Author's Notes: Hello, welcome to my fanfic of Mipha and Link. A few things before we get started here: I can't commit to a regular release schedule. I've written ahead, but I haven't finished the story yet, and I can't promise I will have it done quickly. Secondly, this will stay in Teen. I will have one optional NSFW on the Mature ratings. Lastly, for your sake, this will take place after the game, with 100% DLC and story completion.

Zelda walked down the time worn path that used to be a major road in Hyrule. Her attention was consumed by the Sheikah Slate in her hands, as per her usual. Link casually strode behind her, her distracted and industrious pace eclipsing his relaxed steps, though he never let her get too far ahead: on more than one occasion, Zelda's passionate focus on her Slate had led to near accidents, such as tripping over a fallen limb, stepping into a hole, and, more seriously, nearly falling off of a cliff.

On that occasion, Link's quick thinking was the only thing between a living, healthy Zelda and a splat on the ground 150 meters below. He had jumped down the cliff in a swan dive and grabbed her, put her between his legs, and paraglided safely to the ground.

Link sighed thinking about the incident, and about how embarrassed Zelda had been. She had nearly lost her precious Slate when she fell, and was so abashed, she apologized for what seemed to be a thousand times. Link had casually played it off at the time, more admonishing himself for not being closer to her so that he could at least have grabbed her arm, but he couldn't help but chide her about the incident for the next two days, especially when she nearly tripped on her own feet the very next day. Smart and strong willed as she was, grace seemed to elude her.

Link's sigh gave Zelda pause. Usually, when Link had something to say, Zelda listened, since, being as he was so quiet, he usually only spoke up when there was something of importance to input. Expectantly, she looked over to him, and he stopped and pointed up at the sky. The sun was beginning its descent, and the afternoon was giving way to evening. Link would have continued onward regardless, especially since they were only a hour or two from the Zoras, but, that said, Zelda would tire, and she had a long day of working on Vah Ruta ahead of her. Better her take it easy than exhaust herself and be hurting tomorrow.

Looking up at the sun with a hand to protect her eyes, she sighed. "I had hoped we would arrive at our destination today, but it seems we are still shy of our goal. Oh well, I guess we shall make camp."

Link set about making camp while Zelda scavenged wood from a nearby patch of trees. She came back with a large handful of wood, flustered. Apparently a Korok had popped up and played a trick on her that had caused her to drop the wood she had gathered. She had shooed it away, but the incident had put her in an exasperated mood.

Link chuckled to himself, finishing up her tent. For his part, he slept on the ground outside: he was more comfortable that way in the temperate climate, and enjoyed seeing the stars overhead.

Zelda completed clearing a patch of grass for the fire, digging a small pit and grabbing nearby rocks as a barrier for the fire to keep it inside the ring. Link watched her as she worked, thinking about their relationship. He saw his own character in her: she was incredibly hardworking and dedicated to her tasks. If the tables were turned, and he were the one locked away with Ganon, he knew she would have stopped at nothing to save him and the world.

Admiring her diligence as she worked to light a flame on the bundle of kindling she had stacked in the fire pit, he set out their food, deliberating on what to do with the ingredients. Deciding that he could restock later, he selected the best ingredients he had, making an enduring steamed meat from a slab of gourmet meat and a few Endura Carrots for Zelda, figuring she could use the extra energy for tomorrow, and a hasty fried wild greens with a few bundles of swift violets, cooked with a shard of Farosh's Horn for good luck, for himself, to be able to keep up with Zelda's inevitably fast pace while taking it easy.

While he prepared the food, Zelda built a bed of coals in the fire, throwing larger logs she had found on the fire to build the heat. Link finished prep while she was finishing setting the kettle stand. He smirked as he remembered that she had utterly burned their food when the Champions had convinced her to cook for them on one of their team excursions. Revali regarded the food with his standard amount of contempt, while Daruk complemented her cooking prowess as he voraciously inhaled the rock-like chunk that once was a slab of roast meat. Urbosa tried to give Zelda some tips for next time. Link politely ate the crispy food, struggling to swallow the bites of food. For his suffering, he was admonished for not being his own person and for trying to cajole her. Mipha had, however, managed to add some greens as spices that admittedly made her food taste good.

A pang went through Link's heart as he thought of Mipha. He seemed to miss her just a bit more than the other Champions, though he still wasn't sure why. He figured it was because he knew her as a child, or so he had been told. The hardest part about his experience was not knowing who he was, or who he had in his life that were important to him.

Zelda must have noticed the change in his demeanor, as she asked, "What's wrong? Do you not know what you want to make?"

Link replied, "Memories."


Zelda seemed almost guilty about Link's memory. She had confided that she felt it was the worst thing she had ever done to him, because it erased who he was. He had tried to assuage her guilt by reminding her that it was the only way to save him, but she just turned away, saying, "If only I could have been stronger for you… for everyone."

Link brought himself back to the present and scooped up the prepared food. He set about cooking while Zelda lounged, waiting for dinner. The pleasant smell of the dinner cooking and the campfire burning, coupled with the setting sun and gentle breeze, left Link feeling at ease. Link heard an electric noise behind him, and noticed Zelda taking photos of the scene. "It's a shame, because it's a beautiful view of the sunset, but it is lacking all of the other sensory information that is making this such a pleasant moment," she said, leaning back on her arms as she enjoyed the atmosphere.

"Memories have a way of latching onto a small bit of information and recalling everything that matters," Link said pensively.

Zelda looked over at him curiously, as though not pondering what he said so much as that he said it. She looked back out at the sunset, smirked, and said with a chuckle, "You are an uncanny person."

Link smirked, and sat up, looking at Zelda's meal and gauging how much longer it had. It was just about ready.

Link finished cooking both meals, and Zelda waited patiently for him to finish cooking his before starting hers. They ate in relative quiet, only interrupting the silence to remark on how good a particular bite of food was.

Zelda retired to her tent as the sun finished setting, though he could hear her fidgeting with the Sheikah Slate later into the night. Link, for his part, laid out and watched the stars turn slowly overhead as he fell calmly into a trance-like sleep.