I do not own Percy Jackson nor Game of Thrones.

Before this story starts I would like to explain a few things, there will be a Percy/demigod effect on this story where certain events/deaths may never happen or will play out differently. There will be 4 Demigods in this story, and the reason for them being sent to Westeros will be explained in a future chapter. SO here are the Demigods that are about to enter the Game of Thrones and there Houses the houses chosen were for what house bet fit the traits of the demigods:

Percy Jackson- House Baratheon Heir to the seven Kingdoms and the true born son of Robert and Cersei. Basically remember when Cersei told Catelyn about how she had lost her first child, welp that no longer happened and now it is Percy. He will be seventeen years of age and through Percy we will see exactly why the demigods are in this strange world. He is known as Perseus the blessed around the seven realms.

Jason Grace- House Tyrell. He will be the youngest child as if I'm not mistaken Loras is the eldest child in the TV show, and Margaery is like twenty one in the show as well, wanting to keep the demigods there ages as we all know them as he will be sixteen. As the youngest son with nothing really to claim for himself he spends most his time in the Capitol serving under the Princes guard which was formed when King Robert discovered his son had powers from the gods. Jason to will retain his demigod powers, however he and Percy both try not to use their powers unless needed as they have become wild and stronger in this new world, where both of them find they can use their powers in very different ways.

Thalia Grace- House Baratheon, the last true born child of Robert and Cersei. Even though she doesn't much like the ways of Westeros especially with the sexism and women being married off against there will. However Percy has bribed religious leaders in Kings Landing to inform the King that the blessed princess must chose a man for her own liking or non at all or the gods will be angered at the King and dismantle the house he built into nothing but ashes. Robert believes this will mean the Targaryen children that escaped will come back and retake his throne. She will be fifteen since that was her age when she took her oath.

Luke Castellan- House Lannister. He was twenty three at the time of his death and twenty three he will remain. Since Roberts Rebellion is roughly seventeen years before the start of the TV show he will be the youngest son of Tywin Lannister, and it is him not Tyrion who kills his mother. However since Luke is not a dwarf his father sees him in some higher light than Tyrion. He will serve as the captain of the Prince guard, and swears to Percy he seeks to right his wrongs and help save their friends in the other world.

I hope you all enjoy this story and remember to review I would love to see your thoughts and things you would like to see coming. especially review if anything in this story confuses you, which will let me explain it better in an authors note. Thank you

The Prophecy:

Four demigods reborn

To save the world they have sworn

From the enemy to the north

A bastard will take his oath

The snakes will come forth

Crowned a new king will be

An enemy across the sea

Turned friend or into debris

As the long night comes to kill all of man

The Night King shall raise his hand

Alone and unarmed the son of the sea will make his final stand

To stop fire and ice from taking over the land