I'm Tyler Hawkins I'm 18 and I've been on my own for only a short bit of time now. but most people in town call me "ace" I've had that nickname since my motocross days. It has roughly been a week since my dad's motorcycle shop had shut down, I knew it would eventually happen soon due to the new motorcycle dealer and shop that opened across town. We slowly started to lose business until we absolutely had no more customers, sad part is my dad put all of his time and work into that place. Would have been celebrating 20years if it wouldn't have closed, but on a somewhat good note our little town has had a lot of new businesses opening up lately. Hell seems like everytime I look out the window of my apartment i see something new, speaking of the new places that have opened I'm gonna go find a new place to work today.

After waking up and getting ready for the day I headed out of my apartment and locked the door behind me, as I made my way to the parking deck.

"Aye dick head whats up?" And that would be my life long friend.. Jason.

"Same shit different day man, gonna try to find somewhere to make some extra cash" I said as I walked over to my motorcycle, it was a blacked out 87 harley sportster. It was passed down to me from my uncle Before he passed away.

"Hell i know the feeling bro, but hey a new pizzeria just opened about a quarter mile up the road. Might could go and apply there, it's one of those with the creepy ass robot band and shitty pizza. Kinda like the ones we went to when we were kids ya know?" Jason said chuckling a bit as he opened the door to his old pickup truck and climbed in slamming the old door behind him.

"Man those places always creeped me the fuck out" I said as I threw my leg over my harley and put my helmet on, Good thing it wasn't going to be a cold day or I would be freezing my ass off on this bike.

"Well too bad ace, its the only place with a hiring sign pussy!" Jason said laughing as he started his truck and backed out of his parking space and drove out shouting "good luck tho fag!" Then he spun tires and left the parking deck and took off down the road.

Man he really pisses me off sometimes, but he is a good guy he just likes to push people's buttons. After a moment I started my harley and rode out of the parking deck and headed to the center off town to see what there was to offer job wise, and that son of a bitch was right. All that was hiring was fast food joints and grocery stores, more or less places with shit pay and even worse coworkers. I soon turned on too main Street when I spotted that new pizza joint jason mentioned, it of course had the big colorful sign on the front of the building with 4 animal maskots on it. The bottom of the sign said "Freddy Fazbears Pizza". Heh odd name but all pizza joints like this have wierd names, I decided to pull in the parking lot and check it out. There were only 2 cars parked and I made a wild guess it was the owner and maybe a employee.

After I parked my bike I looked up at that big sign again, the animal maskots honestly looked friendly and cute. There was a bear in the middle holding a thumbs up he was wearing a tux with a nice hat to top it off, he was probably the main entertainer maybe a comedian. I took a wild guess that he was Freddy and the ring leader of the bunch, To his left there was a blue rabbit wearing what looked like a skaters hoodie and had a electric guitar. guessing he was the main guitarist I looked to Freddy's right to see a obviously female yellow chicken who was dressed almost to resemble the 80s pop era, Must be the back up singer or drummer maybe. Then behind the yellow chicken girl there was a bright white and pink vixen, she was wearing a captain's hat and a red dress type thing with a fitted captains jacket. She must be a pirate and a side entertainment show, probably for the much younger kids.

To bad they always fool you with that sign, they make you think that's what they really look like. Then after you go inside you find out how creepy and shitty there made and makes you wanna high tail it out of there, but while I'm here it wouldn't hurt to check it out.

After I cut the engine to my bike off and took off my helmet I made my way to the front double doors, once I got close to them they opened automatically and I was greeted with the sound of arcade machines and the smell of food cooking. After stepping in I made my way down the little hallway and found myself entering a huge room scattered with what looked like hundreds of arcade machines, probably not literally hundreds but you know what I mean. As I was taking in the sights I couldn't help but notice a security camera on the ceiling swivel and look at me, I don't know why but it gave me chills.

"Hello there sir, you must be here for a interview. Your the technician I talked to yesterday right?" A deep voice boomed behind me, I was brought out of my thoughts and turned to see who was talking to me. He was a slightly big guy looked to be in his late 30s, he sported khaki pants and a tucked in black polo with the restraunts logo on the upper right chest of the shirt. he must be the owner.

"Hi there, and I think you have the wrong guy. Im not much of a technician but I am a experienced auto and motorcycle mechanic, I wield from time to time too. But I hope your guy shows up." I said with a small smile, so much for working here he already has someone coming today.

"Well they were supposed to be here 2hrs ago.. But its there loss and will be someone else's gain I guess, but on a better topic would you like a tour of the place?" He said with a bright smile on his face. There was something odd about him but I couldn't place it at the moment.

"Sure, sounds like fun. By the way I'm Tyler and you are..?" I said as he started to walk motioning for me to follow.

"Nice to meet you tyler, and you can call me Mr.Fazbear" he said with a chuckle as I nodded in response and I continued to follow him through the arcade where we soon stopped in front of a huge stage ...but there were no bots just instruments that were neatly set on stage.

"Hey uh Mr.Fazbear where are your robot things I've been hearing so much about?" I said wondering how he was already open but had no bots yet.

"Oh dont worry they are around here somewhere.. Probably making show ideas for today's performance." He said with a laugh and patted me on the back. "Here follow me they might be over in pirates cove, im sure they would love to meet a new friend" he said with a smile as he motioned for me to follow.

Well this guy is fucking crazy or just toying with me, probably both.

"Alrighty then" I said with a questioning look this dude is probably nuts or something. We soon arived at a entrance to another room, it had big colorful letters above it that said "pirates cove" while I was still looking at the sign Mr.Fazbear walked into the room and heard him say "hey guys we have a guest! Why dont you go give him the proper fazbear welcoming!" He said enthusiastically.

When i looked down from the sign my heart sank, walking towards me were three anthro animal robots. But they looked so real.. The fur, the eyes, and there movements were so life like.

I was brought out of my trance when the big bear animatronic stopped in front of me with a big smile on his face. He didn't look scary or fake, hell he looked just like he did on the sign outside.

"Hi there friend! My name is Freddy fazbear and this is Bonnie to my right and this is Chica to my left. And its faztastic to meet you!" The big bear said with enthusiasm while the other two waved at me, I still couldn't get over how life like they were.. No visible moving parts or anything. And there fur was fitted to there bodies as if it was real, not to mention the clothing they were sporting gave each one of them more life in a way.

"Uh hi um Freddy my name is Tyler but you can call me ace.. And hello to the rest of you." I spoke quietly as I was still nervous and almost in complete shock.

"Hey freddy, Tyler hasn't met foxy yet. I know she would absolutely love to meet him! After all she likes making friends with the older kids too!" Bonnie said happily, nothing against him but he had the voice of a cringey kid. Deciding i had enough of the fazbear treatment for one day I turned around to head to the front of the building to leave, once i turned around I walked into something all I saw was white fur until it obstructed my vision and i felt arms wrap around me. I froze and all I could feel was slightly warm fur and warm breathing on the side of my neck, I started breathing slightly hard from fear and slowly tried to break the hug but it was useless.

"You wasn't goin to leave with out sayin hi to me was ye?" The female voice said with a tinge of a pirates accent, I couldn't help but notice her fur had a scent of vanilla. Kinda like those yellow little tree things you get for your car, she soon broke the hug and looked at me with a bright smile. Just like the others she looked super life like, and her form was just a bit more feminine than Chicas. But we were also the same height were as the others we're maybe a couple inches taller than me.

"Uh no I was just going.. To see Mr.Fazbear is all" i lied, she seemed to believe it tho when she smiled again perking her ears up. There was something about her, she was honestly cute.. But like a kitten kinda cute.. Anyways she soon grabbed my hand with her soft paws/hands and started walking leaving me no choice but to follow.

"No worrys mate I can take ye to him!" She said happily as she pulled me behind her, You know it's crazy but its like these bots have a mind of there own.

We soon arrived at Mr.Fazbears office, I still wonder if that's his real name or just for here. He had his door open and noticed me immediately and smiled soon getting up out of his office chair and walking out to talk to us.

"So Tyler what do you think of it here? And I see you met foxy!" He said smiling seeing foxy still holding my hand from were she basically dragged me to his office. This caused me to jerk my hand out of her grip and cross my arms, I could see from the corner of my eyes her smile faded replaced with a sad expression. Did I just hurt a robots feelings? Wait they have feelings?

"You've got yourself a very nice and high tech establishment here Mr.Fazbear, honestly my mind is blown." I said as I leaned up against the wall, and I wasnt lieing either dude most have a ton of money.

"Well I'm glad you like it tyler, how would you like to work here and be a part of the fazbear family? The guy for the technician position never showed up and you mentioned you had experience in the mechanics field. We could use you here we are understaffed and the band could use some help during the day especially foxy here. Maybe you could swing the night watch during the week to if you wanted. What do ya say?" Mr.Fazbear said whilst holding a piece of paper and pen towards me, I noticed foxy was smiling brightly and watching.

"I just so happen to need a job at the moment so why not." I said as I took the pen and paper and signed it, the paper mostly contained safety rules. cleaning procedures for closing and starting pay is $20 an hour, Yea that's right had to re-read that to make sure I wasnt seeing things. I soon handed the paper back to Mr.Fazbear and he shook my hand, his grip was strong and so was mine getting a small smile from him.

"Welcome to the family Tyler and i look forward to having you as a employee, you start tomorrow at 11am and will work till closeing which is 11pm." He then walked past me going back into his office but stopped and spoke very quietly but he didn't look at me it was like his whole mood changed. "You are to be clocked out and out of the restaurant by 11:35pm at the latest, and you are to be off the property completely by 12am unless you are covering for the night guard. Which you need to clarify with me before you do so." His mood then changed back to normal as he turned to look at me and smiled "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, foxy here will walk you out to your vehicle"

With that he shut his office door leaving only me and the anthro fox pirate girl, she looked over to me and smiled before pulling me into a tight hug, her artificial breathing was warm on my neck. She soon pulled away and grabbed my hand again as she walked me too the front entrance.

"I really look forward to workin with ye tyler, I can tell we will get o'long greatly" she said smiling before she stopped near the door and looked at me again. "Well I will see ye tomorrow my first mate, safe travels" she said as she gave me yet another quick hug then walked off towards the others sitting at a table ..playing cards? Man they are just like us in every way except for looks, there not animatronics there more like androids.

I walked out of the pizzeria and made my way to my motorcycle and got on it, I fired up the engine as it rumbled loudly. I then put on my helmet and looked back to the pizzeria and through the windows I could see them all sitting at a table and foxy sitting at the table with her arms crossed and leaning over the table a bit comfortably, she looked at me and smiled tilting her head in a very cute way before giving me a final wave. I soon put the bike in gear and rode out of the parking lot and headed back to my apartment.

After a bit of riding I pulled into the parking deck of my apartment complex, Jason must still be at work cause I noticed his truck was still gone. I soon cut off my bike and took my helmet off and headed up the stairs to my apartment.

When i reached my door I noticed a envelope in front of my door, it had my name in big letters wrote on it poorly. I picked it up and unlocked the door to my apartment and stepped in closing it behind me, I went and sat on the couch and opened the envelope only for 2 pictures to fall out with a little piece of paper with writing on it. The paper said "Tyler your with us now... Don't trust William Afton... I will protect you..." In shitty hand writing. What the fuck is this and who the hell is William Afton? I thought to myself as i laid the note on the coffee table then looked at the two pictures, they seemed to be pictures of a small little computer chip the size of a quarter.

Boy today has been a wild ride, intelligent robots now some crazy person is leaving shit at my door step. I eventually decided it was time to get some rest since it was getting late, I headed to my bedroom and turned on the tv and hoped on my bed. There was of course nothing interesting on so I eventually started dose off thinking about my new job, I soon fell into a peaceful sleep dreaming about racing again. Boy do i miss those days, my dreams eventually turned into nightmares of a super old pizzeria I went to when I was little.

"Why d-don't you come give fred b-bear a big hug" the big old air powered animatronic said as it jerked around on stage to distorted music.

Heyya ace here, thats the first chapter down and should have another chapter up soon. Please rr and let me know what you think, go easy on my though I'm new to wrighting. Also this story was inspired after reading "State of Disrepair" by Lord Jerry. Make sure to go check em out.