mad at. Once he forgave her, he didn't know how to vocalize it. Then it was too late and he didn't know how to fix it.

So, he did something out of character for himself. He was cowardly. He ran. And he regretted it every day of his life.

Sean was a dead end so they decided to head to Ashley's workplace. After talking to Ruby, they find out that Ashley borrowed her car but she doesn't know where she went. They return to Emma's bug, ready to tear Storybrooke apart. David hardly doubts Ashley will spend much time behind bars, if any. Gold wants blood for this contract but if what Emma says is true, he has no legal claim to the baby.

A hazy memory of trying to adopt domestically before they turned to foster appears but is pushed back with Gold telling him it was just too complicated. His better bet was fostering. He still didn't get why he had steered him away but would get caught up with Ashley.

"So," David says as they keep their eyes peeled. "How's life at Mary Margaret's?"

"It's not bad. She won't take rent."

David chuckles. "No surprise there. She's always been stubborn."

"Flowers are taking over the apartment lately."

"She always loved them," he remembers fondly as Emma turns off Main Street. They're heading towards the edge of town now.

"Not from her." Emma rolls her eyes. "Whale."

"Whale? The doctor?"

"He's trying to make up for their shitty date."

David frowns and he's not sure why. He and Mary Margaret have been divorced for years now. She's allowed to move on, to be with whoever she wants. He made that choice for them the day he moved out.

So why does a pit of jealousy bubble up in his stomach?

"Whale," David repeats. "She went out with Whale."

Emma pauses, her nose crinkling. "I'm sorry," she says. "I shouldn't have said anything. This is awkward."

"No, no," David says. "I want you to tell me stuff. I just wasn't expecting this."

"If it helps, it didn't go well. He flirted with Ruby the whole time from what I got." Emma rolls her eyes again. "He thinks cheap roses will make it better."

Which is stupid, because if you want to apologize to Mary Margaret, you get her snowbells. They're her favorite flower. David scoured Game of Thrones for them every Valentine's Day, anniversary and the rare time she felt blue.

Victor Whale didn't know her. He did.

But he supposed he wasn't supposed to anymore.

"Is that her?" Emma's voice cuts through his mind.

David looks up, a bright red Camaro in his line of vision. He and Emma jump out of the bug. Ruby's fender is dented and smoke billows from the hood. Next to the car is a ditch where a heavily pregnant Ashley is cuddled up, clutching her stomach.

David reaches to help her but Ashley lets out a scream of pain. She clutches her stomach more and Emma gasps, getting in the ditch beside her. She grips Ashley's hand and whispers to her while the younger blonde screams in agony. David feels his lips tug up at the scene, just a bit, out of pride.

When Ashely's screams finish, she looks up at Emma. Her age shows in her deep blue eyes. "I was trying to leave but then the car broke down. Then I just…"

"Started contracting?" Emma finishes. Ashley nods. "We need to get you to the hospital."

"No!" Ashley cries. "I have to get to Boston."

"A 4 hour drive? Ashley, you're in labor."

"But my baby…Gold…"

"I won't let him take your baby. I promise. Just let David help us out of here." Ashley still looks hesitant. "Hey, remember what I said? About making our own destiny, I believe that. Do you?" Ashley slowly nods. "Then believe that you can fight for your baby. It's going to be tough

and once you do it, there's no going back. You can't run. Do you think you can manage that."


"Good. Then believe in me and let David help you."

Ashley lets out a shaky breath before slowly extending her hand. David helps Ashley then Emma out of the ditch. He watches with pride as Emma leads the other girl to the bug, rubbing her back.

Emma grabs the soda from the machine's slot, cracking it open. She lets the cool cola soothe her throat after this difficult day. Ashley is in a room, settled. Her baby will be here soon and Emma is ready to fight anyone who wants to take her.

"Miss Swan."

Speak of the devil.

She turns to face Gold. He's balancing his cane and yet another Manila envelope. "You four Miss Boyd," he says.

"I did."

"And as soon as her baby is born…"

"She's keeping her baby. Any contract you have, is gone."

Gold arches an eyebrow. "You sound confident."

"Try me."

Gold purses his lips, dragging his cane against the floor. "There's still the matter of her attacking me in my shop."

"Are you gonna press charges against a woman 5 minutes postpartum?"

"Not for the right price."

Emma grips the soda can.

"What do you want?"

"You already owe me one favor," Gold says. "Now we'll make it two."

Emma laughs. "You're a corrupt little man."

"And you could have Miss Boyd end up like you. In jail, her baby a ward of the state and then I already win."

Emma looks back to the labor and delivery wing, shaking her head. She can't let another person go through what she did. Henry was given the best life possible, as weird as Regina may seem. But she cannot let this baby end up in the system.

"Fine," she says. "Two deals."

Gold's smile turns sick and Emma shivers. "That's what I thought."

He turns on his cane and heads for the exit.

"You knew I wouldn't let her end up in prison," Emma calls out.

"I'm not a dumb man," Gold tells her.

Emma watches him disappear, her suspicion building. What power does this man hold?

David stands in the doorway of the maternity room. Ashley holds her baby, Sean crouched beside her. He showed up. He apologized. And she forgave him. Just like that.

Something he had struggled to do with Mary Margaret after Emma was taken, Ashley did in a matter of seconds. Was it for the baby? Or was it for them?

And that's what David repeats to himself: if he goes back to Mary Margaret is it for them or because Emma is back? Their marriage fell apart when she left and now when she's back, they're thrust back together.

It's funny how a kid can do that.

He knows he loves Mary Margaret. He never stopped. He forgave her a long time ago. But could she forgive him?

Can they get their second chance?

He thinks about it as he drives the bug back to Mary Margaret's loft. Emma is barely awake when they leave the hospital, it's been quite the day, so he offers to drive. She must be too tired to argue. By the time they get to the loft, she's out. David smiles and gently shakes her awake.

"Em," he says. "We're home."

Emma's eyes barely open. "Ugh."

"I know, but come on."

He walks around and opens her door, undoing her belt. She stumbles out of the car and sleepily heads for the building. David wraps an arm around her for support and leads her inside, up the stairs. Her head falls against his shoulder and he's reminded of when she was a little girl. He'd have to carry her up to bed after movie nights, her clinging to him. Mary Margaret would help pry her off so she'd settle into bed.

David knocks on the door and Mary Margaret answers. She smiles at the scene and nods to the stairs. David continues to lead a half-asleep Emma up the stairs to her loft bedroom. His former foster daughter collapses back on her bed and falls asleep almost immediately. Mary Margaret reaches over and grabs a throw blanket from the basket nearby and spreading it on top of her. They stand there for a moment, watching her sleep, just as they did when she was younger. She still softly snores, letting her presence be known. She curls up and places her hand under her curls. It's so weird to David how some things never change.

Eventually, they make it downstairs. "Busy day, I assume?" Mary Margaret asks.

David nods. "We helped find Ashley Boyd and made sure she could keep her baby."

"Oh, wow. Didn't realize that was police business."

"It is when she assaults Gold first." Mary Margaret raises an eyebrow. "It all worked out."

"I'm glad and I am happy that you guys get to work together." She moves towards the kitchen. "Are you hungry? I ordered Chinese and of course I got too much."

David smiles. "I'd love to."

They sit at the island, eating noodles and egg rolls as they discuss their day. He tells Mary Margaret how brave Emma was with both Gold and Ashley. Mary Margaret shows a sense of pride, with tears in her eyes. She talks about her own day, sharing worry about the twins in her class. Nicholas and Ava Braun have been showing up late and not in the best condition. Whenever she rings their house, she gets no response. David offers to help her and she gets a small smile on her face.

"This is nice," she says, taking a small sip of her beer. "No fighting, just talking. It's almost like…" She trails off but David knows what she wants to say.

"I miss it too."


"No, Mary Margaret. I'm sorry."

Mary Margaret looks up at him, her green eyes wide.

"I'm sorry I pulled away from you. I was just so angry, I didn't know how to talk to you anymore."

"If I hadn't punched Regina, we'd still have her."

"You made a mistake but that didn't make you unlovable."

Mary Margaret looks away, her eyes glassing over.

"I…I buried my feelings so deep and by the time I figured them all out, I didn't know how to say I wasn't mad anymore. By then, our marriage was so broken, we were barely talking. So I just ran and that wasn't fair to you, I'm sorry."

Mary Margaret looks back to him, a single tear streaming down her cheek. "I'm sorry," she says. "I'm sorry I punched Regina and didn't tell you. I'm sorry I got our baby taken away."

David covers her hand. "I forgive you. I'm sorry I never said it, but I do."

A sob escapes Mary Margaret's lips and David feels the tears burn his eyes. He places his hand over hers and she slips her fingers through his.

David moves his stool closer, the floor creaking with it. Mary Margaret looks at him, their faces inches apart.

"David," she whispers.

"Don't tell me we missed our window," he pleads softly. "Please…I just…I miss you. I want you."

Mary Margaret nods, her fingers caressing his chin.

"I want you too."

And for the first time in years, David kisses Mary Margaret.