Enjoy the chapter! Oh, and I don't own Rugrats, either in baby form or in their AGU form!

Even though nobody was looking at her, anybody with two brain cells would guess that Rachel had just opened her mouth in horror.

Kimi, meanwhile, blinked before her eyes went wide. Did he really just say yes? Without her even finishing asking him?

"I... didn't even," Kimi uttered out but stopped herself.

Tommy kept his grin on his face. "I know. But I knew where this was going since you mentioned the dance. I just wanted to lighten the load for you."

"Oh... well, great! So, we're going together," Kimi said, looking at anything but him while scratching the back of her next.

"Yep!" Tommy then frowned slightly. "Though Kimi, I worry that if Chuckie saw us going together, he'll get ideas."

"Oh, don't worry about him. He knows we'd just be going as friends." But Kimi then felt her heart sink as she said this. This wasn't true at all!

"I suppose," Tommy said, still a bit unsure. "Anyway, gotta get to my next class, so I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you," Kimi said with a small wave.

Tommy gave a wave back before he disappeared into the masses of students all in process of locating their own respective classes.

Kimi, meanwhile, cursed twice under her breath. How could she blow it like that when things were going so well at first (well, aside from falling)? Well, that was it! She was not going to mess it up again. She had already moved mountains just by getting her brother to accept the idea of she and Tommy getting together. If she could do that, she could do anything!

At the same time, Rachel came out of her shock, feeling more hopeful that maybe Kimi wouldn't be able to steal Tommy from her after all. She may not have Tommy as a dance partner, but maybe she could at least make sure that Kimi failed in her own endeavors.

End of chapter! Please review!