Chapter 01: A New Life

She couldn't remember when, how or why it happened.

It happened so fast for her to realize her situation.

Kimiko Kagura, a normal schoolgirl with no tragic past or horrifying backgrounds, like, you know, being tortured, being related to yakuzas or whatever, with the worst thing happening to her being some bullying in the school that stopped very quickly, was simply minding her bussines in tha karaoke, singing with her friends.

And in the next second, everything went black for her, and then for who know how long, her mind kept being pushed between staying asleep and staying awake.

She was seriously freaked out and, even though she couldn't understand the situation very well, and couldn't feel her body as well - if she actually still has a body, she admitted to herself- she felt that she cried a lot.

She also understood that her senses wouldn't be anywhere near useful for now, because most of the time, her sight was blurry, her hearing while not actually bad, she couldn't understand or recognize the sounds very well.

The first hint she started to get was after what she believed to be months after she kept falling from the reality to dreamlands and vice versa.

Kimiko then started to feel weird, well, not exactly then.

She also felt a little weird every time she was 'awake', like something was touching her, but her consciousness wasn't able to keep up with said discoveries, so she was only able to think about it for a few minutes (from her viewpoint anyway) before she succumbed to her 'sleeping' desires.

She opened her eyes, her sight becoming a little better than what it was at the start, but she still couldn't understand everything clearly, she also couldn't move her body very well, she realised.

Kimiko wasn't really surprised at that. She, after all had what appeared to be months to think and accept that she had probably died and was reborn again (she didn't think very much of religion and samsara, everyone has their opinions anyway, but hey, she at least read folkore and stories, even though most of them were japanese), or that she was permanantly crippled and put in a severe coma along with possible and extreme degadation of her five senses.

She looked at what appeared to be a white ceiling, unable to think of anything other than how ridiculous and crazy her new life could really become.

It was a thought that kept appearing in her mind, and it really worried her.

The fact that she is probably in a really dangerous world, like Saw, corpse party, Narutaru, and maybe worse.

It was plain terrifying.

DXD and Naruto as well, even though she remembers liking them the most, she has no problem admitting that both were scary in their own rights.

DXD with it's stupid and insane 'dark' humor when it comes to nudity, the insane sexual scenes, and some serious issues with the entire gender's double standards that get skewered here and there, and the insane amount of insanely screwed up characters that are practically interested in only their desires but somehow they manage to ignore most of the consequences of their actions by either making 'bonds' with others or being monsterously overpowered to the point that said 'mistakes' never cause any negative impact.

Personally, she believed that it was only plot armor that Issei wasn't jailed for all his peeping and crazy amount of lust. Not to mention, for someone who has a fear of males or sexual relationships, his personality and skills are a nightmare fuel, and most the cast have some serious mental issues that they should have been put in a mental institue or killed for their actions.

Naruto was just the same, bunch of psychopaths that kill and torture just for the hell of it, with the 'main' ones being so delusional yet so charismatic that they manage to convince practically anyone that they are the righteous and moral ones. Let alone the stupid amount of plot holes that she wondered just how did Kishimoto's brain work to make such idiotic scenarios in the first place.

Kimiko now understod without doubt that she was reincarnated.

She also knew that her control over her body's functions is obviously shot to hell compared to her previous body, but there was no use crying over the spilled milk so she just swallowed her embarrassment and went along with the flow.

She was able to see the colors very well, and she can also fully hear and recognize the sounds as well, she then believed that she must at least be 6 months by now.

And she realized that she wasn't alone in the room. Someone, probably another baby, was also with her most of the time, a wailing baby isn't difficult to recognize after all. Maybe they are related?

Kimiko had cried, a lot.

She had after all realized who and what she was in this life.

Uzumaki Kyoko, the actually (and canonically) non-existent sister of Uzumaki Naruto.

It wasn't out of thin air that she got the knowledge, she heard their wet nurse call her and her brother with their names.

It was a very shocking and terrifying relevation that she was born in the naruverse. While not the worst of all the other dimensions, but from her viewpoint it's ridiculously scary and terrifying.

The only comfort is, that her brother is crying with her or trying to act funny and keeps smiling and laughing in the few times their eyes meet, as if he understands her pain and wants to share both happiness and sadness with her, she couldn't cry for long and kept sleeping calmly.

Two years passed and the sibiling were put in an orphanage, and Kyoko calmed down and her attitude was more positive thanks to her brother's cheerful nature. He simply grew on her, so innocent, sweet and caring and understanding.

She loved him, a lot.

She disliked the orphanage though, not because they abuse them or anything, but they were sometimes left alone which was making Naruto sad, and making her sad by extension.

She also saw her appearance, a red haired girl with a cute face and violet eyes and whisker marks, identifying her as the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki along with her brother (the girl in the cover, but with whisker marks and violet eyes).


Kyoko looked at her brother, who was walking on his legs and hands, a smile on his face.


She stopped playing with her dolls and went to him. "Play doll me you?" she asked, her child's body and mouth unable to say what she wanted clearly.

Kyoko didn't care very much about that because she accepted the fact that she reincarnated, she also realized that her memories from the previous life were disappearing, and those that weren't, she simply kept losing any attachment or feelings for them as the time passes.

Truly, the concept of 'mind is the plaything of body' is actually terrifying, that her childish body made her more uncaring about her previous life and some of the terrifying movies and shows she watched and made her more interested in fun and games was something she really liked and feared.

"Play~!" Naruto answered with giddiness and excitement and started playing with his sister.

Naruto and Kyoko are now 4 years old, and they were capable of going outside to play and run. It was their own way to 'train' as far as they were concerned

Kyoko also made sure to have him always play games that involve the mind with her, subtly of course.

Kyoka started to have some distrust of the village though.

The glares, whispers and badmouthing was grating on her nerves, and scaring her as well and making her worried for their safety.

Naruto was looking cheerful, but she knew him. He was hurt and sad, he just didn't show it while he is with other prople who he doesn't trust.

The two sibilings were 5 when they were kicked out of the orphanage.

It happened because Naruto made a fight with another boy over the bedroom space, he after all wanted his sister with him, not some kid who he didn't know.

He and the boy in question ended up being kicked out because of that, and Kyoko followed her brother even though she was told by the matron that she wasn't required to leave.

Living in the streets wasn't very easy, it was difficult, finding shelter was problematic for days, they in the end found a not bad place to sleep in an abondoned house. Food was also a problem, so even though Kyoko felt bad because of her attachment to her previous life, she had conceded to the idea and lived for a while by stealing from the merchants and shops they see when they are feeling hungry, making sure that they aren't discovered.

It also caused some disputes between the seriously loving sibilings, because each of them was more than willing to give their entire food supply and starve to make sure the other had a filling meal.

They at some point met the weird old man with the funny hat (from Naruto's viewpoint), he was indeed very nice with a 'grandfather' vibe on him, Kyoko admitted to herself, but she was careful and tried to look threatening (and failed miserably and ended up looking adorable to him), even though she was hiding behind Naruto.

Stranger Danger, as they say.

"Who are you old man?!" Naruto rudely asked the suspicious man who was in front of them, he obviously didn't have much manners, living on the streets made sure of that.

The old man smiled gentlly "Welcome, little children, my name is Sarutobi Hizuren, I am this village's leader."

"What do you want from us?" it was Kyoko who asked, far more politely than her brother. She was still cautious of this guy. He was dangerous.

Hizuren smiled at the adorable girl trying to be intimidating. "Actually, I am here to give you an offer."

He saw their eyes widen a little.

"Which is?" Kyoko asked/demanded.

"I want you to be able to live comfortably, that's why if you accept my offer, you will gain an apartment for your use, to live, sleep and be safe in. Do you accept the offer of this old man?" if Hizuren felt the commanding tone in Kyoko's voice, then he definitely didn't really mind it very much, and simply gave them the offer.

Naruto was about to readily accept but a look from his sister silenced him.

Naruto may be quick at accepting strangers but Kyoko wasn't. She'll have to make that clear to her dense and idiotic but loveable and sweet brother.

"What's the catch?" she asked with caution.

"No catch, just you get a place to live in and a stipend of money to buy what you want or need within reason."

Kyoko and Naruto looked at each other, sometimes looking at Hizuren, for a while.

"We accept old man!" Naruto went from being tense to being cheerful and happy and Kyoko nodded her head, agreeing to the man's offer.

"Well, let's go to your new house then." and he then brought them to their new apartment (Naruto's apartment in canon).

"WOW!" Naruto was surprised along with Kyoko. Their apartment was quite big from a child's viewpoint, and it wasn't bad for an adult to live in either.

"This is your new living place, what do you think?" the sandaime asked casually.

The two kids were looking at every part of the apartment they entered along with their rooms, excited at gaining a nice home.

"It's awesome!"

"Good place."

They gave their opinions. Hizuren smiled at that.

"I hoped that." Hizuren smiled. "Now please enjoy your new home, it's sad but I can't stay for long with you, the hokage has work to do, see you later okay?"

The nodding heads were enough answer to his question, and he left the apartment leaving them to their bussines after saying goodbye.

Sarutobi Hizuren, the sandaime hokage, sat on the chair of his office.

His face was looking tired, showing his age.

"Damn you Danzo..." He said lowly.

He blamed himself as well, he KNEW that Danzo was using the orphanage to kidnap the promising children and have them join the ROOT and yet he allowed him to do as he pleases, wether out of pity and their previous rivalry and friendship or because of the politics and chaos that involves the ninja life he was undecided.

Had he caught Danzo's movements and intentions, he would have been able to at least interfere with his plans and not have Naruto kicked out of the orphanage.

Of course, that might not have worked since the matron was probably manipulated by his rival or one of his subordinates and Naruto and Kyoko could have been kidnapped and put into ROOT.

So he did the best thing he could in that scenario; giving them a home where his ninja could keep an eye on them and make sure that Danzo can't do anything to them.

It was also because he understood that they must be able to live on their own as well, so this is going to be an experience for them to learn from.

And while it sounds weird and stupid, the apartment he gave them was close to the red light district, but he didn't put them there for any unreasonable reason, but because the people there were more caring and less hateful toward them, it was simply the best place he could put them in without people starting to physically attack them.

It wasn't a memory he was fond of, but there was an idiotic civilian who tried to harm the sibilings when they were one year old, and ended up being executed for his trouble. Hizuren made it clear to the civilians and ninja alike that day that attacking or killing the jinchuuriki sibilings might revive the kyuubi, no one tried to attack them after that. But he isnt going to leave anything to chance, this is the least he could do to Kushina and Minato's children.

He also couldn't put them in a clan, as there could be a chance that some accident might weaken the seals on their bodies, and it can also cause a shift in power balance and result in some serious problems for the village.

"Damn politics." he stated.

A.N: well, I guess this sucks.

I wanted to write an actual story instead of just oneshots like my other first fic but... yeah, I think I'm a horrible writer, but might as well see where this will end.

P.S: my updates won't be constant, it might take anywhere between weeks to months to update my fics, sorry for the inconvenience.